This is a vim9script filetype plugin for working with subtitle (.srt) files. It adds various commands for tidying subtitles, renumbering them, modifying their contents, and adjusting their timecodes.
Install using a plugin manager, or use vim's builtin package support:
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
$ cd ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
$ git clone
$ vim --clean -c 'helptags vim-srt/doc' -c quit
Strip trailing whitespaces, remove leading and trailing blank lines, merge repeated blank lines, fix timecode syntax errors, add missing spaces after leading dashes, combine musical notes and pound symbols and add missing spaces around them, remove blank subtitles, renumber all subtitles. Optionally convert file to unix, change encoding to utf-8, and replace tabs with spaces:
Renumber subtiles:
Skew all subtitle timecodes, calculated from two timecodes and offsets:
Shift all subtitle timescodes by NUMBER milliseconds (positive or negative):
Convert text to ASCII with transliteration (requires iconv
- :SRTClean
- :SRTNumber
- Create default mappings. default: true
- Keep tabs with :SRTClean
. default: false
- Convert file to unix with :SRTClean
. default: true
- Set encoding to utf-8 with :SRTClean
. default: true