The goal of Geyser project is to help to a RPM-maintainer support its packages. The projects of based on Prometheus2.0
- Ruby 2.5.1
- Bundler 1.16.2
- PostgreSQL 9.6 (some features will not work in other db)
- nginx
- gettext
- node.js
- /usr/bin/md5sum from coreutils
- git
- memcached
- rpm
- rpm2cpio
- bzip2
- GNU coreutils
- GNU cpio
or with a few lines:
# apt-get install postgresql11-server postgresql11-contrib postgresql11 bzip2 \
gettext memcached /usr/bin/md5sum npm nodejs \
libruby-devel ruby zlib-devel postgresql11-devel ruby-bundler \
yarn node libsass-devel libv8-devel npm node-gyp node-sass \
# service postgresql start
$ memcached -d -m 128
$ bundle install
$ rake secret
$ rake gettext:pack
$ bundle exec rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
$ rake update:branches update:lost[true]
$ cap production deploy
or from the specific branch/tag:
$ BRANCH=0.3 cap production deploy
$ rspec
Geyser uses the MIT license. Please check the MIT-LICENSE file for more details.
Q: How to know able to build?
$ ssh build.alt task new --help|grep Valid|sed 's|.*: ||'