A passionate Software Engineer and a CS Master student at the University of Chicago. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact I am dedicated to utilizing my knowledge to make the world a better place
My Projects:
- Parallel Computing System for Machine Learning Analysis on Bike Sharing Demand Dataset
- Skin Cancer Classification Project
- Alpha-beta Pruning Minmax Algorithm For Wolves Eats Sheep Game
- Hierarchical and K-Means Clustering Analysis
- Iterative A* Algorithm for FCND Motion Planning
- GoGoEat Food Court Reservation System(Java)
- Monte Carlo Tree Search Algorithm for a 6x6 Chess Game
- Random Forest and Naive Bayes Classifier Analysis
- Decision-Tree-Analysis
- Object-Oriented Programming Practice for an Item Loan System
📈 My github stats