Steps to run:(On VScode)
- Step1 : Right Click on the dockerfile and choose build image
- Step2 : docker run --rm -d -p 8501:8501/tcp kpchallenge:latest or right click on the latest image and choose Run
-Note: Due to size and security reasons I have not uploaded the data. Please upload the data and the corresponding path in the config file
How RAKE algorithm works?
First convert all text to lower case
Then split into array of words (tokens) by the specified word delimiters (space, comma, dot etc.)
This array is then split into sequences of contiguous words by phrase delimiters and stop word positions.
Thesw words are considered a candidate keyword.
Calculating keyword score by taking ratio of degree to frequency of words.
-Arrange the phrases based on the keyword scores
Method-2 : Using BERT (a bi-directional transformer model that allows us to transform phrases and documents to vectors that capture their meaning.)
We start by creating a list of candidate keywords or keyphrases from a document.
Next, we convert both the document as well as the candidate keywords/keyphrases to numerical data(Embeddings)
We assume that the most similar candidates to the document are good keywords/keyphrases for representing the document.
To calculate the similarity between candidates and the document, we will be using the cosine similarity.
We then apply Maximal Marginal Relevance. MMR tries to minimize redundancy and maximize the diversity of results in text summarization tasks.
We start by selecting the keyword/keyphrase that is the most similar to the document. Then, we iteratively select new candidates that are both similar to the document and not similar to the already selected keywords/keyphrases.
Design: Have built a simple streamlit App, that takes in the FileName as in the image attached. We run the algorithms on the entire data and store it in a dataframe which is then cached. On a new request, we query the file name against the existing existing dataframe and fetch the corresponding keywords.
Scope for improvement: ----> use a database like mongodb ----> some patents have numbers in them, looks like each of the numbers have a particular description associated with them. Substituting them in the patents would give better results.