- Creator: Timothee Roussilhe
- Twitter: @timroussilhe
- Isomorphic rendering
- Express server
- Gulp task to manage dev server and NPM
- Stylus & CSS injection
- Autoprefixer
- Browsersync
- Javascript custom Framework
- Webpack
- DevServer ( Browsersync )
- ES6 supported via babel
- Framework built on top of backbone.
- Collection of abstract classes and manager ( baseView & Pages management )
- Using es2015 via babel
Here are the main folders/files used for by the framework
Initialize ( constructor )
render => renderTemplate => onRendered
init => initDOM => onDOMInit
=> setupDOM
=> initTL
=> bindEvents
=> onInit
show => onShown
hide => onHidden
=> undelegateEvents
=> stopListening
=> unbindEvents
=> destroyTL
=> remove ( destroy view native backbone )
There is two nice features here. We have global state management ( extended a backbone model ), that handle callbacks globally.
And a globalstore that is responsible of the UI element ( store and dispach viewport change, scroll value, raq callbacks etc...)
import GlobalStore from 'state/globalStore';
GlobalStore.set('scrollY', scrollY);
// Anywhere in your app
GlobalStore.on('change:scrollY', () => this.scrollUpdate());
I could potentially merge those but i like difference between Data State and pure UI.
** HACK: Remember to pass backbone default value us in the native constructor in your view constructer as follow :**
_.defaults(options, {
el: options.el,
// These options are assigned to the instance by Backbone
events: {
'click a': 'onLinkClicked'
contains all useful classes
Contain Analytics and share services
CSS framework is build with Stylus.
├── js/
├── css/
│ ├── iconfont-template/
│ │ ├── iconfont-tamplate.css
│ ├── media/
│ │ ├── 922px/
│ │ │ ├── All files that need to be included in the 922px media query
│ │ ├── default
│ │ ├── All files that need to be included in the default media query
│ ├── utils/
│ │ ├── _grid
│ │ ├── _mixins.styl
│ ├── variables/
│ │ ├── _variables.styl
│ │ ├── _fonts.styl
│ │ ├── _icons.styl
│ │ ├── _zindexes.styl
│ ├── _reset.styl
│ ├── app.styl
The idea for this structure was to try and cover all screen sizes in the most logic way. As you can see in the app.styl and the folder structure there are 5 breakpoints defined. The idea is that whenever you need a breakpoint for a page you create a file and add it in the right folder that represents the screen size you need.
Render blocking CSS
By default CSS is treated as a render blocking resource, which means that the browser will hold rendering of any processed content until the CSSOM is constructed. Make sure to keep your CSS lean, deliver it as quickly as possible, and use media types and queries to unblock rendering
Declarations should be consistently ordered in accordance with this simple principle. For example:
.selector {
/* Positioning */
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
/* Display & Box model */
display: block;
overlow: hidden;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid #333;
margin: 10px;
/* Other */
background: #000;
color: #fff;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
text-align: right;
Define all the z-indexes in the variables/_zindexes.styl file
zIndexes = {
header: 10,
menu: 5,
footer: 2
Centralize all the variables (colors, font-sizes, easing, breakpoints, etc...) in the variables/_variables.styl file
$breakpoint_small = 480px;
$aquablue = #9eefe1;
$cubic-ease-in-out = cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1.000);
/* Usage */
.selector {
color: $aquablue;
In the utils/_mixins.styl file we have grouped some common used classes so we don't repeat that code over and over again. For example.
z-index z-index-array[elem]
Using Reflex Flex grid ( ported from SASS to Stylus manually ) Documentation here
SUIT CSS: .u-utility .ComponentName .ComponentName-descendentName .ComponentName--modifierName .ComponentName.is-stateOfComponent
##Tooling templating engine: Handlebars
- Print JSON
- If cond
- ...
run all commands from the root of the project folder.
npm install stylus -g
npm install
Or yarn ;)
yarn add stylus -g
yarn add
npm run start
Outputs to /public
- Create svgs json sprite
- Lauch dev server
- Watch and build javascript via webpack
- Watch, build and inject stylus via gulp
- Run node server and watch via nodemon
npm run build
Outputs to /build
- Build sprite
- Build custom modernizr
- Generate static html files
- Built app.css
- Autoprefix et minify ( using cssnano safe )
- Run webpack with production setup
- Lint JS output
- Copy Assets from .public to ./build
- Launch dev-server on port 4000 to check that everything is OK
$ gulp - development mode
Svgs to Json Nodemon Stylus BrowserSync (local server)
- watch for changes in ./svgs, .styl
$ gulp - build mode Optimize Images Move assets
linted with Eslint
Using google style + few custom rules
Configuration in .eslintrc.json
Can be run as task or direclty trought webâck ( commented here )
npm run lint
Tryng a new symple workflow for icons using inline svg - Place your svgs inside the public/assets/svgs - npm run svgs-to-jsons - Your svg will be available in your template as : {{{@root.svgs.facebook}}}
- BROWSERSYNC -- http://localhost:7000
- DEV -- http://localhost:4040
- PRODUCTION -- http://localhost:4000
- URL - Coming soon
All source files that are watched and built/deployed
| - src/
| --- src/css/
| --- src/js/