These are the scripts that were used to run the Czech Ultima Online shard Moria at the time of its shutdown.
You may always try to contact me directly or anyone still present in the ex-Moria-connected communication site: (being strictly czech), but we as an ex-GM team of the shard do not guarantee to provide any kind of support connected with any efforts of running the server. For the GM team all the develpment efforts are in the past, and any kind of help would be greatly influenced by the amount of free time and will of each ex-member of the team.
We provide the scripts as they are, with no guarantees that these will work as intended. These may provide a starting point to any group of enthusiasts to revive the server or use its parts in his/theirs own projects. It should be clear, that we have no intention to provide a fully operational server with all the content (Accounts and Saved world), that was in place at the time of the server shutdown. These scripts are the upmost amount of information we are willing to share in hope that there might be a group of fresh people that would like to take over the huge amount of work that has been done to the server scripts and make their own progress and shard with it, as well as it may be a resource for those who would like to go through the scripts in retrospective and find an answer to their ever misterious questions of 'how did it actually work?'.