I am a Researcher in Aerial Robot navigation and computer vision, an MSCA fellow, a Developer, a Mechanical Engineer, a Formula Student alumni, and a Follower of AI.
- Hello! I’m Sasanka Kuruppuarachchi. I'm currently working as a Doctoral researcher at the Computer Vision group, located in Tampere Finland, working for the EU-funded RAICAM project.
- I am a former researcher at the Aerial Robotics Research Facility (ARRF), Daegu South Korea.
- I worked as an Engineer in Scientific Computing at Sutra Technologies
- 📚 I’m currently working with Visual Navigation, Sensorimotor Control, Neural MPC, and other Learning-based Odometry.
- 💞️ I’m especially interested in Aerial robotics, AI, EVs, Motorsport, and Autonomous driving.
Languages and Tools:
C++, Python, Fortran, Processing
Isaac Sim, Isaac Gym, ROS 1 & 2, Gazebo, Dronkit, Ardupilot
Credits: Sasa
Last Edited on: 25/10/2023