Tags: JuliaStrings/LaTeXStrings.jl
[Diff since v1.3.1](v1.3.1...v1.4.0) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix invalidations by removing unnecessary methods (#69) (@jakobjpeters) - add compat section for test dependencies (#70) (@stevengj) **Closed issues:** - How to underline a text in julia using Latex String? (#71) - Hyphens are turned into minus signs (#73)
## LaTeXStrings v1.3.1 [Diff since v1.3.0](v1.3.0...v1.3.1) **Merged pull requests:** - fix ambiguous getindex (#62) (@ranocha) - Fix method ambiguity (#65) (@KeithWM) **Closed issues:** - It can not be concatenated with other strings (#56) - Can I use a different font (like Palladio) in LaTeXStrings, and if so, how? (#58) - Display equations are not centerred in Jupyter notebooks (#59) - Problem displaying a LaTeXString using a $ symbol inside (#60) - `getindex(::LaTeXStrings.LaTeXString, ::AbstractVector{Bool})` is ambiguous (in Julia v1.7) (#61) - how to render a augment matrix with vertical bar? (#63)
## LaTeXStrings v1.3.0 [Diff since v1.2.1](v1.2.1...v1.3.0) **Closed issues:** - Migrate to travis-ci.com (#41) - `\textrm` turned to math in plot (#51) - How to print a latexstring out (#52) - text latex string (#53) - Support for concatenation (`Base.:*`) (#54) - ArgumentError: regex matching is only available for the String type (#55)
## LaTeXStrings v1.2.1 [Diff since v1.2.0](v1.2.0...v1.2.1) **Closed issues:** - @L_mstr not implemented? (#42) - Rendering LaTeX strings (#43) - I think there is a bug in \hat, not sure if it from LaTeXStrings.jl (#44) **Merged pull requests:** - Pick up print_quoted_literal from Base (#45) (@gustaphe)
## LaTeXStrings v1.2.0 [Diff since v1.1.0](v1.1.0...v1.2.0) **Closed issues:** - Escaping $ to interpolate variables in L"..." (#27) - error and warning on windows (#34) - bug? Added an extra space (#35) - Support \displaystyle (#36) - Vector Hat Notation Appearing Off of a Letter (#38) - \textrm not working anymore in Julia 1.5 (#39) **Merged pull requests:** - Add multi-argument example to latexstring docs (#37) (@stillyslalom) - RFC: allow string interpolation in L"..." (#40) (@simeonschaub)