Basic astronomical coordinate systems in Julia.
julia> Pkg.add("SkyCoords")
There are currently three supported coordinate systems. The following immutable types are used to represent coordinates in each system:
: ICRS coordinates systemGalCoords
: Galactic coordinates systemFK5Coords
: FK5 coordinates system (with arbitrary equninox)
julia> c1 = ICRSCoords(0, 0) # inputs are ra, dec in radians
ICRSCoords{Float64}(0.0, 0.0)
julia> c2 = convert(GalCoords, c1) # convert to a different system
GalCoords{Float64}(1.6814027872278692, -1.0504884034813007)
julia> convert(FK5Coords{2000}, c1)
FK5Coords{2000,Float64}(1.1102233723050067e-7, 4.411803426976326e-8)
julia> separation(c1, ICRSCoords(1., 0.)) # radians
julia> position_angle(c1, ICRSCoords(1, 0)) |> rad2deg
For more information, visit the documentation
License is MIT. This package profits from the hard work that went into astropy.coordinates, especially in terms of testing and coordinate system definitions.