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switch to immutable arrays for speed
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kbarbary committed Jan 6, 2015
1 parent eae6587 commit 9e55067
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Showing 4 changed files with 89 additions and 46 deletions.
48 changes: 25 additions & 23 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -49,40 +49,42 @@ ICRS(0.0,-8.673617379884037e-19) # pretty close to round-tripping

## Speed

For small numbers of points, this can be much faster than
`astropy.coordinates`. Here is an example transforming 100 points
from ICRS to Galactic:
For small numbers of points, this package can be much faster than
`astropy.coordinates` in Python. The following is an example of
transforming points from ICRS to Galactic. The speed difference is
factor of approximately 10,000 for 10 coordinates, 80 for 1000
coordinates and 4 for 100,000 coordinates.


In [1]: from astropy.coordinates import ICRS
In [1]: from numpy import pi

In [2]: import numpy as np
In [2]: from numpy.random import rand

In [3]: ra = 2.* np.pi * np.random.rand(100)
In [3]: from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

In [4]: dec = np.pi * np.random.rand(100) - np.pi/2.

In [5]: c1 = ICRS(ra, dec, unit=('rad', 'rad'))

In [6]: %timeit c1.galactic
100 loops, best of 3: 6.68 ms per loop
In [4]: for n in [10, 1000, 100000]:
...: c = SkyCoord(2.*pi*rand(n), pi*rand(n)-pi/2, unit=('rad', 'rad'))
...: %timeit c.galactic
100 loops, best of 3: 12.5 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 13 ms per loop
10 loops, best of 3: 66.7 ms per loop


julia> using SkyCoords
julia> using TimeIt
julia> ra = 2pi*rand(100)

julia> dec = pi*rand(100) - pi/2.

julia> c1 = [ICRS(ra[i], dec[i]) for i=1:100]

julia> @timeit to_galactic(c1)
10000 loops, best of 3: 61.16 µs per loop
julia> for n in [10, 1000, 100000]
c = [ICRS(2pi*rand(), pi*(rand() - 0.5)) for i=1:n]
@timeit to_galactic(c)
100000 loops, best of 3: 1.33 µs per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 163.94 µs per loop
10 loops, best of 3: 16.23 ms per loop
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions bench.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env julia
using SkyCoords
using TimeIt

c1 = [ICRS(2pi*rand(), pi*(rand() - 0.5)) for i=1:100]

@timeit to_galactic(c1)
for n in [10, 1000, 100000]
print("$n coordinates: ")
c = [ICRS(2pi*rand(), pi*(rand() - 0.5)) for i=1:n]
@timeit to_galactic(c)
71 changes: 56 additions & 15 deletions src/SkyCoords.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,36 +11,77 @@ export ICRS,

# Helper functions -----------------------------------------------------------

# Use an immutable array to avoid memory allocations all over the place.
immutable Matrix33

immutable Vector3

function *(x::Matrix33, y::Matrix33)
Matrix33(x.a11 * y.a11 + x.a12 * y.a21 + x.a13 * y.a31,
x.a11 * y.a12 + x.a12 * y.a22 + x.a13 * y.a32,
x.a11 * y.a13 + x.a12 * y.a23 + x.a13 * y.a33,
x.a21 * y.a11 + x.a22 * y.a21 + x.a23 * y.a31,
x.a21 * y.a12 + x.a22 * y.a22 + x.a23 * y.a32,
x.a21 * y.a13 + x.a22 * y.a23 + x.a23 * y.a33,
x.a31 * y.a11 + x.a32 * y.a21 + x.a33 * y.a31,
x.a31 * y.a12 + x.a32 * y.a22 + x.a33 * y.a32,
x.a31 * y.a13 + x.a32 * y.a23 + x.a33 * y.a33)

transpose(m::Matrix33) = Matrix33(m.a11, m.a21, m.a31,
m.a12, m.a22, m.a32,
m.a13, m.a23, m.a33)

function *(m::Matrix33, v::Vector3)
Vector3(m.a11 * v.x + m.a12 * v.y + m.a13 * v.z,
m.a21 * v.x + m.a22 * v.y + m.a23 * v.z,
m.a31 * v.x + m.a32 * v.y + m.a33 * v.z)

# Create rotation matrix about a given axis (x, y, z)
function xrotmat(angle)
s = sin(angle)
c = cos(angle)
[1. 0. 0.;
0. c s ;
0. -s c ]
Matrix33(1., 0., 0.,
0., c, s,
0., -s, c)

function yrotmat(angle)
s = sin(angle)
c = cos(angle)
[c 0. -s ;
0. 1. 0.;
s 0. c ]
Matrix33(c, 0., -s,
0., 1., 0.,
s, 0., c)

function zrotmat(angle)
s = sin(angle)
c = cos(angle)
[ c s 0.;
-s c 0.;
0. 0. 1.]
Matrix33(c, s, 0.,
-s, c, 0.,
0., 0., 1.)

# (lon, lat) -> [x, y, z] unit vector
coords2cart(lon, lat) = [cos(lat)*cos(lon); cos(lat)*sin(lon); sin(lat)]
coords2cart(lon, lat) = Vector3(cos(lat)*cos(lon), cos(lat)*sin(lon), sin(lat))

# [x, y, z] unit vector -> (lon, lat)
cart2coords(r) = atan2(r[2], r[1]), atan2(r[3], sqrt(r[1]*r[1] + r[2]*r[2]))
cart2coords(v) = atan2(v.y, v.x), atan2(v.z, sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y))

# Computes the precession matrix from J2000 to the given Julian equinox.
# Expression from from Capitaine et al. 2003 as expressed in the USNO
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,10 +113,10 @@ end
# Constants --------------------------------------------------------------

# Delete once 0.2 is no longer supported:
if !isdefined(:rad2deg)
const rad2deg = radians2degrees
const deg2rad = degrees2radians
#if !isdefined(:rad2deg)
# const rad2deg = radians2degrees
# const deg2rad = degrees2radians

# ICRS --> FK5 at J2000 (See USNO Circular 179, section 3.5)
eta0 = deg2rad(-19.9 / 3600000.)
Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions test/runtests.jl
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@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env julia
using SkyCoords
using Base.Test

rad2deg = radians2degrees
deg2rad = degrees2radians

# Angular separation between two points (angles in radians)
# The angular separation is calculated using the Vincenty formula [1]_,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ tol = deg2rad(0.03 / 3600.)
# The testdata file was generated with the script in
# astropy.coordinates.test.accuracy. The reference values were computed
# using AST.
data, hdr = readcsv("testdata/icrs_fk5.csv", has_header=true)
data, hdr = readcsv("testdata/icrs_fk5.csv", header=true)

for i=1:size(data, 1)
equinox = float(data[i,1][2:end])
Expand Down

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