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Add function to compute angular separation between coordinates
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giordano committed Nov 7, 2016
1 parent 10053c5 commit 2cc5e67
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Showing 2 changed files with 62 additions and 52 deletions.
60 changes: 52 additions & 8 deletions src/SkyCoords.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ using Compat
export AbstractSkyCoords,

import Base: convert, *, transpose

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,10 +196,13 @@ end
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Type-dependent methods

lon(c::GalCoords) = c.l
lat(c::GalCoords) = c.b
lon(c::AbstractSkyCoords) = c.ra
lat(c::AbstractSkyCoords) = c.dec

# Abstract away specific field names (ra, dec vs l, b)
coords2cart(c::ICRSCoords) = coords2cart(c.ra, c.dec)
coords2cart(c::GalCoords) = coords2cart(c.l, c.b)
coords2cart(c::FK5Coords) = coords2cart(c.ra, c.dec)
coords2cart(c::AbstractSkyCoords) = coords2cart(lon(c), lat(c))

# Rotation matrix between coordinate systems: `rotmat(to, from)`
# Note that all of these return Matrix33{Float64}, regardless of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,13 +235,10 @@ rotmat{e1, T1, e2, T2}(::Type{FK5Coords{e1,T1}}, ::Type{FK5Coords{e2,T2}}) =
precess_from_j2000(e1) * precess_from_j2000(e2)'

# get floating point type in coordinates
_eltype{e,T}(::FK5Coords{e,T}) = T
_eltype{T}(::GalCoords{T}) = T
_eltype{T}(::ICRSCoords{T}) = T
_eltype{e,T}(::Type{FK5Coords{e,T}}) = T
_eltype{T}(::Type{GalCoords{T}}) = T
_eltype{T}(::Type{ICRSCoords{T}}) = T

_eltype(c::AbstractSkyCoords) = _eltype(typeof(c))

# Scalar coordinate conversions
convert{T<:AbstractSkyCoords}(::Type{T}, c::T) = c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,4 +266,47 @@ function convert{T<:AbstractSkyCoords, n, S<:AbstractSkyCoords}(

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Distance between coordinates

function _separation(λ_1, ϕ_1, λ_2, ϕ_2)
Δλ = λ_2 - λ_1
sin_Δλ = sin(Δλ)
cos_Δλ = cos(Δλ)
sin_ϕ1 = sin(ϕ_1)
sin_ϕ2 = sin(ϕ_2)
cos_ϕ1 = cos(ϕ_1)
cos_ϕ2 = cos(ϕ_2)
return atan2(hypot(cos_ϕ2 * sin_Δλ,
cos_ϕ1 * sin_ϕ2 - sin_ϕ1 * cos_ϕ2 * cos_Δλ),
sin_ϕ1 * sin_ϕ2 + cos_ϕ1 * cos_ϕ2 * cos_Δλ)

separation(c1::AbstractSkyCoords, c2::AbstractSkyCoords) -> distance
Return angular separation between two sky coordinates, in radians.
The angular separation is calculated using the Vincenty formula
(, which is slightly more
complex and computationally expensive than some alternatives, but is stable at
at all distances, including the poles and antipodes.
separation{T<:AbstractSkyCoords}(c1::T, c2::T) =
_separation(lon(c1), lat(c1), lon(c2), lat(c2))

separation{T1<:AbstractSkyCoords,T2<:AbstractSkyCoords}(c1::T1, c2::T2) =
separation(c1, convert(T1, c2))

function separation{T<:AbstractSkyCoords}(c1::AbstractArray{T},
@assert size(c1) == size(c2) "Size mismatch"
result = similar(c1, _eltype(first(c1)))
for i in eachindex(c1)
result[i] = separation(c1[i], c2[i])
return result

end # module
54 changes: 10 additions & 44 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,49 +5,9 @@
using SkyCoords
using Base.Test

datapath = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data")

# Angular separation between two points (angles in radians)
# The angular separation is calculated using the Vincenty formula [1]_,
# which is slighly more complex and computationally expensive than
# some alternatives, but is stable at at all distances, including the
# poles and antipodes.
# [1]
function angsep(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

sdlon = sin(lon2 - lon1)
cdlon = cos(lon2 - lon1)
slat1 = sin(lat1)
slat2 = sin(lat2)
clat1 = cos(lat1)
clat2 = cos(lat2)

num1 = clat2 * sdlon
num2 = clat1 * slat2 - slat1 * clat2 * cdlon
denom = slat1 * slat2 + clat1 * clat2 * cdlon

atan2(sqrt(num1*num1 + num2*num2), denom)
import SkyCoords: lat, lon

lon(c::GalCoords) = c.l
lat(c::GalCoords) = c.b
lon(c::AbstractSkyCoords) = c.ra
lat(c::AbstractSkyCoords) = c.dec

function angsep{T<:AbstractSkyCoords}(c1::T, c2::T)
angsep(lon(c1), lat(c1), lon(c2), lat(c2))

function angsep{T<:AbstractSkyCoords}(c1::Array{T}, c2::Array{T})
size(c1) == size(c2) || error("size mismatch")
result = similar(c1, SkyCoords._eltype(first(c1)))
for i=1:length(c1)
result[i] = angsep(c1[i], c2[i])
datapath = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data")

rad2arcsec(r) = 3600.*rad2deg(r)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +37,7 @@ for (F, TOL) in ((Float32, 0.2), (Float64, 0.0001), (BigFloat, 0.0001))
c_ref = S[S(refdata[i, 1], refdata[i, 2]) for i=1:size(refdata,1)]

# compare
sep = angsep(c_out, c_ref)
sep = separation(c_out, c_ref)
maxsep = rad2arcsec(maximum(sep))
meansep = rad2arcsec(mean(sep))
minsep = rad2arcsec(minimum(sep))
Expand All @@ -87,8 +47,12 @@ for (F, TOL) in ((Float32, 0.2), (Float64, 0.0001), (BigFloat, 0.0001))

# Test conversion with mixed floating types.
# Test separation between coordinates and conversion with mixed floating types.
c1 = ICRSCoords(e, pi/2)
c5 = ICRSCoords(e, 1 + pi/2)
@test separation(c1, c5) separation(c5, c1)
separation(c1, convert(GalCoords, c5))
separation(convert(FK5Coords{1980}, c5), c1) 1
for T in (GalCoords, FK5Coords{2000})
c2 = convert(T{Float32}, c1)
c3 = convert(T{Float64}, c1)
Expand All @@ -100,6 +64,8 @@ for T in (GalCoords, FK5Coords{2000})
@test isapprox(lat(c3), lat(c4), rtol=sqrt(eps(Float64)))
@test isapprox(lon(c2), lon(c3), rtol=sqrt(eps(Float32)))
@test isapprox(lon(c3), lon(c4), rtol=sqrt(eps(Float64)))
c6 = convert(T, c5)
@test separation(c3, c6) separation(c6, c3) 1

Expand Down

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