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giordano committed Oct 12, 2017
1 parent 97219f5 commit 3538f95
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Showing 26 changed files with 193 additions and 167 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/aitoff.jl
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Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ function aitoff(l::T, b::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
delta = deg2rad(b)
r2 = sqrt(T(2))
f = 2*r2/pi
cdec = cos(delta)
denom = sqrt(1 + cdec*cos(alpha2))
return rad2deg(cdec*sin(alpha2)*2*r2/denom/f), rad2deg(sin(delta)*r2/denom/f)
sin_alpha2, cos_alpha2 = sincos(alpha2)
sin_delta, cos_delta = sincos(delta)
denom = sqrt(1 + cos_delta * cos_alpha2)
return rad2deg(cos_delta * sin_alpha2 * 2 * r2 / denom / f),
rad2deg(sin_delta * r2 / denom / f)

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11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/altaz2hadec.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,14 +6,17 @@ function altaz2hadec(alt::T, az::T, lat::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
alt_r = deg2rad(alt)
az_r = deg2rad(az)
lat_r = deg2rad(lat)
sin_alt_r, cos_alt_r = sincos(alt_r)
sin_az_r, cos_az_r = sincos(az_r)
sin_lat_r, cos_lat_r = sincos(lat_r)
# Find local hour angle (in degrees, from 0. to 360.).
ha = rad2deg(atan2(-sin(az_r)*cos(alt_r),
-cos(az_r)*sin(lat_r)*cos(alt_r) +
ha = rad2deg(atan2(-sin_az_r * cos_alt_r,
-cos_az_r * sin_lat_r * cos_alt_r +
sin_alt_r * cos_lat_r))
ha = mod(ha, 360)
# Find declination (positive if north of Celestial Equator, negative if
# south)
sindec = sin(lat_r)*sin(alt_r) + cos(lat_r)*cos(alt_r)*cos(az_r)
sindec = sin_lat_r * sin_alt_r + cos_lat_r * cos_alt_r * cos_az_r
dec = rad2deg(asin(sindec)) # convert dec to degrees
return ha, dec
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/baryvel.jl
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Expand Up @@ -151,10 +151,11 @@ function _baryvel(dje::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
for i = 1:4
plon = forbel[i+3]
pomg = sorbel[i+1]
sin_pomg, cos_pomg = sincos(pomg)
pecc = sorbel[i+9]
tl = rem(plon + 2 * pecc * sin(plon-pomg), 2 * T(pi))
dxbd += ccpamv[i] * (sin(tl) + pecc * sin(pomg))
dybd -= ccpamv[i] * (cos(tl) + pecc * cos(pomg))
sin_tl, cos_tl = sincos(rem(plon + 2 * pecc * sin(plon-pomg), 2 * T(pi)))
dxbd += ccpamv[i] * (sin_tl + pecc * sin_pomg)
dybd -= ccpamv[i] * (cos_tl + pecc * cos_pomg)
dzbd -= ccpamv[i] * sorbel[i+13] * cos(plon - sorbel[i+5])

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14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions src/bprecess.jl
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Expand Up @@ -21,22 +21,20 @@ const Mbprec =
function _bprecess(ra::T, dec::T, parallax::T, radvel::T,
epoch::T, muradec::Vector{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
@assert length(muradec) == 2
cosra = cosd(ra)
sinra = sind(ra)
cosdec = cosd(dec)
sindec = sind(dec)
ra1950 = dec1950 = zero(T)
A = copy(A_precess)
sinra, cosra = sincos(deg2rad(ra))
sindec, cosdec = sincos(deg2rad(dec))
r0 = [cosra*cosdec, sinra*cosdec, sindec]
r0_dot = [-muradec[1]*sinra*cosdec - muradec[2]*cosra*sindec,
muradec[1]*cosra*cosdec - muradec[2]*sinra*sindec,
muradec[2]*cosdec] + 21.095*radvel*parallax*r0
muradec[2]*cosdec] .+ 21.095 .* radvel * parallax * r0
R_1 = Mbprec * vcat(r0, r0_dot)
r1 = R_1[1:3]
r1_dot = R_1[4:6]
if isfinite(epoch)
r1 .+= deg2rad.(r1_dot .* (epoch .- 1950) ./ 360000)
A .+= deg2rad.(A_dot_precess .* (epoch .- 1950) ./ 360000)
A = A_precess .+ deg2rad.(A_dot_precess .* (epoch .- 1950) ./ 360000)
A = A_precess
rmag = vecnorm(r1)
s1 = r1 ./ rmag
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/co_nutate.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ function _co_nutate(jd::T, ra::T, dec::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
d_psi, d_eps = nutate(jd)
eps = mean_obliquity(jd) + sec2rad(d_eps)
se, ce = sincos(eps)
x = cosd(ra) * cosd(dec)
y = sind(ra) * cosd(dec)
z = sind(dec)
sin_ra, cos_ra = sincos(deg2rad(ra))
sin_dec, cos_dec = sincos(deg2rad(dec))
x = cos_ra * cos_dec
y = sin_ra * cos_dec
z = sin_dec
x2 = x - sec2rad(y * ce + z * se) * d_psi
y2 = y + sec2rad(x * ce * d_psi - z * d_eps)
z2 = z + sec2rad(x * se * d_psi + y * d_eps)
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14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions src/euler.jl
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Expand Up @@ -22,15 +22,13 @@ function _euler(ai::T, bi::T, select::Integer, FK4::Bool, radians::Bool) where {
phi = (4.9368292465, 0.574770433, 0.0, 0.0, 4.71279419371, 0.11142137093)

if radians
ao = ai - phi[select]
cb = cos(bi)
x = (cb*sin(ao), cb*cos(ao), sin(bi))
ao = deg2rad(ai) - phi[select]
cb = cosd(bi)
x = (cb*sin(ao), cb*cos(ao), sind(bi))
if !radians
ai = deg2rad(ai)
bi = deg2rad(bi)
sa, ca = sincos(ai - phi[select])
sb, cb = sincos(bi)
x = (cb * sa, cb * ca, sb)
bo = ctheta[select]*x[3] - stheta[select]*x[1]
ao = mod2pi(atan2(ctheta[select]*x[1] + stheta[select]*x[3], x[2]) + psi[select])
bo = asin(bo)
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6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/gal_uvw.jl
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function _gal_uvw(ra::T, dec::T, pmra::T, pmdec::T, vrad::T,
plx::T, lsr::Bool) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
cosdec = cosd(dec)
sindec = sind(dec)
cosra = cosd(ra)
sinra = sind(ra)
sindec, cosdec = sincos(deg2rad(dec))
sinra, cosra = sincos(deg2rad(ra))
k = 4.740470463533348 # = 149597870.7/(86400*365.25) = 1 AU/year in km/s
A_G = [[ 0.0548755604, +0.4941094279, -0.8676661490];
[ 0.8734370902, -0.4448296300, -0.1980763734];
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/geo2eci.jl
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function geo2eci(lat::T, long::T, alt::T, jd::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
Re = planets["earth"].eqradius / 1000
lat = deg2rad(lat)
sin_lat, cos_lat = sincos(deg2rad(lat))
long = deg2rad(long)
gst = ct2lst(zero(T), jd)
sid_angle = gst*pi/12 # Sidereal angle.
theta = long + sid_angle # Azimuth
altRe = alt + Re
r = altRe*cos(lat)
return r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta), altRe*sin(lat)
r = altRe * cos_lat
sin_theta, cos_theta = sincos(theta)
return r * cos_theta, r * sin_theta, altRe * sin_lat

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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/geo2geodetic.jl
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function geo2geodetic(lat::T, long::T, alt::T, eqrad::T, polrad::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
e = sqrt(eqrad^2 - polrad^2)/eqrad
lat = deg2rad(lat)
long_rad = deg2rad(long)
x = (eqrad + alt)*cos(lat)*cos(long_rad)
y = (eqrad + alt)*cos(lat)*sin(long_rad)
z = (eqrad + alt)*sin(lat)
sin_lat, cos_lat = sincos(deg2rad(lat))
sin_long_rad, cos_long_rad = sincos(deg2rad(long))
x = (eqrad + alt) * cos_lat * cos_long_rad
y = (eqrad + alt) * cos_lat * sin_long_rad
z = (eqrad + alt) * sin_lat
r = hypot(x, y)
s = hypot(r, z)*(1 - eqrad*sqrt((1 - e^2)/((1 - e^2)*r^2 + z^2)))
t0 = 1 + s*sqrt(1 - (e*z)^2/(r^2 + z^2))/eqrad
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26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions src/geo2mag.jl
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function _geo2mag(lat::T, long::T, pole_lat::T, pole_long::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
r = 1 # Distance from planet center. Value unimportant -- just need a length for
# conversion to rectangular coordinates
lat = deg2rad(lat)
long = deg2rad(long)
x = r * cos(lat) * cos(long)
y = r * cos(lat) * sin(long)
z = r * sin(lat)
sin_lat, cos_lat = sincos(deg2rad(lat))
sin_long, cos_long = sincos(deg2rad(long))
x = r * cos_lat * cos_long
y = r * cos_lat * sin_long
z = r * sin_lat

# Compute first rotation matrix: rotation around plane of the equator, from
# the Greenwich meridian to the meridian containing the magnetic dipole
# pole.
geolong2maglong = Array{T}(3, 3)
geolong2maglong[:,1] = [cos(pole_long), -sin(pole_long), 0.0]
geolong2maglong[:,2] = [sin(pole_long), cos(pole_long), 0.0]
geolong2maglong[:,3] = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
sin_pole_long, cos_pole_long = sincos(pole_long)
geolong2maglong = [ cos_pole_long sin_pole_long zero(T);
-sin_pole_long cos_pole_long zero(T);
zero(T) zero(T) one(T)]
out = geolong2maglong * [x, y, z]

# Second rotation: in the plane of the current meridian from geographic pole
# to magnetic dipole pole.
tomaglat = Array{T}(3, 3)
tomaglat[:,1] = [ cos(pi/2 - pole_lat), 0.0, sin(pi/2 - pole_lat)]
tomaglat[:,2] = [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
tomaglat[:,3] = [-sin(pi/2 - pole_lat), 0.0, cos(pi/2 - pole_lat)]
s, c = sincos(T(pi) / 2 - pole_lat)
tomaglat = [c zero(T) -s;
zero(T) one(T) zero(T);
s zero(T) c]
out = tomaglat * out

maglat = rad2deg(atan2(out[3], hypot(out[1], out[2])))
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/geodetic2geo.jl
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function geodetic2geo(lat::T, long::T, alt::T, eqrad::T, polrad::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
e = sqrt(eqrad^2 - polrad^2)/eqrad
lat = deg2rad(lat)
beta = sqrt(1 - (e*sin(lat))^2)
r = (eqrad/beta + alt)*cos(lat)
z = (eqrad*(1 - e^2)/beta + alt)*sin(lat)
sin_lat, cos_lat = sincos(deg2rad(lat))
beta = sqrt(1 - (e * sin_lat) ^ 2)
r = (eqrad / beta + alt) * cos_lat
z = (eqrad*(1 - e ^ 2) / beta + alt) * sin_lat
return rad2deg(atan2(z,r)), long, hypot(r, z) - eqrad

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9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions src/hadec2altaz.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,9 @@
# Copyright (C) 2016 Mosè Giordano.

function _hadec2altaz(ha::T, dec::T, lat::T, ws::Bool) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
sh = sind(ha)
ch = cosd(ha)
sd = sind(dec)
cd = cosd(dec)
sl = sind(lat)
cl = cosd(lat)
sh, ch = sincos(deg2rad(ha))
sd, cd = sincos(deg2rad(dec))
sl, cl = sincos(deg2rad(lat))

x = -ch*cd*sl + sd*cl
y = -sh*cd
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/helio_jd.jl
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Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ function _helio_jd(date::T, ra::T, dec::T, B1950::Bool, diff::Bool) where {T<:Ab
delta_t = (date - 33282.42345905) / JULIANCENTURY
epsilon_sec = @evalpoly(delta_t, 44.836, -46.8495, -0.00429, 0.00181)
epsilon = deg2rad(23.433333 + epsilon_sec/3600)
ra = deg2rad(ra)
dec = deg2rad(dec)
sin_ra, cos_ra = sincos(deg2rad(ra))
sin_dec, cos_dec = sincos(deg2rad(dec))
x, y, z = xyz(date)
time = -499.00522*(cos(dec)*cos(ra)*x +
(tan(epsilon)*sin(dec) + cos(dec)*sin(ra))*y)
time = -499.00522*(cos_dec * cos_ra * x +
(tan(epsilon) * sin_dec + cos_dec * sin_ra) * y)
if diff
return time
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12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions src/jprecess.jl
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Expand Up @@ -21,14 +21,12 @@ const Mjprec =
function _jprecess(ra::T, dec::T, parallax::T, radvel::T, epoch::T,
muradec::Vector{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
@assert length(muradec) == 2
cosra = cosd(ra)
sinra = sind(ra)
cosdec = cosd(dec)
sindec = sind(dec)
ra2000 = dec2000 = zero(T)
A = copy(A_precess)
sinra, cosra = sincos(deg2rad(ra))
sindec, cosdec = sincos(deg2rad(dec))
if isfinite(epoch) && epoch != 1950
A .+= deg2rad.(A_dot_precess .* (epoch .- 1950) ./ 360000)
A = A_precess .+ deg2rad.(A_dot_precess .* (epoch .- 1950) ./ 360000)
A = A_precess
r0 = [cosra*cosdec, sinra*cosdec, sindec]
r0_dot = [-muradec[1]*sinra*cosdec - muradec[2]*cosra*sindec,
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26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions src/mag2geo.jl
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function _mag2geo(lat::T, long::T, pole_lat::T, pole_long::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
r = 1 # Distance from planet center. Value unimportant -- just need
# a length for conversion to rectangular coordinates
lat = deg2rad(lat)
long = deg2rad(long)
sin_lat, cos_lat = sincos(deg2rad(lat))
sin_long, cos_long = sincos(deg2rad(long))

# convert to rectangular coordinates
# x-axis: defined by the vector going from Earth's center towards
# the intersection of the equator and Greenwich's meridian.
# z-axis: axis of the geographic poles
# y-axis: defined by y=z^x
x = r * cos(lat) * cos(long)
y = r * cos(lat) * sin(long)
z = r * sin(lat)
x = r * cos_lat * cos_long
y = r * cos_lat * sin_long
z = r * sin_lat

# First rotation: in the plane of the current meridian from magnetic pole to
# geographic pole.
togeolat = Array{T}(3, 3)
togeolat[:,1] = [cos(pi/2 - pole_lat), 0.0, -sin(pi/2 - pole_lat)]
togeolat[:,2] = [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
togeolat[:,3] = [sin(pi/2 - pole_lat), 0.0, cos(pi/2 - pole_lat)]
s, c = sincos(T(pi) / 2 - pole_lat)
togeolat = [c zero(T) s;
zero(T) one(T) zero(T);
-s zero(T) c]
out = togeolat * [x, y, z]

# Second rotation matrix: rotation around plane of the equator, from the
# meridian containing the magnetic poles to the Greenwich meridian.
maglong2geolong = Array{T}(3, 3)
maglong2geolong[:,1] = [ cos(pole_long), sin(pole_long), 0.0]
maglong2geolong[:,2] = [-sin(pole_long), cos(pole_long), 0.0]
maglong2geolong[:,3] = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
sin_pole_long, cos_pole_long = sincos(pole_long)
maglong2geolong = [cos_pole_long -sin_pole_long zero(T);
sin_pole_long cos_pole_long zero(T);
zero(T) zero(T) one(T)]
out = maglong2geolong * out

geolat = rad2deg(atan2(out[3], hypot(out[1], out[2])))
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/moonpos.jl
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Expand Up @@ -117,8 +117,11 @@ function _moonpos(jd::AbstractFloat, radians::Bool)
ɛ = ten(23, 26) + @evalpoly(t/100, 21.448, -4680.93, -1.55, 1999.25, -51.38,
-249.67, -39.05, 7.12, 27.87, 5.79, 2.45)/3600
ɛ = deg2rad+ elong/3600)
ra = mod2pi(atan2(sin(λ)*cos(ɛ) - tan(β)*sin(ɛ), cos(λ)))
dec = asin(sin(β)*cos(ɛ) + cos(β)*sin(ɛ)*sin(λ))
sin_β, cos_β = sincos(β)
sin_ɛ, cos_ɛ = sincos(ɛ)
sin_λ, cos_λ = sincos(λ)
ra = mod2pi(atan2(sin_λ * cos_ɛ - tan(β) * sin_ɛ, cos_λ))
dec = asin(sin_β * cos_ɛ + cos_β * sin_ɛ * sin_λ)
if radians
return ra, dec, dis, λ, β
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/mphase.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,12 @@ function mphase(jd::AbstractFloat)
ras, decs = sunpos(jd, radians=true)
# phi: geocentric elongation of the Moon from the Sun
# inc: selenocentric (Moon centered) elongation of the Earth from the Sun
phi = acos(sin(decs)*sin(decm) + cos(decs)*cos(decm)*cos(ras - ram))
sin_decs, cos_decs = sincos(decs)
sin_decm, cos_decm = sincos(decm)
phi = acos(sin_decs * sin_decm + cos_decs * cos_decm * cos(ras - ram))
# "dism" is in kilometers, AU in meters
inc = atan2(AU*sin(phi), dism*1e3 - AU*cos(phi))
sin_phi, cos_phi = sincos(phi)
inc = atan2(AU * sin_phi, dism * 1000 - AU * cos_phi)
return (1 + cos(inc))/2

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10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions src/planet_coords.jl
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function _planet_coords(date::T, num::Integer) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
rad, long, lat = helio(date, num, true)
rade, longe, late = helio(date, 3, true)
x = rad * cos(lat) * cos(long) - rade * cos(late) * cos(longe)
y = rad * cos(lat) * sin(long) - rade * cos(late) * sin(longe)
z = rad * sin(lat) - rade * sin(late)
sin_lat, cos_lat = sincos(lat)
sin_long, cos_long = sincos(long)
sin_late, cos_late = sincos(late)
sin_longe, cos_longe = sincos(longe)
x = rad * cos_lat * cos_long - rade * cos_late * cos_longe
y = rad * cos_lat * sin_long - rade * cos_late * sin_longe
z = rad * sin_lat - rade * sin_late
lamda = rad2deg(atan2(y,x))
beta = rad2deg(atan2(z, hypot(x,y)))
ra, dec = euler(lamda, beta, 4)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/polrec.jl
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function _polrec(radius::T, angle::T, degrees::Bool) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
if degrees
return radius*cos(deg2rad(angle)), radius*sin(deg2rad(angle))
return radius*cos(angle), radius*sin(angle)
angle = deg2rad(angle)
s, c = sincos(angle)
return radius * c, radius * s

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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/posang.jl
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Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,10 @@ function posang(units::Integer, ra1::T, dec1::T, ra2::T, dec2::T) where {T<:Abst
# In any other case throw an error.
error("units must be 0 (radians), 1 (hours, degrees) or 2 (degrees)")
radif = ra2_rad - ra1_rad
angle = atan2(sin(radif), cos(dec1_rad)*tan(dec2_rad) -
sin_radif, cos_radif = sincos(ra2_rad - ra1_rad)
sin_dec1, cos_dec1 = sincos(dec1_rad)
angle = atan2(sin_radif, cos_dec1 * tan(dec2_rad) -
sin_dec1 * cos_radif)
if units == 0
return angle
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