Amazon Redshift dialect for SQLAlchemy.
The package is available on PyPI:
pip install sqlalchemy-redshift
The DSN format is similar to that of regular Postgres:
>>> import sqlalchemy as sa >>> sa.create_engine('redshift+psycopg2://[email protected]:5439/database') Engine(redshift+psycopg2://[email protected]:5439/database)
See the RedshiftDDLCompiler documentation for details on Redshift-specific features the dialect supports.
To perform a release, you will need to be an admin for the project on GitHub and on PyPI. Contact the maintainers if you need that access.
You will need to have a ~/.pypirc with your PyPI credentials and also the following settings:
[zest.releaser] create-wheels = yes
To perform a release, run the following:
python3.6 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/dist workon dist pip install -U pip setuptools wheel pip install -U tox zest.releaser fullrelease # follow prompts, use semver ish with versions.
The releaser will handle updating version data on the package and in CHANGES.rst along with tagging the repo and uploading to PyPI.