"You can do anything, but you can't do everything"
💻 Principal Software Engineer (20+ yoe), mostly working with Microsoft stack (.NET, C#, SQL Server, Azure, etc).
☀️ - Currently living in sunny South Florida 🌴 ☀️ 🌴 ☀️ 🌴
💭 - My Blog where I write about random coding stuff
☕ - My LinkedIn profile
📧 - How to reach out to me
Some recent opensource projects:
- ⭐ - InterpolatedSql (formerly DapperQueryBuilder): Library to dynamically build injection-safe SQL statements using String Interpolation and Fluent API. Dapper is a popular micro ORM for .NET framework
- ⭐ - CodegenCS: C# Toolkit for Code Generation (for anyone who had love and hate relationship with T4 Templates, and know how difficult it is to get whitespace right). Check-out these samples for generating POCOs/DAL or for generating NSWag Client
- ⭐ - InterpolatedLogging: Extensions to Logging Libraries (Serilog, NLog, Microsoft ILogger) to write Log Messages using Interpolated Strings without losing Structured Property Names
- ⭐ - Harbin.DataAccess: library to use distributed databases (with read-replicas) on top of Dapper / DapperQueryBuilder, with an optional Generic Repository Pattern implementation using Dapper SimpleCrud
- ⭐ - NsisMultiUser: NSIS plugin that allows to choose between "per-user" installations (no admin required) and "per-machine" installations (asks elevation only when necessary)
- 👀 - What's the next big thing??
Some non-opensource projects which I've built and still maintain:
- 📺 - TV Map: TV Listings for Brazil and Portugal
Social TV platform (launched in 2012) for users to share what they are watching, see what others are watching, and connect to people who are watching the same TV shows.
It’s based on crawler robots, and has more than 3 million monthly page views. - ⭐ - Krepost and Castellum are Migration tools to export source code history from Microsoft Visual SourceSafe to Subversion or Git. (This is much more complex than it seems)
- ⭐ - Servantt is a tool to reverse-engineer your SQL Server objects into scripts, compare database to the scripts, update the scripts, or apply script changes back to the SQL server.
- 😺 - MemeLab - work in progress - Meme Editor
- 👀 - What's the next great idea??