Tags: CardanoSolutions/ogmios
v6.10.0 #### Added - ![TypeScript][] The `ConnectionConfig` can now take an optional `address` object, so that URL with paths can be provided instead of only host/port; allowing for more flexible connection options. - New ledger-state query `ledgerState/dump` which dumps the **ENTIRE** ledger-state as base16-encoded CBOR. That query is mostly for advanced used only, and spits out **a lot** of data. Use only if you know what you're doing. #### Changed - N/A #### Removed - N/A
v6.9.0 #### Added - Integrate `cardano-node==10.1.2` and associated dependencies. - New transaction submission / evaluation errors: - [`EmptyTreasuryWithdrawal`](https://ogmios.dev/mini-protocols/local-tx-submission#schema-3168/EmptyTreasuryWithdrawal) (`code=3168`) triggered when a transaction contains a governance proposal with an empty treasury withdrawal. - [`UnexpectedMempoolError`](https://ogmios.dev/mini-protocols/local-tx-submission#schema-3997/UnexpectedMempoolError) (`code=3997`) triggered when a transaction is rejected due to custom arbitrary rules that prevented it from entering the mempool. #### Changed - N/A #### Removed - N/A
v6.8.0 #### Added - Integrate `cardano-node==9.2.0` and associated dependencies. - Add new ledger-state query: `queryLedgerState/governanceProposals` to retrieve currently active governance proposals and their ratification state (i.e. ongoig votes). #### Changed - Fix automatic transaction upgrade to NOT change underlying binary format during upgrade. The previous implementation would on some occasions alter the serialized form, thus causing transaction hash to change and invalidating all signatures on it. The new approach does always preserve binary serialisation, but as a result, makes more scenario not translatable (e.g. trying to translate a multi-asset UTxOs containing a 0 quantity is impossible when targetting Conway). - ![TypeScript][] Fix JSON deserialization of metadata on web platforms. #### Removed - N/A
v6.6.0 #### Added - Add missing `treasury.value` and `treasury.donation` for Conway transactions. - Add missing `protocolParametersUpdate.security` thresholds to stake pools voting thresholds in Conway governance actions. - Add missing `ancestor` to various governance actions, pointing to the previous action of the same group. - Add a new `from` field to objects referring to stake credential. The field allows to distinguish between verification key and script credentials. - ![TypeScript][] The `stakePools` method on the `LedgerStateQueryClient` now supports an extra `filter`. The filters were available on th standalone query but not via the client somehow. #### Changed - Fix upgradability of Alonzo/Babbage transactions into Conway transactions. Before, Babbage transaction submitted for evaluation that spent Plutus V3 Scripts while using a Babbage serialization format would failed to upgrade into Conway transactions due to incompatibility at the binary level. The translation has been fixed, except for _truly incompatible_ transactions (e.g. those containing MIR or duplicate certificates). - Refresh embedded configuration files to match those expected by `cardano-node==9.1.0` (in particular, genesis files for mainnet, preview and preprod). - Only return `OverlappingAdditionalUtxo` error during transaction simulation when overlapping utxo differ from the ones fetched from the ledger. #### Removed - ø
v6.5.0 #### Added - Integrated with `cardano-node==9.0.0`. - New ledger-state query: `queryLedgerState/treasuryAndReserves` to retrieve the current Ada values of the treasury and reserves. - New protocol parameters in Conway: - `maximumReferenceScriptsSize` which indicates the maximum total number of bytes of scripts referenced by a transaction. - `minFeeReferenceScripts` with three sub fields: `range`, `base` and `multiplier` that now intervenes in the minimum fee calculation. - New transaction submission / evaluation errors: - [`ReferenceScriptsTooLarge`](https://ogmios.dev/mini-protocols/local-tx-submission#schema-3166/ReferenceScriptsTooLarge) (`code=3166`) now raised when trying to submit a transaction that contains reference scripts whose total size is above 200KB (will become a protocol parameter in the next era). - [`UnknownVoters`](https://ogmios.dev/mini-protocols/local-tx-submission#schema-3167/UnknownVoters) (`code=3167`) returned when submitting votes from unregistered pools or credentials. #### Changed - Roll back down to GHC-9.4.8 in an attempt to fix [#399](#399) possibly caused by a bug in GHC runtime system (possibly patched on 9.4.x). - Fixed transaction evaluation internal client not being properly terminated and cleaned up after use; resulting in active connections piling up over time. See [#403](#399). - Fixed the reported `activeStakeInEpoch` on the `queryLedgerState/rewardsProvenance`, which was mistakenly reporting the `totalStakeInEpoch`. A new value `totalStakeInEpoch` also now correctly reports that information. #### Removed - N/A
v6.4.0 #### Added - Integrated with `cardano-node==8.11.1-pre`. - A new transaction submission / evaluation error: - [`UnauthorizedGovernanceAction`](https://ogmios.dev/mini-protocols/local-tx-submission#schema-3165/UnauthorizedGovernanceAction) (`code=3165`) raised when trying to submit a governance action other than protocol parameters change, hard fork initiation or info **during the bootstrapping** phase of the Conway era. - A new queryNetwork error: - [`InvalidGenesis`](https://ogmios.dev/mini-protocols/local-state-query#schema-2004/InvalidGenesis) (`code=2004`) raised when trying to query a genesis configuration which is invalid or missing (for instance, when there's a mismatch between the Conway configuration and the underlying ledger library parsing it). #### Changed - The `data.providedCollateral` and `data.computedTotalCollateral` from submission errors with code `3128` and `3135` can now be _negative_ Ada values. - ![TypeScript][] Fixed missing `conway` option in the state query client for the `genesisConfiguration` query. #### Removed - N/A