What's Changed
- Pinned the httpx version to 0.27.2 and refactored the codebase to ensure compatibility.
- Fixed AzureSQLMemory authentication issues by adding token refresh, pool recycling, and pre-ping mechanisms.
- Redesigned PAIR attack technique to function as a specialized instance of TAP orchestrator, streamlining architecture.
- Added support for local Hugging Face model checkpoints.
Full list of changes
- [DOC] Updating README by @rlundeen2 in #579
- Fix Azure SQL Authentication Errors: Add Token Refresh, Pool Recycling, and Pre-Ping by @rdheekonda in #576
- FEAT: add support for local model checkpoints and trust_remote_code in HuggingFaceChatTarget by @KutalVolkan in #574
- FEAT: Refactor PAIR to be a special instance of TAP by @rlundeen2 in #580
- FIX: httpx proxy arg fix, pinned httpx version by @jsong468 in #589
- FIX: Not raising exceptions on None responses by @rlundeen2 in #590
- Fix Test Prompt Response Error Values by @rdheekonda in #591
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.2