Experienced with Full Stack Java Development, Machine Learning, Data Engineering and Automation Testing
Java Developer with vast area of hands-on experience designing, developing, and implementing applications and solutions using a range of technologies and programming languages with Solid Computer Science(CS) fundamentals. Seeking to leverage broad development experience and hands-on technical expertise in a challenging role as a Java Developer
📝 Feel free to contact me. I am always here ...
- ✔ Please have a look to my Digital Protfolio : https://alanbinu007.github.io/
- 🔥 Book an 1 to 1 Consultation with me : https://consultationwithalan.web.app/
- 💻 My LeetCode Profile : https://leetcode.com/alanbinu5/
- 😎 Check my Digital archivements Badges https://www.credly.com/users/alan-binu
- 🌟 Visit My Blog Page : https://hashnode.com/@alanbinu/
- 🎉 My Proffestional certificates https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1YRBGfnkOho_u8-UOTZxxFiSvxKD8rw97
- 📫 How to reach me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-binu/
💻 Languages and Tools: 🛠️