Read carefully:

To receive your personal access credentials to the GISAID platform you must first positively identify yourself and agree to the terms of the Database A­ccess Agreement (DAA) which call on all users to support the underlying principles in GISAID that facilitate the sharing of genetic sequence and related data, while recognizing the contributions and interests of data providers and users, including:

  1. You must acknowledge data contributors, i.e. the Originating Laboratory where the clinical specimen or virus isolate was first obtained and the Submitting Laboratory where sequence data have been generated and submitted to a GISAID Database (see the Author's Guide for Citing and Acknowledging Data Contributors);
  2. You may not attach restrictions on the data made available through a GISAID Database, such as including in a patent application any fraction of the genetic sequence data obtained from GISAID, to ensure unlimited access to the data;
  3. You may not distribute GISAID data outside the GISAID community, such as by releasing genetic sequences obtained in GISAID in any publication, transferring the data to colleagues that are not registered users, or offering GISAID data on a server accessible by others who are not duly registered with GISAID;
  4. You need to collaborate were appropriate with the Originating Laboratory responsible for obtaining the specimens.

Please complete the registration form and help GISAID protect the use of your identity and the integrity of its user base.

To avoid losing your priority in line for access credentials, you are strongly advised to properly complete the registration form. Incomplete or misspelled names or numbers require additional work for the reviewer, thereby potentially delaying other registration request. 

Using webmail addresses for your identification, such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, QQmail or 126 and 163 Mail, are likely to lower your priority or cause significant delays in reviewing your request. You are encouraged to provide your institutional email address to expedite this process.

We recommend using the following browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
