Technical Partners

The GISAID Initiative benefits from substantial in-kind contributions from technical partners and commercial service providers with the common goal of strengthening the Initiative's important role in global health

Bioinformatics Institute (BII)

The Bioinformatics Institute (a member of Singapore's A*STAR's Research Entities) provides the CoVsurver and FluSurver power the analysis of data in GISAID to highlight mutations relative to reference strains, display them in the 3D protein structure, cross-link with prior literature phenotype information (antiviral susceptibility, host specificity, glycosylation and antigenic properties), view their geographic and temporal frequency of occurrence as well as co-occurrence with other mutations.

Institut Pasteur

Institut Pasteur's Department of Computational Biology and its Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB powers GISAID's automated curation pipeline for hCoV-19 data and provides advanced tools for its analysis including COVID-Align, for accurate online alignment of genomes using a profile HMM, or NGPhylogeny to aid in the reconstruction and analysis of phylogenetic relationships between molecular sequences. To infer ancestral characters on a rooted phylogenetic tree with annotated tips, PastML uses maximum likelihood or parsimony with the results visualized as a zoomable html map.


The GISAID homepage was designed in collaboration with the creative team of Silke Arend at using the flexibility of open source CMS technology TYPO3 as a basis to permit the access of a wide range of content contributors commensurate with the needs of GISAID's global participation.