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Kunio-kun no Dodge Ball da yo: Zenin Shuugo

Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Aug 06, 1993

A Japan-only Super Famicom sequel to Super Dodge Ball. It adds the ability to customize the player's team and characters.

Short summary describing this game.

Kunio-kun no Dodge Ball da yo: Zenin Shuugo last edited by reverendhunt on 09/18/24 01:33AM View full history


Kunio-kun no Dodge Ball da yo Zen'in Shūgō ("It's Kunio's Dodgeball: Assemble Everyone!") is a Kunio-kun dodgeball game and the sequel to the NES/Famicom game Super Dodge Ball. Kunio and his team competes with various other squads in unusual arenas, including one suspended on a net above a forest. The goal, as always, is for the player to take out the other team by hitting them with the dodgeball, and avoiding or catching the dodgeball when it is thrown back at them.

Kunio-kun no Dodge Ball da yo: Zenin Shuugo is the second Super Famicom game featuring the Kunio characters; the first was the brawler Shodai: Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun. The next Kunio-kun dodgeball game was Super Dodge Ball for the Neo-Geo, which was also the final Kunio-kun game Technos Japan ever made.


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