Only your Family Group can see this information. Click to define this group.
Your Family Group is the list of relatives you want to stay in touch with. Click to define this group.
All people in your family group or your managed profile's family group.
Your maximum family group is your default family group including in-laws connected through ex's.
All people in your family group or your managed profile's family group; plus your managed profile's descendants.
Your Family's Family contains all the people who share a family member with you.
Anyone on the web. This includes people who do not yet have a Geni account.
All people who share a family member with you or your managed profile; plus your managed profile's descendants.
All Geni users. This includes anyone who has started or joined a family tree on Geni.
Anyone can find and view public profiles you manage. Your family and collaborators can edit them.
All people connected to you through your tree.
A user's Forest is their blood tree and all blood trees connected to it by marriage.


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