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Tracy M. Vilanova, M.A.

School of Graduate and Professional Studies

Education history

  • M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, México
  • B.S. in General Studies, Minor in Spanish, University of Southern California – Magna Cum Laude
  • Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, BCLAD 


Why I Teach at FPU:

With extensive work in local and international public and private education, I am passionate about training and supporting educators to pursue their calling to serve society in their communities and across the world. Having the opportunity to become bilingual myself within our public schools spurs me to assist others toward the same privilege of developing multiliteracies alongside deep content knowledge. I have taught in bilingual schools in Los Angeles, Fresno, Mexico and China, and I know that education and bilingualism in particular gives not only upward mobility, but also outward reach to serve our local and global neighbors.