List of All Plugins

This page gets updated periodically to tabulate all the Fluentd plugins listed on Rubygems. Go here to browse the plugins by category.

Input/Output plugin | Filter plugin | Parser plugin | Formatter plugin | Obsoleted plugin

Input / Output plugins:

Collect events from sources or send events to destinations

Certified Download Name Author About Version
125369412 s3 Sadayuki Furuhashi, Masahiro Nakagawa Amazon S3 output plugin for Fluentd event collector 1.8.1
75889805 elasticsearch diogo, pitr, Hiroshi Hatake Elasticsearch output plugin for Fluent event collector 5.4.3
38166956 kinesis-aggregation Atlassian Fluentd output plugin that sends KPL style aggregated events to Amazon Kinesis. 0.4.1
33103616 grafana-loki woodsaj, briangann, cyriltovena Output plugin to ship logs to a Grafana Loki server 1.2.20
31186297 prometheus Masahiro Sano A fluent plugin that collects metrics and exposes for Prometheus. 2.2.0
30826594 kafka Hidemasa Togashi, Masahiro Nakagawa Fluentd plugin for Apache Kafka > 0.8 0.19.3
25760125 aws-elasticsearch-service atomita this is a Output plugin. Post to "Amazon Elasticsearch Service". 2.4.1
24002551 gcloud-pubsub-custom Yoshihiro MIYAI Google Cloud Pub/Sub input/output plugin for Fluentd event collector 1.6.0
23143424 ec2-metadata SAKAMOTO Takumi Fluentd output plugin to add Amazon EC2 metadata fields to a event record 0.1.3
21586659 cloudwatch-logs Ryota Arai CloudWatch Logs Plugin for Fluentd 0.14.3
20761264 opensearch Hiroshi Hatake Opensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector 1.1.5
15082114 out-http Marica Odagaki A generic Fluentd output plugin to send logs to an HTTP endpoint 1.3.4
13283647 kinesis Amazon Web Services Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis. 3.5.0
12274709 tag-normaliser Banzai Cloud Tag-normaliser is a `fluentd` plugin to help re-tag logs with Kubernetes metadata. It uses special placeholders to change tag. 0.1.3
11604632 mongo Masahiro Nakagawa MongoDB plugin for Fluentd 1.6.0
11271683 forest TAGOMORI Satoshi create sub-plugin dynamically per tags, with template configuration and parameters 0.3.3
10666213 newrelic New Relic Logging Team Sends FluentD events to New Relic 1.2.3
9660861 splunk-hec Splunk Inc. A fluentd output plugin created by Splunk that writes events to splunk indexers over HTTP Event Collector API. 1.3.3
8735263 gelf-hs Alex Yamauchi, Eric Searcy Buffered fluentd output plugin to GELF (Graylog2). 1.0.8
8018364 datadog Datadog Solutions Team Datadog output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.14.4
7391767 detect-exceptions Stackdriver Agents Fluentd output plugin which detects exception stack traces in a stream of JSON log messages and combines all single-line messages that belong to the same stack trace into one multi-line message. This is an official Google Ruby gem. 0.0.15
6834487 record-reformer Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to add or replace fields of a event record 0.9.1
6426591 route TAGOMORI Satoshi, FURUHASHI Sadayuki This is copy of out_route.rb originally written by frsyuki 1.0.0
6349124 rename-key Shunwen Hsiao, Julian Grinblat, Hiroshi Hatake Fluentd output plugin. Rename keys which match given regular expressions, assign new tags and re-emit the records. 0.4.1
4972156 grafana-loki-licence-fix woodsaj, briangann Output plugin to ship logs to a Grafana Loki server 0.0.1
4960930 systemd Ed Robinson This is a fluentd input plugin. It reads logs from the systemd journal. 1.1.0
4749218 google-cloud Stackdriver Agents Team Fluentd plugins for the Stackdriver Logging API, which will make logs viewable in the Stackdriver Logs Viewer and can optionally store them in Google Cloud Storage and/or BigQuery. This is an official Google Ruby gem. 0.13.2
4598929 sumologic_output Steven Adams, Frank Reno Output plugin to SumoLogic HTTP Endpoint 1.10.0
4331147 group-exceptions Deloitte Agents Fluentd output plugin which detects exception stack traces in a stream of JSON log messages and combines all single-line messages that belong to the same stack trace into one multi-line message. This is Not an official Google Ruby gem. Added Multiworker to true 0.0.15
4100144 secure-forward TAGOMORI Satoshi Message forwarding over SSL with authentication 0.4.5
4017391 flatten-hash Masahiro Sano A fluentd plugin to flatten nested hash structure as a flat record 0.5.1
3759539 coralogix Royee Goldberg Coralogix Fluentd plugin to send logs to Coralogix server. 1.0.9
2792390 slack Keisuke SOGAWA, Naotoshi Seo fluent Slack plugin 0.6.7
2732054 remote_syslog Richard Lee, Daijiro Fukuda Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog 1.1.0
2692946 input-gelf Daniel Malon A GELF input plugin for fluentd 0.3.2
2592575 rabbitmq NTT Communications fluent plugin for rabbitmq (AMQP) 0.1.3
2411530 bigquery Naoya Ito, joker1007 Fluentd plugin to store data on Google BigQuery, by load, or by stream inserts 3.2.0
2242114 logzio Yury Kotov, Roi Rav-Hon, Arcadiy Ivanov, Miri Bar Fluentd pluging ( for output to ( 0.2.2
1904668 mail Yuichi UEMURA, Naotoshi Seo output plugin for Mail 0.3.0
1800025 azurestorage Hidemasa Togashi Azure Storage output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.1.0
1777585 sqs Yuri Odagiri Amazon SQS input/output plugin for Fluent event collector 3.0.0
1672710 grepcounter Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to count the number of matched messages, and emit if exceeds the threshold 0.6.0
1563000 beats Masahiro Nakagawa Elastic beats plugin for Fluentd event collector 1.1.0
1396297 docker Eduardo Silva fluentd plugin to handle and format Docker logs. 0.1.0
1388403 splunk-enterprise Yuki Ito, Masahiro Nakagawa Splunk output plugin for Fluentd 0.10.2
1292486 flowcounter TAGOMORI Satoshi Plugin to counts messages/bytes that matches, per minutes/hours/days 1.3.0
1235338 splunkhec Coen Meerbeek Output plugin for the Splunk HTTP Event Collector. 2.3
1228838 redis-store moaikids, HANAI Tohru aka pokehanai Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.2.0
1078275 elb-log shinsaka Amazon ELB log input plugin for fluentd 1.3.2
1010941 azurestorage-gen2 Oliver Szabo Azure Storage output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.3.9
930116 nginx-error-multiline Carlos Montiers A. Fluent plugin to parse nginx error logs on v1.0 (td-agent3) 0.2.0
790508 string-scrub Noriaki Katayama fluent plugin for string scrub. 1.0.1
775779 vmware-log-intelligence Alexander Blagoev, Chaur Wu Send Fluentd buffered logs to VMware Log Intelligence 2.0.8
741236 datacounter TAGOMORI Satoshi To count records with string fields by regexps (To count records with numbers, use numeric-counter) 1.0.0
732509 syslog_rfc5424 Pivotal FluentD output plugin to send messages via Syslog rfc5424. 0.8.0
728546 gelf Funding Circle Converts fluentd log events into GELF format and sends them to Graylog 0.2.6
720221 webhdfs TAGOMORI Satoshi For WebHDFS and HttpFs of Hadoop HDFS 1.6.0
713766 jq Zhimin (Gimi) Liang fluent-plungin-jq is a collection of fluentd plugins which uses the jq engine to transform or format fluentd events. 0.5.1
709549 gcs Daichi HIRATA Google Cloud Storage output plugin for Fluentd 0.4.4
662863 loggly Patrik Antonsson Fluentd pluging ( for output to loggly ( 0.0.9
662083 label-router Banzai Cloud Label-Router helps routing log messages based on their labels and namespace tag in a Kubernetes environment. 0.3.2
661815 http-healthcheck k63207 fluentd plug-in for HTTP Health Check 0.1.0
604074 kubernetes-objects Splunk Inc. A Fluentd input plugin for collecting Kubernetes objects, e.g. pods, namespaces, events, etc. by pulling or watching. 1.2.3
598204 statsd Chris Song fluentd output plugin to send metrics to Esty StatsD monitor 1.0.3
591928 papertrail Jonathan Lozinski, Alex Ouzounis, Chris Rust, Chris Erway Remote Syslog Output Fluentd plugin for papertrail 0.2.8
591370 multiprocess Sadayuki Furuhashi Multiprocess agent plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.2.2
570617 azure-storage-append-blob Microsoft Corporation Fluentd plugin to upload logs to Azure Storage append blobs. 0.2.1
531164 record_splitter Yuri Odagiri output split array plugin for fluentd 0.2.1
515157 dstat Shunsuke Mikami Dstat Input plugin for Fluent event collector 1.0.0
509880 numeric-monitor TAGOMORI Satoshi Fluentd plugin to calculate min/max/avg/Xpercentile values, and emit these data as message 1.0.4
476119 td Treasure Data, Inc. Treasure Data Cloud Data Service plugin for Fluentd 1.2.0
470994 teams nyamairi fluentd output plugin for post to teams 1.1.0
469298 ping-message TAGOMORI Satoshi for heartbeat monitoring of Fluentd processes 1.0.0
456898 dogstatsd Ryota Arai Fluent plugin for Dogstatsd, that is statsd server for Datadog. 0.0.6
450655 rewrite Kentaro Kuribayashi Fluentd plugin to rewrite tags/values along with pattern matching and re-emit them. 0.1.1
431847 postgres TAGOMORI Satoshi, Diogo Terror, pitr fluent plugin to insert on PostgreSQL 0.1.0
424145 genhashvalue m.takemi generate hash(md5/sha1/sha256/sha512) value 1.1
366429 loki Edan Shahmoon A Fluentd output plugin to send logs to Grafana Loki 0.3.0
359768 buffer-lightening TAGOMORI Satoshi Fluentd memory buffer plugin with many types of chunk limits 0.0.2
336642 barito BaritoLog This gem will forward output from fluentd to Barito-Flow 0.5.1
335083 reemit Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to re-emit messages avoiding infinity match loop 0.3.2
333071 influxdb Masahiro Nakagawa, FangLi InfluxDB output plugin for Fluentd 2.1.0
329419 timescaledb Chris Northwood Write Fluent logs to TimescaleDB 1.0.1
309644 sql Sadayuki Furuhashi SQL input/output plugin for Fluentd event collector 2.3.1
302748 azure-loganalytics Yoichi Kawasaki Azure Log Analytics output plugin for Fluentd 0.7.0
267583 copy_ex Naotoshi Seo Fluentd out_copy extension 0.1.0
261708 dd Genki Sugawara Output plugin for Datadog 0.1.8
253618 logdna LogDNA, Inc. Fluentd Plugin for Supplying Output to LogDNA. 0.4.0
245427 http Konstantin Fluentd output plugin to send logs to an HTTP endpoint 1.1.0
241726 config-expander TAGOMORI Satoshi This plugin provides directives for loop extraction 1.0.1
233355 file-alternative TAGOMORI Satoshi alternative implementation of out_file, with various configurations 0.2.2
226508 td-monitoring Masahiro Nakagawa This rubygem does not have a description or summary. 1.0.0
214036 azuremonitorlog Ilana Kantorov Input plugin for Azure Monitor Activity logs. 0.0.3
194144 azureeventhubs-batched Hidemasa Togashi, Toddy Mladenov, Justin Seely, Chih Hsiang Hsu Fluentd output plugin for Azure Event Hubs 0.0.9
189319 application-insights Microsoft Corporation Fluentd output plugin for Azure Application Insights. 0.2.4
187738 scribe Kazuki Ohta, TAGOMORI Satoshi Fluentd input/output plugin to handle Facebook scribed thrift protocol 1.0.0
184029 notifier TAGOMORI Satoshi check matched messages and emit alert message with throttling by conditions... 1.0.0
178421 azure-storage-append-blob-lts Jonas-Taha El Sesiy Fluentd plugin to upload logs to Azure Storage append blobs. Fork of 0.7.0
169084 map Kohei Tomita, Hiroshi Hatake, Kenji Okomoto fluent-plugin-map is the non-buffered plugin that can convert an event log to different event log(s). 0.3.0
166803 netflow Masahiro Nakagawa Netflow plugin for Fluentd 1.1.0
166640 mackerel tksmd, hatz48, stanaka, Songmu fluent plugin to send metrics to 1.1.0
163449 rabbitmq-typed NTT Communications fluent plugin for rabbitmq (AMQP) 0.1
163224 add-uuid chaeyk add uuid to record 0.1
153791 typecast MORIYA Taro typecast output plugin for fluentd 0.2.0
152662 vmware-loginsight Vishal Mohite, Chris Todd, Samvel Israelyan Fluend output plugin to forward logs to VMware Aria Operations For Logs 1.4.2
144133 windows-eventlog okahashi117, Hiroshi Hatake, Masahiro Nakagawa Fluentd Input plugin to read windows event log. 0.9.0
142566 mysql TAGOMORI Satoshi, Toyama Hiroshi fluent plugin to insert mysql as json(single column) or insert statement 0.3.4
141802 cloudwatch-ingest Sam Pointer Fluentd plugin to ingest AWS Cloudwatch logs 1.7.0
131072 cloudwatch Yusuke Nomura, kenjiskywalker, FUJIWARA Shunichiro Input plugin for AWS CloudWatch. 2.1.1
121562 openstack brissenden OpenStack Storage Service (Swift) plugin for Fluentd 2.0.1
120207 metricsense Sadayuki Furuhashi MetricSense - application metrics aggregation plugin for Fluentd 0.3.2
118280 couch Yuri Odagiri CouchDB output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.9.1
117268 text_to_json minwoo lee "this is just our exclusive plugin for the special purpose" 0.1.62
117178 alertmanager Keiji Yoshida fluent-plugin-alertmanager 0.1.2
115902 prometheus_pushgateway Yuta Iwama A fluent plugin for prometheus pushgateway 0.1.1
114349 amqp Hiromi Ishii, Team Giraffi, HiganWorks LLC, Toby Jackson AMQP input/output plugin for fluentd 0.14.0
113867 color-stripper Matthew O'Riordan Output plugin to strip ANSI color codes in the logs. 0.0.3
113566 azureeventhubs Hidemasa Togashi, Toddy Mladenov, Justin Seely Fluentd output plugin for Azure Event Hubs 0.0.6
108626 tagged_udp Toyokazu Akiyama fluentd input/output plugin for tagged UDP message 0.0.7
108074 deis-graphite Matt Knox A Fluentd plugin that gathers response code metrics from the deis router and reports them to a graphite database. 0.2.2
105988 extract_query_params Kentaro Kuribayashi Fluentd plugin to extract key/values from URL query parameters. 0.1.1
105923 indicative Sam Millar Fluentd output plugin to send events to Indicative 0.1.8
105671 http-heartbeat Junjie Chen Fluentd input plugin that responses with HTTP status 200. Can be used for elb healthcheck. 0.0.5
104065 http-pull filepang The input plugin of fluentd to pull log from rest api 0.8.3
100901 netflowipfix Yves Desharnaus Created to replace and add missing functionality to the fluent-plugin-netflow fluentd plugin. 1.3.0
98712 dynatrace Dynatrace Open Source Engineering A fluentd output plugin for sending logs to the Dynatrace Generic log ingest API v2 0.2.0
96865 add_empty_array Hirokazu Hata We can't add record has nil value which target repeated mode column to google bigquery. So this plugin add empty array if record has nil value or don't have key and value which target repeated mode column. 0.0.2
92912 sentry Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry. Sentry is a event logging and aggregation platform. 0.0.5
92123 amazon_sns Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Fluent output plugin to send to Amazon SNS 0.1.0
89777 growthforecast TAGOMORI Satoshi For GrowthForecast, see 1.0.1
89053 zabbix FUJIWARA Shunichiro Output data plugin to Zabbix 0.3.1
88329 numeric-counter TAGOMORI Satoshi Counts messages, with specified key and numeric value in specified range 1.0.0
87181 norikra TAGOMORI Satoshi process events on fluentd with SQL like query, with built-in Norikra server if needed. 0.4.4
86747 sns Yuri Odagiri Amazon SNS output plugin for Fluent event collector 3.2.0
86502 nais Terje Sannum Fluentd plugin for Nais 0.37.0
85375 scalyr Imron Alston Sends log data collected by fluentd to Scalyr ( 0.8.18
83263 elb-access-log Genki Sugawara Fluentd input plugin for AWS ELB Access Logs. 0.6.1
83054 documentdb Yoichi Kawasaki Azure DocumentDB output plugin for Fluentd 0.3.1
82929 mqtt-io Toyokazu Akiyama fluentd input/output plugin for mqtt broker 0.5.0
75795 rds-pgsql-log shinsaka fluentd plugin for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL log input 0.5.0
75602 named_pipe Naotoshi Seo Named pipe input/output plugin for Fluentd 0.2.0
75351 sd-dns Masahiro Nakagawa DNS based service discovery plugin for Fluentd 0.1.0
74287 redis Yuki Nishijima, Hiroshi Hatake, Kenji Okimoto Redis output plugin for Fluent 0.3.5
74119 lm-logs LogicMonitor This output plugin sends fluentd records to the configured LogicMonitor account. 1.2.3
73098 calyptia-monitoring Hiroshi Hatake Monitoring Fluentd via Calyptia Cloud 0.1.3
72937 mysql-appender TERASAKI Tsuyoshi Simple incremental id's insert. 0.5.1
71704 syslog-tls thomas morgan Syslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd 2.1.0
66747 output-solr Minoru Osuka Fluent output plugin for sending data to Apache Solr. 1.0.7
64649 utmpx Kentaro Hayashi Fluentd Input plugin to parse /var/log/wtmp,/var/run/utmp 0.5.0
64517 jfrog-siem Mahitha Byreddy, Ben Harosh JFrog SIEM fluent input plugin will send the SIEM events from JFrog Xray to Fluentd which can then be delivered to whatever output plugin specified 2.0.8
64112 kafka-enchanced Paschenko Konstantin Fluentd plugin for Apache Kafka > 0.8 0.5.35
64079 kubernetes_sumologic Sumo Logic FluentD plugin to extract logs from Kubernetes clusters, enrich and ship to Sumo logic. 2.4.2
63636 mysql-replicator Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd input plugin to track insert/update/delete event from MySQL database server. Not only that, it could multiple table replication and generate nested document for Elasticsearch/Solr. It's comming support replicate to another RDB/noSQL. 1.0.3
63388 influxdb-v2 Jakub Bednar A buffered output plugin for Fluentd and InfluxDB 2 1.10.0
61802 metrics-cmetrics Hiroshi Hatake CMetrics context using metrics plugin for Fluentd. 0.1.2
59294 ilm_hbase testman "test gem"
57289 redshift Masashi Miyazaki Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd 0.1.2
56714 jmx Hidenori Suzuki jolokia input plugin 0.0.5
56476 groonga Kouhei Sutou There are two usages. 1) Store data into Groonga. 2) Implement Groonga replication system. See documentation for details. 1.2.3
55341 rollbar Volker Machon Rollbar Out Plugin for Fluentd 1.0.1
53604 split-by-size Timothy Schroeder Split events into multiple events based on a size option and using an id field to link them all together. 0.3.0
53207 nats Eduardo Aceituno nats plugin for fluentd, an event collector 1.1.0
52310 twitter Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Input/Output plugin to collect/process tweets with Twitter Streaming API. 0.6.1
51240 detect-exceptions-with-error Paul Boocock Fork of fluent-plugin-detect-exceptions to include the preceding ERROR log line with a stack trace. 0.0.3
49777 macos-log Petr Langr Fluentd input plugin for MacOS unified log 0.0.3
49155 splunk-http-eventcollector Bryce Chidester Splunk output plugin (HTTP Event Collector) for Fluentd event collector 0.3.0
49149 sumologic-cloud-syslog Acquia Engineering Sumologic Cloud Syslog output plugin for Fluent event collector 1.1.0
48805 woothee TAGOMORI Satoshi parsing by Project Woothee. See 1.0.0
48735 jfrog-metrics MahithaB, BenHarosh Fluentd Plugin for converting JFrog Artifactory, Xray generated metrics (Prometheus Exposition Format) to target observability platform format (Splunk HEC, New Relic, DataDog) 0.2.13
48416 logentries Woorank Logentries output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.2.10
47926 hipchat Yuichi Tateno fluent HipChat plugin 0.3.0
47415 mongo-slow-query Siyang Cao Fluent input plugin for MongoDB to collect slow operation log 0.1.1
46143 snmp hiro-su Input plugin to snmp 0.0.9
45491 pghstore WAKAYAMA Shirou Output to PostgreSQL database which has a hstore extension 0.2.9
44756 kubernetes_remote_syslog George Goh Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog, specific to kubernetes logs 0.3.6
44686 aws-sqs Shai Moria, Niv Lipetz, Jacob Goldenberg Fluentd SQS plugin to read data from AWS SQS 1.0.25
44239 mqtt Yuuna Kurita fluentd input plugin for mqtt server 0.0.9
44107 geoblipper Sean Dick, Fluentd plugin to convert ips to latitude/longitude pairs for publication on a specified pubnub channel
43982 remote-syslog Andrea Spoldi Output plugin for streaming logs out to a remote syslog 1.1
42776 cassandra-driver Yaroslav Lukyanov Fluent output plugin for Cassandra via Datastax Ruby Driver for Apache Cassandra 1.0.0
42038 stdout-pp Masahiro Sano A fluentd plugin to pretty print json with color to stdout 0.2.0
41940 aliyun-odps Xiao Dong, Zongtao Sun Aliyun ODPS output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.1.7
41640 cloudfront-log-v0.14-fix rahmed AWS CloudFront log input plugin for fluentd. This repo is temporary until PR to upstream is addressed. 0.1.2
41424 sentry-rubrik Kentaro Yoshida, François-Xavier Bourlet Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry. Sentry is a event logging and aggregation platform. 0.0.16
40786 pgjson OKUNO Akihiro Fluentd Output Plugin for PostgreSQL JSON Type. 1.0.2
40647 parse_request_body EkiSong Fluentd plugin to parse request body. 0.0.25
39104 keep-forward Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to keep forwarding to a node 0.1.8
38805 anomalydetect Muddy Dixon detect anomal sequential input casually 0.1.7
38522 datadog-statsd Kosuke Miyawaki Fluentd output plugin for Dogstatsd. 0.0.4
38449 honeycomb The Team Fluentd output plugin for 0.8.2
38314 prometheus-smarter Masahiro Sano, Josh Minor A fluent plugin that collects metrics and exposes for Prometheus. 1.8.23
37347 chef-api Yamashita Yuu A fluentd plugin for Chef's API. 1.0.0
37112 jfrog-send-metrics MahithaB, BenH Fluentd Plugin for sending metrics to the respective log-vendor 0.1.11
36823 rds-log shinsaka Amazon RDS slow_log and general_log input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.3.2
36794 dynamodb-alt Genki Sugawara Fluent plugin to output to DynamoDB. 0.1.5
36693 postgresql-csvlog stanhu fluentd plugins to work with PostgreSQL CSV logs 0.11.0
36563 typetalk tksmd, umakoz fluent plugin to send message to typetalk 0.3.0
36291 cloudwatch-put joker1007 Cloudwatch put metric plugin for fluentd. 0.2.2
35674 cadvisor Woorank cadvisor input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.3.1
35540 cloudstack Yuichi UEMURA Fluentd input plugin to get usages and events from CloudStack API 0.1.3
34863 loomsystems doron yehuda at loomsystems dev team loomsystems output plugin for Fluentd - enabling the transfer of fluentd events trough a secured ssl tcp connection 0.0.1
34669 light-core LIN LI light core fluent plugin. support mongodb, nginx and application 0.3.5
33959 graylog Funding Circle Send logging information in JSON format via TCP to an instance of Graylog 1.0.2
33633 ikachan TAGOMORI Satoshi output plugin for IRC-HTTP gateway 'ikachan' (see: and (jpn) 1.0.0
33184 graphite Satoshi SUZUKI fluentd output plugin to send metrics to graphite 0.0.7
33153 google-cloud-storage-out Hideki Matsuoka Fluentd out plugin for store to Google Cloud Storage 0.1.12
33089 hash-forward Ryosuke IWANAGA, Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to keep forwarding messsages of a specific tag pattern to a specific node 0.3.5
32543 loggly-syslog Chris Rust, Chris Erway Fluentd syslog output plugin for Loggly 0.1.0
32009 dynamodb Takashi Matsuno Amazon DynamoDB output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.2.0
31847 datadog-log Yusuke KUOKA Fluentd output plugin for the Datadog Log Intake API, which will make logs viewable in the Datadog's log viewer. 0.1.0
31823 multi-exceptions Deloitte Agents Fluentd output plugin which detects exception stack traces in a stream of JSON log messages and combines all single-line messages that belong to the same stack trace into one multi-line message. This is Not an official Google Ruby gem. Added Multiworker to true 0.0.13
31783 remote_syslog_tcp Richard Lee Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog
31392 mixpanel Kazuyuki Honda Fluentd plugin to input/output event track data to mixpanel 0.1.0
31173 flume Muga Nishizawa Flume Input/Output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.2.0
30938 zabbix-agent Genki Sugawara Fluentd input plugin for Zabbix agent. 0.2.0
30848 seq Eyal Zamir, Rotem Moses Fluentd plugin for seq output 0.1.0
30833 redmine Takuma kanari Fluentd output plugin to create ticket in redmine 0.7.2
30717 simple-logentries sowawa Push fluent events to Logentries 0.1.1
30693 splunkapi Keisuke Nishida Splunk output plugin for Fluent event collector. This plugin supports Splunk REST API and Splunk Storm API. 0.2.0
30626 yohoushi Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to post data to yohoushi 0.1.4
30514 syslog Aaron Collins Fluentd syslog output plugin 0.1.18
30418 append-kubernetes-annotations-to-tag Redbubble Delivery Engineering Team Plugin to append Kubernetes annotations to Fluentd tags 0.3.0
30028 eventcounter Sean Dick, Vijay Ramesh Fluentd plugin to count occurences of values in a field and emit them or write them to redis 0.0.6
29742 logit Logit Logit output plugin for Fluentd 0.3.0
29679 sqs-poll Richard Li fluent input plugin use aws-sdk sqs poller to receive messages 0.3.0
29349 kubernetes-metrics Splunk Inc. A fluentd input plugin that collects node and container metrics from a kubernetes cluster. 1.2.3
29164 munin Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Input plugin to fetch munin-node metrics data with custom intervals. It supports all of munin plugins. 0.3.2
28619 forward-aws Tomohisa Ota Fluentd In/Out plugin to forward log through AWS(S3/SNS/SQS) 0.1.8
28254 amplitude Fluentd plugin to output event data to Amplitude 0.2.2
27582 oci-logging OCI Observability Team Oracle Observability FluentD Plugins : Logging output plugin for OCI logging 1.0.12
27345 specinfra_inventory Masashi Terui Specinfra Host Inventory Plugin for Fluentd 0.2.4
27217 irc OKUNO Akihiro Output plugin for IRC 0.1.0
27211 http_shadow Hiroshi Toyama copy http request. use shadow proxy server. 0.1.1
26390 lambda Genki Sugawara Output plugin for AWS Lambda. 0.2.1
26387 cat-sweep Civitaspo(takahiro.nakayama), Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to cat files and move them. 0.2.0
26271 festival Toyokazu Akiyama Fluent Input/Output plugin for FESTIVAL platform 0.0.15
25718 mysql-query Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Input plugin to execute mysql query and fetch rows. It is useful for stationary interval metrics measurement. 1.0.1
25195 rds-slowlog kenjiskywalker, winebarrel Amazon RDS slow_log input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.8
25104 reassemble moaikids Re-assemble a stream data for Fluentd... 0.0.8
25025 nats-streaming hc chien nats streaming plugin for fluentd, an event collector 0.0.1
25006 kubernetes_metadata_input Anton Sherkhonov Input plugin to collect Kubernetes metadata 0.21.11
24723 redis-counter Buntaro Okada fluent-plugin-redis-counter is a fluent plugin to count-up/down redis keys. 0.3.2
24708 everysense Toyokazu Akiyama Fluent Input/Output plugin for EverySense Framework 0.1.2
24525 statsd-event Atlassian fluentd plugin for statsd event 0.1.1
24373 cloudwatch_ya suz-lab Yet Another (Input/Output) Plugin for Amazon CloudWatch 0.0.2
24215 out-solr diogo, pitr, haruyama Solr output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.8
24136 zabbix-simple-bufferd Katsuhiro Miura Output data plugin to Zabbix 1.0.0
23989 couchbase obie quelland Fluent output plugin for Couchbase 2.0 0.0.2
23618 sakuraio Yuya Kusakabe fluentd plugin for 0.2.1
23539 df tiwakawa Df input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.6
23381 nsq lxfontes, dterror NSQ output plugin for Fluentd 0.0.6
23317 file-sprintf Hiroshi Toyama sprintf output file plugin for Fluentd. 0.0.7
23041 histogram Yusuke SHIMIZU Combine inputs data and make histogram which helps to detect a hotspot. 0.2.4
22962 uri_decoder Yasuharu Ozaki Fluent plugin to decode uri encoded value. See more 0.3.0
22873 bufferize Masahiro Sano A fluentd plugin that enhances existing non-buffered output plugin as buffered plugin. 0.0.2
22871 jvm-gclog Shinji Tanaka Fluentd input plugin for JavaVM gc.log. 0.0.4
22790 wendelin Nexedians Fluentd output plugin to forward data to Wendelin system 0.5
22646 cloud-feeds David Kowis, Tyler Royal Fluentd output plugin ( for output to Rackspace Cloud Feeds 1.3.2
22416 bunyan-to-google-cloud-logging Toshimitsu Takahashi Fluentd plugin to parse bunyan format logs and to transfer Google Cloud Logging. 0.3.0
22394 gamobile Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Output plugin to send access report with "Google Analytics for mobile". 0.3.0
22260 pi Derek Endres Fluentd plugin to either get data from OSISoft PI, send to OSISoft PI or send to OSISoft QI 0.0.11
22227 memcached innossh Memcached output plugin for Fluent 0.2.0
22035 eventlastvalue Michael Arick, Fluentd plugin to find the last value in a time-period of a field and emit it or write it to redis 0.0.6
21991 websocket Tetsu Izawa (@moccos) Fluentd websocket output plugin which can output JSON string or MessagePack binary to the clients. 0.1.8
21824 chef-client Yamashita Yuu a fluent plugin for chef-client. 0.3.2
21672 redis-store-wejick wejick, Gian Giovani Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.0.9
21422 elapsed-time Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to measure elapsed time to process messages 0.0.8
20922 sqlite3 Tomotaka Sakuma, Hiroshi Hatake fluentd output to sqlite3 1.0.2
20872 k8s-metrics-agg Splunk Inc. A fluentd input plugin that collects node and container metrics from a kubernetes cluster via kubeapiserver API. 1.2.3
20584 fork Daisuke Taniwaki Fork output by separating values for fluentd 0.2.0
20569 cloudwatch-transform Ling Zhang FLuentd plugin for transform cloudwatch alerts 0.0.8
20399 kubernetes-log-level yaron-idan Use kubernetes labels to set log level dynamically. 0.2.4
19927 sflow Shintaro Kojima sFlow v2 / v4 / v5 input plugin for Fluentd supporting many packet formats 0.3.3
19850 es-mohit mohit ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector 1.9.12
19810 split Hiroshi Toyama Output Split String Plugin for fluentd 0.1.0
19702 sidekiq Alex Scarborough Sidekiq plugin for Fluentd 0.1.0
19605 groupcounter Ryosuke IWANAGA, Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to count like SELECT COUNT(\*) GROUP BY 0.2.3
19551 nostat No JinHo Linux Resource Monitoring Input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.2.2
19444 cassandra-cql obie quelland Fluent output plugin for Cassandra via CQL version 3.0.0 0.0.5
19389 munin-node Genki Sugawara Fluentd input plugin for Munin node. 0.1.7
19377 hoop TAGOMORI Satoshi This plugin doesn't support Apache Hadoop's HttpFs. See fluent-plugin-webhdfs. 0.1.4
18853 serialport MATSUMOTO Katsuyoshi fluentd plugin for serial port 1.0.0
18799 github-activities YUKI Hiroshi This provides ability to crawl public activities of users. 0.7.0
18707 chatwork sue445 fluentd output plugin for post to chatwork 2.0.3
18560 diskfree h.nomura execute linux df command plugin for fluent. 0.1.4
18380 dbi TERAOKA Yoshinori fluentd output plugin using dbi. PostgreSQL and MySQL are tested 1.0.0
18203 spectrum Alex Pena, Ling Zhang Fluentd input/output plugin for managing monitoring alerts from CA Spectrum. Input supports polling CA Spectrum APIs. Output currently only supports updating events retrieved from Spectrum. 0.0.8
18132 watch-process Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Input plugin to collect continual process information via ps command or PowerShell pwsh command for Linux/osx/Windows. It is useful for cron/barch process monitoring. 0.2.0
18068 http-enhanced Abhishek Parolkar Enhanced HTTP input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.5
18052 jabber todesking Fluentd output plugin for XMPP(Jabber) protocol 0.4.0
18026 logmatic Logmatic support team Logmatic output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.9.2
18023 proxysql-query-log r_takaishi Input plugin to read from ProxySQL query log. 0.4.3
17480 redis_list_poller Jonathan Serafini A fluentd redis input plugin supporting batch operations 1.1.0
17403 bigobject Andrea Sung Fluentd output plugin to insert/update/delete data in BIGOBJECT 0.0.12
17322 bin Klaus Wölfel Fluentd input plugin to read binary files based on in_tail 0.3
17286 heroku-syslog-http GetAround fluent plugin to drain heroku syslog 0.3
17264 sensu MIYAKAWA Taku Fluentd output plugin to send checks to sensu-client. 1.0.1
17240 resque_stat Spring_MT Fluent input plugin for Resque info 0.0.5
17213 pagerduty Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Input plugin to replay alert notification for PagerDuty API. 0.1.0
17186 stdin Masahiro Nakagawa Fluentd plugin for reading events from stdin 0.1.2
17024 splunk-ex Trevor Gattis Splunk output plugin for Fluent event collector. It supports reconnecting on socket failure as well as exporting the data as json or in key/value pairs 1.0.2
16975 datadog_event Yohei Kawahara(inokappa) fluentd plugin for datadog event 0.1.6
16974 raven Yuto Suzuki sentry output plugin for Fluentd 0.1.8
16863 redshift-out Naohiro Sakuma Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd 0.4.1
16838 buffer-event_limited Gergo Sulymosi Fluentd memory buffer plugin with many types of chunk limits 0.1.6
16686 jvmwatcher MasayukiMiyake It is the input plugin of fluentd which collects the condition of Java VM. 0.1.5
16554 samefile Yuri Umezaki Fluentd plugin to output same file 0.0.3
16169 airbrake-logger Shuichi Ohsawa Fluent output plugin to Airbrake(Errbit) by fluent-logger 0.1.0
16061 dockergelf Bo Zhang Will put docker log time as new field logtime, and use the timestamp in gelf 0.3.0
15864 appdynamics chandrashekar Tippur FLuentd plugin for appdynamics alerts... WIP 0.0.6
15852 out-http-buffered Alexander Blagoev Send fluent buffered logs to an http endpoint 0.0.1
15841 tail-ex-asis Yoshihisa Tanaka Extended tail input plugin 0.1.5
15796 parse_cookie Hirokazu Hata Fluentd plugin to parse cookie 2.1.1
15740 gcloud-pubsub Masayuki DOI Google Cloud Pub/Sub input/output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.0.5
15711 measure_time Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to measure elapsed time to process messages 0.2.1
15569 derive Nobuhiro Nikushi fluentd plugin to derive rate 0.0.4
15532 oci-logging-analytics Oracle, OCI Observability: Logging Analytics OCI Logging Analytics Fluentd output plugin for ingesting the collected log events to OCI Logging Analytics. 2.0.8
15489 udp_forward Sohaib Maroof This input plugin allows you to collect incoming events over UDP 2.0.1
15343 tail-ex-rotate Yuta Mizushima Extension of in_tail plugin to customize log rotate timing. 0.1.1
15312 bugsnag koshigoe Fluentd output plubin for Bugsnag. 0.2.0
15104 s3-input Anthony Johnson Fluentd plugin to read a file from S3 and emit it 0.0.16
15076 viki Zhe Wang Viki's custom fluentd input plugin. 0.1.5
15066 records-merger Nobuyuki Oishi, WallyNegima Parallels data is merged and out. 0.1.8
15004 unomaly Unomaly Fluentd output plugin for Unomaly 0.1.10
14934 aliyunoss junjie Aliyun OSS output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.2.6
14836 mysql-prepared-statement Hiroshi Toyama fluent plugin mysql prepared statement 0.0.5
14821 stats-notifier Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to calculate statistics and then thresholding 0.0.5
14809 http-status hiro-su Fluentd input plugin for to get the http status 0.0.4
14779 nsca MIYAKAWA Taku Fluentd output plugin to send service checks to an NSCA / Nagios monitoring server 1.0.0
14770 sendgrid-event Hiroaki Sano Fluent input plugin to receive sendgrid event. 0.0.7
14617 relp Jiří Vymazal Plugin allowing recieving log messages via RELP protocol from e.g. syslog 0.2.0
14568 burrow Tim Gunter Extract a single key (in formats Fluent can natively understand) from an event and re-emit a new event that replaces the entire original record with that key's values. 1.2
14549 juniper-telemetry Damien Garros Input plugin for Fluentd for Juniper devices telemetry data streaming : Jvision / analyticsd etc .. 0.3.0
14422 resque Yuichi Tateno Resque enqueue plugin 0.3.0
14381 ses Spring_MT Fluent output plugin for AWS SES 0.0.4
14164 genhashvalue-alt Labou77Code generate hash(md5/sha1/sha256/sha512) value 1.1.0
14121 modsecurity-audit-log Hiroshi Nakamura Modsecurity AuditLog input plugin for Fluentd 0.1.4
13898 twilio Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Output plugin to make a phone call with Twilio VoIP API. Twiml supports text-to-speech with many languages ref. 0.1.1
13732 datadog-np Nicolas parfait Datadog output plugin for Fluent event collector
13690 logentries-tmpfix bigwheel Logentries output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.2.13
13629 unique-counter Keiji Matsuzaki, Takesato This plugin is use of count up to unique attribute. 0.1.3
13550 cmetrics Hiroshi Hatake Fluentd plugin for cmetrics format handling. 0.2.0
13525 docker_hostname Woorank Output container's hostname for a given docker container's id 0.1.4
13490 timestream Studist Corporation Fluentd output plugin which writes Amazon Timestream record. 1.1.0
13388 pull_forward TAGOMORI Satoshi Fluentd plugin that store data to be forwarded, and send these when client(input plugin) requests it, over HTTPS and authentication 0.0.2
13367 parse_multiple_value_query Hirokazu Hata Fluentd plugin to parse query string with rails format 2.0.0
13366 google-cloud-storage Hsiu-Fan Wang Google Cloud Storage fluentd output 1.0.0
13343 sforce Makoto Tajitsu Fluent Plugin to export data from 0.0.6
13192 delay-inspector TAGOMORI Satoshi Inspect delay of log, and emit it, or inject it into message itself with specified attribute name 0.1.0
13180 gimbal-tranquility Marcelo Wiermann Druid Tranquility Fluentd Output Plugin 0.4.2
13126 redshift-auto Takashi Honda Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd with creating table 1.0.1
13094 mysqlslowquerylog Satoshi SUZUKI Fluentd plugin to concat MySQL slowquerylog. 0.0.3
12802 idobata bash0C7 Fluentd output plugin to send data to idobata 0.0.3
12797 cloudfront-log kubihie AWS CloudFront log input plugin for fluentd. 0.0.5
12793 influxdb_metrics lxfontes InfluxDB output plugin for Fluentd 0.0.4
12732 mobile-carrier HARUYAMA Seigo judge mobile carrier by ip address. 0.0.4
12703 heroku-postgres Naohiro Sakuma This gem is fluent plugin to insert on Heroku Postgre. 0.0.5
12683 redisstore moaikids Redis(zset/set/list/string) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.0.4
12673 couch-sharded Yudai Odagiri, James Birmingham CouchDB output plugin for Fluentd event collector, forked to add 'sharding' features 0.6.3
12660 nata2 studio3104 fluent-plugin to post slow query logs to Nata2 server 0.0.3
12596 heroku-syslog Kazuyuki Honda fluent plugin to drain heroku syslog 0.1.1
12553 zmq OZAWA Tsuyoshi zmq plugin for fluent, an event collector 0.0.3
12541 airbrake-python Moriyoshi Koizumi Airbrake (Python) plugin for Fluentd 0.2
12525 http-ex hiro-su fluent plugin to accept multiple json/msgpack events in HTTP request 0.0.3
12487 rawexec FangLi Execute user script with RAW message output plugin for Fluentd 0.0.4
12477 stackdriver-monitoring Yoshihiro MIYAI Stackdriver Monitoring custom metrics output plugin for Fluentd 0.0.5
12371 zmq-pub OGIBAYASHI Hironori 0MQ publisher/subscriber plugin for fluentd 0.0.5
12355 statsite OKUNO Akihiro Fluentd plugin which caluculate statistics using statsite 0.0.7
12322 jsonbucket moaikids Fluentd plugin 0.0.2
12215 sentry-ruby buffalo A fluent output plugin which integrated with sentry-ruby sdk. 0.4.1
12204 gcp_pubsub pivelpin A plugin for the Fluentd event collection agent that provides Google Cloud Pub/Sub support 0.6.0
12021 gelf-cg Craig Lafferty Buffered fluentd output plugin to GELF (Graylog2). 1.0.6
11976 loggly-anno Chris Rust Fluentd pluging ( for output to loggly ( 0.0.2
11975 azuresearch Yoichi Kawasaki Azure Search output plugin for Fluentd 0.2.1
11954 redis-multi-type-counter Jungtaek Lim fluent-plugin-redis-multi-type-counter is a fluent plugin to count-up/down redis keys, hash keys, zset keys 0.1.3
11861 hbase KUOKA Yusuke HBase output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.1.2
11624 cloudwatch-logs-foxtrot9 Mit Naria CloudWatch Logs Plugin for Fluentd 0.1.0
11603 udp Abhishek Parolkar This input plugin allows you to collect incoming events over UDP instead of TCP 0.0.1
11536 terminal_notifier Hiroshi Hatake A fluentd plugin to notify notification center with terminal-notifier. 0.2.0
11507 kibana-server OKUNO Akihiro Fluentd plugin which serves Kibana within fluentd process 0.0.2
11372 jstat wukawa jstat input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.3
11371 simplearithmetic Takahiro Kamatani Fluent plugin to calculate messages. 0.0.3
11366 querycombiner Takahiro Kamatani Fluent plugin to combine multiple queries. 0.0.3
11259 latency Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to measure latency until receiving the messages 0.0.3
11258 debug Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to investigate incoming messages in a short-hand 0.0.3
11025 resolv Kohei MATSUSHITA Fluent plugin, IP address resolv and rewrite. 0.0.3
10992 storage-redis Hiroshi Hatake Fluentd storage plugin for Redis 0.0.5
10982 riak Kota UENISHI Riak plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.3
10939 sumologic-2 memorycraft, adambom fluent plugin for sumologic 0.1.0
10913 amq Anton Sherkhonov AMQP Qpid input plugin for fluentd 0.0.6
10893 snowplow Lucas Souza Fluentd snowplow gem 0.2.3
10865 gree_community todesking Fluentd input plugin, source from GREE community 0.0.3
10856 buffer-pullpool TAGOMORI Satoshi Alternative file buffer plugin to store data to wait to be pulled by plugin 0.0.1
10845 rackspace-cloud-files Brint O'Hearn Rackspace Cloud Files output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.4
10734 dos_block_acl Hiroshi Toyama access block by aws network acl. 0.0.4
10701 out-falcon tsingakbar A Fluentd output plugin to send logs to falcon's push API 0.1.9
10618 splunk Abhishek Parolkar Splunk output plugin for Fluent event collector
10503 osquery Hidenori Suzuki osquery input plugin 0.0.3
10460 mixi_community todesking Fluentd input plugin, source from Mixi community 0.0.3
10457 mule Rodrigo Martinez Extract entries from Mule log4j key-value pairs 1.0.4
10449 redshift-v2 Jun Yokoyama Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd (inspired by fluent-plugin-redshift) 0.1.4
10406 storage-mongo Hiroshi Hatake Fluentd storage plugin for MongoDB. 0.0.5
10361 input-opensearch imcotop Opensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector 1.2.4
10355 storage-memcached Hiroshi Hatake Fluentd storage plugin for Memcached. 0.1.1
10279 mongokpi Hatayama Hideharu Fluent BufferedOutput plugin: counting chunk, inserting counts to make kpi count on MongoDB 0.0.2
10279 sar Hirotaka Tajiri Fluentd input plugin to get sar result 0.0.4
10206 twittersearch Freddie Fujiwara twittersearch plugin for Fluentd 0.0.3
10190 dynamic-logzio Yury Kotov, Roi Rav-Hon, Arcadiy Ivanov, Stewart Powell Fluentd pluging ( for output to ( 0.0.6
10186 mysql-binlog IZUMIYA Hiroyuki MySQL Binlog input plugin for Fluentd event collector. 0.0.2
10121 werkzeug-profiler Kenta MORI Fluent input plugin for Werkzeug WSGI application profiler statistics. 0.0.3
10088 cloudwatch-ingest-chaeyk chaeyk Fluentd plugin to ingest AWS Cloudwatch logs 0.4.3
10023 out-kivera Tyler Matheson A Fluentd output plugin for sending Kivera proxy logs to the Kivera log ingestion service 1.0.3
9989 oss sjtubreeze Aliyun oss output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.0.2
9968 json_expander Uchio KONDO Run the sub-matcher created from accepted json data 0.1.0
9957 mysql-load Fukui ReTu BufferedOutput plugin to mysql import 0.0.2
9903 format Akinori Machino Output plugin to format fields of records and re-emit them. 0.0.1
9885 kubernetes_tagged_remote_syslog Richard Lee, Jakub Kvita Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog. This is meant for processing kubernetes annotated messages. 0.4.0
9877 sendmail yudai09 Fluentd plugin to parse and merge sendmail syslog. 0.1.3
9839 out_rawtcp lxfontes Raw tcp output plugin for Fluentd 0.0.1
9825 azuremonitormetrics Ilana Kantorov Input plugin for Azure Monitor Metrics. 0.0.4
9825 cassandra-json joker1007 Insert data to cassandra plugin for fluentd (Use INSERT JSON). 0.2.0
9797 out-kafka-rest dobachi A fluentd output plugin for sending logs to Kafka REST Proxy
9769 docker-inspect WAKAYAMA Shirou This rubygem does not have a description or summary. 0.0.4
9756 http_file_upload TAGOMORI Satoshi This fluentd output plugin sends data as files, to HTTP servers which provides features for file uploaders. 0.1.3
9753 docker-metrics kiyoto Fluentd input plugin to collect container metrics periodically 0.0.2
9647 dynamodb-streams Takumi Sakamoto Amazon DynamoDB Streams input plugin for Fluentd 0.0.3
9632 dockerevents Karoly Nagy Docker Event Stream inpupt plugin for Fluentd 0.0.3
9595 slackboard Tatsuhiko Kubo plugin for proxying message to slackboard 0.1.2
9585 mageshlogs Magesh Rajan Magesh output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.1.7
9546 top Tetsu Izawa (@moccos) Fluentd top command input plugin 0.1.2
9500 dedup edvakf fluent-plugin-dedup is a fluentd plugin to suppress emission of subsequent logs identical to the first one. 0.3.0
9486 logsene Sematext fluent plugin for logsene 0.0.3
9418 lookup Neozaru Fluentd custom plugin to replace fields values using lookup table file 0.0.3
9361 redis-render Render Developers, moaikids, HANAI Tohru aka pokehanai Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.2.9
9335 zookeeper Anton Tikhomirov Fluentd plugin for Apache Zookeeper 0.1.2
9241 consul foostan Store Fluentd event to Consul Key/Value Storage 0.0.3
9241 gc Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to disable GC and start GC at arbitrary interval 0.0.3
9237 cassandra Kazutaka Tomita Cassandra output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.2
9190 replace kaihar4 Fluentd plugin to replace the string with specified YAML 0.1.0
9183 sumologic memorycraft fluent plugin for sumologic 0.0.2
9183 webhook-github uu59 fluentd input plugin for receive GitHub webhook 0.1.1
9180 azurefunctions Yoichi Kawasaki Azure Functions output plugin for Fluentd 0.2.1
9143 nsq-local lxfontes, dterror NSQ output plugin for Fluentd 0.0.8
9139 aerospike-cluster kadzuya fluent plugin to insert Aerospike. 0.0.4
9128 redis-slowlog shingo suzuki Redis slowlog input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.2
9123 postgres-replicator innossh PostgreSQL replication input plugin for Fluent 0.1.0
9107 storm Hidenori Suzuki storm stats input plugin 0.0.4
9100 buffer-ephemeral Yuki Ito This rubygem does not have a description or summary. 0.1.1
9072 feedly Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd input plugin to fetch RSS/ATOM feed via feedly Cloud API. 0.0.3
9070 midi meganemura MIDI Input/Output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.1.0
8987 out-file-with-fix-path fetaro FLuentd plugin for SNMP Traps... WIP 0.1.0
8797 apache_modstatus Jason Westbrook Gather the status from the Apache mod_status Module 0.0.5
8774 aurora-slowquerylog Takayuki WATANABE A fluentd plugin that collects AWS Aurora slow query logs with `log_output=FILE` 0.0.4
8744 json-size-limit Mykola Panin This plugin reduces the size of JSON records if they exceed a specified limit. 0.1.31
8730 geovis li.baosheng fluentd plugin for geovis 0.0.5
8726 syslog-d Juan Manuel Cristóbal Syslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd 0.0.5
8638 deskcom Toru Takahashi fluent Input plugin to collect data from Deskcom. 0.0.3
8633 record-splitter Al-waleed Shihadeh A Fluentd plugin to split fluentd events into multiple records 0.0.1
8626 parameterized-path Masayasu Yamamoto Apply the value of the specified field to part of the path. 0.2.1
8618 pushover Jan Karásek Fluentd Output plugin to make a call with Pushover API. 1.0.0
8610 say Shimpei Makimoto Fluentd output plugin to say something by using 'say' command 0.1.1
8563 mixpanel-enchanced zhron4x Fluentd plugin to input/output event track data to mixpanel 0.0.13
8562 msgpack-rpc Nobuyuki Kubota Input plugin for Fluent using MessagePack-RPC 0.3.0
8516 redeliver Masatoshi Kawazoe (acidlemon) simple tag-based redeliver plugin 0.1.0
8499 mysql-status IKUTA Masahito Fluentd input plugin that monitor status of MySQL Server. 0.0.1
8482 directory Rémy DUTHU A Fluentd input plugin to scan files recurrently from a directory 0.1.4
8482 ironio chandrashekar Tippur FLuentd plugin for ironio alerts... WIP 0.0.3
8476 newrelictransform chandrashekar Tippur FLuentd plugin for Newrelic alerts... WIP 0.0.3
8468 to_s airtoxin Plugin that adds whole record to to_s field 0.0.3
8465 record-sort Sam Pointer Fluentd plugin for sorting record fields. 0.1.2
8423 loki-custom Edan Shahmoon, Saher El-Neklawy A Fluentd output plugin to send logs to Grafana Loki 0.2.7
8419 redis-list-source Nikita Kazeichev This gem will help you to connect redis and fluentd. With it you'll be able to get your data from redis with fluentd. 1.3
8307 to_js dixen Plugin that adds whole record to to_s field, json format 0.0.3
8266 cloudsearch Kensaku Araga Amazon CloudSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector. 0.1.1
8258 riemann Will Farrell Riemann output plugin for Fluent 0.0.3
8256 presto_query Hiroshi Toyama Fluentd Input plugin to execute Presto query and fetch rows. 0.0.3
8239 newrelic_metrics Hiroshi Toyama Newrelic metrics input plugin for fluentd 0.0.3
8238 mattermost Pierluigi Minardi This plugin allows you to send messages to mattermost in case of errors 0.2.2
8167 containiq ContainIQ Fluentd output plugin that pushes logs to ContainIQ 1.0.3
8051 kubernetes-metrics-hbrewster hbrewster A fluentd input plugin that collects node and container metrics from a kubernetes cluster. 1.2.7
8038 deis-kafka Guilherme Souza Fluentd plugin to send deis-router metricsto influxdb through kafka 0.2.2
7979 mssql Hidemasa Togashi Fluentd plugin to insert into Microsoft SQL Server. 0.0.2
7977 remote_syslog_multiline Lawrence Li, Richard Lee Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog 1.0.4
7977 syslog-gobi-tls thomas morgan Syslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd 2.1.36
7955 azureoms Mark Simms Fluentd output plugin for Azure Log Analytics 0.2.0
7903 sndacs Sparkle Sndacs output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.3
7881 zabbix-simple NAKANO Hideo, Hiroshi Hatake, Kenji Okimoto Output data plugin to Zabbix 2.0.0
7841 pgdist Kenji Hara Fluentd plugin for distribute insert into PostgreSQL 0.2.0
7828 field-multiregex Manoj Sharma Fluent output plugin for reforming a record using multiple named capture regular expressions 0.1.3
7806 gcloud-pubsub-custom-subscriber Yoshihiro MIYAI, mjchuable Google Cloud Pub/Sub input/output plugin for Fluentd event collector without auto-create topic requiring only Pub/Sub subscriber ACL 1.3.3
7706 config_pit Naoya Ito This plugin provides directive for pit 0.0.2
7677 mysqlslowquerylog-ippen-digital Satoshi SUZUKI, Gerhard Strauss Fluentd plugin to concat MySQL slowquerylog. 0.0.6
7645 snmptrap Alex Pena FLuentd plugin for SNMP Traps... WIP 0.0.1
7623 input-gelf-kolyunya Nikolay Ostroushko Fork A GELF input plugin for fluentd 0.3.5
7603 setproctitle Tatsuhiko Kubo plugin for renaming fluentd process name 0.0.3
7559 event-tail Mario Freitas fluentd input plugin derived from in_tail and inspired by in_forward for reading [tag, time, record] messages from a file 0.0.2
7550 protobuf-http Azeem Sajid fluentd HTTP Input Plugin for Protocol Buffers with Single and Batch Messages Support 0.3.1
7546 tagged_copy Naotoshi Seo Fluentd out_copy extension to do tagging before copy 0.0.2
7541 nicorepo upinetree Fluent input plugin for Nicorepo. 1.0.0
7479 ganglia Hiroshi Sakai Fluentd output plugin to ganglia 0.0.2
7472 elasticsearch-ruby Jon Fluent plugin for elasticsearch 0.0.3
7467 https-json Jay OConnor Fluentd output plugin to buffer logs as json arrays to a url 0.0.1
7461 buffered-metrics Alex Yamauchi Fluentd plugin derive metrics from log buffer chunks and submit to various metrics backends 0.0.4
7424 redis-publish Daisuke Murase fluent output plugin publishing logs to redis pub/sub 0.1.1
7400 pcapng enukane Fluentd plugin for tshark (pcapng) monitoring from specified interface 0.1.2
7374 finagle Kai Sasaki fluentd input plugin for Finagle metric 0.0.3
7369 groonga-query-log Kouhei Sutou You can detect slow query in real time by using this plugin. 1.0.2
7295 sumologic-mattk42 mattk42 fluent plugin for sumologic 0.0.4
7273 xymon bash0C7 Fluentd output plugin to post message to xymon 0.0.1
7257 devo Devo Inc. Syslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd 1.1.0
7228 network-probe Yuichi UEMURA Fluentd input plugin to probe network latency and keepalive, similar to smokeping 0.1.0
7213 combiner karahiyo Combine buffer output data to cut-down net-i/o load 0.0.2
7194 stdout_ex Naotoshi Seo Fluentd out_stdout extension 0.0.1
7154 json-api Freddie Fujiwara json-api plugin for Fluentd 0.0.2
7133 convert-value-to-sha Keiji Matsuzaki This plugin is convert value to sha. 0.1.1
7086 aes-forward Keiji Matsuzaki fluent plugin aes forward 0.0.2
7085 in-udp-event Alexander Blagoev Event driven udp input plugin for fluentd 0.0.2
7045 jubatus MATSUMOTO Katsuyoshi Jubatus output plugin for fluentd 0.0.2
7018 tag_rewrite Sohaib Maroof This input plugin allows you rewrite tag 2.0.1
6971 swift yuuzi41 OpenStack Storage Service (Swift) output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.0.3
6919 ufw Takashi Masuyama Fluentd plugin to parse ufw log 0.0.4
6878 backlog Hiroshi Toyama output plugin for Backlog. 0.0.2
6833 librato kiyoto Fluentd plugin to post data to Librato Metrics 0.0.1
6822 sqs-rws Yuri Odagiri Amazon SQS input/output plugin for Fluent event collector 3.0.8
6802 splunkapi-ssln Kristian Brimble Splunk output plugin (REST API / Storm API) for Fluentd event collector 0.0.2
6787 insight AndrewChubatiuk InsightOPS output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.4
6767 osmocom-spectrum-sense enukane fluentd plugin to get SDR input from osmocom_spectrum_sense 0.0.3
6750 sixpack Naoki AINOYA For sixpack, see 0.2.0
6717 http-puma Masahiro Nakagawa Puma based HTTP(S) plugin for Fluentd 0.0.2
6703 sql-mask Kazuki Sawada This plugin allows you to mask sql literals which may be contain sensitive data. 0.2.1
6678 kinesis-modified iHandy Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis. Forked from fluent-plugin-kinesis version 3.1.0 3.1.5
6630 dynamodb-streams-alt krishna ramanathan Forked from takus/fluent-plugin-dynamodb-streams; with fixes from cosmo0920/fluent-plugin-dynamodb-streams 0.0.4
6598 site24x7 Magesh Rajan Site24x7 output plugin for Fluent event collector. 0.1.7
6588 exec-sudo Tatsuya Deguchi out_exec with sudo for Fluentd 0.0.3
6576 zulip Kenji Okimoto Fluentd output plugin for Zulip powerful open source group chat. 0.3.0
6529 logentries_ssl larte Plugin to send records to logentries 0.2.0
6472 sql-enchanced Sadayuki Furuhashi SQL input/output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.5.5
6436 namedpipe anarcher fluentd plugin to named pipe input 0.0.2
6428 kubelet_metadata Michael Grosser Add metadata to docker logs by asking kubelet api 0.1.0
6408 exec_cron Hiroshi Toyama executes external programs with cron syntax. 0.0.3
6394 postgres-bulk ksss fluent plugin for bulk insert to postgres 0.1.2
6390 riak2 Kota UENISHI, Matt Nunogawa Riak 2.x plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.5
6351 straight-file Alexey Panaetov This rubygem does not have a description or summary. 0.0.6
6332 timber Streams Fluentd logs to the logging service. 2.0.0
6321 rds-mysql-slow-log Satoshi Matsumoto Fluentd input plugin for MySQL slow query log table on Amazon RDS. 0.3.0
6264 hrforecast do-aki For HRForecast 0.0.2
6255 riak2f koichi yanagimoto Riak 2.x plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.2
6220 out_datadog_event Yohei Kawahara(inokappa) fluentd output plugin for datadog event 0.1.2
6215 f5-beacon Matt Davey F5 Beacon output plugin for Fluentd 0.0.4
6192 out_rawtcp-godel lxfontes Raw tcp output plugin for Fluentd 0.0.3
6190 script_append Uchio KONDO A fluent plugin to add script-run result to existing json data 0.1.0
6188 out_hosted_graphite inokappa fluentd output plugin for post to Hosted Graphite 0.0.2
6179 windows-exporter Fujimoto Seiji, Fukuda Daijiro Fluentd plugin to collect Windows metrics (memory, cpu, network, etc.) 1.0.0
6163 in-kinesis yusuke yamatani To count records with string fields by regexps (To count records with numbers, use numeric-counter) 0.0.2
6163 sentry-http IKUTA Masahito Fluentd input plugin that receive exceptions from the Sentry clients(Raven). 0.1.1
6158 redis-store-liu moaikids, HANAI Tohru aka pokehanai Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.1.3
6152 exec_placeholder toyama0919 execute external command with placeholder plugin for fluentd 0.0.2
6110 dockerid2name Woorank Output the name of the image for a given docker container_id 0.0.2
6065 rds-pgsql-slow-query-log hSATAC fluentd plugin for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL log input with slow query support 0.1.2
6064 timestamper Masaki Matsushita Fluentd output plugin which adds timestamp field to record in various formats. 0.0.1
6056 kuromoji Hiroshi Toyama Output kuromoji analysis Plugin for fluentd 0.0.2
6011 elasticsearch2 diogo, pitr %Elasticsearch output plugin for Fluent event collector 3.5.7
5988 slackrtm Arata Tanaka Slack Real Time Messagina input plugin for Fluentd 0.2.4
5979 yo Uchio KONDO A fluentd plugin to send Yo 0.0.1
5905 redis-pub John-Lin Redis output publish plugin for Fluent 0.1.2
5883 redshift-anton Anton Kuchinsky Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd with custom Redshift COPY timeformat 1.0.2
5873 decode_location L. Srednicki Fluentd plugin to decode location 0.0.3
5866 raven-decoder Genki Sugawara Fluentd plugin to decode Raven data. 0.1.1
5845 clickhouse-output Alex Malyi Fluentd output inserted into ClickHouse as fast column-oriented OLAP DBMS. 0.0.5
5836 diskusage Jason Westbrook Disk Usage plugin for FluentD 0.0.2
5835 ping_port Hiroshi Toyama health check with port plugin for fluentd. 0.0.2
5833 watch-objectspace Kentaro Hayashi Watch fluentd's resource (memory and object) via ObjectSpace to detect memory leaks 0.2.2
5817 cloudfront-log-optimized kubihee, lenfree, kjwierenga AWS CloudFront log input plugin for fluentd. Upstream appears to be unmaintained. 0.2.0
5817 telemetry-iosxe Tetsuhiro Sato Fluentd input plugin to collect IOS-XE telemetry. 0.0.3
5816 kafka-custom-ruby-version Hidemasa Togashi, Masahiro Nakagawa Fluentd plugin for Apache Kafka > 0.8
5807 ncmb suzuki.yuta, goya.tomohiro fluentd plugin for NIFTY Cloud mobile backend 0.1.1
5806 aliyun-oss Jinhu Wu Aliyun OSS plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.0.1
5791 haproxy_stats Yohei Kawahara Fluentd plugin fo HAProxy info and stats 0.1.1
5695 currency Aleksey Pavlov fluent-plugin-currency 0.1.2
5689 archagent apoorv Fluent plugin for archagent 0.1.2
5687 cloud-pubsub Keiji Yoshida Fluentd plugin for sending data to Cloud Pub/Sub 0.0.2
5674 in_elb_healthcheck aihara fluentd plug-in for ELB Health Check 0.0.3
5673 bcdb Modex Team Fluent output plugin to Modex Blockchain Database 0.2.1
5670 simple-to-hash Augusto Nishi fluentd input plugin for converting simple variable to hash 0.0.2
5667 in-websocket Sebastian Szewczyk Fluent plugin that uses em-websocket as input. Don't have tests yet, but it works for me. For more info visit homepage 0.1.2
5621 google-chat Lionel Gabaude fluent Google Chat plugin 0.0.3
5553 redis-store-seldon Clive Cox Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.1.1
5542 logtail Streams Fluentd logs to the logging service. 0.2.0
5436 wire-protocol-compat Tomás Rojas Adds in_forward wire protocol support to in_udp and in_tcp 0.2.0
5395 tagfile taka84u9 Fluent output plugin to handle output directory by source host using events tag. 0.0.1
5328 logio Black Roland output plugin for Fluentd 1.1.0
5302 newrelic-summary Hiroaki Sano Fluent input plugin to get NewRelic application summary. 0.0.2
5220 node-exporter-metrics Kentaro Hayashi node exporter metrics input plugin implements 11 node exporter collectors 0.2.2
5209 detect-exceptions-xiniaoyun Stackdriver Agents Fluentd output plugin which detects exception stack traces in a stream of JSON log messages and combines all single-line messages that belong to the same stack trace into one multi-line message. This is an official Google Ruby gem. 0.0.11
5209 http_forward Jonathan Serafini A buffered HTTP batching output for Fluentd 0.1.0
5186 sekoia-io Pivotal FluentD output plugin to send messages via Syslog rfc5424 for sekoia. 0.0.3
5180 wodby Robert Wunderer Tranlates Wodbys instance UUIDs into instance names 0.4.0
5175 http-cwm Azeem Sajid fluentd HTTP Input Plugin for CloudWebManage Logging Component with Log Metrics Support 0.3.0
5174 mongo-typed MORIYA Taro Typed mongo output plugin 0.1.0
5073 remote_syslog_ms Richard Lee, Torben Carstens Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog 1.2.2
5041 glusterfs Keisuke Takahashi Fluentd plugin for GlusterFS 1.0.0
4978 google-sheets Fumiaki MATSUSHIMA Fluentd output plugin to store data on Google Sheets. 0.2.0
4969 arango tamtam180 ArangoDB plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.1
4962 input-jsonstream Daniel Malon A streaming JSON input plugin for fluentd 0.1.1
4940 solr Nobutaka Nakazawa Solr output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.1.1
4931 reckoner-cdp katsuhito123 reckoner-cdp output plugin for Fluentd 0.1.3
4929 cratedb buom Fluent Output Plugin for CrateDB ( 0.2.0
4902 datahub Aliyun Aliyun Datahub output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.0.2
4896 https-client Arash Vatanpoor A generic Fluentd output plugin to send records to HTTP / HTTPS endpoint, with SSL, Proxy, and Header implementation 0.0.2
4851 gstore Tatsuo Ikeda Google Cloud Storage output plugin for the Fluent. 0.3.2
4796 stackdriver-v1-metrics Alex Yamauchi A Fluentd buffered output plugin to send metrics to StackDriver using the V1 (pre-Google) API. 0.5.0
4769 delayed Shuhei Tanuma Delayed output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.1
4742 redislist Ken Santo Redis list type output plugin for Fluent 0.0.1
4736 proc_count toyama0919 process count check plugin for fluentd. 0.0.2
4725 sadf yuuzi41 fluentd plugin for collecting sysstat using sadf 0.0.2
4710 monitor-agent-modified Modified version of default in_monitor_agent in fluentd. It can monitor number of emitted records during emit_interval when tag is configured. 0.1.1
4679 redis-url-tracker Yuki Nishijima, Kamil Pluta Redis output plugin for Fluent 0.2.1
4669 sumologic-caugustus memorycraft fluent plugin for sumologic 0.0.3
4656 dogstatsd-mediba Hiroki Yoshida Fluent plugin for Dogstatsd, that is statsd server for Datadog. 0.0.9
4640 s3in Takeshi Shiihara Write a longer description or delete this line.
4619 sqlquery-ssh Niall Brown Fluentd Input plugin to execute mysql query and fetch rows. It is useful for stationary interval metrics measurement. 0.1.11
4610 imkayac FUJIWARA Shunichiro fluentd plugin output to 0.0.1
4587 mssql2 u89012 A no frills fluentd buffered plugin to write to microsoft sql server 0.0.8
4580 lossycount moaikids Lossy count output plugin for Fluentd... 0.0.1
4564 pg_stat Yusuke Hagihara PostgreSQL stat input plugin for Fleuentd 0.1.1
4562 query-fingerprint Genta Kamitani Fluentd plugin to normalize SQL queries 0.0.2
4560 weather Takatoshi Matsumoto Weather output plugin for Fluent 0.0.1
4552 condition-checker wally Set a condition and renew tags. We can set original condition. 2.0.0
4542 redis-store-gabfl moaikids, HANAI Tohru aka pokehanai, Gabriel Bordeaux Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.1.3
4541 axlsx MATSUMOTO Katsuyoshi fluentd output plugin for excel 0.0.1
4536 opentsdb Emmet Murphy Fluentd plugin to graph fluent-plugin-numeric-monitor values in OpenTSDB 0.1.1
4535 tcp_mc David Pippenger Purpose built plugin for fluentd to send json over tcp. 0.2.0
4509 heroku-http Platform Delivery fluent plugin to drain heroku http 0.0.2
4498 nginx-status Robert Pitt Nginx status page monitor for FleuntD 1.0.0
4497 fnordmetric Eduardo Aceituno fnordmetric plugin for fluent, an event collector 0.0.1
4487 leftronic toyama0919 Leftronic output plugin for Fluentd. 0.0.4
4465 detect-memb-exceptions Naomi stern Fluentd output plugin which detects ft membership specific exception stack traces in a stream of JSON log messages and combines all single-line messages that belong to the same stack trace into one multi-line message. This is an adaption of an official Google Ruby gem. 0.0.2
4453 vertica Erik Selin Fluentd output plugin for Vertica. 0.0.2
4452 hato Kentaro Kuribayashi A fluent plugin to send messages to Hato 0.0.1
4444 storage-leveldb Hiroshi Hatake Fluentd storage plugin for LevelDB. 0.0.2
4439 grpc Myungjae Won Fluentd plugins for gRPC 0.0.2
4422 aws_waf_ip_sets Hiroshi Toyama AWS waf ip_sets automation plugin for fluentd 0.0.2
4404 mysql-select-insert abicky You can select records using events data and join multiple tables. 0.1.1
4403 tcp-socket Fabricio Archanjo Fonseca This plugin use a tcp socket to send events in another socket server 0.1.1
4389 http-list Paul McCann fluent plugin to accept multiple events in one HTTP request 0.1.0
4365 redis-pubsub Freddie Fujiwara redis-pubsub plugin for Fluentd 0.0.1
4360 sqs-jamesjj-fork Yuri Odagiri, JamesJJ Forked from (hopefully temporarily) 3.1.1
4358 groonga-log Yasuhiro Horimoto You can detect Groonga error in real time by using this plugin. 0.1.1
4350 jopentsdb Dmytro Vedetskyi Fluentd plugin to save json metrics in OpenTSDB 0.0.2
4334 syslog-tls-long-timeout thomas morgan, lukasz stanik Syslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd 2.0.0
4326 in_http_healthcheck Zaki_XL fluentd plug-in for HTTP Health Check 0.0.1
4321 stathat f440 StatHat output plugin for Fluentd. 0.0.1
4315 juniper-telemetry_tech-mocha Tech Mocha Input plugin for Fluentd for Juniper devices telemetry data streaming : Jvision / analyticsd etc .. 0.4.2
4310 onlineuser Yuyang Lan Fluentd plugin to count online users. It's based on Redis and the sorted set data type. 0.0.1
4308 tagdata Fukui Masayuki Fluentd plugin to put the tag records in the data. 0.0.1
4301 sort Project Hatohol Fluentd doesn't guarantee message order but you may keep message order. 1.0.0
4293 sidekiq_metric joker1007 sidekiq metric collector plugin for fluentd. 0.1.2
4276 redis-store-dtdream dtdream Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 1.1
4266 azure-storage-append-blob-lts-azurestack Jiaxun Song Fluentd plugin to upload logs to Azure Storage append blobs. Fork of 0.6.3
4249 zoomdata Jun Ohtani Fluentd output plugin to post json to zoomdata 0.0.1
4248 fedmsg Anton Sherkhonov FedMsg subscriber plugin for fluentd 0.0.2
4241 tcp-output Jonathan Glanz Output plugin to TCP Socket 1.0.1
4240 ftp Kazuki Ohta FTP input / output plugin for Fluentd data collector 0.0.1
4224 dashing bash0C7 Fluentd output plugin to post data to dashing 0.0.0
4211 sumologic-carsonoid memorycraft, carsonoid fluent plugin for sumologic 0.0.3
4175 tag-ignore Shota Fukumori (sora_h) Plugin for fluentd, this allows you to specify ignore patterns for match. 0.0.1
4173 tailer saber_chica Extend tail plugin to insert into head internal IP address or hostname 0.0.1
4147 tcp-client Bryan Richardson Fluentd output plugin for persistent TCP connections 0.1.0
4134 redoop Aaron Lunsford Redoop plugin for Fluentd. Publishes data to redis and redis pubsub 0.0.2
4125 elasticsearch-cluster HeartSaVioR ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector, based on fluent-plugin-elasticsearch, with support cluster 0.1.0
4120 rss harukasan Fluent input plugin to fetch RSS feed items. 0.0.1
4117 data-rejecter Hirotaka Tajiri Fluent plugin Output filer to reject key pair 1.0.0
4077 incremental toyama0919 numeric incremental output plugin for Fluentd. 0.0.1
4075 remote_syslog_tls Michelia Feng, Richard Lee Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog 1.0.2
4073 clickhouse Hiroki KUMAZAKI Fluentd output inserted into ClickHouse as fast column-oriented OLAP DBMS. 0.0.1
4058 arduino futoase Arduino connect plugin. 0.0.1
4057 rtf-dash Aiming Inc. This rubygem does not have a description or summary. 0.0.1
4039 yammer Shinohara Teruki Fluentd Output plugin to process yammer messages with Yammer API. 0.0.1
4036 inline-classifier Yoshihisa Tanaka Fluentd plugin to classify each message and inject the result into it 0.1.0
4020 clouderametrics Wesley Yao, Zach Miller Input plugin for cloudera manager. 1.0.1
4010 ruby_one_liner bash0C7 Fluentd plugin to run ruby one line of script 0.0.2
4007 config_reloader bash0C7 Fluentd plugin to reload child plugin's config 0.0.1
3972 mecab MATSUMOTO Katsuyoshi fluentd plugin for MeCab 0.0.1
3965 imagefile bash0C7 Output plugin to save image file from massages attribute value 0.0.1
3965 tumblr bash0C7 Fluentd output plugin to post entry to your tumblr 0.0.2
3960 scenario-manager shintaro nagama we can write conditional branching config by if-then rule 0.1.1
3945 multiline-greenplum-log Violet Cheng This plugin can automatically parse your greenplum and HAWQ logs with fluentd tail input plugin 0.1.2
3932 sstp bash0C7 Fluentd output plugin to send server using Sakura Script Transfer Protocol(SSTP) 0.0.0
3924 raygun Taylor Lodge Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Raygun. Raygun is a error logging and aggregation platform. 0.0.2
3902 unwind Sho SAWADA fluentd plugin: unwind array to multiple items 0.0.1
3899 openldap-monitor Satoshi SUZUKI fluentd input plugin to get openldap monitor 0.0.1
3891 rethink Vinh Nguyen RethinkDB plugin for Fluentd 0.1.0
3889 scalyr-threaded Imron Alston Sends log data collected by fluentd to Scalyr (
3872 dag iij Dag output plugin for Fluentd event collector 1.0.2
3871 free TATEZONO Masaki Input plugin for fluentd to collect memory usage from free command. 0.0.1
3864 azure-table Vikram Fluentd plugin to add event record into Azure Tables Storage 0.0.2
3858 openshift_metadata_input Anton Sherkhonov Input plugin to collect Openshift metadata 0.1.1
3854 mssql22 zle0 fluent plugin to write to Microsoft SQL Server 0.1.2
3849 chriak2 Kota UENISHI, Matt Nunogawa Riak 2 plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.7
3848 warp10 Aurelien Hebert fluent plugin to send metrics to Warp10 0.0.1
3827 resque-ex Yuichi Tateno Resque-ex enqueue plugin 0.1.0
3818 docker-metrics-v2 orr Fluentd plugin to collect Docker container metrics 0.0.1
3805 event-sniffer OKUNO Akihiro Fluentd plugin which serves web application sniffing streaming events 0.0.1
3793 mailrelay Yudai Kato trace mail relayed in intra network. 0.0.0
3767 aerospike Hatayama Hideharu Fluent BufferedOutput plugin for Aerospike 0.0.0
3763 buffered-resque Hsiu-Fan Wang, Yuichi Tateno Resque output plugin for fluent event collector. Has extra features like buffering and setting a worker class in the config. 1.0.0
3762 gimbal-out-http Marica Odagaki A generic Fluentd output plugin to send logs to an HTTP endpoint forked from fluent-plugin-out-http 1.1.5
3759 random Neozaru Fluentd custom plugin to generate random values 0.0.1
3758 ohai Florian Rosenberg The plugin reads ohai data from the system and emits it to fluentd. It can be configured to re-run at a certain interval. 0.0.1
3754 factor Yuki Kuwabara input plugin for gathering factor 1.0.0
3754 vertica-query John Dodson Fluentd Input plugin to execute Vertica query and fetch rows. It is useful for stationary interval metrics measurement. Forked from Kentaro Yoshida's fluent-plugin-mysql-query gem. 0.0.7
3747 s3-arrow kanga333 Extends the fluent-plugin-s3 compression algorithm to enable red-arrow compression. 0.2.0
3680 filecounts Zsolt Fekete Fluentd input plugin to recursively count files in directories 0.1.1
3669 docker_image_name Woorank Output the name of the image for a given docker container_id 0.0.3
3665 5rocks hokuts Fluentd plugin to store data into 5Rocks 0.0.1
3637 array-splitter pcoffmanjr This Fluentd plugin takes array values from a specified field and creates separate records for each array element. 0.1.5
3619 secure-tcp Bohumil Cervenka Secure tcp input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.1.1
3574 oomkiller Megumi Nakamura Fluentd plugin to get oom killer log from system message. 0.0.1
3574 remove-empty Chadin Anuwattanaporn Fluentd plugin to remove empty fields of a event record 0.0.1
3566 zookeeper-mntr Alex Scarborough Reports output of mntr zookeeper command 0.0.4
3561 rds-error-log Jen LaGrutta fluentd plugin for Amazon RDS for Error/Audit log input 0.2.2
3549 randomtag Neozaru, davidwin93 Fluentd custom plugin to generate random values in tag 0.0.2
3527 prometheus-test Masahiro Sano A fluent plugin that collects metrics and exposes for Prometheus. 1.7.1
3524 magesh magesh rajan Write a longer description or delete this line. 0.1.1
3524 redis-store-hao moaikids, HANAI Tohru aka pokehanai Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.1.1
3510 kafkaclient Kazuki Minamiya Kafka client Plugin which supports version 0.9 of kafka. 0.0.1
3475 json_serializer Zaki_XL fluent plugin for Json serialize 0.0.4
3468 shodan srilumpa Fluentd plugin to extract data from Shodan 0.0.3
3428 azuretables Anh Phong Fluent plugin to add event record into Azure Tables Storage. 0.0.1
3428 elasticsearch-sm diogo, pitr, static-max ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector 1.4.1
3426 webhook-mackerel mackerelio fluentd input plugin for receiving Mackerel webhook 0.1.0
3424 elasticsearch-check-size Nao Akechi ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.1.0
3390 gcloud-pubsub-custom-compress-batches Calvin Aditya Google Cloud Pub/Sub input/output plugin for Fluentd event collector - with payload compression. Forked from 1.3.4
3381 sqlinput-statefileins3 Alif Ruliarso Fluentd SQL input plugin with state file in s3 0.1.0
3381 sqs-check-size Nao Akechi Amazon SQS input/output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.1.0
3351 sqs-tarjei Yuri Odagiri Amazon SQS input/output plugin for Fluent event collector 3.0.1
3349 loadaverage mogulla3 Fluent input plugin to collect load average via uptime command. 0.0.1
3324 input-static-file Thomas Tych Plugin to manage file as a global block in opposition to a line or multiline block as with in_tail. 0.2.1
3315 elastic-log Thomas Tych fluentd plugins to process elastic logs.' 0.5.3
3309 riemann-tulos Will Farrell Riemann output plugin for Fluent 0.0.4
3276 websocket-ruby-1.9 IZAWA Tetsu (@moccos) Fluentd websocket output plugin which can output JSON string or MessagePack binary to the clients. 0.1.8
3245 bigobject_avro Andrea Sung Fluentd output plugin to insert BIGOBJECT 0.0.1
3235 clickhouse-compatible-with-monitor langxing Fluentd output inserted into ClickHouse as fast column-oriented OLAP DBMS. 1.0.3
3200 multi-condition-selector wally select some conditions 0.2.0
3195 mysqlrecord polidog test 0.0.1
3172 redis-list Pavel Sutyrin Redis output plugin for Fluent (push to list) 0.0.1
3149 azureeventhubs_splunk James Peet Forwards Fluentd output to Azure EventHubs in Splunk format. Forked from 0.0.1
3144 downcase-keys Matt Land Fluentd output plugin. Downcases all keys and re-emit the records. 0.1
3129 moogaiops stephen Matcher (Output plugin) to send Fluentd events to the Moog AIOps REST LAM 0.1.0
3113 ssl-check Thomas Tych fluentd plugin to check ssl endpoint 2.3.0
3102 zebrium_output Zebrium, Inc Output plugin to Zebrium HTTP LOG COLLECTOR SERVER 1.60.1
3075 unix-client daipom Fluentd Input plugin to receive data from UNIX domain socket. This is a client version of the default `unix` input plugin. 1.0.0
3070 fetchpodname li.baosheng fetchpodname 0.1.0
3016 ruby-kafka Yoshimitsu Kokubo Kafka's produce fluentd plugin by ruby-kafka 0.1.0
3014 statsd_event Atlassian fluentd plugin for statsd event 0.1.0
2994 azure-storage-table Donny Xia Fluentd plugin to add event record into Azure Tables Storage. This plugin is only for internal purpose and isn't for general usage 0.0.5
2994 kafka-zendesk Hidemasa Togashi Fluentd plugin for Apache Kafka > 0.8 0.1.4
2987 http-healthcheck-do f8 fluentd plug-in for HTTP Health Check 0.1.0
2965 field-flatten-json Manoj Sharma Fluent output plugin for flattening a json field 0.1.1
2965 rtail Genki Sugawara Fluentd output plugin for rtail. 0.1.0
2961 cloudwatch-logs-yajl Todd Scott CloudWatch Logs Plugin for Fluentd 0.4.5
2960 syslog-tls-with-backoff-test thomas morgan, muhammad adil ghaffar Syslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd. This is cutom version backoff. 2.1.11
2933 out-kaboom Nick Sabol Use this Fluentd output plugin if you are processing JSON messages containing arrays of values or objects and need those elements exploded such that there is one new message emitted per array element. 0.1.1
2915 gsvsoc_pubsub pivelpin A plugin for the Fluentd event collection agent that provides a coupling between a GuardSight SPOP and Google Cloud Pub/Sub 0.1.0
2906 line-notify Atsushi Takayama fluent-plugin-line-notify is a fluentd plugin to call LINE Notify API. 0.1.0
2904 prometheus-thread Masahiro Sano, James Harlow A td-agent plugin that collects metrics and exposes for Prometheus. 0.1.3
2903 ceph Avinash Jha Ceph Input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.1.0
2890 journal dengbo fluent plugin for collect journal logs by open journal files. 1.0.0
2889 rds-slowlog-patched-encoding kenjiskywalker, winebarrel Amazon RDS slow_log input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.8
2878 remote_syslog_criteo Richard Lee Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog 1.0.0
2855 mongostat Kouta Asai fluentd input plugin for mongostat. 0.0.2
2832 k8s-metrics Splunk Inc. A fluentd input plugin that collects node and container metrics from a kubernetes cluster. 1.1.1
2796 mysql-2 TAGOMORI Satoshi, Toyama Hiroshi, Alex Scarborough fluent plugin to insert mysql as json(single column) or insert statement 0.3.8
2795 out-http-ext-ignore-ssl-errors Joyce Chan A generic Fluentd output plugin to send logs to an HTTP endpoint with SSL and Header option, extended from [email protected]'s similarily named gem' 0.0.1
2785 obsolete-plugins okkez Report obsolete plugins on boot 0.1.0
2773 websphere-iib superguillen Input plugin for websphere Integration Bus syslog 1.0
2765 gelf-better Alex Yamauchi, Eric Searcy Buffered fluentd output plugin to GELF (Graylog2). 1.0.3
2750 rds-genlog lagrutta, jen Amazon RDS gen_log input plugin for Fluent event collector 0.0.9
2741 aliyun-sls Arvin Aliyun SLS output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.1.0
2723 logentries-stridespark StrideSpark Logentries output plugin for Fluent event collector 0.2.11
2706 simplefile Alexey Panaetov This rubygem does not have a description or summary. 0.0.7
2693 redis-enrichment Thomas Tych fluentd plugin to do data enrichment with redis. 1.0.2
2677 out-upsolver Shani Elharrar Fluentd out plugin to upsolver 0.0.1
2677 uniform kaija exclude unused field and provide uniform field format 0.1.0
2671 mysql-fetch-and-emit joker1007 Fluentd plugin to fetch record by input data, and to emit the record data. 0.1.0
2666 bigquery-storage-write gumigumi4f Fluentd plugin to insert data into BigQuery 0.2.3
2664 claymore Timothy Stott Extract time series metrics from Claymore Dual Miner logs 1.0.0
2661 telemetry-iosxr Tetsuhiro Sato Fluentd input plugin to collect IOS-XR telemetry. 0.0.1
2649 swift-sweep Deepak Arumugham Fluentd plugin to move files to swift container 0.0.1
2637 match_counter Joshua Mervine FluentD Plugin for counting matched events via a pattern 0.0.2
2620 nginx-nap-decode Kostas Skenderidis Decode the base64 values that are included on the NAP logs 1.0.2
2620 twitter-enchanced Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Input/Output plugin to collect/process tweets with Twitter Streaming API. 0.6.1
2614 ilm_text_to_json minwoo lee "this is just our exclusive plugin for the special purpose" 0.0.1
2606 bind Thomas Tych fluentd plugin for bind log format. 0.1.0
2597 amqp-sboagibm Hiromi Ishii, Team Giraffi, HiganWorks LLC, Toby Jackson AMQP input/output plugin for fluentd 0.21.0
2597 azure-storage-tables Donny Xia Fluent plugin to add event record into Azure Tables Storage. 0.0.1
2578 detect-ft-memb-exceptions Naomi stern Fluentd output plugin which detects ft membership specific exception stack traces in a stream of JSON log messages and combines all single-line messages that belong to the same stack trace into one multi-line message. This is an adaption of an official Google Ruby gem. 0.0.3
2525 splunk-http-eventcollector-memb Naomi Stern Splunk output plugin (HTTP Event Collector) for Fluentd event collector 0.0.1
2501 coralogix_logger Amnon Shahar Coralogix Fluentd plugin to send logs to Coralogix server. 1.1.1
2496 myscrub dengbo fluent plugin for drop invalid event. 0.0.1
2493 monitor-agent-detail Kimura, Sotaro outputs detail monitor informations for fluentd 0.1.0
2478 elasticsearch-dext diogo, pitr, Hiroshi Hatake, mihailgmihaylov Elasticsearch output plugin for Fluent event collector with small modification from Dext 5.0.2
2471 redfish-alerts Giovanni Zinzi I hope it works 0.1.0
2463 formatreport Giovanni Zinzi Should work but we will see 0.1.0
2462 application-insights-freiheit Fluentd output plugin for Azure Application Insights. 0.2.5
2447 flatten-types Muhammad junaid types separated type _n 0.1.6
2446 traildb Ryosuke IWANAGA Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one. 0.1.0
2429 pg-logical Masahiko Sawada Fluentd input plugin to track of changes on PostgreSQL server using logical decoding 0.0.1
2419 splunk-http-eventcollector-test Bryce Chidester Splunk output plugin (HTTP Event Collector) for Fluentd event collector
2416 cloudwatch-put-timestamp Cloudwatch put metric plugin for fluentd. 0.1.1
2416 slack-stakater Keisuke SOGAWA, Naotoshi Seo, stakater fluent Slack plugin 0.6.8
2408 tcp_output Jonathan Glanz Output plugin to TCP Socket 1.0.0
2391 synerex Nobuo Kawaguchi Synerex output plugin for fluentd 0.1.0
2376 onekeyparse tanan Fluentd plugin to parse parse values of your selected key. 0.1.0
2367 bos zhangpeng fluentd plugin for bos 0.2.0
2337 k8s dengbo fluent plugin for get k8s simple metadata. 0.0.1
2334 machinist Naoya Kaneko Fluent output plubin for IIJ Machinist 0.1.0
2333 pearson-aws-elasticsearch-service gamunu this is a Output plugin. Post to "Amazon Elasticsearch Service". 1.2.2
2332 remote-syslog-cg CompareGroup Output plugin for streaming logs out to a remote syslog 1.0.0
2311 d Juan Manuel Cristóbal Syslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd 0.0.1
2302 vault-storage yuuzi41 OpenStack Storage Service (Swift) output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.1.0
2292 cwm-http Azeem Sajid fluentd HTTP Input Plugin for CloudWebManage Logging Component with Log Metrics Support 0.3.2
2289 chouse Alex Malyi Fluentd output inserted into ClickHouse as fast column-oriented OLAP DBMS. 0.0.3
2288 event-collector Adam Hart A Fluentd plugin to aggregate events based on a common field key 0.1.0
2287 http-include-time-key k63207 override the standard in_http plugin. 0.1.0
2285 dynamo Takashi Matsuno Amazon DynamoDB output plugin for Fluent event collector 1.0.0
2267 lambda-ext Genki Sugawara Output plugin for AWS Lambda. Fork of 0.3.0
2261 syslog-p thomas morgan Syslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd 1.0.0
2260 encrypt-1.0 TAGOMORI Satoshi This plugin converts data of specified fields, by encrypting using AES and base64 encoding for encrypted values 0.1.8
2223 cmdaa-stat Mark Pohl CMDA plugin to process logdata and save stats to a database 0.1.14
2210 dogstatsd-soluto Shai Katz Fluent plugin for Dogstatsd, that is statsd server for Datadog. 0.0.1
2192 s3-file-inclusion Sadayuki Furuhashi, Masahiro Nakagawa Amazon S3 output plugin for Fluentd event collector 1.4.1
2177 flatten-hash2 Masahiro Sano A fluentd plugin to flatten nested hash structure as a flat record 0.4.2
2171 avro_deluxe Robert Labrie Fluentd avro formnatter - Do not use this unsupported module 0.0.1
2143 uuid2podname geovisor a fluent plugin by geovisor 0.0.1
2141 remote_syslog_barthv Richard Lee Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog 1.0.0
2133 iis Ian Talrico fluentd input plugin for W3C IIS Log Files 1.0.0
2114 tagged_udpa xiaof fluentd input/output plugin for tagged UDP message 0.0.7
2024 tcp_socket_client superguillen Input plugin for Fluent, reads from TCP socket 0.0.1
1969 file-with-header pomcho555 Output file with header. 0.1.0
1942 sentry-ex Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry. Sentry is a event logging and aggregation platform. 0.0.5
1933 gelf-best Alex Yamauchi, Eric Searcy, Bartosz Michaliewicz Sends Fluentd events Graylog2 by GELF 1.3.4
1915 force-encoding okkez Force encoding speficic fields 0.1.0
1879 redshift-out2 Ertugrul Yilmaz Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd 0.4.1
1862 conditional-tag-rewrite Christian Schulz Conditional Tag Rewrite is designed to re-emit records with a different tag. Multiple AND-conditions can be defined; if a set of AND-conditions match, the records will be re-emitted with the specified tag. 0.1.0
1859 sigdump Fukuda Daijiro, Fujimoto Seiji Fluentd plugin to collect debug information 1.0.1
1776 bigquery-test dhayakawa Fluentd plugin to store data on Google BigQuery, by load, or by stream inserts 2.2.0
1760 perf-tools Thomas Tych plugin to run and stream output of perf-tools output 0.2.0
1758 griddb TOSHIBA Digital Solutions Corporation Put data to GridDB server via Put row API 1.0.1
1639 num-comparison homirun This plugin that compares thresholds and extracts only the larger or smaller ones. 0.1.0
1575 eventbridge kaija Fluentd output plugin for AWS EventBridge 0.1.3
1487 papertrail-urlbox Jonathan Lozinski, Alex Ouzounis, Chris Rust, Chris Erway, Chris Roebuck Remote Syslog Output Fluentd plugin for papertrail 0.2.10
1446 http-client Thomas Tych http client for fluentd, based on faraday 2 0.2.1
1226 clickhouse-json-format-output wangchao Fluentd output inserted into ClickHouse with json format as fast column-oriented OLAP DBMS. 0.0.2
1196 redis-sentinel A360 Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.2.2
1110 redisstore-data moaikids Redis(zset/set/list/string) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.0.4
1032 syslog-tls-with-backoff thomas morgan, muhammad adil ghaffar Syslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd. This is cutom version backoff. 2.1.3
1001 gelf-out.fitterpen Alex Yamauchi, Eric Searcy Buffered fluentd output plugin to GELF (Graylog2). 1.0.4
999 gelf-in.fitterpen Daniel Malon A GELF input plugin for fluentd 0.3.3
990 detect-exceptions-with-webflux-support Stackdriver Agents Fluentd output plugin which detects exception stack traces in a stream of JSON log messages and combines all single-line messages that belong to the same stack trace into one multi-line message. This is an official Google Ruby gem. NOTE: This is a fork that tries to support spring webflux stack 0.0.13
957 elasticsearch-stats Thomas Tych fluentd plugin to generate elasticsearch cluster stats events. 0.6.0
946 unwinddata Ganesh Pai Write a longer description or delete this line. 0.1.0
939 google-cloud-logging-on-prem Pedro Padron Fluentd plugins for the Google Cloud Logging API, which will make logs viewable in the Logs Explorer. 0.1.2
938 unwindjsonarray Ganesh Pai Break the array into multiple events 0.1.0
810 sdns-api yinqiwei Input Plugin for Fluentd. 0.1.2
787 dynatrace-yajl-mfp Dynatrace Open Source Engineering A fluentd output plugin for sending logs to the Dynatrace Generic log ingest API v2 0.2.45
699 json-size-limit Mykola Panin This plugin reduces the size of JSON records if they exceed a specified limit. 0.1.1
692 oci-logging-fluentd-v1.15 OCI Observability Team Oracle Observability FluentD Plugins : Logging output plugin for OCI logging 1.0.3
689 proc-info Thomas Tych fluentd plugin to access proc info for a given process. 0.1.2
676 docker-stats James Ma Fluentd plugin to collect Docker container stats 1.0.1
673 kafka-xst Hidemasa Togashi, Masahiro Nakagawa Fluentd plugin for Apache Kafka > 0.8 0.19.1
639 gelf-best-test Alex Yamauchi, Eric Searcy, Bartosz Michaliewicz Sends Fluentd events Graylog2 by GELF 1.3.8
595 kafka-status Thomas Tych fluentd plugin to extract status from kafka cluster 0.2.1
566 vadimberezniker-gcp Vadim Berezniker Fluentd plugins for Google Cloud Logging. An unaffiliated fork of the official library. 0.1.2
541 natsslv Eduardo Aceituno nats plugin for fluentd, an event collector 1.1.0
539 rabbitmq-sklenar NTT Communications, Pavel Sklenar fluent plugin for rabbitmq (AMQP) 0.1.3
534 vmware-aria-log-intelligence Alexander Blagoev, Chaur Wu Send Fluentd buffered logs to VMware Log Intelligence 2.0.7
519 diss-nats Eduardo Aceituno nats plugin for fluentd, an event collector 0.1.0
511 aliyun-sls_ruby3 langyong135 Aliyun SLS output plugin for Fluentd event collector 0.3.0
483 logfire Streams fluentd logs to the logging service. 0.1.0
417 nginx-nap-split Kostas Skenderidis Split the NAP log to mulitple logs and the violation json_log.violation is an array of multiple violations 0.1.0
386 jllog Furkan Kaya JL Logs 0.1.0
291 record-demux Thomas Tych fluentd plugin to demux record by keys. 0.1.0
248 rabbitmq-pbk NTT Communications, Pavel Sklenar fluent plugin for rabbitmq (AMQP) 0.1.3
92 ddl-redis-store moaikids, HANAI Tohru aka pokehanai Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd... 0.2.1

Filter plugins:

Mutating, filtering, calculating events. This list includes filter like output plugins.

Certified Download Name Author About Version
116921338 kubernetes_metadata_filter OpenShift Cluster Logging, Jimmi Dyson Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata 3.5.1
72418481 record-modifier Masahiro Nakagawa Filter plugin for modifying event record 2.2.0
61027518 rewrite-tag-filter Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Output filter plugin. It has designed to rewrite tag like mod_rewrite. Re-emmit a record with rewrited tag when a value matches/unmatches with the regular expression. Also you can change a tag from apache log by domain, status-code(ex. 500 error), user-agent, request-uri, regex-backreference and so on with regular expression. 2.4.0
40222445 ignore-filter Yuri Umezaki Fluentd filter plugin to ignore messages 2.0.0
12062906 concat Kenji Okimoto Fluentd Filter plugin to concat multiple event messages 2.5.0
11566671 geoip-filter Yuri Umezaki Fluentd filter plugin to add geoip 1.0.0
8175300 throttle François-Xavier Bourlet Fluentd filter for throttling logs based on a configurable key. 0.0.5
5280119 script SNakano Fluentd filter plugin to external ruby script 0.2.0
4702156 dedot_filter Tomoyuki Sugimura de-dot field name for elasticsearch 2.x 1.0.0
3222451 parser TAGOMORI Satoshi fluentd plugin to parse single field, or to combine log structure into single field 0.6.1
2748188 geoip Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Filter plugin to add information about geographical location of IP addresses with Maxmind GeoIP databases. 1.3.2
2389731 sampling-filter TAGOMORI Satoshi fluentd plugin to pickup sample data from matched massages 1.2.0
2108836 filter_typecast Naotoshi Seo A Fluentd filter plugin to cast record types 0.0.3
2006040 anonymizer Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd filter output plugin to anonymize records with HMAC of MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512 algorithms. This data masking plugin protects privacy data such as UserID, Email, Phone number, IPv4/IPv6 address and so on. 1.0.0
1457976 suppress FUJIWARA Shunichiro Fluentd filter plugin to suppress same messages 1.1.0
1335354 array-spin Tema Novikov Fluentd filter plugin to spin entry with an array field into multiple entries. 0.1.0
1154265 ua-parser Yuri Umezaki Fluentd filter plugin to parse user-agent 1.2.0
1150780 redaction Oliver Szabo Fluentd redaction filter plugin for anonymize specific strings in text data. 0.1.3
1108201 retag Masahiro Yamauchi Output filter plugin to retag 0.1.1
1038486 elasticsearch-timestamp-check Richard Li fluent filter plugin to ensure @timestamp is in proper format 0.3.1
854519 dict-map Masahiro Nakagawa Dictionary based map filter for Fluentd 0.1.1
764918 filter_keys Kohei Hasegawa Fluentd plugin to filter if a specific key is present or not in event logs. 1.0.0
472152 mutate_filter Jonathan Serafini A mutate filter for Fluent which functions like Logstash. 1.0.7
449939 fields-parser Tomas Pokorny Fluent output filter plugin for parsing key/value fields in records 0.1.2
400375 filter Muddy Dixon Simple output filter 0.1.0
367131 docker_metadata_filter Jimmi Dyson Filter plugin to add Docker metadata 0.1.3
310465 fields-autotype Manoj Sharma Fluent output filter plugin for parsing key/value fields in records. Automatically determines type of the value as integer, float or string 0.1.1
307110 filter_empty_keys Al-waleed Shihadeh A Fluentd filter plugin to filter empty keys 0.0.4
258198 kubernetes Jimmi Dyson Output filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata 0.3.1
258183 auto-typecast-filter Shotaro Chiba fluent-plugin-auto-typecast-filter 0.3.2
234525 split-array SNakano Fluentd filter plugin to split array 0.1.1
192685 flowcounter-simple Naotoshi Seo Simple Fluentd Plugin to count number of messages and outputs to log 0.1.0
191731 add yu yamada Output filter plugin to add messages 0.0.7
184266 statsd-output James Ward, Chris Song fluentd output filter plugin to send metrics to Esty StatsD 1.4.2
157245 viaq_data_model Rich Megginson Filter plugin to ensure data is in the ViaQ common data model 0.0.22
136967 filter-base64-decode Daniel Malon A filter plugin to decode base64 encoded fields 0.2.0
110675 grepcount-filter Shuichi Ohsawa Fluentd filter plugin to count matched messages and stream if exceed the threshold. 0.0.1
107155 filter-parse-audit-log winebarrel Fluentd Filter Plugin to parse linux's audit log. 0.1.2
105530 json-nest2flat Fukui ReTu Output filter plugin to convert to a flat structure the JSON that is nest 0.0.5
96102 filter-geoip Minoru Osuka Fluent filter plugin for adding GeoIP data to record. Supports the new Maxmind v2 database formats. 1.0.0
95341 json Azeem Sajid Fluentd JSON filter plugin with JSON Pointer Support (RFC-6901) to pinpoint elements. 0.2.0
72367 insert-id Kamome Shido fluentd filter plugin to insert unique id into the message 1.1.0
61951 has-keys Trickey Fluentd plugin to filter records without essential keys 0.0.1
61280 docker-format Alex Hornung fluentd output filter plugin to parse the docker config.json related to a container log file. 0.2.3
60637 json-schema-filter Anthony Johnson Fluentd Filter plugin to validate incoming records against a json schema. It is thought that this would be helpful for maintaing a consistent record database. 0.0.3
60621 filter_where Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to filter records with SQL-like WHERE statements 1.0.3
51097 sanitizer TK Kubota The fluent-plugin-sanitzer is Fluentd filter plugin to sanitize sensitive information with custom rules. The fluent-plugin-sanitzer provides not only options to sanitize values with custom regular expression and keywords but also build-in options which allows users to easily sanitize IP addresses and hostnames in complex messages. 0.1.3
47585 filter-list Shun Yanaura A fluentd output plugin to filter keywords from messages 0.7.5
44959 filter-record-map Genki Sugawara Filter Plugin to create a new record containing the values converted by Ruby script. 0.1.4
43245 ecs-metadata-filter Michael Gruber Filter plugin to add AWS ECS metadata to fluentd events 0.2.0
42289 amplifier-filter TAGOMORI Satoshi plugin to increase/decrease values by specified ratio (0-1 or 1-) 1.0.0
39504 mesosphere-filter Joseph Hughes Filter plugin to add Mesosphere metadata 0.2.0
38927 flatten Kentaro Kuribayashi Fluentd plugin to extract values for nested key paths and re-emit them as flat tag/record pairs. 0.1.1
38446 email-obfuscate JamesJJ Fluentd filter plugin to obfuscate email addresses 0.0.6
36918 filter-split Kentaro Hayashi It works as record splitter in filter stage. 0.1.0
35448 docker_metadata_elastic_filter Jimmi Dyson, Hiroshi Hatake, Zsolt Fekete Filter plugin to add Docker metadata for use with Elasticsearch 0.2.1
35325 xml-simple-filter Yaroslav Lukyanov Fluent filter for XML that just converts specified fields with XML to hashes 0.0.20
34558 filter-parse-postfix Genki Sugawara Filter Plugin to parse Postfix status line log. 0.2.7
34524 stats Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to calculate statistics such as sum, max, min, avg 0.4.0
32180 ecs-filter Joseph Hughes Filter plugin to add AWS ECS metadata 0.1.2
29093 kvp-filter Matt DeBoer Fluent filter plugin for parsing key/value fields in records 0.1.1
28164 datacalculator Muddy Dixon Output filter plugin to calculate messages that matches specified conditions 0.0.6
28008 masking Shai Moria, Niv Lipetz Fluentd filter plugin to mask sensitive or privacy records in event messages 1.3.1
27425 split_record Masahiro Sano, Michael Adams Fluentd filter plugin to split a record into multiple records with key/value pair. 0.12.1
26992 grassland Ripplation Inc. Output filter plugin for Grassland 0.2.1
26670 filter-kv-parser Al-waleed Shihadeh A Fluentd filter plugin to parse key value items 0.0.9
26467 eval-filter Yuzuki Masaru Fluentd Output eval filter plugin. 0.1.0
24630 aggregate superguillen Filter aggregtation plugin for Fluent 1.0.9
24191 docker-journald-concat Oleksandr Kushchenko Fluentd Filter plugin to concatenate partial log messages generated by Docker daemon with Journald logging driver 0.1.3
23803 exclude-filter yu yamada Output filter plugin to exclude records 0.0.1
21503 filter-urldecode Daniel Malon A filter plugin to decode percent encoded fields 0.1.0
19983 gcloud-metadata engerim gcloud metadata filter plugin for Fluent. The Plugin adds gcloud metadata to the record 1.0.1
19558 record-serializer IKUTA Masahito Fluentd output filter plugin for serialize record. 0.1.0
16613 unit-time-filter Genki Sugawara Plug-in to aggregate by unit time 0.1.4
15825 path2tag Shota Kuwahara Fluentd Output filter plugin. 1.0.4
15282 qqwry Chris Song Fluentd output filter plugin to add information about geographical location of IP addresses with QQWry databases. 0.1.0
13943 jsonl_array_splitter Oliver Szabo Fluentd filter plugin to split JSONL fomatted array text into multiple events 0.1.0
13789 jwt-filter Toyokazu Akiyama Fluent Filter plugin for encrypting and decrypting messages using JSON Web Token technology (JSON Web Encryption, JSON Web Signature and JSON Web Key) 0.1.0
13167 nested-hash-filter sugilog Fluent Plugin for converting nested hash into flatten key-value pair. 0.2.0
12796 select Kohei Tomita fluent-plugin-select is the non-buffered plugin that can be filtered by ruby script.
12766 filter-object-flatten Genki Sugawara Filter Plugin to convert the hash record to records of key-value pairs. 0.1.2
12695 mssql-lookup Alastair Hails FluentD filter plugin for resolving additional fields via a database lookup 0.2.0
11628 conditional_filter Kentaro Kuribayashi A fluent plugin that provides conditional filters 0.0.4
11552 sql_fingerprint Takahiro Kikumoto A Fluent filter plugin to convert sql to sql's fingerprint 0.1.0
11446 modsecurity kaija modsecurity filter plugin for Fluent detail log. more detail please see 0.1.6
11391 filter-docker_metadata Al-waleed Shihadeh Filter plugin to add Docker metadata 0.0.1
10918 better-timestamp Kenichi Otsuka Output filter plugin which put timestamp 0.1.0
10707 protocols-filter Tokyo Home SOC Converts the protocol name protocol number. 0.0.6
10593 cf_query_filter kazuki nozawa fluentd plugin to filter cs-uri-query from cloudfront log 0.1.3
10474 oui-filter Tokyo Home SOC Return vendor ID from MAC address. 0.0.6
10187 filter-wms-auth roma42427 fluent plugin to extract wms auth 1.0.5
10045 kube-events-timestamp Banzai Cloud fluent filter plugin to map multiple timestamps into an additional one 0.1.3
9943 lm-logs-gcp LogicMonitor This filter plugin filters fluentd records in gcp to the configured LogicMonitor account. 1.0.10
9787 validate-tag-filter adorechic This filter allows valid queue and drops invalids. 1.0.0
9585 explode_filter Jonathan Serafini A fluentd filter plugin that will split period separated fields to nested hashes. 0.2.0
9574 http-record-modifier Augusto Nishi fluentd filter plugin for modifing record based on a HTTP request 0.0.3
9316 key-picker Carlos Donderis Fluentd plugin for filtering / picking desired keys. 0.0.3
9170 collectd-nest Anton Sherkhonov Output filter plugin to rewrite Collectd JSON output to nested json 0.1.4
8560 buffered-filter Genki Sugawara Versatile filtering plugin 0.1.0
7928 container_logs_filter Mike Martinson Moves JSON nested under the log key to the top level 0.0.4
7678 postgresql_csv Oleg Gurov Fluentd filter plugin for PostgreSQL logs in CSV format 0.0.7
7569 annotation-filter Delivery Engineering Fluent plugin to filter based on Kubernetes annotations 1.0.6
7517 extract-json neguse Fluent::ExtractJsonFilter is a fluentd plugin extracts single JSON object from record. 0.1.1
7236 time-sampling Yuki Kuwabara Fluentd filter plugin to sampling from tag and keys at time interval 1.0.3
6965 rancher BinZhao Output filter plugin to add rancher metadata 0.1.0
6871 resolv-filter Tokyo Home SOC Converts the FQDN to the IP address. 0.0.3
6791 multi-type-parser msysh fluentd/td-agent filter plugin to parse multi format message. 0.0.2
6787 dio hikouki Output filter plugin of fluentd. Convert to timestamp from date string. 1.0.1
6718 netflow-multiplier Shintaro Kojima Fluentd filter plugin to multiply sampled netflow counters by sampling rate. It finds counters and sampling rate field in each netflow and calculate into other counter fields. 0.1.1
6660 collectd-unroll Manoj Sharma Output filter plugin to rewrite Collectd JSON output to flat json 0.1.1
6647 switch Arash Vatanpoor Fluentd filter plugin to categozie events, similar to switch statement in PLs 0.0.4
6346 firelens-tag-filter FUJIWARA Shunichiro Rewrite tags of messages sent by AWS firelens for easy handling. 0.2.0
6142 filter_codec Neozaru Fluentd custom plugin to encode/decode fields 0.0.2
6131 influxdb-deduplication Marc Adams Filter plugin for deduplicating records for influxdb 0.2.0
6055 better-timestamp-timekey Kenichi Otsuka Output filter plugin which put timestamp with configurable time_key 0.1.2
5992 filter_linefeeder Naotoshi Seo A Fluentd filter plugin to convert ' ' to " " (line feed) 0.0.2
5809 filter-kubernetes_typecast Lee Spottiswood A plugin to allow records to be typecasted based on kubernetes annotations 0.1.4
5425 twistlock-syslog nronix Filter plugin for Fluent to convert twistlock syslog message to hashmap for better SIEM data 1.0.2
5419 threshold moulin fluent-plugin-threshold filters input by a numeric threshold, and filtered record passes into output as it is. 0.2.0
5272 kubernetes_metadata_filter_v0.14 Jimmi Dyson Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata 0.24.1
4806 order Fukui ReTu Output filter plugin to rearrange the order of the elements 0.0.1
4760 json-lookup Micah Hausler Filter plugin for looking up a json object out of a record 0.1.0
4744 monolog-influxdb Giuseppe Iannello Output filter plugin to rewrite Monolog JSON output to be inserted into InfluxDB 0.1.0
4552 filter-logs Camille Meulien Parse mixed type of logs (JSON, Rails, fmtlogs, ...) 1.1.0
4427 tcl_kubernetes_metadata_filter Xiangqian Wang Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata 0.0.9
4362 collectd-influxdb Giuseppe Iannello Output filter plugin to rewrite Collectd JSON output to be inserted into InfluxDB 0.1.0
4326 assert Fukui ReTu Output Filter plugin to assertion 0.0.1
4297 set-timezone Anders Ingemann Fluentd filter plugin to shift the timezone of an event using the value of a field on that event. 0.0.2
4278 time-filter autopp Fluentd plugin to filter old records 0.1.0
4214 mysql_explain Takahiro Kikumoto A Fluent filter plugin to execute EXPLAIN in mysql for a sql specified by the key 0.0.1
4049 time-sliced-filter Genki Sugawara TimeSlicedOutput Plugin to aggregate by unit time 0.1.0
3951 rewriteimage bash0C7 Output filter plugin to rewrite messages from image path(or URL) string to image data. 0.0.1
3921 katsubushi FUJIWARA Shunichiro A fluentd filter plugin to inject id getting from katsubushi. 0.1.0
3914 nfct-parser Sorah Fukumori Fluentd parser plugin for libnetfilter_conntrack snprintf format 0.1.1
3702 swarm-metadata Michał Weinert Filter plugin that allows flutentd to use Docker Swarm metadata. 0.1.1
3408 filter-jq Genki Sugawara Filter Plugin to create a new record containing the values converted by jq. 0.1.0
3398 out_apache_log_format jorge moratilla This output filter generates Combined Common Log Format entries 0.0.6
3293 split-event Bryan Richardson Fluentd filter plugin to split an event into multiple events 0.1.0
3224 encryption-filter Akifumi Niida Filter plugin to encrypt. 0.0.1
2953 filter-twitterurl Tokyo Home SOC Twitter Streaming API URL Generator. 0.0.1
2871 pan-anonymizer Hiroaki Sano Fluentd filter plugin to anonymize credit card numbers. 0.0.1
2842 docker-format_nebo15 Alex Hornung fluentd output filter plugin to parse the docker config.json related to a container log file. 0.2.5
2693 script-filter KushalBhandari Fluentd filter plugin to external ruby script
2686 port_to_service Chris Pedro Filter plugin to include TCP/UDP services. 0.1.3
2610 filter_redfishmetric Tobi Ajagbe A Fluentd filter plugin to rettrieve selected redfish metric 0.0.2
2585 belated-record-filter reizist A fluent filter plugin to filter belated records. 0.1.1
2578 filter-single_key joker1007 Fluentd filter plugin that Explode record to single key record. 0.1.0
2554 comparison-filter reizist A fluent filter plugin to filter by comparing records. 0.2
2450 kubernetes_metadata_filter-rh Stan Kwong Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata 2.6.1
2398 kubernetes_metadata_filter_splunk Rock Baek Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata with custom caching algorithm by Cisco 2.2.0
2257 filter-geoip2 imcotop SOC Fluent filter plugin for adding GeoIP data to record. Supports the new Maxmind v2 database formats. 0.1.4
2162 split-string Eugene Pirogov fluentd filter plugin to split messages containing multiple log lines 1.0.0
1950 record_indexing imcotop A fluentd filter plugin that will be used to Iterate over the object with its index and returns the value of the given object. 0.2.3
1126 process-snmptrap Gabe de la Mora, Pratik Karia A filter plugin which appends various fields to SNMP Traps received from HPE Servers 0.2.0
1031 filter-parse-audit-log-aeber winebarrel, aeber Fluentd Filter Plugin to parse linux's audit log. 0.2.0
1020 ipinfo Ahmed Abdelkafi Fluentd filter plugin. It fetches geographical location data of an IP address. 1.1.0
957 record_indexing_test imcotop A fluentd filter plugin that will be used to Iterate over the object with its index and returns the value of the given object.
948 filter-dgi-parse-audit-log winebarrel, aeber Fluentd Filter Plugin to parse linux's audit log. 1.0.0
902 user-agent-parser ImCotop Fluentd filter plugin to parse user-agent 1.2.0
614 json-by-name [email protected] Fluentd filter plugin to reshape json 0.1.0
609 ecs-metadata-filter-v2 Matusalem Andrdade Filter plugin to add AWS ECS metadata to fluentd events 0.2.0
477 quota-throttle Athish Pranav D, Dipendra Singh, Rubrik Inc. Fluentd filter for throttling logs based on a configurable quotas. 0.0.3
432 filter-split-message Matteias Collet Message splitter filter for Fluentd 0.1.0
431 wh-kubernetes_metadata_filter Jimmi Dyson, October Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata 0.1.0

Parser plugins:

Parse data in input/filter/output plugins

Certified Download Name Author About Version
21630027 grok-parser kiyoto, Kenji Okimoto Fluentd plugin to support Logstash-inspired Grok format for parsing logs 2.6.2
8730583 multi-format-parser Masahiro Nakagawa Multi format parser plugin for Fluentd 1.1.0
5259259 parser-cri Masahiro Nakagawa CRI log format parser for Fluentd 0.1.1
3199077 serialize-nested-json Yagnesh Mistry Parser plugin that serializes nested JSON attributes 0.0.4
1859205 multiline-parser Jerry Zhou fluentd plugin to parse single field, or to combine log structure into single field, and support multiline format 0.1.1
1104950 parser-logfmt Moriyoshi Koizumi <[email protected]> Fluentd parser plugin that parses logfmt-style log entries 0.0.0
453883 json-transform Grayson Chao, Matthew Jourard Input parser plugin which allows arbitrary transformation of input JSON 0.0.2
382100 json-in-json Gavin M. Roy Parser plugin that parses JSON attributes with JSON strings in them 0.1.4
188341 uri-parser Daichi HIRATA This is a Fluentd plugin to parse uri and query string in log messages. 0.3.0
178947 parser-winevt_xml Hiroshi Hatake, Masahiro Nakagawa Fluentd Parser plugin to parse XML rendered windows event log. 0.2.7
133480 json-in-json-2 Gavin M. Roy, Arcadiy Ivanov, Alik Khilazhev Parser plugin that parses JSON attributes with JSON strings in them 1.0.2
129460 esslowquery Boguslaw Mista Fluent parser plugin for Elasticsearch slow query and slow indexing log files. 1.1.0
100410 jsonish Alex Yamauchi Input parser for records which require minor text processing before they can be parsed as JSON 2.0.2
75824 parser_cef Tomoyuki Sugimura common event format(CEF) parser plugin for fluentd 1.0.0
30510 referer-parser HARUYAMA Seigo parsing by referer-parser. See: 0.1.1
29613 xml-parser Toyokazu Akiyama, Brendan McGrath fluentd xml parser plugin 1.0.0
28624 newsyslog Kevin Scheunemann A fluent plugin that includes a syslog parser that handles both rfc3164 and rfc5424 formats 0.1.2
28067 verticajson Josef Janda Fluentd output plugin for Vertica using json parser. 0.0.8
23145 time_parser Carlos Donderis, Michael H. Oshita, Hiroshi Hatake Fluentd plugin to parse the time parameter. 0.1.0
23077 splunk-parser Zsolt Fekete Fluentd plugin that parsers splunk formatted logs 0.1.1
20549 monolog imunew Fluentd parser plugin to parse log text from monolog 0.2.0
18606 kubernetes-parser Sebastian Podjasek This plugin should be able to parse Kubernetes `klog` format with contexts, or other KV based formats 0.1.0
14248 tai64n_parser Akira Maeda, Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to parse the tai64n format log. 0.2.0
12929 fortigate-log-parser Yoshinori TERAOKA fluentd plugin for parse FortiGate log 0.2.1
12889 kvp-parser mosuka Fluentd parser plugin to parse key value pairs 0.0.6
12671 go-audit-parser haccht Fluentd plugin to transform go-audit log and make it easy to be handled by modern log aggregators. 0.1.2
12616 multiline-extended Alex Yamauchi Extend tail and parser plugins to support logs with separators beyond just a single-line regex to match the first line. 2.0.1
12366 base64-parser nori3tsu Fluentd plugin to suppor Base64 format for parsing logs. 0.1.0
12357 lazy-json-parser mathpl fluentd plugin to json parse single field if possible or simply forward the data if impossible. Can also combine log structure into single field 0.0.4
11095 parser-maybejson Ninad Page See README at 1.0.0
9892 parser-avro Hiroshi Hatake, Kentaro Hayashi Avro parser plugin for Fluentd 0.3.1
9493 tkgi-metadata-parser Saurabh Kulkarni Fluentd parser plugin to parse TKGI metadata 1.2.3
9398 heroku-parser ymurata parser of heroku syslog format 0.5.0
9361 parserequestbody Keiichiro Nagashima Fluentd plugin for parse request body 0.0.3
8739 journal-parser Emil Renner Berthing Fluentd plugin to parse systemd journal export format. 0.1.1
8183 xml Rémy DUTHU A Fluentd parser plugin to extract attributes from XML data 0.1.4
8060 grok_pure-parser Alex Hornung fluentd parser plugin to be able to use Grok patterns 0.0.8
7987 viaq_docker_audit_log_parser Josef Karasek Fluentd plugin for parsing atomic-project docker auditd logs 0.0.4
7128 bunyan Gildas Cherruel Fluentd Parser for applications that produce [Bunyan]( logs. 0.0.5
6679 keyvalue-parser Arun M J Fluentd parser plugin for key-value formatted logs. 0.1.4
6540 audit_log_parser Josef Karasek Fluentd plugin for parsing auditd logs 0.1.4
5850 parser-protobuf Hiroshi Hatake Protobuf parser for Fluentd. 0.1.2
5610 csv-with-header John-Lin CSV parser with header plugin for Fluent 0.1.1
5152 json-transform_ex Grayson Chao, Yevhen Fabizhevskyi Input parser plugin which allows arbitrary transformation of input JSON 0.1.3
5020 envoy-parser salrashid123 Fluentd parser plugin to parse standard Envoy Proxy access logs 0.0.6
4818 xml-simple-parser Yaroslav Lukyanov Fluent parser for XML that just converts XML to fluentd record fields 0.0.2
4625 to-simple-json-parser Al-waleed Shihadeh fluentd parser plugin to flatten nested json objects 0.0.2
3863 uipath-parser Yoshihiko Miyaichi Fluentd parser plugin for UiPath Robot. 0.0.2
3793 msgpack-parser Tomás Rojas MessagePack parser for Fluentd 0.1.0
3638 with-extra-fields-parser hiraro Appends extra fields after parse. 0.0.1
3550 json-in-json-sp Ryan Dyer Parser plugin that parses JSON attributes with JSON strings in them 0.2.1
3519 docker-json David Kong Parser plugin for fluent that parses log attributes within JSON LOGS for JSON-in-JSON 0.2.2
3427 rabbitmq-json-trace-parser Max Riveiro Fluentd Parser plugin for RabbitMQ Trace log in JSON format. 0.1.0
3204 haproxy pierreozoux An haproxy log parser 0.1.1
3040 uri-cma-parser Philippe BENAOUN This is a Fluentd plugin to parse uri and query string in log messages. 0.1.2
3004 to-flat-json-parser Al-waleed Shihadeh fluentd parser plugin to flatten nested json objects 0.0.1
2973 fw1_loggrabber_parser Tomoyuki Sugimura parse checkpoint firewall-1 LEA formatted log from file 1.0.0
2877 parser-cloudfoundry-syslog Matteias Collet CloudFoundry log parser for Fluentd 1.0.0
2850 siteguard-parser ch1aki SiteGuard multi log parser. 0.1.0
2757 simple-json-parser Al-waleed Shihadeh fluentd parser plugin to flatten nested json objects 0.0.3
1767 upi-logs Caraml Dev Fluentd parser custom plugin that can parse UPI logs (PredictionLog and RouterLog - into json 0.0.0
1457 fortigate-logs-parser Rene Lehmann Parser for Fortigate logs. 1.0.1
1346 prometheus-pull Thomas Tych Fluentd plugin that provides an input to pull prometheus metrics and a parser of prometheus metrics data. 0.4.0
1267 parser-cri-uino Nicholas CRI log format parser for Fluentd 0.1.2
782 openlineage Pawel Leszczynski Fluentd parser that validates if JSON is a valid Openlineage event. 0.1.3
691 openlineage-light Pawel Leszczynski Fluentd parser that validates if JSON is a valid Openlineage event. 0.1.4
209 nuopenlineage-light Pawel Leszczynski Fluentd parser that validates if JSON is a valid Openlineage event. 0.1.0

Formatter plugins:

Format events in output plugins

Certified Download Name Author About Version
156836 formatter_sprintf Hiroshi Toyama Fluentd Free formatter plugin, Use sprintf. 0.1.0
23682 avro Shun Takebayashi Avro formatter plugin for Fluentd 1.1.1
14607 formatter-protobuf Ray Tung This is a Fluentd formatter plugin designed to convert Protobuf JSON into Protobuf binary 0.5.0
12260 formatter_pretty_json Yoshihiro MIYAI Fluentd formatter plugin for formatting record to pretty json. 1.0.0
10493 formatter_simple_tsv Hiroshi Hatake Fluentd Simple TSV formatter plugin 0.1.0
10070 std-formatter Alexey Panaetov This rubygem does not have a description or summary. 0.0.5
7786 arrow joker1007 Apache Arrow formatter plugin for fluentd. 0.0.4
3697 formatter_linebyline Manraj Tatla FluentD formatter plugin that formats record output to be shown as key value pairs shown line by line. Only works for FluentD version 0.10.49 and above, and with output plugins that support Text Formatter (such as out_file). For installing plugins, please see and 0.0.1
3653 formatter_tsv Naotoshi Seo Fluentd TSV formatter plugin 0.0.1
3345 avro_turf joker1007 Fluentd formatter plugin by avro_turf. 0.2.0
1812 confluent-avro mihailrc Fluentd formatter plugin that works with Confluent Avro. 0.1.0
411 avroturf_confluent kubotat fluent-plugin-avroturf_confluent is formatter plugin developed for fluent-plugin-kafka/out_rdkafka2 to serialize messages in key-value pairs format into Avro format before shipping messages to Kafka brokers. 0.1.0

Obsolete Plugins: These plugins are considered either unmaintained, or their functionalities have been subsumed by other plugins. Use them with caution.

Download Name Author About Note Version
3436819 grep Naotoshi Seo fluentd plugin to grep messages

grep filter is now a built-in plugin. Use the built-in plugin instead of installing this plugin. Or, fluent-plugin-filter_where is more useful.

1622408 mysqlslowquery Yuku Takahashi Fluent input plugin for MySQL slow query log file.

Unmaintained since 2015-10-08. See: comment

410056 tail-multiline Tomohisa Ota Extend tail plugin to support log with multiple line

Merged in in_tail in Fluentd v0.10.45. fluent/fluentd#269

208963 kv-parser kiyoto Fluentd parser plugin to parse key value pairs

Use built-in parser_ltsv instead of installing this plugin. Built-in parser_ltsv provides all feature of this plugin.

192262 tail-ex Yoshihisa Tanaka Extended tail input plugin

Merged in in_tail in Fluentd v0.10.45. fluent/fluentd#269

179353 hostname Tatsuya Fukata Fluentd plugin put the hostname in the data

Use filter_record_transformer instead.

152046 tail_path szhem, Naotoshi Seo Fluentd in_tail extension to add `path` field

Merged in in_tail in Fluentd v0.12.24. fluent/fluentd#951

145436 amqp2 Augusto Becciu, Juan Manuel Barreneche AMQP output plugin for Fluent

Unmaintained since 2015-09-01. Use fluent-plugin-amqp instead.

131359 kinesis-firehose Genki Sugawara Fluentd output plugin for Amazon Kinesis Firehose.

Deprecated. Use fluent-plugin-kinesis instead.

62706 dynamodb-drc Takashi Matsuno, Sadayuki Furuhashi, CaDs Amazon DynamoDB output plugin for Fluent event collector

Unmaintained since 2014-09-30. Use fluent-plugin-dynamodb instead.

50134 tail-multiline-ex Yoshiharu Mori merge tail_ex and tail_multiline input plugin

Use in_tail instead.

47924 mysql-bulk Hiroshi Toyama fluent plugin mysql bulk insert is high performance and on duplicate key update respond.

Merged to tagomoris/fluent-plugin-mysql

32744 firehose Amazon Web Services Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis Firehose.

Git repository has gone away. Use kinesis_firehose in fluent-plugin-kinesis instead..

32190 ltsv-parser anarcher fluentd plugin to ltsv parse single field, or to combine log structure into single field

Use built-in parser_ltsv instead of installing this plugin to parse LTSV.

28794 out-http-ext Toshiya Kawasaki A generic Fluentd output plugin to send logs to an HTTP endpoint with SSL and Header option

Use fluent-plugin-out-http, it implements downstream plugin functionality.

28011 calc Naotoshi Seo Fluentd plugin to calcucate statistics in messages

Moved to sonots/fluent-plugin-stats

24045 json-parser anarcher fluentd plugin to json parse single field, or to combine log structure into single field

Use built-in parser_json instead of installing this plugin to parse JSON.

20869 droonga Droonga Project Droonga (distributed Groonga) plugin for Fluent event collector

Use Droonga engine instead.

19208 bigquery-custom Tomohiro Hashidate Fluentd plugin to store data on Google BigQuery, by load, or by stream inserts

Almost feature is included in original. Use fluent-plugin-bigquery instead.

19008 growl TAKEI Yuya Growl output plugin for Fluent Event Collector

Growl does not support OS X 10.10 or later. Use fluent-plugin-terminal_notifier instead.

18506 tail-asis TERAOKA Yoshinori fluentd input plugin, whole line read into single key, no regexp used, fast

Use in_tail instead.

18412 kestrel Junichiro Takagi fluentd input/output plugin for kestrel queue.

Kestrel is inactive. Unmaintained since 2014-03-07.

14539 out_chatwork sue445 [DEPRECATION] This is deprecated. Please install instead of fluent-plugin-out_chatwork

Replaced with fluent-plugin-chatwork.
12831 ruby-memory-usage-profiler TAGOMORI Satoshi Collect memory usage profile information and emit it (or output on fluentd log)

This plugin is already obsolete (especially for 2.1 or later).

12710 bigquery-patched-retry-insert-502 Naoya Ito, joker1007 Fluentd plugin to store data on Google BigQuery, by load, or by stream inserts

This has already been merged into upstream.

11358 dummydata-producer TAGOMORI Satoshi Emits dummy data to do bench marks and other tests

Use built-in in_dummy.

11081 boundio Kentaro Yoshida Fluentd Output plugin to make a call with boundio by KDDI. This Multilingual speech synthesis system uses VoiceText.

Boundio has closed on the 30th Sep 2013. Use fluent-plugin-twilio instead.

10934 docker-tag-resolver Naoki AINOYA Fluentd output plugin to resolve container name from docker container-id in record tags.

You should use official Docker logging drivers instead.

10258 winevtlog okahashi117 Input plugin to read windwos event log.

Use fluent-plugin-windows-eventlog instead.

8385 librato-metrics Sadayuki Furuhashi Librato metrics output plugin for Fluent event collector


7756 embedded-elasticsearch kiyoto Fluentd plugin to serve ElasticSearch as a subprocess

Git repository has gone away.

7689 access kkaneko filtreing access log

There are no implementation. Unmaintained since 2012-11-27.

7439 kinesis-alt Genki Sugawara Output filter plugin for Amazon Kinesis

Unmaintained since 2013-12-26. Use fluent-plugin-kinesis instead.

7260 hekk_redshift Masashi Miyazaki Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd

Almost feature is included in original. Use fluent-plugin-redshift instead.

7179 rambler Keisuke Nishida Amazon S3 / Redshift output plugin for Fluentd event collector

Git repository has gone away.

7100 encrypt TAGOMORI Satoshi This plugin converts data of specified fields, by encrypting using AES and base64 encoding for encrypted values

This is outdated. See comment.

6986 buffered-stdout TAGOMORI Satoshi Fluentd STDOUT output plugin with buffering, for buffer plugin tests only

Use built-in out_stdout instead of installing this plugin to print events to stdout.

6830 tailpath Jacob Wirth Fluentd plugin to tail files and add the file path to the message

Use in_tail instead.

6327 redshift-kwarter Masashi Miyazaki, Daniel Koepke Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd (updated by Kwarter)

Almost feature is included in original. Use fluent-plugin-redshift instead.

6324 gcs-dustinblackman Daichi HIRATA Google Cloud Storage output plugin for Fluentd

Almost feature is included in original. Use fluent-plugin-gcs instead.

6268 s3-fork Hayato Tomoda Amazon S3 output plugin for Fluentd event collector

Git repository has gone away.

5823 redshift-aws-v1 Keiji Yoshida Amazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd

Using aws-sdk-v1 is alreay supported at upstream. Use fluent-plugin-redshift instead.

5758 elasticsearch-ssl-verify yosssi ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector

SSL verify feature is included in original. Use fluent-plugin-elasticsearch instead.

5696 gcloud-storage Gergő Sulymosi Google Cloud Storage output plugin for fluentd event collector

Unmaintained since 2014-02-10. Use fluent-plugin-gcs instead.

4733 cloudtrail Craig Buchanan Deprecated: Consider using fluent-plugin-s3. Fluentd input plugin that inputs logs from AWS CloudTrail.

Deprecated: Consider using fluent-plugin-s3.

4558 kanicounter tatsuhito kanicounter

This plugin does not include any practical functionalities.

4383 tail-lite OKUNO Akihiro Fluentd input plugin which read text files and emit each line as it is.

Use in_tail instead.

4287 buffered-hipchat Keisuke SOGAWA fluent buffered HipChat plugin

Use fluent-plugin-hipchat, it provides buffering functionality.

3940 hatohol Project Hatohol You can integrated log monitoring system with Hatohol

This plugin is obsolete because HAPI1 is deprecated.

3742 elasticsearchfork diogo, pitr ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector

Git repository has gone away.

3509 norikra-patched-7 Yohei Yoshimuta Patched(see process events on fluentd with SQL like query, with built-in Norikra server if needed.

Already merged into upstream.

3040 filter-geo Tokyo Home SOC Fluent filter plugin for adding GeoIP data to record. Supports the new Maxmind v2 database formats.

Git repository has gone away.

2859 logzio-ng Kostiantyn Lysenko, Yury Kotov, Roi Rav-Hon Another one Fluentd pluging ( for output to (

Git repository has gone away.
