fluent-plugin-spectrum is an input plug-in for Fluentd
These instructions assume you already have fluentd installed. If you don't, please run through [quick start for fluentd] (https://github.com/fluent/fluentd#quick-start)
Now after you have fluentd installed you can follow either of the steps below:
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fluent-plugin-spectrum'
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install fluent-plugin-spectrum
Add the following into your fluentd config.
type spectrum
endpoint spectrum.yourdomain.com # required, FQDN of endpoint
user username # required
pass password # required
interval 60 # optional, interval in seconds, defaults to 300
<match alert.spectrum>
type stdout
type spectrum
endpoint spectrum.yourdomain.com # required, FQDN of endpoint
user username # required
pass password # required
interval 60 # optional, interval in seconds, defaults to 300
state_file /tmp/spectrum_state # optional, file to keep state
# using rename_key to map to new keynames
<match alert.spectrum>
type rename_key
deep_rename false
remove_tag_prefix alert.spectrum
append_tag alert
rename_rule1 HOSTNAME source_hostname
rename_rule2 IP_ADDRESS source_ip
rename_rule3 ALARM_TITLE event_name
rename_rule4 SEVERITY criticality
rename_rule5 CREATION_DATE creation_time
rename_rule6 ORIGINATING_EVENT_ATTR alert_description
rename_rule7 MODEL_STRING source_type
rename_rule8 ALARM_ID source_event_id
rename_rule9 GC_NAME environment
# using key_picker to remove extra fields
<match alert>
type key_picker
keys event_type,intermediary_source,source_event_id,creation_time,criticality,event_name,source_hostname,source_ip,alert_description,source_type,environment
add_tag_prefix processed.
# send to STDOUT
<match processed.alert>
type stdout
Now startup fluentd
$ sudo fluentd -c fluent.conf &
You should see output like the following if you have events in spectrum and connectivity works.
FluentD Log Lines:
2015-03-05 15:04:02 -0800 [info]: Spectrum :: Polling alerts for time period: 1425596639 - 1425596642
2015-03-05 15:04:07 -0800 [info]: Spectrum :: returned 1 alarms for period 1425596639 - 1425596647
2015-03-05 15:04:00 -0800 alert.spectrum: {"event_type":"alert.spectrum","intermediary_source":"spectrumapi001.corp.yourdomain.net","ALARM_ID":"54f8e0e0-e706-12c2-0165-005056a07ac5","CREATION_DATE":"1425596640","SEVERITY":"3","ALARM_TITLE":"LOGMATCH TRAPSEND CRIT","HOSTNAME":"yourhost001.corp.yourdomain.net","IP_ADDRESS":"","ORIGINATING_EVENT_ATTR":"A SEC logmatch trapsend CRIT Your Alert Message here","MODEL_STRING":"Host_Device","ACKNOWLEDGED":"false","ALARM_STATUS":"","OCCURRENCES":"1","TROUBLE_SHOOTER":"","USER_CLEARABLE":"true","TROUBLE_TICKET_ID":"","PERSISTENT":"true","GC_NAME":"Your_Global_Collection"}
All flag to allow specifying spectrum attributes to get or get ALL
Add flag to allow start date/time if users want to backfill data from a specific date. then start loop.
Add flag to disable loop, if users only wanted to backfill from datetime to now or specific end time.
Adding test for update