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The Florida Senate

Site Search Tips

Search across the entire site, including the archive site. Use the tabs to refine your search to categories within


  • All - the broadest search across the entire site, including the archive site.
  • Bills - limits results to bills and related documents, such as analyses, votes, amendments, etc.
  • Executive Appointments - limits results to appointments requiring confirmation by the Senate.
  • Media - limits results to press releases, publications, speeches, and videos of redistricting hearings, session and committee meetings. YouTube Videos and Picasa photos come from sources outside the site and are not included in the category.
  • Publications - limits results to certain publications within the site.
  • Statutes - limits results to The Florida Statutes from 1997 to the present.


The search is powered by Google, who limits the results to a maximum of 100 records, which are grouped into ten records per page.

Hit Highlights

Your search term(s) will be highlighted when you select a link from the results page.

Advanced Search Features

  • Stemming - Your search result may contain suffixes of the word used. This is called stemming. For example: If you search for the word bicycle, your search will return a broad result on bicycle, bicycles, and bicycling.
  • Wildcards - If stemming does not return a broad enough result, use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard at the end or beginning of a word, or for a portion of a word. For example, if you type govern* in the Search box, the search will return a broad result on Govern, governs, governed, governing, government, governmental, governor.
  • Multiple-word Searches - Two or more words separated by a comma. Will find returns that contain each word.
  • Phrase Searches - Similar to multiple-word searches, except words are not separated by a comma. When federal census is entered into the search box, returns contain both federal and census.
  • Quotation Marks - Put quotation marks around multiple words for results with the words together. When "federal census" is entered into the search box, returns contain federal census together.
  • Boolean Operators - Specify words, exclude words, or add complex combinations of words to be queried by using Boolean Operators. Boolean Operators should be represented by words (and, or, not) and not symbols (&, |, ^).
    • AND logic retrieves records in which all terms are present. A search for dog and cat will return records with both dog and cat. The more terms you combine in a search with AND logic, the fewer results you will retrieve. A search for dog and cat and fish will result in fewer returns than just dog and cat.
    • OR logic retrieves all the unique records containing one term, the other term, or both of them. OR logic is most commonly used to search for synonymous terms or concepts, such as "college or university". A search for dog or cat will result in records that have at least one of the terms.
    • NOT logic excludes records from your search results. A search for dog not cat will result in records that mention dog but do not mention cat. Be careful when using NOT. The term you want may be present in records that also contain the word you wish to avoid.