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Taken with my iPhone


Thank you in advance to everyone that comments and/or faves my picture. They are all immensely appreciated.

Actually a real colour of a dahlia paired with a white flower of the same plant - Shot time ago


Vieux temps


En fait, une vraie couleur d'un dahlia associée à une fleur blanche de la même plante - Prise il y a quelque temps

No Country for Old Men

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New contests on the 1st and 15th


Dnipro City. UKRAINE

Sony RX100 M3

Old Beacon, Llanddwyn Island, Newborough Warren, Anglesey, Wales.

One Christmas day a couple of years back, I saw one of these on the ceiling and while trying to get a photo at the top of a ladder fell off nearly killing myself. Who says macro photography is not dangerous!

Vintage on wheels

Old Bridge was built in 1566 r, at the request of the Turkish Sultan Suleiman. As a place of male competition, "Jumping Icarus" to the Neretva River, is a symbol of Mostar. Croatian hit missiles on 9 November 1993, fell into the river. In the summer of 2004, after reconstruction with international assistance, was inaugurated as the "New Old Bridge".


Stary Most został zbudowany w 1566 r, na zlecenie tureckiego sułtana Sulejmana. Jako miejsce konkursowych męskich "Skoków Ikara" do Neretwy, jest symbolem Mostaru. Trafiony chorwackimi pociskami, w dniu 9 listopada 1993r runął do rzeki. Latem 2004 roku, po odbudowie przy międzynarodowej pomocy, został oddany do użytku jako "Nowy Stary Most".


Thank you for your visits and comments! :-)

Снято с объективом Fujinon XF 23mm F2 R WR, HDR, обработка в Dynamic Auto Painter


Nikon D7000 Nikon AF-S Nikkor 35mm 1.8G

From the old files. This photo was taken on 1/2/2016:-)

My husband and I were taking a Sunday afternoon drive in one of the old rural roads in our area and look what I found on the side of the road. Back in the old days this was schoolhouse.

Blackwater Falls State Park near Davis, West Virginia


Point Nepean National Park -Remnants of the former quarantine

cattle jetty at Observatory Point. - Galaxy S6.

“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”

― Khalil Gibran


An old tree out of the fog. Done with Topaz filters Clean and 2 textures by Deviant Art with special thanks to Tigers Stock and Night bird!


Autumn is on it's way.......

please view large it's worth it!


Thank you for watching, your comments,

your faves and most of all your friendship!

Much appreciated!

We are sending you hugs and love.

Addy and ♱ Alfie



Schleibrücke bei Lindaunis in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany


Die Lindaunisbrücke ist eine Straßen- und Eisenbahnklappbrücke, die den Meeresarm Schlei an einer ihrer schmalsten Stellen überquert. Die Brücke wurde 1927 in Betrieb genommen und wurde seit dem von Fußgängern, Fahrzeugen und Zügen zur Überquerung der Schlei genutzt. Neben der Brücke entsteht ein Neubau, der die alte Brücke wegen ihrer Reparaturanfälligkeit im Jahre 2025 ersetzen soll. Zur Zeit kann die Brücke nur noch von Fußgängern und Radfahrern genutzt werden.


The Lindaunis Bridge is a road bridge and draw bridge which crosses the Baltic Sea inlet 'Schlei' at one of its narrowest place. The bridge was put into service in 1927 and was used by pedestrians, cars and trains to cross the Schlei. Alongside the bridge a new construction will be completed probably until 2025 to replace the old bridge due to its repair susceptibility. Until then only pedestrians and bicyclists are allowed to use the bridge.

Jaguar SS-100 1938

The monastery was founded by St. Patrick in the 5th century and the remnants of the High Crosses and Round Tower are indicative of its importance. The monastery was linked to St Maelruns monastery of Tallaght and adopted the practices of the Ceile De movement. The Vikings raided the monastery in 932 and it was again burned in 1114. It was the threat from the Vikings, which led to the building of the round tower in the 9th/10th century. A town developed around the monastery with buildings of timber and mud which have since been obliterated by wind and weather.The Round Tower at Old Kilcullen is about 10m high and it has a round-headed doorway. This is less than 2m above ground level and about 1.7m high.


Ancient history books such as the Annals of the Four Masters tell of terrible Danish attacks on Kilcullen in 936 and 944 AD. This probably led to the construction of the Round Tower.


The tower is approximately 40 ft high and the top parts suffered a lot of damage in 1798. An account written in 1782 tells of there being four large windows in the upper part of the tower but only the semblance of one now remains. The village which developed around the edge of the monastery continued to exsist until it was distroyed in a battle on 24th May 1798.

Rustic Barn nestled amongst the greenery

Fraser Valley

British Columbia, Canada


(Long zoom)


Thank-you for all the overwhelming support and many friendships.


Stay Healthy



*Best experienced in full screen

Vespa por las calles

Brescia (Lombardia), Italy, 2019

The Karl Theodor Bridge, commonly known as the Old Bridge, is a stone bridge in Heidelberg, crossing the Neckar River. It connects the Old City with the eastern part of the Neuenheim district of the city on the opposite bank.

staircase found in a residential building

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