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Thanx for the title Gerald :)


CHARMING GOLDFINCH, very colourful bird, and a favorite among many birders. Widespread and can be found in the region throughout the year, visits garden feeders, and a real joy to watch, they do squabble among themselves for the best position. Found Minster, Thanet Kent U.K.


THANK YOU for your valued visit and kind comments. Stay safe and keep a smile on your face and love in your heart...... .....Tomx

This place is called "Reserva Botânica de Camabarinho" where you can find beautiful and rare flowers called "Loendros"

“It looked like the world was covered in a

cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.”

― Sarah Addison Allen


hundreds of hearts across an autumn field,

do you see them?

take some, they are for you ♥


enjoy your weekend my friends

Light and shade. Beautiful lines. Sparkling snow. All this I found in the park of my city on a cold but sunny day.

Eric Goncalves ©2016, All Rights Reserved

NOTHING BRINGS MORE JOY TO ME, than to see a group of these delightful and often confiding little birds, with their long tails, and acrobatic feeding habits in a rather jerky fashion, and in flight its rather undulating, resembles flying feather dusters, sure you have all seen


THANK YOU! for your support and encouraging comments, I love them all. Hope your all well, Stay safe, and God bless.


Very funny position at sunset : like a bat :)

A so big bird hanging on a so small branch.




Thanks everyone who view my pictures and for the Comments/Faves on them, really appreciated...

Photographed in Sweden.

Virginia - Heavy mist at dawn along the banks of the Potomac River.....

C'était il y a tout juste un an......une balade ensoleillée à Criquebeuf-sur -Seine (27),nécessaire pendant cette période de grisaille!

The period of flowering of this tree is almost over and began mid-January.


El período de floración de este árbol está casi terminado y empezó a mediados de enero.



SEE at Stodmarsh, Kent, in the Elder Wood, this Female was acting very brave, it was a pure joy to see on my first trip to a nature reserve with a camera.. Did not see a lot, but the bird song was amazing, and being back with nature, was heavenly , I will never take nature for granted, and this has taught me to appreciate it far more, and to thank God for every new day on this planet.


THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND, it means so much, in these difficult times. Please stay safe and well, enjoy the new week, Gods blessings go with you..................................Tomx.

Feliz Quinta Flor - Happy Quinta Flor


“Nature didn't need an operation to be beautiful. It just was.” -

Scott Westerfeld, The Uglies Trilogy


Thank you for your kind visit. Have a wonderful and beautiful day! xo❤️

Nemoptera bipennis, también conocida como duende, ​ es una especie de insecto neuróptero de la familia Nemopteridae endémico de la península ibérica, del sur de Francia y también citada en Marruecos.​​​​ Es una especie de hábitos diurnos que en su fase adulta se alimenta de polen. Presenta antenas filiformes.

We do not see these guys very often and if we do it is from a very far distance. This one came in a little closer and was able to get the shot, probably a first for me with this species.

Have a great day everyone, and thank you for the visit, comments and kind words.

Merops apiaster.

Se fueron posando primero el del centro y luego los otros dos.

La libélula es un ejemplar macho de Anax parthenope.

Por fin he podido encontrar una zona de nidos con unas ramitas colocadas frente a los nidos. Fotos hechas desde el coche. Me ha faltado un tele más largo.


El Yunque Rainforest, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

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