View allAll Photos Tagged macro

Según Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "Parece que la perfección se alcanza, no cuando no hay nada más que añadir, sino cuando no queda nada que restar.



De la escarcha no olvides jamás el sabor a soledad.




Du gel n’oublie jamais le goût de solitude.


Matsuo Basho



Photo: En vallée de Campan, la huele Blanche de printemps.


Foto: La escarcha de primavera en el valle de Campan (Alto Pireneo, Fr).


Happy Macro Monday with this capture looking into the geode ...

"...but let it be the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible adornment of the quiet and mild spirit,+ which is of great value in the eyes of God".


1 Peter 3:4

Shooting with DSLR Canon 70D.

macro mondays ... speckled ...


hmm !


The Rasmus



water + brilliant blue FCF + oil + dishwashing liquid

Gracias por vuestras visitas, favoritos y comentarios! HMM!!!

Macro Mondays : PPEP

MacroMondays Red Macro

"Into The Woods" Macro Mondays theme. HMM


Have a lovely week everyone

I was going to skip this week as I'm busy preparing to go away...but it was such a nice theme I couldn't resist a quick try with this tulip petal from the Spring. HMM everyone!

I would ride your bed

and leave the yellow bark dust

on your pillow.


Michael Ondaatje, The Cinnamon Peeler, 1989

Thanks for your visit and comments I appreciate that very much.

Macro Mondays : "Inspired by a Song"

Macro Mondays - Multicolor

For Macro Mondays - Fingertip(s)

Don't believe everything you see in a photograph!

No fingers or safety pins were harmed in the making of this image!

Happy Macro Monday!

For Macro Monday's theme of the week : Heart.

Happy Macro Mondays everyone !

Schätze, das es ein Tagpfauenauge ist. Sie sind bei uns sehr selten geworden.



For Macro Mondays - Trinkets


A small (2 1/2 inch high) Frog ornament bought from the souvenir shop at Melbourne Zoo. Shot against a 'blown up' image of a Lily Pad.


Happy Macro Monday!

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