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Un peu loin pour mon objectif...

Il n'arrêtait pas de plonger et de ressurgir à chaque fois un peu plus loin.

Et il était seul, aucun autre grèbe à l'horizon.

De plus, la balade avait commencé avec une jolie luminosité pour s'assombrir 2h plus tard... Moment où je l'ai repéré.

Great Blue Heron taken at Myakka River State Park, Florida.

Vasona Park, Los Gatos, CA


這歡迎的陣容不錯吧? 家族裡的大小白鷺鷥都出席了耶!! 113015

Migrant Hawker at Minsmere reserve.

Another one of my neighbours from the backyard.


i think this is a Greater Scaup but not sure, lough swilly county donegal

Animal Love series #69 digital art by Bruce Bouley

Taken in Sebastian, Florida.

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Thank you very much for your visits, faves, and kind comments

Muchas gracias por vuestras visitas, favoritos y amables comentarios

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Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA




哎!! 這年頭是真真假假美美醜醜虛虛實實老是搞不清楚? 自己認為好的, 眾人卻總是有不同的看法, 如今.....阿嬤我也就青青菜菜糊裡糊塗馬馬虎虎吧!!!


Pied Flycatcher (m) - Hypoleuca Ficedula


Thanks to all who take the time to Comment etc....Appreciated.


This is an adult female Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus). This bird and her mate were attending a nearby active nest.


The Vermilion Flycatcher ranges from the southwestern USA to northern South America. They're about 7 inches (17 cm) in length. We see this bird occasionally in South Florida during the winter months but in Central and South America they are resident year-round


This image was taken at La Siria, Circasia, Quindío, Colombia.

Também: Carapuço, Fulecra, Picança in "AVES DE PORTUGAL - Ornitologia do território continental" - Assírio & Alvim.

Residente, migradora de passagem e invernante muito comum.


23/03/2014 - Sobreda (Almada, Portugal)


[Obrigado pela visualização]

[Thanks for your visualization]

Durbec des sapins

Kruger National Park.


Thanks for your visits, comments, faves, invites, etc. I really appreciate it very much.

Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso

Good Friday morning everyone and hope a great day and weekend will be had by all, so get out, shoot, enjoy and relax.

As promised we'll move on and post some images taken before and after my vacation, and not yet having to raid the archives, and as always thank you for stopping by.

Bengal Cat - Puskas

A shot from this morning , great to see them back on this highland loch..

chester nov 2016

Some times seen in huge flocks this Starling was in a little group with just six other birds . The image was taken as they landed on the top of the power station wall it has has been cropped but is otherwise unaltered .


Sony ILCE-6500 FE 55mm F1.8 ZA


Many thanks to everyone for your visits, comments and faves! Very much appreciated!

A flock of little Long Tailed Tits with around forty birds in it filed past the back window of Hanson hide I had all the other windows closed and stood well away from the opening . These birds so instantly make you smile little balls of fluff that don`t stop hopping from branch to branch for a moment never seeming to care how sharp their perch is but then they only weigh about six grams .

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