World Food Situation

FAO Food Price Index

The FAO Food Price Index is a measure of the monthly change in international prices of a basket of food commodities.

The FAO Food Commodity Price Indices show changes in monthly international prices of major food commodities.


FAO Cereal Supply and Demand Brief

The Cereal Supply and Demand Brief provides an up-to-date perspective of the world cereal market. The monthly brief is supplemented by a detailed assessment of cereal production as well as supply and demand conditions by country/region in the quarterly Crop Prospects and Food Situation.


Short-term analyses and reports
food outlookFood Outlook a biannual publication focusing on developments affecting global food and feed markets
Crop prospectsCrop Prospects and Food Situation focuses on developments affecting the food situation of developing countries and Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs)
Crop and Food Supply Assessment Reports
describe the food supply and agricultural situation in countries or sub-regions experiencing particular food supply difficulties
FPMA Bulletin reports on recent food price developments at world, regional and country level with a focus on developing countries
AMIS Market Monitor provides a synopsis of major developments in international commodity markets, focusing on wheat, maize, rice and soybeans

Food Price Monitoring and Analysis provides the latest information and analyses on domestic prices of basic foods and early warning on high food prices at country level

Oilcrops Monthly Price and Policy Update
reviews the development of international prices for oilseeds, oils and meals and spots recent policy and market events
FAO Rice Market Monitor provides an analysis of the most recent developments in the global rice market, including a short-term outlook
Medium to long-term analyses and reports

OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2024-2033
projections and related market analysis for fifteen agricultural products over a ten year horizon

Long-term global perspective studies
provide insights into how food and agriculture may develop between now and 2050