International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Training Resources

This page links to educational and training materials on the International Treaty. It facilitates the dissemination of resources for trainers, students, self-learners and other interested individuals and institutions alike.

The main audiences of these training resources include stakeholder groups of the International Treaty such as policy makers and their staff, civil servants, gene bank staff, plant breeders, farmers’ organizations and other civil society organizations, as well as the media and academia.

The portal thereby serves to strengthen capacities and knowledge on the International Treaty among all its stakeholders and increases information and awareness on the operation and importance of the International Treaty among the general public.

All materials are digitized and offered free of charge for educational and other non-commercial purposes.

Educational Modules on the International Treaty

Since the International Treaty’s entry into force in 2004, the need for capacity development on its operation has been increasingly voiced by Contracting Parties and stakeholder groups. The translation of its provisions into effective measures at national level is critical for the full implementation of the International Treaty’s objectives. The development of the educational modules is part of the Secretariat’s response to this need. The work on these training materials was officially welcomed by the Governing Body of the International Treaty at its fourth session.

Online Introductory Course to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

No country is self-sufficient in plant genetic resources; all depend on genetic diversity in crops from other countries and regions. International cooperation and open exchange of genetic resources are therefore essential for food security. This course introduces you to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, the legally binding framework for the conservation and sustainable use of all plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. At the end on the course, you will be able to:  a) Explain the relationship between crop diversity and food security; b) Describe the core components and mechanisms of the Treaty.

This online course has been developed in collaboration with InforMEA and it is comprised of 6 short units including videos and additional reading materials. At the end of the course, you may take a quiz to test your knowledge. It will take you around 2 hours to complete the course, excluding additional training materials. At the end of the course, you can obtain a certificate if you pass the quiz (80% of correct responses).

Online Training Course on Farmers’ Rights under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

The International Treaty addresses the issue of Farmers’ Rights in Article 9, and in its Preamble. Through it, Contracting Parties agree to protect and promote Farmers’ Rights in accordance with national laws. This course examines its origins and treatment in the context of the International Treaty and presents some practical options and possible activities for the realization of Farmers’ Rights.

The e-learning course is comprised of three lessons, which provide links to the relevant paragraphs of the Treaty and to the terms and concepts of the InforMEA Glossary.  The lessons also comprise an interactive module, handouts and suggestions to deepen the knowledge. The core content of these lessons is complemented with additional materials, such as videos, publication and links to online resources. The user can take the quiz at the end of the course to assess the learning progress and get a certificate.

Explanatory Guide to the International Treaty (IUCN) 

The objective of this guide is to promote greater understanding of the International Treaty’s text and its possible implications. It was produced by the Environmental Law Centre of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and Bioversity International and published in 2005.

EN - FR - ES - ZH

Plant Genetic Resources and Food Security. Stakeholder Perspectives on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Plant Genetic Resources and Food Security explains clearly the different interests and views at stake between all players in the global food chain. It touches upon many issues such as international food governance and policy, economic aspects of food and seed trade, conservation and sustainable use of food and agricultural biodiversity, hunger alleviation, ecological concerns, consumers' protection, fairness and equity between nations and generations, plant breeding techniques and socio-economic benefits related to food local economies.

The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture - Learning Module (Bioversity International)

The aim of this learning module produced by Bioversity International is to develop knowledge and skills to implement the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing of the International Treaty and to use its Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA).  

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