International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Material available in the Multilateral System

The Secretariat publishes on this page the information and notifications received on material available in the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing. The information has been received from Contracting Parties, the International Agriculture Research Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), other International Centres and natural and legal persons within the jurisdiction of Contracting Parties. A sample notification letter of material available in the Multilateral System can be downloaded from this page in four languages: 
 لعربية | english | français | español 

Since September 2017, the notification of material available can also be made through the registration of the material in the Global Information System, during the assignation of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Type of holder

  • Bolivia

Institute of Agroecology and Food Security (AIFS)

The Institute of Agroecology and Food Security of the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences of the University San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca has notified the Secretary of the inclusion of 274 accessions of maize (Zea mays), and 226 accessions of beans (phaseolus vulgaris).



Updated number of accessions: 500
Date of notification: 25/09/2024
  • Spain

International Olive Council (IOC)

International Olive Council (IOC)

Date of notification: 14/06/2024
  • Austria

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism of Austria 

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism of Austria has notified the Secretary of the availability in the Multilateral System of the collections held by Austrian Genebanks and listed in the website The website offers detailed data about the composition of the collections and facilitates information on procedures for users wishing to order samples.  At the time of the communication, the website showed records for 11 433 materials.

Updated number of accessions: 11 433
Date of notification: 03/06/2022
  • Belgium

NBS National Boomgaardenstichting genebank

The President of National Boomgaardenstichting v.z.w. (NBS), Belgium, has notified the Secretary about additional 25 apple varieties that are now available under the Multilateral System of the Treaty. Detailed information on the collection and about how to order samples is provided on the website The material will soon be included in the Global Information System.

Updated number of accessions: 174
Date of notification: 15/12/2021
  • Netherlands

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands has notified the Secretary the availability in the MLS of three collections: the collections of the Centre for Genetic Resources of the Wageningen University Research Centre, the apple collections of the Pomologische Vereniging Noord-Holland, and the Stichting Fruithof Frederiksoord, which contain traditional Dutch apples.


Check the material in the Multilateral System through the Global Information System

Updated number of accessions: 15218
Date of notification: 15/10/2020
  • Poland

The Department of Plant Breeding and Plant Protection 

The Department of Plant Breeding and Plant Protection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on behalf of Poland has notified the Secretariat of the International Treaty of 52.938 accessions listed in Annex 1 that are conserved in ten national collections and made available in the Multilateral System.

Updated number of accessions: 52938
Date of notification: 13/06/2019
  • United Arab Emirates


International Center for Biosaline Agriculture

Date of notification: 26/04/2019
Website: ICBA Genebank
  • Australia

Australian Grains Genebank (Horsham, Victoria) and Australian Pastures Genebank (Adelaide, South Australia).

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources of Australia has notified the Secretary that the following PGRFA listed in Annex I and maintained in Australia are available in the Multilateral System:

1. The collections held by the Australian Grains Genebank, located in Horsham, Victoria. For information on the composition of the collection and user procedures to order samples are please contact Dr Sally Norton at [email protected]  

2. The collections held by the Australian Pastures Genebank, located in Adelaide, South Australia. Detailed data on the composition of the collection and user procedures to order samples are readily available at

Date of notification: 03/10/2018
  • Spain

Red Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos

El Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente de España ha notificado al Secretario que el número total de entradas conservadas en la Red Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos  que se incluyen en el Sistema Multilateral es de 25.364 correspondientes a 192 especies.  Todas ellas son de origen español, recolectadas en España y conservadas en las 20 instituciones españolas que se detallan en el anexo. Los datos detallados sobre estas entradas, así como el procedimiento de solicitud de los mismos, se encuentran disponibles en el sitio web del Inventario Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos (

Updated number of accessions: 25.364
Date of notification: 06/06/2018
  • Belgium

NBS National Boomgaardenstichting genebank

The NBS National Boomgaardenstichting of Belgium has notified the Secretary of the International Treaty of the plant genetic resources for food and agriculture available in the Multilateral System. The notification refers to material listed in Annex I, within the public domain and under management and control of the National Boomgaardenstichting genebank (NBS)

Date of notification: 12/12/2017
  • United States of America

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has notified the Secretary of the International Treaty of the plant genetic resources for food and agriculture available in the Multilateral System. The notification refers to material listed in Annex I, within the public domain and under management and control of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service's (USDA/ARS) National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS).

Date of notification: 25/10/2017
  • France

French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of France has notified the Secretary of 719 accessions of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, maintained in the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) that are available in the Multilateral System. 

Updated number of accessions: 719
Date of notification: 10/08/2017
Website: INRA
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