Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

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Over centuries, pastoralism has shaped and conserved the biodiversity and landscapes while buffaloes adapted to survive in the wetlands of Southern Thailand.


Discovering the Programme and its role in preserving agricultural heritage.


The Cocoa Agroforestry System occupies most of the agricultural area of the two main islands—the only inhabited ones—of the archipelago that makes up the country. It is a highly diversified agricultural system, which is the foundation of its economic and environmental sustainability.


The agrosilvopastoral system home to the argan tree is now recognized as one of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems by the FAO. So the unique characteristics and benefits of the Argan tree can be preserved and protected for future generations.


Embark on a fascinating journey from South America, the birthplace of potatoes, to North African soils where potatoes can grow in the sand above sea water.


The Archipelago of Chiloé, in the south of Chile, is one of the center of origin of potatoes and is an extraordinary biodiversity reserve: its temperate rainforests hold a wide range of endangered plant and animal species.


In the Espinhaço Mountain Range of in the State of Minas Gerais in Brazil, a complex agricultural system has been developed as the result of a long co-evolution between traditional communities, known as the Sempre-vivas flower gatherers, and the surrounding environment.


L’Horta de Valencia covers a surface of 28km2 including the Historical Huerta and a section of the Albufera National Park. It is formed by a systems of fields irrigated by the Turia river that has maintain its traditional features in a densely populated coastal region.


The Valle Salado of Añana is an outstanding example of the interaction between humans and the natural environment in the creation of a salt producing agricultural system whose origin dates to Prehistory, more than 7,000 years ago, and which in the 21st century continues to enjoy great vitality.


Called Black Dragon, Batdam is the result of the ingenuity of Jeju inhabitants to survive in a windy volcanic Island. Utilizing the stones, it is 22,000 kilometer of fences which have been built since 1000 years.


In the Republic of Korea, the Damyang Bamboo Field is a unique agricultural heritage system. This site hosts 34% of Korean bamboo plants, combining traditional knowledge and innovation.


In the Republic of Korea, the Damyang Bamboo Field is a unique agricultural heritage system. This site hosts 34% of Korean bamboo plants, combining traditional knowledge and innovation.


Discover more about this amazing site on this website. Blessings from the forest: The shiitake homeland. Trees producing food, contribuiting to global food security.


The landscapes of the Nagara River and ayu are not just the pride and joy of the local people, but essential to their daily lives as a source of drinking and irrigation water as well.


Rice Terraces made of stone.Between the 16th and the mid-20th centuries, unique rice paddies have been constructed combining soil and water management by re-engineering the natural environment in areas with disadvantageous conditions.


The history of the Nishi-Awa Steep Slope Land Agriculture System is said to date back to shifting cultivation (slash-and-burn agriculture) in the latter part of the Japanese Jomon period (before 300 BC), pre-dating the introduction of rice growing to Japan.


Approximately 92% of the site in forest that is mostly on sloped land, and despite these harsh conditions, people have been carrying out a composite system of agricultural forestry to sustain their lifestyles while striking a balance between conservation and the effective utilization of the forest.


This video introduces what GIAHS is, how many sites are designated, and explains how they are recognized, taking one example of Wakayama prefecture. Not only does the video illustrate the process to the recognition, it also highlights the importance of conservation, passing it on to the future generations.


The Aso Grasslands are located in Aso region of Kumamoto Prefecture, which situates in the middle of the Kyushu Island in Japan. Aso region spreads around active volcanic craters and huge caldera. The Aso volcano has one of the world’s largest caldera stretching 18 km from east to west and 25 km from north to south.


Agricultural tourism can help rebuild and redefine tourism in a new more sustainable way