Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control
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Sustainable FAW management will preserve the food and nutrition security of 600 million people worldwide.

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Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for spodoptera frugiperda published

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FAO and partners support capacity development and technology-sharing of IPM innovations

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FAO coordinates the Global Action for FAW Control, collaborating with governments, research and resource partners and farmers

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By early 2021, FAW had spread from the Americas to over 70 countries in Africa, Near East and Asia-Pacific

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FAW threatens maize crops worth USD 18 billion per year in Africa, Near East and Asia-Pacific

Read here our newest paper "Pest management science often disregards farming system complexities"

Just published with support from the European Union

Resource partners

The Directorate-General International Partnerships (INTPA) of the European Commission aims to develop a stronger role for the European Union globally, eradicating poverty, advancing towards the Sustainable Development Goals, and promoting democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

FAO and Norway, working through the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), have a long-standing partnership built on shared values, goals and global commitments. Norway’s cooperation has been directed towards food security through the eradication of poverty and hunger, including technical development interventions, food and agricultural emergency and rehabilitation assistance.