June 24, 2025
2pm-5pm (BST)
Did you know that an employer could terminate an employee with immediate effect via WhatsApp or even verbally? That there is no concept of garden leave in Belgium? That there is no obligation to set up a performance improvement plan in case of under performance? and that language is key as if the documents are drafted in the wrong social language, the documents may be considered null and void?
Led by an experienced Belgian employment lawyer, this Belgian employment law training will answer these questions for you and equip you with the skills and knowledge to operate successfully in this jurisdiction, giving you an understanding of the implications of employing people in a country where most global organisations have a presence.
Day 1 - 24 June 2025
Introduction and expectations
- sources of law
- similarities and key differences
Getting started
- recruitment issues, the dos and don’ts of interviewing and understanding references
- key terms in contracts of employment
- typical benefits
Employee representation
- union delegation, committee for prevention and protection at work and works council
DAY 2 - 26 June 2025
Working time and leaves
Day to day employee management
- discipline and grievance
- dealing individual issues
Termination of the employment contract
- different ways of terminating employment contract
- collective dismissal
There will be a comfort break half way through each afternoon.