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Rack-scale Networking


Rack-scale Networking

FromOxide and Friends


Rack-scale Networking

FromOxide and Friends

94 minutes
Feb 27, 2023
Podcast episode


Bryan and Adam are joined by a number of members of the Oxide networking team to talk about the networking software that drives the Oxide rack. It turns out that rack-scale networking is hard... and has enormous benefits!We've been hosting a live show weekly on Mondays at 5p for about an hour, and recording them all; here is the recording from February 27th, 2023.In addition to Bryan Cantrill and Adam Leventhal, speakers included Ryan Goodfellow, Levon Tarver, Ben Naecker, and Arjen Roodselaar.Here's (much of) the live chat from the show:


ahl That's the Sidecar switch episode


admchl What does "at line rate" mean?

Riking Line rate = As fast as the packets could possibly come. 1Gbit, 10Gbit, 100Gbit, etc

admchl Do you need ASICs to hit that speed? I assume x86_64 is not going to be fast enough for these specialised operations?

levon Yes, the Tofino 2 is the ASIC

bcantrill You need ASICs

bnaecker Yes, you really can't do these kinds of operations on a general purpose CPU.

rng_drizzt Yeah, you need specialized silicon here.

JustinAzoff Right, also often across all ports at the same time in both direction. a 48 port 10gbps switch will have a line rate of 960gbps (10 ** 48 ** 2)

duckman So the advantage is being able to offload compute to the switch?

bnaecker Yes, and specifically that you can separate the data plane (operations on the packets) from the control plane (decisions about what operations to allow or make).

tahnok What's TCAM?

levon Ternary Content Addressable Memory


ryaeng Sure beats logging into a number of Cisco switches and making changes at the console.

admchl This is my favourite episode in a long time, this is all really fascinating.

rng_drizzt the first Sidecar episode was nearly 1.5 years ago 🤯 , right after we cut the first rev

levon That episode blew my mind

duckman This sounds like a big deal on the scale of ebpf

duckman Or bigger

bnaecker It is extremely useful for understanding the processing pipelines. As long as you only run single-packet integration tests üôÇ

od0 just want to go out and find things to write P4 code for

JustinAzoff <@354365572554948608> yeah one way to think about that sort of thing is that xdp can be used to run little programs on a nic, where p4 is kind of like that, but running on effectively a nic with 48+ ports


SyntheticGate sidecar is the "codename" of our switch box

SyntheticGate "gimlet" is our server sled


wmf So you have P4 and OPTE in the hypervisor at the same time?

bnaecker OPTE is in the host kernel.

arjenroodselaar The P4 runtime Ry described only exists in the test bed, where it high level simulates the switches. OPTE is part of the production environment.

arjenroodselaar The rough difference between P4 and OPTE is that P4 works on individual packets without much concept of a session (so it can't reason about TCP streams, packet order etc, so no firewall like functionality), while OPTE aims to operate on streams of packets.

JustinAzoff So you can run 100 VMs on a test system and wire them up to your virtual switch compiled by x4c?

arjenroodselaar Correct.

bcantrill OPTE == Oxide Packet Transformation Engine

admchl Gimlet?

rng_drizzt Compute server

rng_drizzt The Sidecar switch is actually just a PCIe peripheral to a Gimlet.

bnaecker The Gimlet managing the Sidecar is often called a "Scrimlet" for "Sidecar attached Gimlet"

Riking and "how do i reconfigure this giant network without hosing my ability to reconfigure this giant network"

ShaunO can identify with that - we seriously struggle to keep our own products inter-operating, let alone anyone else's

levon It can feel like a Sisyphean task.

a172 Setup a much smaller/simpler network in parallel
Feb 27, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Oxide hosts a weekly Twitter Space where we discuss a wide range of topics: computer history, startups, Oxide hardware bringup, and other topics du jour. These are the recordings in podcast form. Join us Mondays at 5pm PT for an hour or so to catch us live.