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Poldark Recap Season 2 Episode 6


Poldark Recap Season 2 Episode 6

FromSatellite Sisters


Poldark Recap Season 2 Episode 6

FromSatellite Sisters

19 minutes
Nov 10, 2016
Podcast episode


More of a Random thoughts this week:   Most of this episode was shot in the dark—or maybe I was sitting in the dark waiting for the election to be over, but here’s what I remember:   My heart is broken for Dwight the Good Doctor and Caroline, Cheeky Heiress. Doomed from the start—but I fell for it.    I think Ross and the boys there on Poldark are using some new hair products, because some great man hair this week. A lot of messy holds.   Aunt Agatha cracking wise about Ross. Bright spot.    Nobody does windswept like Demelza   Could Elizabeth be any more pathetic? Why on earth would the French Revoltution be an issue for Trenwith? Pull yourself together there, Buttercup.  And seriously. Maybe Ross isn’t calling on you because he has a wife, child and failing mine!!   It’s been almost two seasons, will  they ever find and copper? And why does Ross seem to have one stupid idea after another—as in,  I’m going to catcha  ride with these smugglers and then drink myself silly why you hold down the fort, the town, the family, okay, honey?    And who the heck was that hairy , hairy man? Oh, wife killer and mining savant Mark Daniel. I stopped caring about half way through that scene.    Big winner of the episode: Dwight Enys. I mean, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man. Sticking with his people, hunting down the snitch and then beating him down in a great man-fight, then building that bonfire on the bluff to save Ross.    Big Loser: Redcoats  
Nov 10, 2016
Podcast episode

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Women's Humor, Health and Happiness. Award-winning pep talk for modern women. Hosted by Lian Dolan, Liz Dolan and Julie Dolan, real sisters with very different lives, Satellite Sisters informs listeners daily lives with entertaining conversation, smart advice and positive support. With laughter and friendship, Satellite Sisters tackles current events, family/friends + pets, health + wellness, culture + entertainment, TV and film, work + careers, life transitions + decisions.