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All My Books
All My Books
All My Books
Ebook886 pages12 hours

All My Books

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This is a collection of all the books I have written so far. Books that address some topics that are rarely addressed. Like, how, caste, a relic of the past, did not evolve into a modernized version in the natural course of events, how, female species across the board happen to civilize Male, and a couple of non-fiction philosophical collections that provoke, and may even infuriate the reader at times. Also, autobiographical anecdotes showing a "common man from an uncommon family", and suggestions for a lifestyle that affords time and space for ideas to bloom unhindered. Further, a look at the culprit that turns each of us into an unfathomable one, and a SciFi novel, about an inventor who travels to his future and the horrible stories he learns about our future.

PublisherRoy T James
Release dateApr 1, 2024
All My Books

Roy T James

He has taken to writing on retirement from Indian Navy in 2013 after a lengthy career, during which he had the good luck to come across as colleagues, subordinates and superiors, a real, wide cross section of India, and quite a few more from the rest of the world. Every second person, during those years, that one had to do business with, thus being from widely different backgrounds and consequently presenting a kaleidoscopic view of society, he couldn't but reflect on human transactions in many colors, each of them leading to a horde of imponderables, human or non human, living and non living.So far has published the following books:-Origin of Caste in India, revised and republished as CASTE The Unexplored Territories, a new, practical and fundamentally different approach to the most vexed social problem of India.-Origin of Evolution, revised and republished as The Unsure Male, a holistic look at the issue of life which shockingly opens up a myriad of possibilities.-Glimpses of Autobiography, a collection of memories.-Hubs that Provoke, a collection of Essays.-More Hubs that Provoke, a collection of Essays.-Homo Posterus, a science fiction novel.-Life of Style, a book that presents human life as nothing but an expedient for a lifestyle.-Overhaul Life, an attempt to specify an overhaul life for our life.

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