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Solving the Climate Puzzle: The Sun's Surprising Role
Solving the Climate Puzzle: The Sun's Surprising Role
Solving the Climate Puzzle: The Sun's Surprising Role
Ebook1,052 pages6 hours

Solving the Climate Puzzle: The Sun's Surprising Role

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Climate change is the most important scientific issue of our time, catalyzing a profound societal shift based on our perceived understanding of it. While many books explain what we already know about climate change, this book explores what we admit we do not understand about it. In doing so, it reveals a

Release dateNov 1, 2023
Solving the Climate Puzzle: The Sun's Surprising Role

Javier Vinós

Le Dr Javier Vinós a passé des décennies à étudier la neurobiologie et le cancer à l'Institut médical Howard Hughes, à l'Université de Californie, au Conseil de recherche médicale du Royaume-Uni et au Conseil national de recherche espagnol. Ses publications scientifiques ont été citées plus de 1 200 fois par ses collègues. En 2015, l'inquiétude suscitée par les effets du changement climatique en cours, incontesté, l'a amené à étudier la science du climat. Depuis, il a consulté des milliers d'articles scientifiques et analysé des données sur des dizaines de variables et des centaines d'indicateurs climatiques, devenant ainsi un expert du changement climatique naturel.

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    Book preview

    Solving the Climate Puzzle - Javier Vinós


    In his new book, Solving the Climate Puzzle, The Sun's Surprising Role, Javier Vinós has produced a masterful summary of observational facts about Earth's climate and the theories that have been proposed to explain these facts. This is a long book, 400 pages, but well worth reading for the excellent figures alone. Extensive citations to original papers add to the length, but the references are a valuable resource. I know of no other book that presents so many detailed and interesting facts about Earth's climate, now, in the past, and what may happen in the future. There is a thorough discussion of theories of our current ice age, beginning with the century-old, pioneering work of Milankovich. There are thorough discussions of the various proxies for past climates, including the radioisotope 14C, which indicates a much larger influence of the Sun than current dogma will admit. And there is much, much more, all presented with admirable qualitative clarity. There is less emphasis on quantitative details, which many readers will welcome. The most compelling takeaway message is that the maniacal focus on carbon dioxide (CO2) as the control knob of the Earth's climate is a profound delusion. Vinós calls this the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect Hypothesis. After many decades of research, and many tens of billions of dollars spent, the quantitative measure of how much changing CO2 affects the climate through an enhanced greenhouse effect is as poorly known today as it was in 1908 when Svante Arrhenius estimated in his book Worlds in the Making that Earth's surface would warm by S = 4°C if atmospheric CO2 concentrations were doubled. A typical estimate by today's climate-alarm establishment is almost the same, 3°C! Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus!1

    It is very hard to defend a climate sensitivity as large as 3°C. Most estimates of the direct, instantaneous effects of a doubling of the CO2 concentration, a 100% increase, imply a decrease of radiation to space of only about 1%. Because of the T4 Stefan-Boltzman law of isothermal blackbody radiation, which remains approximately valid for Earth with its greenhouse gases, a 1% flux decrease can be made up for with a 0.25% increase of the absolute temperature T. An approximate value of T is about 300 K, so the feedback-free temperature increase from doubling CO2 should be about 0.75 K or S = 0.75°C. To get a politically correct sensitivity, say S = 3°C, requires that positive feedbacks increase this number by a factor of 4 or 400%. But most natural feedbacks are negative, not positive, in accordance with Le Chatelier's Principle.

    The book makes it clear that the modest changes in temperature observed over the past century, as the concentration of atmospheric CO2 has risen from about 280 parts per million (ppm) in the year 1850 to about 430 ppm today, are comparable to many similar temperature changes that have occurred throughout the interglacial period we are living in today. None of the previous temperature changes could have been caused by human emissions of CO2. Some of the current warming may be due to human-induced increases in CO2, but much of it is probably due to natural causes.

    There is no credible scientific support for the claim that the current warming is, or will be, an existential threat to humanity. On the contrary, more atmospheric CO2 will probably turn out to have been a major benefit to life on Earth, since additional CO2 has such a positive effect on the productivity of agriculture forestry and on photosynthetic life in general.

    As the book makes clear, climate is always changing, often more dramatically than the modest changes we have seen since the year 1850. What is causing these changes? Answering this question has been set back at least 50 years by the politically imposed dogma that CO2 is the control knob of climate. In a kind of scientific Gresham's law, a debased, politically dictated Enhanced Greenhouse Theory crowds out competing theories based on the gold standard of sound, observational science.2 The book describes one plausible theory involving the Sun: The Winter Gatekeeper Theory, and there are other, equally plausible theories that should be taken seriously.

    This book should stiffen the spines of brave policymakers to stand up and resist this latest extraordinary popular delusion and madness of crowds — to paraphrase the title of Charles MacKay's classic and accurate description of the current climate emergency.

    William Happer

    Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, emeritus, at Princeton University

    Former director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science

    Princeton, NJ, USA

    October 22, 2023


    - Units -

    Δ: Delta, a Greek letter that means change in when used with units.

    Gt: Gigatonne, one billion tonnes.

    hPa: Hectopascal, one hundred pascals. Unit of pressure equal to millibar.

    km: Kilometer

    nm: Nanometer, one billionth (10–9) of a meter.

    mb: Millibar

    ms: Millisecond, one thousandth of a second.

    µm: Micrometer, one millionth (10–6) of a meter.

    ppm: Parts per million.

    PW: Petawatt, one quadrillion (1015) watts.

    sq: Squared.

    TW: Terawatt, one trillion (1012) watts.

    - Formulas -

    CO2: Carbon dioxide

    - Acronyms -

    AD: Anno Domini. Number of years since the beginning of the Christian era in the Gregorian calendar.

    AMO: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

    AR: Assessment report published by the IPCC.

    BC: Before Christ. Label to indicate a number of years before the beginning of the Christian era in the Gregorian calendar.

    GHG: Greenhouse gas

    HadCRUT: Hadley Climate Research Unit temperature

    IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    ITCZ: Intertropical Convergence Zone

    KNMI: Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut

    LOD: Length of day.

    NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    NH: Northern Hemisphere

    NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    PDO: Pacific Decadal Oscillation

    QBO: Quasi-biennial oscillation

    QBOe: Easterly orientation of the quasi-biennial oscillation

    QBOw: Westerly orientation of the quasi-biennial oscillation

    SH: Southern Hemisphere

    SILSO: Sunspot Index and Long-term Solar Observations

    UN: United Nations

    UV: Ultraviolet

    Chapter 1


    Unequivocal science

    In recent decades, an unquestionable dogma has prevailed worldwide, posing a formidable challenge to the diversity of thought and expression that has historically enriched and nourished culture and scientific progress. This dogma states that humans are seriously endangering life on the planet and our own existence with our CO2 emissions. Recently, leading medical journals and the World Health Organization have identified climate change as the greatest threat to global health in the 21st century.3 It is truly astonishing to encounter such a characterization, especially in the wake of a pandemic that may have killed 18 million people.4

    The impassioned plea for immediate action to mitigate rising temperatures from health journal editors around the world underscores a critical point: the scientific consensus is unequivocal. The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states emphatically that humans are responsible for global warming. This conclusion is based on the claim that the observed warming is primarily driven by emissions from human activities, with greenhouse gas-induced warming being partially masked by aerosol cooling.5 The IPCC concludes that human activities have unequivocally caused global warming. As a scientist, however, I am well aware that the science is rarely unequivocal on poorly understood and highly complex scientific issues such as climate change.

    Nearly a decade ago, I set out to find the supposedly conclusive evidence that our emissions are the primary driver of observed climate change, not just a contributing factor. As we are all being asked to make sacrifices to reduce emissions, it is critical that we are well informed about this smoking gun. However, my search did not lead to a simple and clear answer. Instead, it led me to the notion of scientific consensus and computer models. This answer was unsatisfactory to me because scientific progress comes from questioning the established consensus, not from passively accepting it. Otherwise, we could continue to believe that the Earth is the center of our solar system. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that climate models are not without flaws. For those who are not aware of this fact, I urge you to read this book, where I show in detail how scientists themselves acknowledge these flaws.

    We must recognize that while computer models are valuable tools for generating ideas and expanding knowledge, they have no direct connection to physical reality because they are a product of the human mind. Their inherent limitations are evident when we consider the possibility of different models producing conflicting results, a clear demonstration that they are not scientific proof. It is highly unlikely that the results of current models will be valid two decades from now, while the scientific evidence gathered by Babylonian astronomers more than two millennia ago is still valid today.

    My tireless quest to understand the causes of climate change has taken me nine years and involved a detailed examination of thousands of relevant scientific papers. I have applied the rigorous scientific method with integrity to the evidence presented in the articles, ignoring the opinions of their authors. On many occasions, I have taken the data from these articles and reworked and analyzed it in a variety of ways. The culmination of this painstaking effort is the book you now hold in your hands.

    Unlike many books that simply tell the science behind climate change, this book attempts to show the hard evidence and data that support an alternative interpretation of that science. This approach allows the reader to draw their own conclusions based on the evidence presented, rather than relying solely on the perspectives of others. Admittedly, this book delves into greater complexity than others on the same subject, and a certain level of scientific literacy can undoubtedly enhance one's understanding of its contents. However, I've tried to maintain a balance by keeping the material as simple as possible, but no simpler.6 While it's true that not every reader will grasp every facet of this book, every reader will undoubtedly emerge with a profound understanding of climate science. Even the most eminent climate scientists would discover new insights within its pages, given the ever-evolving nature of this intricately complex field, in which no one can claim comprehensive knowledge.

    Climate change as a scientific question

    From a scientific perspective, climate change is essentially an energy change. For the global climate on the planet's surface to change, there must be a change in the energy content of the upper layer of the ocean, the surface, and the lower layer of the atmosphere. In particular, global warming depends on an increase in the energy content of this part of the planet. This limits the possible causes of climate change and requires a thorough understanding of the planet's energetics. This book focuses on energy because climate change is inextricably linked to it.

    The main focus of climate scientists' research is human-caused climate change because the IPCC was created in 1988 out of concern that certain human activities could change global climate patterns constituting a threat to present and future generations.7 The role of the IPCC is to assess … the scientific … information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change.8 In addition to assessing this information, the United Nations' 1988 decision to endorse the IPCC triggered one of the most spectacular explosions in scientific research. Since 1988, the number of articles published each year on climate change has increased by a factor of 50 (fig. 1, black line).9 A new scientific niche has been created that has gone from near-irrelevance to being populated by more than 25,000 scientists, accounting for 0.3% of all scientific output (fig. 1, dashed grey line).10 And it is still growing.

    Figure 1. Number and proportion of scientific articles on climate change.

    The climate has always undergone natural changes, but despite claims to the contrary, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of the exact reasons and mechanisms behind these natural shifts. Various hypotheses exist, but we remain uncertain why the Little Ice Age, the coldest period in the last 10,000 years, occurred between 1300 and 1845. Similarly, we can't fully explain the pronounced warming of the early 20th century or the significant melting of the Arctic between 1915 and 1930, followed by a cooling trend until the 1980s. These are well-established facts that continue to elude a proper explanation.

    Over the past nine years, I have focused on studying natural climate change extensively. This has involved consulting thousands of scientific articles and closely examining the evidence from 800,000 years of climate history, leading me to become an expert in the field.11 I have concluded that some essential processes involved in natural climate change still elude us. Rather than trying to fit the evidence into preconceived notions, I've followed the principles I was taught as a scientist, which involve letting the evidence accumulate and guide our understanding. This approach means being open to all available evidence and considering every possible explanation before formulating a hypothesis that fits all the evidence. This robust scientific method helps us avoid falling prey to confirmation bias, an inherent tendency of the human mind. As Sherlock Holmes explained, It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment.12

    What I have found about how the climate changes naturally is not what I thought I would find at the beginning of the process, and it is the subject of this book. As noted above, the energetics of the climate system is paramount to climate change. Of the various processes involved in how energy flows through the climate system, one is poorly understood and almost completely neglected in relation to climate change. It is called meridional transport, and it involves the net transport of heat from the equator to both poles in the direction of the meridians. There is a wealth of evidence pointing to changes in this crucial feature of the climate as the unexpected driver of climate change that we have been missing.

    A convincing sign that the hypothesis, which emerges directly from the evidence, is correct is its ability to explain the enigmatic solar influence on climate. This effect is visible in the paleoclimate record but conspicuously absent from the modern instrumental record.

    This book aims to present compelling evidence that challenges the oversimplified views of climate change that are often offered. It introduces a novel hypothesis that sheds light on a previously unexplored cause of climate change: the variable amount of heat transported to the poles, which is influenced by various factors. This hypothesis, known as the Winter Gatekeeper, emphasizes the importance of heat transport and its climatic impact, especially during the winter. Key factors such as solar activity act as gatekeepers, regulating the amount of heat transported.

    The evidence-based Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis is compared with the popular model-based Enhanced CO2 Effect hypothesis to see how well each explains known past climate changes.

    No doubt, I have a personal desire for this hypothesis to be fundamentally correct. However, as a scientist, my primary goal is not to prove myself right but to uncover the scientific truth about climate change. While many scientists may believe that changes in CO2 hold the key to explaining climate shifts, I find this answer lacking sufficient evidence. I recognize that others may disagree, as is common in scientific discourse, and I respect different interpretations of the evidence. I urge you to explore the evidence presented in this book, especially if you are open to challenging your existing beliefs. If nothing else, this book highlights a significant gap in our understanding of climate, a gap that also persists in our climate models. As a result, it should lead us to question and increase our uncertainty about how we approach the challenges posed by climate change.

    Why me?

    Some have argued that I lack the expertise of an earth scientist, which might seem to diminish the scientific value of my views. However, I believe the opposite is true. My background as a scientist specializing in molecular biology, neuroscience, and cancer research provides me with rigorous training in the scientific method and extensive experience in analyzing critical evidence from scientific articles. Being a non-climatologist allows me to see what other non-specialists need to understand such a complex topic. This unique perspective allows me to present climate science in a way that is accessible and understandable to a general audience.

    Expertise lies in the knowledge one possesses, not in the formal education one has received. In my case, I've been studying climate for nine years, twice as long as it took me to get my Ph.D. The vast body of knowledge I've accumulated about past and present natural climate change constitutes my expertise in the field.

    But what sets me apart from climate scientists in writing critically about climate change is that I am not one. Challenging the established paradigm of emissions-driven climate change can be hindered by academic training within that very paradigm. Specialized academic training can limit our ability to imagine innovative solutions to immensely complex problems like climate change. If the current climate paradigm is flawed or incomplete, it may be difficult for those trained within it to see this, while thinking outside the box becomes crucial. Moreover, daring to challenge the orthodox view carries significant career risks, from which I am entirely free.

    Throughout the history of science, significant contributions have often come from outsiders to the field. Benjamin Franklin and Michael Faraday were largely self-taught. James Croll, a college janitor, proposed one of the first astronomical theories of glaciation in 1864. Milutin Milankovic, an engineer, introduced the now-accepted theory of orbital climate change in 1920. Similarly, Guy Callendar, also an engineer, was the first to link measured increases in CO2 to a warming climate. Other examples include Alfred Wegener, a meteorologist and explorer, and Albert Einstein, a patent clerk. These individuals, among many others, demonstrate the value of diverse backgrounds in advancing scientific knowledge. Rejecting their contributions because of a lack of formal credentials would have hindered scientific progress.

    My previous book on climate was written primarily for academics, making it difficult for a general audience to read. That book makes extensive use of acronyms and assumes that readers have considerable prior knowledge of climate physics. Despite these challenges, the success of the book has exceeded my expectations. Figure 2 shows a July 2023 screenshot from ResearchGate, the largest social network for scientists and researchers, and the book's page shows impressive statistics. It has a remarkable Research Interest Score, ranking in the top 6% of all research items on the platform and in the top 8% for climatology. It also secured a place in the top 1% of all items published in 2022.

    Figure 2. My previous book's Research Interest Score on ResearchGate.

    The high level of interest that my previous work on climate change has received from my peers proves that the notion that I am unqualified to write about climate science for a general audience is unfounded.

    How to read this book

    To make climate science more accessible, I've structured this book with different reading levels. To get a quick overview, take a look at the 16 puzzle pieces at the end of some chapters and the completed puzzle at the end. This should give you a first impression in just 10 minutes. For the next level, read the chapter abstracts and summaries. They've been carefully simplified for clarity. They form an essay that can be read in just over an hour. To make the main text easier to digest, I've divided it into short chapters, each focusing on one important point and taking about 10 minutes to read. More complex or side issues have been placed in text boxes. Feel free to skip these without losing your understanding of the main points, even if they contain important evidence.

    The book is divided into four parts, each with four sections. The first part deals with climate and energy, the most challenging and least engaging part. While understanding the energetics of the climate system is critical to understanding climate change, I recognize that some readers may find it daunting. I suggest that those who are not scientifically inclined skip this part and go directly to Part II.

    Section 1 discusses how the climate system obtains its energy. Chapter 2 explains the nature of solar radiation and how it changes. Chapter 3 deals with the part of the incoming energy that is rejected by the planet through its reflection, or albedo. Chapter 4 explains where solar energy goes once it enters the climate system.

    Section 2 discusses how the climate system gets rid of the energy it receives to maintain its thermal stability. Chapter 5 explains how energy leaves the climate system. Chapter 6 discusses the Earth's energy budget, vertical energy fluxes, and the existence of an energy imbalance. Chapter 7 explains how the greenhouse effect works, while chapter 8 analyzes the popular Enhanced CO2 Effect hypothesis to explain climate change.

    Section 3 introduces meridional heat transport, the horizontal transport of heat from the equator to the poles, responsible for the regional climates we experience. Chapter 9 introduces the temperature gradient with changes in latitude, which is the driving force of poleward heat transport. Chapter 10 explains how heat is transported through the atmosphere and ocean. Chapter 11 emphasizes the large changes in transport that occur with the seasons. Chapter 12 highlights our lack of a theory that properly accounts for heat transport.

    Section 4 describes the heat transport through the different parts of the climate system, chapter 13 through the troposphere, and chapter 14 through the stratosphere. Chapter 15 deals with the important interactions between the troposphere and the stratosphere, which often strongly influence the weather, especially in winter. Chapter 16 looks in detail at the winter heat transport to the Arctic. Chapter 17 shows that although the ocean transports a large amount of heat, most of it is wind-driven.

    Part II introduces the reader to natural climate change. Since this topic is rarely discussed, this part should be a discovery for many readers, and the part where the less scientifically inclined should start the book.

    Section 5 discusses the natural climate changes we notice the most, caused by natural changes in ocean surface temperature. Chapter 18 explains the phenomenon of El Niño, while chapter 19 introduces the oceanic oscillations responsible for low-frequency natural climate variability.

    Section 6 travels into the past, examining some periods of climate change that we cannot fully explain. Chapter 20 looks at periods millions of years ago when the poles enjoyed subtropical climates. Chapter 21 discusses the controversial relationship between distant past temperatures and their CO2 levels. Chapter 22 reviews the frequent abrupt climate changes that occurred every few centuries during the Holocene. Chapter 23 analyzes the evidence that changes in solar activity were responsible for some of these changes.

    Section 7 discusses the climatic effects of volcanic eruptions. Chapter 24 reviews the evidence for the role of volcanic eruptions in climate change. Chapter 25 reviews the evidence that some of the climate effects of volcanic eruptions are due to changes in heat transport. Chapter 26 examines the possibility that volcanoes were primarily responsible for the Little Ice Age.

    Section 8 explores the limits of our knowledge of the effects of solar variations on climate. Chapter 27 reviews the effects of a solar grand minimum from various paleoclimate proxies. Chapter 28 explains the much milder known effects of the solar cycle. Chapter 29 reviews the top-down mechanism that describes how the solar signal in the stratosphere is transmitted to the surface. Chapter 30 surprises us with the widely ignored effect of solar activity on planetary rotation.

    Part III explains what we are ignoring about climate change, why we need a new theory, and introduces the Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis.

    Section 9 explains that the climate we experience over decades is the result of climate regimes established after an abrupt climate shift. Chapter 31 illustrates how the climate changed in 1976, initiating the recent global warming trend. Chapter 32 explains how climate regimes and climate shifts were discovered and what they are. Chapter 33 presents evidence for the overlooked climate shift that occurred in 1997. Chapter 34 shows that Arctic warming is not due to global warming amplification.

    Section 10 explores why we need a new theory when most scientists are satisfied with the current popular one. Chapter 35 questions the ability of the CO2 hypothesis to explain climate changes other than the most recent one. Chapter 36 shows the failure to incorporate low-frequency internal variability into our climate theory. Chapter 37 shows how the variability of meridional transport is neglected as a climate factor despite the large amount of evidence available. Chapter 38 highlights the failure to incorporate the indirect effects of solar activity on climate, for which there is abundant evidence.

    Section 11 presents the Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis, which places changes in heat transport at the center of natural climate variability. Chapter 39 illustrates the importance of the polar vortex for winter atmospheric circulation and heat transport. Chapter 40 attempts to identify the various modulators of heat transport and how they relate. Chapter 41 focuses on the Sun as the most important modulator of heat transport on centennial timescales.

    Section 12 presents some evidence that strongly supports the Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis. Chapter 42 shows how observations confirm some particular tenets of the proposed role of the Sun in climate. Chapter 43 shows that the mechanism proposed by this new hypothesis is capable of altering the energy budget of the planet and causing climate change.

    Part IV examines how the CO2-based and the heat-transport-based hypotheses compare in explaining how the climate has changed in the past, is changing now, and predicts how it will change in the future.

    Section 13 confronts both hypotheses with past climate change. Chapter 44 shows the superiority of the Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis in explaining the mysteries of climate change in the distant past. Chapter 45 brings the confrontation to the Holocene, where the new hypothesis again proves superior in explaining general climatic trends and specific events such as the one that occurred 2,800 years ago. Chapter 46 shows how the Enhanced CO2 Effect hypothesis fails to explain the recent 200-year warming and the changes in warming trends observed over the past 100 years.

    Section 14 examines known climate change mechanisms that are not adequately explained by the Enhanced CO2 Effect hypothesis but are easily explained by the Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis. Chapter 47 explains a known missing cause of climate change that is capable of greatly displacing the climate equator. It also discusses the difficulty of properly assessing and accounting for the bewildering variety of low-frequency internal variability phenomena. Chapter 48 highlights the failure to properly account for climate regimes and shifts whose effects are misattributed to anthropogenic forcing.

    Section 15 looks at the climate models that form the main basis of the Enhanced CO2 Effect hypothesis. Chapter 49 reviews some of their known problems and shows how climate models do not reproduce the real climate. Chapter 50 gives examples of why we as a society are better off ignoring climate model predictions.

    Finally, Section 16 has only one chapter, 51, which shows how the Winter Gatekeeper and Enhanced CO2 Effect hypotheses produce very different predictions of the climate we can expect over the next 25 years, raising hopes that we should be able to falsify one of them.

    What this book has to offer

    The primary strength of this book is that it provides a guided tour of the astonishing evidence that scientists have amassed, illustrating the many ways in which the climate is changing due to various factors, some of which are still poorly understood. This eye-opening revelation challenges the oversimplified notion that atmospheric CO2 is the primary regulator of Earth's temperature.13

    A critical issue emerges from this evidence. Changes in poleward heat transport strongly influence global climate change, yet this aspect has been overlooked despite substantial evidence. While the Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis derived from this finding is relevant, its ultimate correctness is of secondary importance. What matters is the realization that we still do not understand climate change well enough to implement costly solutions that may not have the desired effects.

    Whatever your views on climate change, reading this book will undoubtedly change your perspective. It unravels a stunning and extraordinarily complex set of processes that can appear stable for long periods and then change abruptly. While numerous authors have attempted to explain climate change, my goal is to bring it to life. I hope this book can convey the same sense of wonder that I have experienced in discovering the ever-changing nature of our climate.

    Part I. Climate and Energy

    Section 1. Climate System Incoming Energy

    Chapter 2

    Solar Energy

    Solar energy powers the entire climate system. The amount of solar energy varies slightly with the solar cycle, but these changes are most relevant in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. The differences in the amount of solar energy reaching the surface at different latitudes due to seasonal variations are responsible for the diversity of climates on Earth. These changes in solar energy are also responsible for the onset and end of glaciations.

    The Sun powers the climate

    The vast majority of the energy that powers the climate system14 and supports life on Earth comes from the Sun. The amount of incoming solar radiation is staggering, estimated at 173,000 TW (terawatts, or one trillion watts). By comparison, geothermal heat flow from radiogenic decay and primordial heat is estimated at 47 TW, human heat production at 18 TW, and tidal energy from the Moon and Sun at 4 TW. Other energy sources are insignificant in comparison, such as solar wind, solar particles, starlight, lunar light, interplanetary dust, meteorites, or cosmic rays. This means that solar irradiance is responsible for more than 99.9% of the energy input to the climate system.

    Nature of solar radiation

    At an average distance of 150 million km (93 million miles) from the Sun, the Earth receives a radiant energy flux of 1361 W/m2 (defined as total solar irradiance) at the top of the atmosphere, typically considered at 100 km (62 miles).15 Nearly half of this energy arrives in the visible (400-700 nm), more than 40% in the infrared (above 700 nm), and less than 10% in the ultraviolet (UV, below 400 nm; see box 1).

    The solar cycle

    The Sun, like most stars, is a variable star. Its luminosity varies according to different periodicities, the best known of which are its 27-day rotation period and a more irregular 11-year period. This near-decadal periodicity is simply known as the solar cycle (fig. 3).

    The cause of this cycle is a periodic shift of energy between the two solar magnetic fields generated by the solar dynamo. It manifests itself in the appearance of dark spots on the Sun's surface, known since ancient times and adequately described since the invention of the telescope. Although sunspots reduce the Sun's luminosity, they are accompanied by bright regions (faculae) that more than compensate for the loss. Therefore, more sunspots are associated with more solar radiation production.

    Fortunately, the change in total solar irradiance during the solar cycle is minimal, only about 1.37 W/m2, or 0.1%. However, this difference is unevenly distributed across the solar spectrum, with the UV portion changing the most and the visible and infrared portions changing little (box 1).

    Radio emissions are another part of the solar spectrum that shows significant variation over the solar cycle. Daily records of solar emissions at 10.7 cm wavelength (2800 MHz) have been made to track solar activity over the past 80 years. They have the advantage that, unlike sunspot numbers, they never go to zero.

    Figure 3. The 11-year solar cycle since 1975. Solar activity is measured by the monthly sunspot number (black curve, left scale) and the monthly solar flux at 10.7 cm radio frequency (red curve, right scale).16 Each solar cycle since 1750 has a number, and we are currently in cycle 25.

    Distance to the Sun and its impact on irradiance

    Total solar irradiance is calculated at the mean distance from the Sun, but the Earth's elliptical orbit causes its distance from the Sun to vary throughout the year. At perihelion (around January 4), the Earth is 5 million km (3 million miles) closer to the Sun than at aphelion (around July 4), resulting in a 6.9% difference in irradiance. This annual variation is greater than the change during the solar cycle. However, the Earth is not passive in this process and adjusts the energy it reflects and transports between hemispheres, partially compensating for this large difference. Other factors, such as the uneven distribution of continents and oceans between hemispheres, also affect how the Earth responds to solar radiation. Interestingly, the Earth is warmer when it is farther from the Sun and cooler when it is closer (ch. 5).

    Box 1. Variability of the solar radiation spectrum

    Although the overall variability of solar irradiance during the solar cycle is minimal, only 0.1%, this average masks important changes occurring in certain parts of the spectrum with a substantial climatic effect. The UV part of the spectrum between 200-240 nm, responsible not only for the formation of ozone but also for the existence of the stratosphere, shows a variability of 3% with the solar cycle, 30 times more than the total variability! Therefore, the main effects of solar variability on climate should be sought in the stratosphere, not at the surface (ch. 14).

    Figure B1. Solar irradiance and its variability. (a) Solar irradiance is plotted against wavelength above the Earth's atmosphere (black curve) and at the surface (green curve) for the 200-1000 nm portion of the spectrum, which contains most of the solar energy received. (b) The fractional difference between the maximum and minimum of the solar cycle, with the dashed horizontal line indicating the total mean variability due to the solar cycle.17 Note that there is more variation in the UV part of the spectrum than in other parts.

    The effect of the seasons

    The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted at an angle that varies between 24.5° and 22.1° over a period of 41,000 years, known as obliquity. The current tilt is 23.44° and will decrease over the next 12,000 years. The Earth's tilt greatly affects how the Sun's radiation is distributed over the planet's surface throughout the year, and its slow change is one of the main causes of glaciations. Over a few centuries, the obliquity can be considered almost constant, and the main effect of the tilt of the axis is that the Sun does not spend the whole year above the equator. Currently, the Sun changes its position in the sky relative to the equator (declination angle) from 23.44° (north of the equator) at the June solstice to –23.44° (south of the equator) at the December solstice. It is above the equator (0° declination) at the equinoxes. The change in the distribution of solar radiation caused by the difference in the position of the Sun relative to the Earth's axis is responsible for the seasons, which are an essential part of the climate. Climatic variables such as temperature, precipitation, wind speed, or humidity exhibit an annual cycle coupled with the seasonal cycle, even at the equator where this effect is less pronounced. This is a clear sign that the climate responds mainly to the energy coming from the sun, a fact known since ancient times.

    Irregular distribution of solar energy

    The sphericity of the Earth and its axial tilt determine that most of the incoming solar energy falls on the tropical and subtropical regions (between 35 degrees north and south). The circular disk of energy with a flux of 1361 W/m2 arriving from the Sun results in an average of 340 W/m2 distributed over the entire top of the planet's atmosphere (including the night side). However, this average does not reflect how the energy is distributed. The annual average in the tropics and subtropics is close to 400 W/m2, while in the polar regions, it is close to 190 W/m2. In the current view of climate change, any variation in this average radiative flux is considered the solar radiative forcing responsible for any effect of a changing Sun on climate.

    The mean annual distribution of solar irradiance says little about the profound changes in the arrival of solar energy that occur with the seasons. Near the winter solstice, high latitudes receive no solar radiation for months, while near the summer solstice, they receive constant solar radiation. Seasonal changes are also very pronounced at midlatitudes, although not as extreme as at high latitudes. In contrast, near the equator, solar irradiance at the top of the atmosphere changes little with the seasons.

    Averaging solar irradiance over the entire year and the planet's entire surface greatly simplifies the calculations. Still, it obscures the profound effect of seasonal and latitudinal irradiance changes on climate.

    Insolation and its latitudinal gradient

    Insolation, the amount of solar energy received per unit area at the Earth's surface, is a critical determinant of surface temperature. Due to the geometry of the Earth, insolation decreases sharply with increasing latitude. Unlike solar irradiance, which measures solar energy at the top of the atmosphere, insolation is modified by various factors such as atmospheric conditions, cloud cover, and surface reflectivity.

    These factors have a greater effect at higher latitudes, where there are more clouds, ice, and snow, and where the Sun's energy has a longer path and is scattered more. As a result, there is a large difference in the amount of solar energy received between the tropics and high latitudes, creating a latitudinal insolation gradient that extends from the equator to the poles. This gradient is the primary driver of temperature differences between these regions.

    The temperature gradient, in turn, drives heat transport, and one of its most important forms is latent heat generated by the evaporation of water, which is then returned to the surface through condensation and precipitation. The insolation gradient, temperature gradient, and heat transport give rise to the planet's diverse climates and overall climate state, which are the central concepts explored in this book.

    In summary

    The amount of solar energy received varies on an annual and 11-year cycle. However, the changes due to the solar cycle are only important in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, which is absorbed in the stratosphere.

    Chapter 3


    The reflection of 29% of the incoming shortwave solar energy back to space is known as albedo. Nearly 90% of the albedo is due to the atmosphere, mainly clouds. Albedo is highest at high latitudes, contributing to their large energy deficit, which must be compensated for by heat transport. Albedo appears to be a very constrained property of the climate system, showing very little interannual variability and surprising interhemispheric symmetry. The lack of a theory to explain the value of albedo and its low variability, coupled with the poor ability of models to reproduce it, highlights our lack of understanding of one of the most fundamental properties of climate.

    What is albedo?

    When sunlight reaches the Earth, some is absorbed and some is reflected back into space. Albedo is the relative amount (ratio) of reflected to incoming sunlight and is expressed as a dimensionless, unitless quantity between 0 and 1. This concept is fundamental in climate because it determines how much energy the Earth absorbs. As we saw in chapter 2, the Earth receives an average of 340 W/m2 from the Sun, absorbs 242 W/m2 (71%), and reflects 99 W/m2 (29%). The Earth's albedo is 0.29, which means that 29% of the incoming sunlight is reflected back into space. Scientists do not know why the Earth's albedo has

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