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The Qi Gong Diet: Nutrition and movement according to TCM
The Qi Gong Diet: Nutrition and movement according to TCM
The Qi Gong Diet: Nutrition and movement according to TCM
Ebook72 pages40 minutes

The Qi Gong Diet: Nutrition and movement according to TCM

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About this ebook

Qi Gong and Dietetics are part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The goal of Qi Gong is to maintain the health of body and mind through movement, breathing and imagination, and thus to lead a long, happy life. Dietetics deals with the way food is consumed with the aim of using it to prevent and treat diseases. The holistic approach applies in each case, that physical and psychological aspects influence each other. Qi Gong and Dietetics also lead to weight reduction and an increase in performance.
Release dateAug 10, 2023
The Qi Gong Diet: Nutrition and movement according to TCM

Jin Dao

Der Autor lehrt Wing Tsun-Kung Fu und Qi Gong an seiner eigenen Schule, nachdem er diese Künste von europäischen und chinesischen Lehrern erlernt hat. Er unterrichtet seit vielen Jahren Kinder verschiedenen Alters in Selbstverteidigung und Selbstbehauptung und gibt regelmäßig Kurse an Schulen. Die Spiele, die er in diesem Buch vorstellt, sind vielfach erprobt und werden von den Kindern immer wieder gewünscht und gerne praktiziert. Er bemüht sich in seinen Büchern um ausführliche und leicht verständliche Anweisungen und Beschreibungen. Jin bedeutet "heute" und Dao "der Weg".

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    Book preview

    The Qi Gong Diet - Jin Dao

    Qi Gong and Dietetics are part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The goal of Qi Gong is to maintain the health of body and mind through movement, breathing and imagination, and thus to lead a long, happy life. Dietetics deals with the way food is consumed with the aim of using it to prevent and treat diseases. The holistic approach applies in each case, that physical and psychological aspects influence each other. Qi Gong and Dietetics also lead to weight reduction and an increase in performance.

    The author has been teaching Kung Fu and Qi Gong at his own school for many years. He had previously learned both arts from European and Chinese masters. His Qi Gong books contain useful knowledge and practical instructions in a compact, easy-to-understand form. Jin means today and Dao means the way.



    What is Qi Gong?

    How does Qi Gong affect the body?

    The Organ clock

    What can we learn from the Organ clock?


    General rules of nutrition

    Classification of food

    Dishes based on Dietetics

    Healthy herbal teas

    Qi Gong exercises

    The Daoist Cloud hands

    1st Brocade while standing: Hold up the sky

    3rd Tai Chi exercise: Moving the Rainbow

    18th Tai Chi exercise: Filling Qi into the body

    2nd Preparatory exercise of the Lohan Qi Gong: Absorbing energy with your hands

    Summary – The 8 Golden Rules of the Qi Gong Diet

    Overview of the practical content of the series


    I have been teaching traditional Qi Gong for many years. In order to make the resulting experience and the exercises, some of which are thousands of years old, accessible to as many interested parties as possible, I have written a series of six practical volumes. These are titled Stay young with Qi Gong! and include standing, sitting, walking and lying exercises that are partly internal and partly external in nature. In this book I have only been able to reproduce a small selection of them, otherwise this would have gone beyond the scope. If required, you can find many more exercises and useful background knowledge in the volumes mentioned above.

    According to Daoist teachings, Qi permeates everything in the universe – including people. Qi Gong therefore has many positive effects on our health and life. Among other things, regular exercise leads to an improvement in metabolic processes and the consumption of excess energy reserves, which in turn increases well-being and, in the case of overweight, leads to weight reduction.

    The Qi naturally has a slow progression. Accordingly, Qi Gong exercises are always carried out slowly, calmly and carefully. The same applies to the time and duration in which we should devote ourselves to our practices. Working with Qi is not a sprint, athletic competition, wellness, or fad. Instead, you should permanently integrate simple exercises into your daily or weekly schedule. Even if you can often perceive the amazing energetic effect of Qi Gong after the first try, the best and most lasting successes will come over time.

    A book about the state of our bodies would be incomplete without nutritional information and advice. Qi Gong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine, as is Dietetics - the teaching that deals with the effects and composition of individual foods. Another instrument that is now also gaining recognition in western medicine is the Organ (body) clock.

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