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The Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu
The Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu
The Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu
Ebook226 pages7 hours

The Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu

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About this ebook

The book and eBook, “The Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu”, which is also known as, “The Conjuring Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu” is a work of science fiction, Hermetic Gnosticism and Theoretical Kabbalah embracing ethical morality and the ascension of the spiritual light body and the consciousness in union with G-d and Nature, which from the point of view of the ancient Egyptian is a, Nature based philosophical religion is one and the same thing.
My cabbalistic experiences, which are based on astral traveling cannot be proven by science or dogmatic and fundamental literal religious narratives and traditions because it not bound to the physical reality of this world, but it purely mystical, which is a fancy word for theorems, and hypothesis in relation to the fields of Quantum Physics, and Mechanics.
In my dreams, I am the engineering architect and the programmer of the dreams then; the dreams follow to the letter, the designs and parameters, which I the inner man and psychic have placed in motion within the nebular electromagnetic field and storms.
In truth, I am Deist but for me there’s no separation and difference between G-d, which is not a name but a title for anything that has power and authority over a human being, and Nature, for according to the ancient Egyptian school of thought, Nature and G-d, are one and the same thing and I tap into this field of consciousness and awareness, and its infinite potential that has the power to alter my perceptions, my thought processes, myself and my own reality.
Release dateOct 7, 2020
The Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is purely Astronomical, Spiritual and based on the philosophy that Ancient Egyptian Cosmogony is purely mathematical in Nature.

    The author is in the process of writing the continuation of this book with the title of "The Pyramid Text of Horus Djet " based on Metaphysical experiences, Astronomical Theology and that Numbers is the Foundation of the Ancient Egyptian Astronomical Theology in relation to his out of body experiences and awareness in relation that his soul and spirit was formed from the Quantum Field and Energy of the Multivers.

    Last, G-d is Infinity and not a person and that there's no separation between G-d, Nature and Creation.

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The Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu - Xosé Miguel Báez

Copyright © 2020 by Xosé Miguel Báez.

Library of Congress Control Number:   2020919327

ISBN:    Hardcover         978-1-5065-3449-7

              Softcover           978-1-5065-3448-0

              eBook                978-1-5065-3447-3

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Rev. date: 06/10/2020


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Philosophical Quotes

Khemetian Shem Priest


Origami Engineering

Sa’ar Greatest of Seers

The Queen of the Stargate

The Queen of the Stargate of the Crown of the Ten Cobras


The Halls of Records

The Gan Eden

The Eye of Horus

Quantum Computer and Species

The Gnosis of a Shem Hor

The Space of the Holographic Kosmos and Gnosis

Know Thyself

Electromagnetic Filaments

Kabbalistic Gnosis

The Akashic Records

Nanotechnology and Human Evolution

The Black G-d and Sophiology

Horus Scope

The Science of the Serpent Priest, NaHaSh

Asar Neb Sahu

The Text of the Sphinx

Cosmic Voyage

Sem Priest’s Oath

Twtmos RaHotep Ka


The Sophiology of Science, Technology and Civilization

The Barge of the Millions of Years

The Quaternary G-d

The Ark of the Millions of Years

Hor Aha of the Shem Hor


The Shemsu Hor Hor-Ka-Amen-Re

The Maat of the Shemsu Hor

Akkadian Ea

Ma’at and Sedition

The Sahu Pyramid Text

The Black Per-Netcher



The Ebook titled, The Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu is based on my own personal dream in relation to my matrilineal ancestors, the Multivers, creation and other life forms and how I perceive and recognize myself within creation and its interpretations.

My writings and books are not intended to persecute or convert anyone or change their frame of mind, thoughts or their cultural, racial and linguistic heritage, which are very important if you identify yourself with the body and not with the divine spirit within then, racial conservation is very important and its purity is highly valued.

I predate creation of Heaven (Multivers) and the Earth (Physical World) as a spiritual being of blue light and life that originated within the unfathomable darkness of the three veils of negative existence but I recognize that I am a multidimensional being.

When you become conscious within your dreams of who and what you are then, the paradigm of the dreams changes and you begin to transform psychically and spiritually for even your senses are altered?

Don’t be afraid of changes and embrace Nature, your mother and her divine principles in the end you will be glad you have awoken from your sleep and you will see the animals of Noah’s Ark, for what they are, your emotions, character, personalities and ascension.

My dreams deals with Kabbalistic wisdom and understanding, which is based on the mystical traditions of Rabbinical Judaism, the Midrash, Alchemy, Theurgy and other streams of wisdom and understanding and narratives and traditions of the human collective, knowledge is power via understanding and guidance.

My intentions are to expose wisdom even if is alternative and hypothetical in relation to my own personal opinion and not to impose them, for I am not in the business to control the human mind and their lives through the usage of organized religion and its political allied but for humanity to think outside of their own circle of knowledge and societal constraints of a modern world governed by mainstream sciences and interpretations.

Science fiction, alternative realities, parallel universes and worlds are in the realm of theoretical hypothesis and like Jewish Kabbalah, G-d is not a person with human emotions, necessities, gratifications and the emotions of hate and love but an Infinite Force that permeates and creates all things within itself.

G-d is Consciousness and the Multivers exists within the Absolute All as a mental projection to a conditional and two dimensional spaces interacting with three dimensions and a multidimensional reality.

I am not a religious, dogmatic, fanatical and literal fundamentalist that takes things by face value but one needs to learn how to dissect stories whether they’re religious, mythical and even mythological to discover or rediscover the original stories and message that has been altered and mascaraed due to people’s needs, desires and fears.

Enjoy my work, its teachings and interpretations, which are exposed not imposed for the human collective to enjoy as a written and oral tradition for entertainment and education.

It is a work based on philosophy, ethics, morality, human sexuality, Astrotheology, Astropsychology, Astroarcheology, alchemy, Theurgy, mythical and mythological and Kabbalistic corresponding to the human experience of the role of the neophyte and the hero that becomes the adept and the hierophant.

This book has been written as a fictional book of an oral tradition in which contradiction, confusion, and mistakes, is all part of the learning process, because people have created a comfortable zone as readers, and in their daily lives and refuse to be challenged in their beliefs but when their false reality is shaken to the core, human beings don’t know what to do, they become disarrayed by the events.

The adept and hierophant must transcend the veil of deceit and lies of our modern society imposed by fear, lack of knowledge and understanding and the demonization of other belief systems for the purpose of religious, racial, ethnic and cultural supremacy and the oppression of others relation to their identity and the contribution to the world and its spiritual growth and expansion beyond a religion based on domination, servitude, slavery, oppression and sacrifices based on favoritism, elite status and bribery.

Be aware that through blood sacrifices you don’t see or know what malignant force and power you are inviting into your house and life, because I can assure you the true G-d doesn’t need to smell the burning blood of an innocent animal that has been butcher, for such a force is a based on vampirism, and it will feed on your vital force and essence.

Khem is not a specific geographical location in this world, but Khem is the entire world as an eternal heritage to Humanity, and always learn the original meaning of the words you are taught and in usage that you won’t be misled into false interpretations and analogies.

Know and understand etymology, the origin of words and their transitional meaning throughout the ages as time progress forward in its cyclical motion.


I dedicate my book and Ebook, to my parents and relatives and to my friends, Jeffrey Jones and family and his ancestral relatives, such as his father, Mr. Silvestdre Jones and his grandfather, Mr. Hassan Habib Farouq, Preston Barnes, Patrick Davis, Robert L Pough, and Mr. Jerome Bond, and Mark Allen and many others who are enriched with wisdom, knowledge, understanding and guidance. I also dedicate my literary work to my best friend, who I highly respect and want the best that life has to provide in her pursue of her higher education in the field of Dental Hygiene, Dentistry or Pharmacology, Miss Britney Gilchrist.

Philosophical Quotes

I am the King of Myzraim The Two Egypt appointed as the ruler and the instructor of his own people by his own people to lead them into the Aaru, Paradise while living on the Earth of Geb, because I am the Son of the Netcher whose attributable functions are innumerous within physical reality, which are also spiritual.

Then, I am the Caliph who establishes Ma’at in a world governed by chaos, deceit and deviancy.

I love my country but in this life no one and nothing is perfect but we must strive to achieve perfection from stage to stage and from one life to the next, until we are able to use the quantum energy and pulse that travels within the fabric of reality to propel us to Godhood and immortality as a species and as an individual.

Live and Reside in Unconquerable Peace

Know thyself beyond dualism, paradoxes, dilemmas and the reactive mind governed and fueled by a centralized ego nourished by fear, jealousy and envy, lack of wisdom, knowledge and understanding and an inhumane nature and heart blinded by pride, and deviant behaviors that violates the decrees of divine Nature

In order for G-d, to create humanity, there had to be a man residing within the divine form of the highest expression of G-d and the G-d Consciousness to begin with

I Came, I saw and I Conquered by Dividing, and Assimilation by Any Means, Necessary, the Eternal Eagle of Rome flies above her children, we are the Children of Mars born in his legions of war and conquest, we stand with one foot in this world and the other in the, Elysian Fields to be proclaimed priest kings, Pontifex Maximus, for we have, IUPPITER, (Jupiter) as our Heavenly Father, the King of the Gods and of Men

Khemetian Shem Priest

I am a Sem Priest, the Godson of Aah (Yah) Djehuty and Seshat Ma’at, the living Heru, the Son of Isar and Iset and what you do in this life matters because it determines where you will spend eternity, in the Aaru, Paradise, the Gan Eden or in the Lake of Fire of Ammit, the second death after the process of the weighing of the heart on the Balance of Truth.

I am the king of the two crowns of the two lands of the two horizons of the two Iset of the two mansions of the two truths of the divine heart and one beat of the divine heart is equivalent to the exhale and the inhale of the divine breath that gives conception, development and maturity to creation and all beings within it.

I am the living Horus, a Shem Hor, the king of the two lands, Upper and Lower Khemet, Upper Khem is toward Sudan, Ta-Seti, the Land of the Bow and Lower Khem is toward the Land of Kenaan because it is influence by the direction of the movement of the River Nile, known to my ancestral relatives as, Hapi.

I am the focal point, the balance between light and darkness, order and chaos, day and night, judgment and disorderly and deviant behaviors, I govern the Lands of the rising Sun, the star of Ra with justice, wisdom and an understanding heart.

All the Netcheru of ancient Khem are the forces and powers derived from Amen, who is known as Amun, Amon or Ammon, The Hidden One, The Concealed One, The Unrevealed One.

I am Living Image of G-d who walks on the Earth of Geb (Seb/Keb) with human feet, for paradise and heaven is not a place outside of the Earth of Geb that we go after death but a state of being in while we are alive and breathing for in death we return to the unfathomable darkness, the Three Veils of Negative Existence from which we were begotten and conceived, the true state of darkness.

All the so called gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt are the innumerous attributes and functions of the One G-d, which is Consciousness and in which all creations and beings resides in and dwells, moves and have their being.

G-d is infinite in size, infinite in all direction of spacetime.

G-d is infinite in power.

G-d has no regrets or deficiencies, in other words, G-d is perfect in every way.

G-d doesn’t need rest because doesn’t get tired.

G-d is not the cause of evil, but humanity is the creators of evil behaviors and must be hold accountable for their actions.

G-d is infinitely good and caring.

Nothing and no one can force G-d to change or dethrone G-d.

G-d is not a man, has no children, was not begotten and doesn’t beget.

No creature created by G-d can declare war against G-d, is like a man who declares war against the Kosmos, this is foolish and childish.

If G-d is infinite in all direction of space then, what does an infinite G-d wants with a human being that is the size of a grain of sand?

If a human being is the size of an ant and G-d is the size of a man then, can an ant have the perceptions and experiences to understand and know G-d since surely G-d resides and exists beyond the scope of experiences and awareness of the man, which is the size of an ant?

I am a Shamanic priest and when I read the Pyramid Texts of matrilineal ancestors of ancient Khem, I realize that I must internalize the funerary texts as Shamanic interpretations of inner forces, and powers of mind Ba (animalistic soul), the Ka (spirit) and Akh (Neshemah) that diffuses itself within G-d and becomes one with the Source of all creations and realities.

Then, this is the ultimate experience of any man, woman and child of this Earth and life who has lived their lives in balance with the divine principles of Ma’at, to have the internalized experience of their conscious return to the Power and Force that brought everything into being and existence regardless by what name you call it or prescribe too.

In my waking state of being, awareness, and conscious expectations, the Pyramid Texts is recited by me day and night, awake and asleep, in order to awaken into a higher state of being within my own conscious state by which I see all the gods and goddesses of Egypt as aspects, attributes and functions of my inner self and mind in my personal path to unison with the ALL of ALL and the ALL in ALL.

Then, I know and understand the Pyramid Texts in the interpretation of my priesthood academia is as a technology of the awakening state of the inner mind, the G-d Consciousness and the Cosmic Multivers within me, which is a Shamanic awakening.

Everything is mind within mind.

Learn to move without moving and be without being.

Learn to see without seeing.

Learn to hear without hearing.

Learn to smell and taste without smelling and tasting.

Learn to feel without your extremities.

Learn to move without your legs.

Learn to speak without the use of your vocal cords, tongue and mouth.

And find yourselves residing within all things so the suffering and hope of others, is your own.

If everything has a consciousness and G-d is consciousness then, what is the difference between everything and G-d if everything resides and is produced by G-d in G-d and nothing resides and exist outside of G-d because then, G-d is not the Absolute and Infinite Boundless Circle or the open circle?

Oh Godfather, Yah Tehuty, the Netcher of divine wisdom and cosmic knowledge and understanding inscribe in my heart, Ba, Ka and Akh, the divine principle of Ma’at that I as the Shem priest of the Great Lodge may enter in the presence of the Heh (Hu) the Netcher of the Millions of Years (Eternity) and submerge myself in the primeval waters of Nun and creation and may I enter and pass through the Three Veils of Negative Existence of the Unfathomable Darkness, the true darkness and become one with Amen G-d.

"Allow me

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