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Mass Awakening
Mass Awakening
Mass Awakening
Ebook319 pages5 hours

Mass Awakening

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About this ebook

The Truth has been hidden from us while a global policy of mass depopulation and exploitation has been carried out behind the scenes for the past half-century. The author, an independent journalist, became aware of this agenda only in the past few years. She found it hard to believe, but in-depth research and the testimony of whistleblowers worldwide have exposed these strategies. They include geoengineering (chemtrails), fluoridation of water supplies, GMOs, vaccinations, false flag terrorist attacks, and economic warfare by the group David Wilcock calls the Cabal. However, despite this grim reality, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. Tribunals are being established to prosecute elite offenders; revelations of hidden technology like free-energy and new economic models are being put forth. The author shows how humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings and charts the course of our elevation of consciousness.

MASS AWAKENING gives us all real hope for an amazing future.

&nbspMass Awakening is Shoshi Herscu's well researched and yet profoundly personal handling of intensely shocking material, rarely covered in print. It is both a true inspiration and a much- needed breath of fresh air.


—Ada Tourtsakis



PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 8, 2018
Mass Awakening

Shoshi Herscu

Shoshi has an MBA degree from the University of Humberside in Hull, England, and is a graduate (BA degree in English linguistics and special education) of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. She has worked as a journalist for PCON magazine, which is an IT magazine for CIOs and CTOs in major companies and organizations in Israel. In this position, she wrote in-depth articles on a wide array of advanced technologies, such as encryption, the Dark Net, analytic tools, protecting the corporate website.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

    May 28, 2023

    It is complete rubbish. I read it as a sort of bet with somebody I disagreed with, and because I was curious to see how outlandish claims are justified. Well, it is quite simple. You just say "my research revealed..." and then you provide a link to a like-minded conspiracy theorist.

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Mass Awakening - Shoshi Herscu





Copyright © 2018 Shoshi Herscu.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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ISBN: 978-1-9822-0855-4 (sc)

ISBN: 978-1-9822-0856-1 (e)

Balboa Press rev. date: 07/25/2018

Dedicating the Book to Liz Halevy, my best friend ever and like a surrogate mother to me

First, I would like to express my sadness and gratitude for one of my best friends, if not the best, since the age of thirteen until her passing three years ago. Someone who is unfortunately gone, will not see this manuscript, and would probably be ecstatic about it, the late Liz Halevy R.I.P. You were more like a wonderful second mom, more than a friend was. I love you and miss you so much. I wish you were here to see this. I will never ever forget your kindness, your wit, and amazing tomato soup. You were the best!!!!





Chapter 1     The Depopulation Of Planet Earth

Chapter 2     Electronic Pollution Is Killing Us

Chapter 3     Educated Idiots


Chapter 4     The Dawn Of Mass Awakening

Chapter 5     The Evil Cabal Exposed

Chapter 6     Our Star Trek Society

Chapter 7     The Global Currency Reset

Chapter 8     Coping With The Awakening To The Truth


Chapter 9     The Event

Chapter 10   Creating Heaven On Earth



About The Author


John Nelson, my editor, who guided me through the process of writing this book and made it possible… from an idea to a complete manuscript… a miracle

My amazing 93-year-old auntie Mali Malbina Meshulam (Mali for us in the family) who always believed in me when I wrote the book and saw me as successful even when there was no proof for it and I was just beginning writing this manuscript. I’m so grateful for her presence in my life and uplifting my spirits when I need it badly.

My friends and lightworkers and other independent journalists worldwide who also research the truth about our reality. Nir (alias, not his real name), who helped me discern vast amounts of information, taught me how to do so, helped me connect the dots, provided evidence for his conclusions, and most importantly, has so much patience in replying my endless questions on these topics (especially on geo-politics and finances topics). Thank you, Hector Guerra, my friend and a brother from a different mom in Latin America for providing me support and having faith in me in writing this book. Your patience with me is invaluable.

Justin Nexus Booth you gave me a glimpse as to what six degrees of separation is about. We started talking about people that we both admire and found out that you’re a close friend of few of them (as Michael Tellinger, the founder of the Ubuntu Liberation Movement). Thank you for the great information that you provided me and the amazing shift in consciousness that you embody in all the activities that you’re involved in.

His moving words:

my pleasure to be connected and help each other grow my dear

It’s much more

we are all creating New Earth together

I’m doing it by words, research and speaking you’re doing it your way which is amazing too

I’m thrilled and excited to be part of this huge global movement

this is sort of like our umbrella conscious corporation that assists us in sharing information with the masses

your heart and your minds eye will take/guide you exactly where you need to be when you need to be there

everything happens in divine timing my soul sista

My friends who are always there for me….. Dorit Scheter, who is my friend since we’ve been 11 years old in Africa and my big sister from a different mom (although she was born 3 months after me), my very dear cousin and friend Iris Tyroler, you are my rock whenever I feel in turbulent waters (which is quite often), Matt Polani who makes me laugh when I’m concerned and sad and always believing in me; and sincere flattery always helps, of course.

I’m grateful for my parents who provided me support throughout the last lean years. I couldn’t make it without you. Thank you very much Adela and Nathan Herscu.

I would also like to mention my source of inspiration Lisa Nichols (featured in the Secret movie and the CEO of Motivating the Masses). I admire your courage, perseverance, and kindness – I still keep your emails. For me, you’re an incredible role model for what you managed to do in your life, for saving the lives of so many youths (from committing suicide) and their parents too and for the life that you created for you and your son Jelani. You’re unforgettable. You’re my Shero, Lisa. Your truly big fan from Israel.

Nicu Constantin who sent me invaluable information; especially on the protests in France. Brilliant man and highly spiritual. Thanks, my friend.

Tory Smith (R.I.P), who was abused as a child, continued to suffer from such abuse into adulthood and in spite of his suffering he chose to expose the crimes of the elite and other entities war/agenda against humanity and earth. I mention him here as he was the one who revealed to me what is going on in regards to perhaps the most horrifying crime against humanity: ritual sacrifices and the related subject of human trafficking, especially children. Thank you, Tory for your fearless struggle against these inhumane atrocities that you suffered so much.


My name is Shoshi Herscu, a 47-year-old woman and an independent journalist from Haifa, Israel, who survived a childhood growing up in three different countries: Romania, Israel, and the Ivory Coast where my father relocated us as he worked as a construction engineer for the Sonitra company. Growing up in such varied countries and cultures imbued me with an appreciation for their great diversity and an abhorrence for the mono-culture that is being engineered in today’s world, especially in the West. And although, like most of us, I came to trust my parents and their surrogates—education, church, and government—I sensed at an early age that I was being sold a bill of goods, or a certain life perspective and wanted to choose my own.

Living in Africa with its earthy population more in touch with primal instincts allowed me to develop and trust my intuition about people and agendas. After returning from Africa, I travelled extensively with my parents in Europe at a time when traditional cultures were giving away to the Americanization of the world. I was a very curious child in general, reading a lot (a real bookworm) and developing a different perspective from the people around me. I just love learning about new places, tasting new cuisines, and meeting new and different people from all over the world all the time. I’m just intrigued by the diversity and new experiences to have.

It was for this reason that after my undergraduate studies in Israel and my release from military service, I chose to obtain my MBA in England (1994-1995). I was interested in international business, and I wanted a more global perspective. After I graduated, I traveled the world and got as far as Australia. I enjoyed the atmosphere there, the great diversity of its landscape, but on the other hand, I noticed the large number of surveillance cameras in all its cities. I didn’t know back then that it was one of the 5-Eye Nations. To me it was strange, as Australia is supposed to be a democracy. So I asked others why there were so many surveillance cameras here? People told me that it’s for security reasons, but Australia wasn’t exactly a terrorist hotspot. While I wasn’t convinced by this explanation, I didn’t investigate further.

When I was traveling there, the then Israeli Prime Minister, Itzhak Rabin, was assassinated. I was so shocked that I didn’t want to return to Israel. I felt that if an Israeli prime minister, one of most protected people in the world, could be assassinated in Tel Aviv by a radicalized student, it was no longer a democracy and I didn’t want to live in such a country. I cried for two days, even though I disagreed with his views, and was ashamed to leave the house with my swollen eyes. I did return to Israel at the beginning of 1996.

I worked as a content editor and the Webmaster of, a site covering tourism in Israel, including attractions and events, which was sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism. Seeing the commercial need, I became a Hebrew-English translator in 2005. I’ve been a social activist over the years and an independent journalist writing about these topics in my blogs. Between 2012-15, I worked at for pCon, a computers and technology magazine in Israel after applying for a job as a reporter and writing an investigative report on encryption in the corporate world. Learning about how people and companies used encrypted messages via email to hide information and activities, I got my first glimpse into how pervasive the control of information had become. I assumed this was a reaction to government surveillance. I then discovered that a discrete mailing service (encrypted) was shut off by the government, despite the business success of this service. ¹ I realized that the Big Brother wants to know everything about us and wouldn’t allow any slips.

I followed this lead in other investigations and saw how information was being managed and in many cases hidden from the public by the government. From this job and others in the technology sector, I became an avid researcher able to analyze masses of information and to find the truth about our real reality and connecting the dots.

In 2013, I started seeing news alerts on covert topics such as Geoengineering, Chemtrails, and Solar Radiation Management (SRM), which I ignored for months. I just didn’t give any thought to these alerts. They appeared too farfetched. My mind was, in the parlance of technology, just turned off to these indications. Then something struck me. I looked up at the sky one day and saw that there were strange cloud shapes like cobwebs; some were spread across one part of the sky but not in another, and there was no uniformity in their shapes. I also noticed white tracer lines that started swelling in the middle of the summer where in Israel we’re supposed to have blue cloudless skies for at least half a year, and definitely during the summer. I started taking pictures when I came upon pink clouds. Yes, pink. One day I was so shocked that it was dark at noon in midsummer that I was speechless. I took endless photos as evidence for my followers on Facebook, who apparently weren’t aware of this phenomenon because it wasn’t being reported—or was it being suppressed?

I finally realized that something very strange was happening. So I started paying closer attention to this growing phenomenon. I searched for relevant information in Hebrew newspapers and magazines and online sites, but couldn’t find any commentary. I used to write for a popular alternative news site which was called (it doesn’t exist anymore) Israeli Patrioti (Patriot Israeli). Shaul Cohen, the owner of the site didn’t believe me at first, but I wrote an article for him entitled: The Connection between Chemtrails and Agenda 21. This is a plan devised by the UN and signed by 178 countries at the Rio, Brazil Earth Summit in 1992. Agenda 21 promotes world depopulation by employing many means, among them Chemtrails (although this term is not mentioned in this plan)—the spraying of heavy metals, pathogens, and viruses carried out by unmarked military aircrafts and passenger airplanes (normal contrails from airplanes dissipate very quickly but not these).

I found so much proof for this phenomenon, including an extensive list of patents (for Geoengineering, the euphemism of Chemtrails) created by many companies ², along with testimonies from workers involved in these industries, as well as those employed in intelligence agencies like whistleblower Ted Gunderson. This former head of the Los Angeles FBI tried to warn us about such hidden government agendas and was assassinated. You can check out the excellent Italian documentary entitled Chemtrails the Secret War ³ or What in the World Are They Spraying? ⁴ Other evidence includes lab test results ⁵ of water samples in areas spotted to be sprayed (in the USA, Germany, Israel and other places too), and Guardian Newspaper published a map of Geoengineering Projects around the world ⁶. I provided this editor with so much hard evidence that he started following the news on this topic himself.

One day he even told me Shoshi, you were right about this. Here, read this article! ⁷ Since then, over 20,000 people have read my online articles that were posted both on Israeli Patrioti, the defunct alternative news website, and my personal blog on

I asked one of my brilliant friends, the very brave activist and an independent journalist, Shabtay Avigal, how is that despite all this immense manipulative brainwashing and propaganda from Main Stream Media (MSM), such as claiming that Chemtrails are simply normal contrails and that no one is dumping toxic heavy metals into the atmosphere, people like us are awakening from this false reality? His reply was that some of us are beginning to think outside the box. But I believe there are few reasons why I was able to awaken while others are not seeing these signs at all. I intuitively stopped watching TV (tell-lie-vision is the more appropriate description), reading newspapers, listening to the radio and mainstream music for a few years (except for Coldplay which I love!). These medias are not intended to inform or entertain the public, but are aimed at brainwashing (actual subliminal mind control) and distracting the populace from the truth of this massive control. These are the forces that keep them in ignorance.

I think that most of us live in denial because what we think we see is so hard even to imagine, not less believe. I mean, I had days that I was numb with pain, disbelief, and total shock from my discoveries of over 800 FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) ⁸ Camps in the US, which are unmarked concentration camps. I could see a guillotine with Google Earth and Americans started asking on Facebook why the army purchased 30,000 guillotines! ⁹ (Of course Wikipedia dismisses such reports as conspiracy theories). I found testimonies of soup agents, including Ted Gunderson (who I mentioned earlier), about guillotines in the US ¹⁰.

Moreover, I was overwhelmed by constantly finding more information about the hidden depopulation agenda (See Georgia Guidestones: The Georgia Guidestones is a mysterious monument on which are carved ten commandments for a New Age of Reason.). The first commandment: Maintaining the world population under 500 million people. ¹¹ Governments worldwide are reducing the population on earth by all means possible and impossible, including vaccines, fluoridation, GMOs, smart meters and the list goes on. I could only cry at these revelations after a while.

This book is mainly written for those who want to understand why this world is becoming so crazy even more than usual. Today, there’s a lot of information mixed in with disinformation (intentionally misleading information) such as the global warming hoax, which can’t be maintained as scientists say that earth is actually cooling, so they changed it to climate change (but climate always changes) ¹². This misinformation (unintentional spreading of misleading information) is pervasive, as uninformed bloggers unintentionally repeat the disinformation they hear on TV or other mainstream media outlets.

This disinformation campaign is a desperate effort to distract the populace from signs of a mass awakening of human consciousness and its dire consequences for these controllers. Human consciousness is rising, people are awakening to the truth of their connection to the greater whole of life and to each other and the self-empowerment that brings. As a consequence, our eyes are being open and we are demanding the full disclosure of these programs of control, which will lead the Global Elites’ demise. Thus, the 1% of this world’s population—probably much less—will be unable to rule the awakened populace anymore. They will lose their power; they know it, and they’re fighting back. This shift in consciousness will bring world peace and a higher standard of living for everyone, because those who perpetrate the wars and their reigns of terror, who gobble up our food and energy resources, will have their day of reckoning. So there will be peace on earth, as the unshackled mainstream media starts broadcasting the truth about the hidden technologies withheld from us that can be used for the benefit of humanity and elimination of poverty and hunger worldwide.

This book intends to discuss both the concealed and the revealed aspects of this huge shift in human consciousness occurring today worldwide. Most people are not even aware of this awakening, benumbed by media distortions and the constant terror alerts that send them into a fear-based state and cut them off from higher aspects of themselves. I will partly describe some of my own experiences of awakening to the higher aspects of myself, which allowed me to see through the distortion and how it allowed me to see the truth of these hidden agendas. For instance, I found out that the vaccines, given to children and even flu shots to adults, contain Thimerosal, 49% mercury by weight, which can cause mild to severe mental retardation in infants and problems in adults ¹³. This is but one example of how the medical establishment is being used in this agenda. I’ll share documentation of the revealed and concealed information about the ongoing shift of the ages occurring worldwide when it’s relevant.

I write this for those who are very unaware of these government agendas and want to know what is going with our world, which seems to becoming crazier by the day, where it’s all heading, and how to spot the signs for this shift from their own experiences and the

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