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A Philosophical Approach - Practical Vol. 2
A Philosophical Approach - Practical Vol. 2
A Philosophical Approach - Practical Vol. 2
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A Philosophical Approach - Practical Vol. 2

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A philosophical approach to analyzing human experience might be regarded as a process of discovery. Finding the experience of existing a given and good fact, thinking individuals may inquire regarding the nature and way of being and its process of changing in a continuum of form and reform. In writing these informal essays and comments on contemporary interests I wanted to put some philosophical intention on it for the good. 128,000 words
Release dateMar 25, 2017
A Philosophical Approach - Practical Vol. 2

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    A Philosophical Approach - Practical Vol. 2 - Garrison Clifford Gibson

    A Philosophical Approach - Practical Vol. 2

    A Philosophical Approach – Practical Vol. 2


    A Philosophical Approach – Practical Vol. 2 ©²⁰¹⁷ Garrison Clifford Gibson

    I.S.B.N. 978-1-365-79937-2


    A philosophical approach to analyzing human experience might be regarded as a process of discovery. Finding the experience of existing a given and good fact, thinking individuals may inquire regarding the nature and way of being and its process of changing in a continuum of form and reform. In writing these informal essays and comments on contemporary interests I wanted to put some philosophical intention on it for the good.

    Descartes contemplated a method of affirming existence from first principles; an epistemological investigation of self-awareness. Aristotle presented numerous categories of classification of substance and logic. Socrates and Plato thought of the ideal state and of truth. They looked into what concepts are such as the good anticipating the utilitarian question.

    Individuals considered by others as philosophers have examined many of the same matters concerning individual actualization, language, government of the many and the way people interact phenomenally (e.g. Sartre’s Being and nothingness and Critique of Dialectical Reason). Confucius, Hobbes and Marx presented new social theories while Hume examined causality. Philosophers of history like Arnold Toynbee have considered recurrent social-historical cycles. Individuals of countless generations have inquired into the destiny of spirit, mind and matter that are considered to be essential elements of a human life. Philosophers may try to find some practical applications of learning in the midst of the great population of the world inertially proceeding with more than 7 billion contemporary souls empirically coexisting.

    The world may be a stage as Shakespeare commented in Hamlet, upon which people strut and fret their hour upon the stage. Philosophers may demure from the point that it is no more than sound and fury signifying nothing. The Bible; a work of little books with revealed knowledge from God, offers the wisdom of Solomon presenting the humble condition of mankind who is like a blade of grass under the eternal existence and glory of God. Faith in God as the true wisdom and reason life has meaning in society today is set against a social abyss of godless materialism as an end-for-itself without belief In much of anything besides science. Since science means knowledge, scientific method ought to mean a method. Today an individual pursuing knowledge should include wisdom rather than to cut himself off a priori and instead just follow preconceived atheistic lines. A philosophical approach through science is challenged with a profusion of cosmological avenues of approach and tools for investigation that are self-evident and not improved with select biases against the idea of God.

    My philosophical approach to various issues in-the-world follows from decades of interest in philosophy and its development over the course of history. The history of philosophy quite early coincides with and often informs the development of civilization, intellectual history and leadership flowing with it. Thus the title selection of these four books reflect my own philosophical regard for select issues occurring in contemporary history.

    There are perennial questions in philosophy of interest to specialists, generalists and ordinary people that many or even most people are familiar with concerning the soul, life after death, free will, the difference between good and evil, forms of governance, ethics, metaphysics, cosmology, physics, language, epistemology, memory, the meaning of language values and so forth. After a student of philosophy has familiarized himself with these issues reading the classics of western and eastern philosophy and religion, he may still wish to consider contemporary history and its instantaneous concerns distributed globally on the Internet each second of the day since the start of the third millennium at least. The approaches to considering live issues of contemporary history with a philosophical sense of detachment yet with active concern for 'putting intention on' the politics and public perceptions of those issues, in order to promote the good of humanity – a Socratic concern with Christian ethical points about the welfare of one's fellow human being, might be generally reduced to four.

    A Philosophical Approach – Practical Vol. 1

    A Philosophical Approach – Practical Vol. 2

    A Philosophical Approach – Theoretical

    A Philosophical Approach – Theological Vol. 1

    A Philosophical Approach – Theological Vol. 2

    A Philosophical Approach – Cosmology

    The material of the books were essays and comments posted on my blog www.garycgibson.blogspot in real time and later sorted into these general categories. I cannot say that they were of much use in moving U.S. society toward a better direction.

    One must try to keep a society reasonably well informed and moving in a positive direction. It is too easy alternatively, for a society to take up bad ideas and ethics and to go to places where wicked societies have gone before.

    Maybe science is relative truth, and conditional. One cannot demand that science produce absolute truth after Einstein's transcending implications of the general and special theories of relativity brought physics to the threshold of an ocean of temporal change.

    In the 20th century linguistic philosophy developed through the Vienna Circle and with the rise of symbolic logic started by Frege continuing on to Strawson, Quine and Kripke it was possible to comprehend the nature of meaning and meaning of epistemology along with subjective ideas about it. Prior to the 20th century philosophical advance the history of philosophy might be found best in a few giants from Pre-Socratic philosophers to the peripatetic philosophers, early scientific philosophers like Pythagoras and Democritus to theologian greats such as Augustine to Descartes, Hegel, Kant and a few others.

    Science before the rise of observational and experimental methods of verification in the field of cosmology was in a sense metaphysics. If people such as Parmenides and Heraclitus didn't have much accurate technical knowledge of the cosmos they could make logic-based inferences some of which resonate with more modern thought such as the spinning bucket paradigm of Newton and gravity. If five theories explaining the origin of matter and energy equally share claim to validity it might be fair to call the paradigm one of metaphysics-even though the individuals are excellent particle physicists. Metaphysics is about conjecture of explaining cosmology theoretically without directly confirming or validating tests. Science alternatively looks to tangible, material avenues of advance of confirmation.

    I mentioned above that science need only confirm its theories on reasonable logical grounds rather than exhaustively and exclusively of any other explanation. Conditional and relative truths that are logically consistent with their premises may be the best of scientific certainty about reality that is possible. The epistemological grounds of knowledge; human knowledge, is not absolute or infallible and is immersed within a physical media of being it cannot view from outside as a flying fish might regard the ocean in which it swims.

    The Lord Jesus Christ transcended what is seemingly impossible for humans. The savior could love those that persecuted him, while humanity finds it quite challenging to actually love those that do so. Christians may employ metaphysical paradigmata themselves these days in reinterpreting the Old Testament in light of the shifting sands of temporal knowledge while knowing that God is greater than they.


    Obama Admin Doubled Debt from $10 to $20 Trillion (Appx.)

    20 March 2017

    So the salient question is should President Trump continue the Obama method and double public debt for-himself from 20 trillion dollars to 40 trillion over the next eight years? Maybe Congress would save a dime here and there of course with austerity as a cruel yet necessary concept held out there with as asceticism at a distance.

    Of course the poor and shoulder the burden of austerity for the rich as the middle class fades away into retirement. The poorest are most used to hardships and are believed by insiders probably to deserve it.  Insiders and the most rich need tax cuts perennially in order to make free enterprise work and allow trickle down to properly function; goes without thinking even if the environment is another nagging concern of mal-contents. What if that's not enough though?

    U.S. public debt is nearing 20 trillion dollars while U.S. gross domestic product is somewhat more than 18 trillion dollars. The public debt is apparently increasing faster than U.S. economic growth-and most of that is going to the richest. Because the Clintons and Obamas did not address the structural issues for the benefit of the poor and middle class first, and as the discretionary part of the federal budget comprises just 7%, I wonder how the economic picture of the nation can be reformed.

    Actually I think that real economic reform that actually benefits the poor and middle class isn’t likely. Human greed and original sin saturate government, the media and Wall Street to the point that even the environment suffers so champagne and fine booze drinking elites can have cashmere shag carpets or whatever and cars that pollute the atmosphere with tons of carbon emissions each year.

    Actually socialism, communism and corporatism end up with the same oligarchy-like monopolistic bureaucracies running the world because of the nature of human social organization. Free enterprise actual dies within advanced bureaucratic-wall Street stock owning wealth concentration though good product continues to be produced for some time. Individualism and free enterprise as well as real democracy are actually the endangered political forms now.

    Government with the consent of intelligent masses could actually make vast practical reforms toward sustainable ecological economic infrastructure limiting the percent of capital anyone may have in order to keep democracy rather than plutonomy ruling. With guaranteed minimum income and pragmatic social support services it would be possible for inventions and clever, efficient free enterprises to be developed theoretically first and those meeting environmental low impact and synergy goals best allowed to go ahead. That is desperation for jobs wouldn’t be the only political moderator on the electorate. Capitalism itself selects naturally for more capital rather than for a better environment or equitable distribution of wealth to all people equally within basic criteria even while allowing people to profit and save from their labor and inventions above the baseline.

    Plainly the United States and most world political systems today are maladaptive to the present environmental and demographic facts of life. Political theory tends to be at least a century behind along with governing environmental theory. The natural default to thoughtless minions supporting concentrated wealth and saluting the dollar sign fuhrers that are money rather than reason will continue even being reinforced by waves of senseless commercial brainwashing. A financial philosopher today developing political epistemology might write I think, therefor I am broke.

    It will be amazing to see what President-elect Trump can do with a fundamentally crummy national economic outlook that has found it too easy to develop overseas, exploit cheap foreign labor, run up public debt and avoid any sort of national leadership responsibility since the end of the cold war. Capitalism itself is in need of reform as well as the nation’s infrastructure. Infrastructure could be transformed into a new ecological economic form rather than wasting resources in old style, existing establishment, yet of course the establishment resists that.

    President elect Trump should prioritize green transportation with electric cars, buses and rail drawing power from green sources. African development should be influenced toward green electro-magnetic power too, rather than fossil fuel cars-and that means new mass transportation.

    Wherever possible developed land should be returned to a natural condition replacing existing buildings with smaller, cheaper better monolithic domes occupying less space. Border security could have a trans-continental salt-water canals and solar evaporation-condensation for desalinization infrastructure to make water for the parched Southwest. Many things are possible. A return to making patents affordable would help. Inventors should be given exclusive patents for just 7 years and after that a small royalty percent from anyone using the patent for production (for 50 years) before its public domain. Its rather difficult materially to manufacture things in the U.S.A. after getting an idea that is patentable making it doubly difficult for poor yet intelligent and inventive people to cash in on thought-as it is presently-ideas have to be given away to trickle up to the rich or well-placed, so why be inventive at all?

    Lung Work-Around Paradigm 1

    13 March 2017

    It would be interesting to research the idea of introducing oxygen directly into the blood stream bypassing the lungs. That would enable physicians to work on lungs off-line while a patient with pneumonia, cystic fibrosis etc. could remain alive without breathing.

    If one has nearly complete blockage of lungs with pneumonia or jell afterwards experimenting with using unconventional treatment such as hydrogen peroxide delivered locally to burn up some of the insulting substance might be enabled if the lungs were not needed for breathing for a while.

    Some sort of portable rebreather that is designed to deliver and monitor returning blood oxygen and other gas (levels) could be made to plug in at some point of connection where it would replace lungs temporarily, entirely if needed. I am unaware if the technology exists already (it should), if it is feasible if it doesn't, or who would invent it. Existing heart-lung machines might serve a similar function. If the heart is healthy one might need only a synthetic lung. It might better be reduced to just an oxygen delivery unit without the lung-bag though, in the form of an efficient rebreather/concentrator of scrubbed atmospheric oxygen. Then one could walk about while the lungs are experiencing chemical-biological cleansing and blood is being reoxygenated by a discrete unit-pack.

    The technology might be useful for manned space missions to worlds without human-breathable atmosphere or if existing in an artificially reduced metabolic state.

    Good luck.

    Sustainable, Renewable Destruction of Life on Earth

    10 March 2017

    Many politicians use the buzz words sustainable and renewable to expropriate the environmental vote unto themselves. Oil and gas are sustainable and renewable; Saturn and Uranus are full of hydrocarbons that could be clumped and delivered by space-drone tugs and flung down-to-Earth someday like meteor goobers flaming through the sky to SUV filling stations. The reason for sustainable and renewable as desirable ideas is largely lacking from political understanding. That in brief is the need to keep life on Earth viable with a full, healthy ecosphere ins as if it were a disposable, edible cream puff.

    The ecosphere is under attack by humanity in a way comparable to the way bacteria in a petri dish attack and consume their growth medium. Basically the drive to consume is non-rational and insatiable. Such non-thinking guides the corporate world and is not improved by either capitalist or communist political philosophy.

    Globalism today is largely the bacterial cultural over-consuming everywhere it can. Nations are firewalls that in theory might be the organizational basis; the only strong organizational basis remaining, wherein resistance to the destruction of the ecosphere or takeover by robots and A.I. might be developed. Human organizations without the land standard equivalent of the monetary gold standard are floating social relativistic and inherently corruptible. Nations with the land standard of political civil of individuals in democracy at least have some basis in reality.

    Some such as Stephen Hawking believe in error that one government for the entire world is the only way to stop A.I. takeover and conserve the ecosphere too perhaps. One government would just require one takeover by A.I. hackers to take down the human race. It would amount to a dictatorship at any rate.

    Restoring the ecosphere to health requires ecological economics within a directed, regulated, incentivized free enterprise economic welfare state. That is a tough idea to sell of course yet maybe the only way short of dictatorship that life on Earth may be able to survive in the long-run. Remember that just because a politician uses the words sustainable or renewable that it does not mean they understand that keeping the ecosphere intact (all the plants and animals) and non-extinct, is the reason.

    What Trumpcare Should Be

    8 March 2017

    The replacement for Obama/Romney/Nixoncare health bill probably will pass into law within a few weeks, yet it would be better to dual boot a new health care operating system that actual works for the poor and veterans at low cost while scaling O-R-N down to include just those too sick to insure. NPR funding should be eliminated and used to be of benefit to public health.

    Scaling up VA Hospitals and Community Health Clinics large enough to cover all those earning fewer than 15,000 dollars annually at no cost in public facilities is the most realistic and cost effective way to cover the uninsured while creating a good public disaster emergency hospital system.

    As it is the really poor and homeless generally fall through the cracks while a zillion PTSD veterans go without quality psychotherapy and social well- being adjustment counseling as well as getting whatever drug packages deemed able to modify their brain experience positively. The corporate approach to treating veterans and the poor is likely to be less than entirely effective.

    It is said that Obamacare created unequal treatment and protection of the law based on age such that older people would be denied treatment available to younger treatment, and that a primary difference between Obama and Trumpcare is that the prosperous would pay the same as the poor without age discrimination at all. Seemingly a rob Peter to pay Paul approach is equally ineffective and harmful to the majority of Americans.

    On Central Intelligence Agency V7-Hacking Leaks

    8 March 2017

    Julian Assange's wikipedia recently published C.I.A. hacking methods and content in redacted form on-line in what was named Vault 7. The body of C.I.A. hacking documentation may be genuine or possibly fake news since it would be possible for experienced hacking consultants with some C.I.A. information to invent such material however unlikely that might be. If the expose' is true then it might be Mr. Assange's get-out-of-jail card that will allow him to emigrate from the Peruvian embassy in London where he has lived as a refugee from the law and extradition for several years.

    I was initially one that regarded the wikileaks publication of the Snow and Manning files as an accomplice in espionage. The international law situation of multinational acts of espionage make the legal standing murky. Plainly the new material act as a kind of counter-intelligence operation enfilading the C.I.A.'s ineffective security on their own operations. Those that drink the kool-aid are not supposed to divulge contents of the secret sauce.

    Much will be written about C.I.A. violation of foreign and perhaps domestic civil rights to communications privacy and the danger to human liberty that entails and rightly so. It also allows one to infer that Chinese, Russian, British, French and Saudi intelligence are likely to be working the same activities.

    So President Trump may have been right about Bamako-era spooks hacking his campaign. Seems that anything occasionally connected to the Internet is a tool for the voyeurs of government cyberspace. Maybe Julian Assange will be granted a pardon eventually from the White House along with Mr. Snowden for providing the dangerous public service of letting the U.S. public have a look inside the secret world of government surveillance encroachment.

    Lawmakers may want to take action to assure that stolen information is carefully and impartially reviewed by unemployed and retired Americans acting as part-time contractors in a blind-juried sort of way in a way comparable to jury selection.

    Zillary Defeat Deniers Want Special Russia Prosecutor

    6 March 2017

    The last thread of hope for Hillary loss deniers to overturn the election of President Donald Trump is the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate any possible relationship between Donald Trump and Russian efforts to subvert the Zillary campaign with true propaganda emails hacked from her unsecure private emails and the DNC. It is a rather silly wish since the sole way Trump could be subject to impeachment would be if he were found to have been part of a criminal conspiracy, with Russia and that is not likely.

    All top government officials are subject to internet hack attacks from numerous governments and private parties. Because of the Clinton-Obama antipathy to Russia and desire to wrest their Ukrainian heartland away from it, Russia obviously had a motive in hoping or working for the defeat of Hillary without any encouragement from Donald Trump. At the time the state department Hillary content was hacked Trump wasn't even running for office.

    It is not criminal to influence elections publishing true information. It is criminal to hack into computers to get information obviously, however there is not even the most vague shred of evidence that candidate Trump did anything of the sort. Probably the Russians, British, French, Chinese etc. were hacking into Hillary's private emails for years and years and none choose to publish the content and give up their view over her shoulder into the most private secrets of the U.S. State Department. Russia on the other hand might have weighed the pros and cons of publishing the data and decided in favor because it was a reasonably close election and like millions or billions of others hoped Hillary Clinton would lose and go back to Little Rock, Chicago or wherever at last.

    It might be that the Obama administration and Hillary should be investigated for possible espionage ties with Bradley aka Chelsea Manning for the dirty work at military intelligence perhaps in order to advance the Obama homosexual agenda. President Obama commuted Chelsea-Bradley Manning's sentence his last day in office.

    The Presidential election cannot itself be overturned because of wikipedia leaks. If Trump were impeached the Vice President would be promoted, and as the new President it is not unlikely that Rush Limbaugh would be named the new Vice President after being awarded his medal of freedom.

    Federal Reserve's Magic ET Satirycon (fiction)

    6 March 2017

    When alien propagandists demonstrated they could create fake news to erase Earthly evidence of their conquest of Earth and its leader the Federal Reserve Chairperson, that agency was liberated to exploit alien technology to produce zero-interest electronic dollars by the trillions from zero-point space. That is the maximum, minimum energy value of the void if theoretically everything of value is removed from it. In that minimal condition the Federal Reserve chairman can summon a mini-big-bank effusion of e-dollars from virtually nothing. As the inflaton expands faster-than-light a fraction of a second because it is creating zero-interest space-time with it along with persons of interest to vote for it deposit trillions of zero-interest loans into the accounts electronically crediting them with charged particles.

    As the inflaton slows a cloud of obfuscation appears because the energy is still too hot to allow viewing of individual particles of light. Instead the e-loans in dark pools begins to cool down while expanding space-time. Trans-dimensional aliens direct the allocation of e-dollars globally to hidden accounts offshore where they can balance any irrational exuberance arising amidst investors on Wall Street with the cold reality checks of sobriety when the last bottle of single malt scotch lies pathetically empty in the gutter.

    Fundamentally it’s all about genetics and splicing of Higgs vector bosons in a temporal field with Harvard Wu Soup research dancers. Applications of extra-galactic technology may keep economic lunches working good for the 1% into the unforeseeable future.

    Decades ago when Boris Yeltsin was Chairman of the Federal Reserve an American Secretary of State was sent on an impossible secret mission to stop nuclear weapons development in North Korea. Armed just with a prickly, thorny rose she stripped down to dance config and danced for the dictator Kim II in exchange for North Korea giving up nuclear weapons construction and fourteen cases of Twinkies. Dictator Kim put a tip on monetary policy in her garter belt that became known as 'M-Theory'.

    M-theory provided multiverse renormalization of home mortgage derivatives technique whereby the middle class and poor would be relieved of their abodes through defaults and swaps trading ownership with the 1% who would be financed by zero-point e-dollar multipliers in the Federal Reserve alien technology archive.

    Dissidents were few to the expansion of planetary networking, yet they provided a steady-state barter Universe theory wherein trade would be based on corn liquor and honest cracker barrel content auctions at yearly meets on neutral islands.

    Exsiders speculated the new Trump administration may implement T-Ball, Wall Street Dregulation Lawn Bowling or Ecological Economics for course correction.

    Genetic Breakdown in Formerly Elite Mammoth Populations

    3 March 2017

    Even global human populations without substantial degrees of isolation may eventually suffer the effects of inbreeding or sharing bad genes if one extrapolates from a recent study of Wooly Mammoths on Russia's Wrangel Island.

    Apparently the ancient elephant-like creatures that were killed of at Wrangel Island Russia 3500 years ago compiled substantial genetic defects perhaps for many reasons such as bad diet, environmental conditions etc, and inbreeding. As all human populations interbreed and isolation from contaminated populations no longer exists as firewalls genetic decay may occur in the finite yet initially variegated pool as well. Natural isolation in moderation with adequate populations for sustainability seems good while no isolation even with large numbers may mass produce and share critical genetic errors. Obviously possible human extinction criteria do not resemble closely those of Wooly Mammoths.

    Maybe gene structures continue placidly unchallenged, unchanged and breakdown in effort to find adaptive change in circumstance of creeping environmental extinction.

    Jacque Cousteau anticipated humanity has fewer than 200 years remaining before its overuse of the environment and technological development (such as genetic engineering, biological war, nuclear, etc) led to mass extinction. The poor Wooly Mammoths gradually faded away as humanity consumed them as mobile fast food platforms.

    Congress Probably Would Flunk an Ecological Economic Exam

    3 March 2017

    It would be a safe bet to say that Congress doesn't know what ecological economics is. For many in the two houses the term might suggest something like solar panels or renewable materials. Yes it can include such items however it means a lot more; in fact it is an entirely different way of regarding the economy as part of the environment (the world basically) where it occurs, including the ecosystem.

    Air is a simply idea. Usually it’s not included in classical economics quantitatively for the entire world though it could be. If someone were to make a substantial impact on the ecosphere reducing or increasing planetary oxygen and other gases, production of air fit to breathe it could be measured.

    There are finite quantities of air, water, land and biota on the Earth. One can compare the amount of ecological goods available to the number of users of the finite ecosphere and its ecological goods and determine what the budget for use that is sustainable is with various scaled population and use factors- if the goods natural renew themselves (such as a lake that refills after rainfall).

    Good ecological economic policy would provide work for citizens sustaining the environment and wildlife with all the value it has with D.N.A. structures uniquely configured plants, etc. in addition to usual jobs manufacturing items that make life easier or more interesting.

    Ecological economic criteria do need to have government set guidelines and coordination that fit within a Democratic, free enterprise social paradigm in order to sustain a continuum of creative human progress. Contract criteria for work that supports sustainability and has low impact on the ecosphere that is adverse or destructive is a good vehicle for transforming a classical, non-renewable economic infrastructure to one that is sustainable.

    Fundamentally the Democrat party isn't any more aware of the deeper nature of ecological economic procedures than the Republican Party, though the Democrats flirt with conservation and renewable energy items enough to try to attract voters to their general policy of concentrating wealth in a global plutonomy while destroying U.S. sovereignty.

    Europe; Leftist, Squishy, Needs U.S. Help?

    3 March 2017

    If Europe threw a hissy fit after Trump administrative upgrades for visitors to the U.S.A. in order to make terrorism more difficult to perpetrate here, it did not need to go so far as to consider making it requisite for American visitors to the old world region it has rescued twice from German hostile takeover. Yet it may be a benefit to Americans if Europe does that since more Americans will travel to Alaska this summer instead of Europe.

    Old Europe has been an expensive project for the U.S.A. to invest in since the First World War. Often Americans have wondered if Europeans could quit letting their latent Neanderthal side dominate affairs without going to the bipolar opposite course of homosexual marriage and some sort of incapacity for general political reason.

    Make no mistake; Germany has the best pastry in Europe and would dominate if there were fair, unbiased Universal competitions. Sadly, pastry excellence is insufficient qualification for ruling the troubled region. European resolution for worldliness without ecological economic transformation yet with a decline in Christian values while acting as a catalyst for Muslim migrations and simultaneously seeking to annex Ukraine and perhaps other parts of historical Russia and debasing individual citizenship in comparison to a concentration of wealth is problematic.

    Old Europe has been squashed down twice in the 20th century by political elites sometimes clashing with other political elites. Adolph Hitler was a surrogate for the aristocracy deposed in the First World War’s end and that Frankenstein project got out of control. The left in its infatuation with Trotsky-Leninism decided that nations rather than elites were the problem entirely misdiagnosing the a-lect of the dialectical cycle of history enabling overcompensation from the b-lect for several decades.

    Global today is the left’s idea in the United States for progress. They have substituted corporate elites for political elites that became unpopular as monarchies on soviets fell on hard time. Globalism is fundamentally a tool for letting a planetary oligarchy or plutonomy own everything while in turn the masses of people become powerless through relinquishing their nationhood.

    Globalism has always existed since there was a world realistically. Nations however are political constructions that let a body politic have inalienable political rights unless they give them up through weakness, moral incapacity or ignorance. Though nations are strong and have strongly defended boundaries the world still may coexist peacefully with trade and tourism. Today’s globalists claim that the alternative to the unfettered planetary domination of wealth is isolationism however it is isolation of citizens from their own national right reason and properties of civil rights that occurs when the 1% have the world as their oyster and the masses are shifted about as cheap labor without a right to own anything or even in time to have sovereign democratic political rights in a republic.

    Today a popular leverage tool for the globalism for the rich is to use Russia as a villain to prevent the practical global smooth flow of commerce and trade amidst sovereign nations with strong national ecological economic values. At the end of the cold war the Clintons and Europe sought to take Ukraine a third time from Russia in a century following up on that last accomplished by the Nazis in the Second World War. It would make sense for the U.S.A. to form a free trade policy with Russia in order to allow Miami to Fairbanks to Irkutsk high speed electromagnetic tube travel (and onward to Europe). That too would be globalism even if it occurs with strong U.S. sovereign boundary protection. It is not necessary that Americans are weak and indolent, doped up homosexuals to let the fake brave new world globalism bring happiness to the miserable. Rational actual global facilities for all traveling from their own nations with strong ecological economic policies can develop too as a better alternative to the world vision imagined by deathocrats and plutocrats seeking to rule as a corporatist central committee.

    Russian-American Free Trade Act and Senator Jeff Sessions

    2 March 2017

    Democrats have discovered a cache of documentation about two meetings by then-Senator Jeff Sessions with the Russian Ambassador in Washington D.C. and have called for the Attorney General to resign-. A reasonable request for a party taking up where Joe McCarthy left off in hating on the Russians (and Donald Trump). In theory the party reasoning goes something like Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador to plot to put Hillary's emails from State on an insecure private server so Russian hackers could buy the stuff from a dark web auction site with laundered C.I.A. money that would only be enfiladed after deeper throat met with a Washington Post reporter behind a closed door secured with plumbers tape and forward the emails to wikileaks that would then release it during Hillary's Presidential campaign thus winning the election for Donald Trump after the public got a look into Hillary's way of doping business and Clinton Foundation tours of the State Department for big foreign contributors .

    Senator Sessions decision to possibly discuss political matters with the Russian ambassador is unprecedented; US. politicians strictly stick to a code of silence and never meet with foreign representatives to discuss politics when they have a big stick of nuclear weaponry in their pocket. The fire stick makes savages heal with big wamp-em. Good Senators don't meet with diplomats; they use N.S.A. surveillance to listen in on their dirty little secrets.

    It is of coarseness possible that the Senator met to discover what the Russian view of certain political matters were concerning war and peace in regions of mutual concern. Yet until Russia concedes the Myrny diamond pipes to the Democrat national Committee they will be regarded as a rogue nation unlikely to permit homosexual marriage and atheist, godless domination by feminism and BLTs.

    Senator Sessions might have simply yearned for peanuts, caviar and vodka that no longer are automatic freebies flying in first class. The Russian ambassador might have provided a decent snack and then suggested some sort of treachery such as a free trade agreement between the two nations. Jeff Sessions as a naive political innocent would not have known the ambassador was capable of persuasive subterfuge and was actually recruiting him to spy on and steal Senator Al Franken's jokes. Free trade agreements are tantamount to treason in the Democrat play book.

    Revised freak trade might work with RAFTA though. Athletes, vodka, whiskey and raw materials could be traded freely while manufactured goods and c.p.a.'s would not. Russia could make quick and dirty lunar lab modules and heavy lift them to the moon base. Space X would provide transport for humans and supply. How many billions it would take N.A.S.A. to build a moon base!?

    Fallacy of Adequate Taxes and the Welfare State

    25 Feb. 2017

    A modern state requires a lot of tax dollars to pay for making it work; keeping the flow moving together. Public spending is like the lubricant in an automobile engine. Without engine lub the independent parts would grind away with much friction.

    Public spending in the wrong place creates inefficiency in the economic and social engine of a nation. Too much lube and too few engine parts doesn't work for progress. Cutting taxes to ridiculously low levels with a 20 trillion dollar public debt with a belief that reductions in 'welfare state' entitlements can be exploited top create a balanced budget and eliminate the public debt is silly.

    Wealth in America is progressively concentrated with Republican and Democrat Party policies from leaders reinforcing the trend. Media sycophants and manic political leaders seem to want to keep mob hysteria and polity divisiveness going over non-economic issues.

    Democracy is about the well-being of the majority and politicians shouldn't be ashamed to pursue rational policies in behalf of the majority.

    The richest 1% are said to have more wealth than 90% of Americans put together. The poorest 73% have most of the debt. Washington politics primarily benefit the ultra-rich and globalism.  It has been said that 50% of the people of the United States share just 1/2 of 1% of the national income.

    Democrat politics under the Obama administration slopped the poor and anyone they could retire or put out of the work force without adding to unemployment stats. Even so they focused on enriching politicians and the richest signing off on Bush II tax cuts with enthusiasm. Republicans simply like to berate the poor and starve them with a misbelief that good jobs are easy to be had with effort. Those that are comfortable and well to do cannot imagine that real effort can pay off with virtually nothing in the U.S.A. There is no objectively even field for work and individual progress over the course of a lifetime any more.

    F.D.R. got a 90% tax rate on the rich and only very slowly did that decrease over several decades. He did create something of a welfare ethos since the private sector put millions on the bread line with the depression.

    With a 60% tax rate on the 1% government could reallocate capital to ecological economic policy actualization through private enterprise rather than just welfare payments. Government could set paradigms for business bidders to fulfil that would be financed upon winning competition. Today though the Trump administration should create incentives for business to higher those out of work the most time, first. Real nationalism means taking up policy that benefit the majority of the people rather than the ultra-rich that tend to have globally allocated portfolios at any rate.

    The people of the United States should try to keep some sort of reality in their thinking about what concentrated wealth and power means. The nation's founders revolted against concentrated wealth and power of British aristocrats. Several revolutions that shaped the modern world were against concentrations of wealth and power that reduced ordinary people to the status of peons or slaves.

    Some have said that if one is happy living in a political manure pile one shouldn't stick one's neck out. The media tend to pacify the public when they are stimulating panic or hate, yet it is intelligent analysis that too often or generally is lacking. One needs to be circumspective too about current events in regard to history. Perhaps no one in the U.S.A. should have more wealth than 300x that of the average. Maybe corporations should be limited in size to 5000 employees.

    Can Inflation Occur With E-Dollars?

    22 Feb. 2017

    The Federal Reserve made about

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