Testimony: The Dark Side of Christianity
About this ebook
This Darling Princess was conceived by violent rape and abused as a child. By fourteen years old she entered prostitution and other criminal activity. She was pregnant by age seventeen by an organized crime boss and told to have an abortion or be killed. Find out how she became a faithful wife, mother of five, trusted nurse and competent business owner.
Darling Princess
As a home educator, I provided education from preschool through graduation for my own five children, as well as helping a few of their friends graduate high school with an accredited diploma. I left school in the seventh grade, but taught myself enough to obtain a GED and attend nursing school. I believe everyone is responsible for their own education. I grew up impoverished and lived on the streets for a few years. I was ordained for youth ministry in 1998. I served on the Board of our state's Right to Life Committee and as president of that statewide nonprofit for three years. Presently, my husband and I own our home and manage rental property in four states. We live in New England. We have five children and two grandchildren.
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Testimony - Darling Princess
© 2012 by Darling Princess. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 12/10/2012
ISBN: 978-1-4772-8886-3 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4772-8885-6 (hc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2012921428
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Chapter 1. The Set Up
A superficial look at the socioeconomic circumstances during the time just before the Darling Princess was born.
Chapter 2. Connections
Exploring the connections to the people who would shape the young life and the events that took place in their own time.
Chapter 3. Do you recall?
I didn’t recall much of my early childhood until I was in my twenties. What I did remember, did not explain the intense dread in my heart.
Chapter 4. A Wild Ride
I still had no idea what was driving the crazy behavior, but at the time, I did think I was making my own decisions.
Chapter 5. Children
Recounting the events surrounding the birth of my children and howthe most wonderful husband and their well-being kept me alive.
Chapter 6. Childhood
What really happened? How was it kept secret? Where is the dark place? Who is responsible? When did the healing begin?
Chapter 7. Reflections
This is the real nitty-gritty of how I changed from a hellion to a responsible, contributing member of society.
Chapter 8. Can You Hear Me Now
Now that I have become completely vulnerable and shared my life with you, let me tell you precisely what changed my life.
This is my tumultuous life story. I have changed some of the names, but some of the names are either so common or so profoundly appropriate that it would be a shame to leave them out and it would detract from the story to change them. The setting and timing of the events are in vague terms intentionally, because this story implicates so many, so much wrong, illegal, immoral and unethical activity, that only those who were actually there might recognize themselves in these pages.
The indiscretions of our youth carry immense and often eternal consequences, but sometimes they just make us smile.
—Darling Princess
The world we live in is made of material things. But we, though we live in a body that is material, are spirits. We’re complicated beings. Our minds are marvelous. We have been created with special protective mechanisms for times of trauma. Psychologists label some of these protections as repression, projection, cognitive dissonance, passive aggression and sometimes they just work perfectly.
These protective mechanisms provide the protection for us to deal with a few things at a time, so we are not overwhelmed. They provide a chance for healing and restoration, little by little, issue by issue. They can be destructive, if they are employed and issues are never dealt with.
Our minds store, connect and create information and often translate that information into emotions, which in turn, affect our decisions. Our decisions naturally precede behavior. Each person is absolutely responsible to choose their own behavior. Generally, we behave based on experience and what we know to be true. What we know to be true however, is not always correct.
There are many religions and many philosophies that Americans treasure. Most religions teach some form of morality. Biblical Christianity which is found in the whole counsel of God, the Bible, teaches prudent self sacrifice and love, kindness and charity and the consequences of living in a fallen world, good and bad.
Christianity is basically, the belief that God created the world, including man, God gave man His own supernatural life, and that He gave man free will. That free will allows us to live in the light or on the dark side of Christianity. My story is about that dark side of Christianity.
The Set Up
There is turmoil all over the world. The 1960s was an especially raucous decade. As the largest number of young people ever in existence infused the population with the spoils of the world at their fingertips, the time was ripe for disorder. Many people, including myself, were set up for disaster. Many people today are born into much worse circumstances, but this is my testimony.
In the early 60s, the writings of a man named Aleister Crowley began to influence young musicians. He was brought up in a wealthy Christian home. His father was a circuit Bible preacher. When his father died, he was at the tender age of eleven years old. He had inherited a great deal of family money. He went to the finest schools, but was expelled or left because of his unruly behavior.
Crowley spent time traveling the world, climbing the highest mountains, studying Satanism and practicing occult rituals and writing about them, citing human sacrifices and killing young children for the devil. He advocated the pure, white young male as the most valuable of sacrifices. He was called the wickedest man on earth by his peers. He lived in a house overlooking Loch Ness, in Scotland for a time. It is said that the locals called him the other Loch Ness monster.
In his book Magick, Crowley lays out his evil thoughts. He was a prolific writer of sadistic, explicit poetry, articles about occult practices and actual tutorials for magic and ritualistic ceremonies. In the widely read and perhaps his most influential book, entitled The Book of the Law, came the words Do what thou wilt
. He attributed its composition to the direct dictation of Satan himself.
Crowley seemed to enjoy the notoriety of being evil. He is a very controversial figure in history. Many people are sure he practiced all that he wrote about, the rapes and violence, the ritual sex and black magic, but other people defend him as a brilliant man, misunderstood and a masterful occultist.
He was sure All Americans are eager for power, in one form or another. They therefore pursue with passionate ardour every path which promises knowledge as well as those which lead directly to mastery of environment. So powerful and so irrepressible is this enthusiasm that the most grotesque disillusionments fail to disgust them and no charlatanism so crude, no pretence so puerile, no humbug so outrageous as to deter them from running after the next new religion. Their dauntless innocence persuades me that just as soon as they have acquired the critical faculty, they will progress spiritually more swiftly and sanely than has ever been known.
The new religion he was espousing would imply that each person can be god for themselves. It was supposed to be a perfect freedom, with no rules to follow and no outside standards. Crowley said, Family is public enemy number one.
Since people learn rules and standards of living within families, he set out to destroy it. His influence is nearly infinite. In 1969, the London Times declared Crowley as one of the Makers of the Twentieth Century
The philosophy he lived by and his motto was, Do what thou wilt
. He said his objective was to be used by Satan to influence young people to rebel against parents and God. In particular, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Ozzy Ozbourne, The Doors and many others were heavily influenced by Aleister Crowley.
Crowley’s influence is readily evident in music, art and literature produced in recent years as well. Many of the songs of this era were tainted by the use of drugs and the evil spirits behind them. Love songs were much more sexualized. Many songs alluded to and glamorized excessive drug use, selfishness and greed. Most people know that the music of the early 60s changed the world. The music of that time was tame compared to what we have now, but that is someone else’s story.
Crowley died in 1947. In a tribute to him, the Beatles honored him with the album Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in 1967. True to their goal, Sergeant Pepper changed the world. The album cover has lots of mystics and devil worshipers on the cover, including a small Hitler and of course, Aleister Crowley.
Some were referred to the Beatles as the four evangelists for The Book of the Law. The book espouses that everyone is to do what they will, that is the whole of the law. Yoko Ono said they were four mediums at a séance when they got together creating their music. Ozzy too, honored Crowley in song, as have many others over the years.
Satan worship hadn’t been able to really take hold in New England prior to this, but with the chaos of Vietnam, the Civil Rights Movement, increases in birth control, abortion and yet to be illegal drugs, a world flush with money and the available technology to quickly spread the messages, there was no stopping it now. Prior to this time it wouldn’t have been possible to turn an entire generation. There was simply no mechanism for it, but when record players, radios and televisions were in homes and 8 tracks or cassette players and radios in cars all over the country, it was an explosion of a new kind of knowledge.
On camera, during a television interview, John Lennon, of the Beatles, said he was more popular than Jesus Christ. This actually caused such a stir that it was likely true. John Lennon’s name may well have been spoken more in the months following that interview, than the name of Jesus Christ during that same time.
Since people in many homes were Bible believing, but merely Sunday morning Christians, daily Bible reading and study is reserved for pastors and priests. The name of Jesus would have likely been reserved for church, if not cussing. Every radio station, newspaper, parents, teachers and of course, the youth were talking about that declaration by John Lennon. Suddenly the entire youth were drawn from Christ to the gurus of the East and to yoga, which is actually translated to be yoked to the pagan gods
of the East.
Music is the most powerful medium on earth. Any thinking person would agree that if you remove the soundtrack from almost every major movie, it wouldn’t sell at all. Virtually no one would watch it. Music changes the atmosphere. Music can influence mood, emotion and even dictate your actions.
The church of Satan termed it aesthetic terrorism, using art, music and literature to demoralize. The leader of the church of Satan, Anton Lavey said, Satan has always had the best tunes.
James Taylor said, Our music is intended to broaden the generation gap and to alienate children from their parents.
Jimmy Hendricks said, You hypnotize people
. George Harrison told people to chant and be happy as he led the children and adults in praising God with Halleluiah
, then subtly changed it to call upon the pagan god, Beelzebub, with Hare Krishna
. David Crosby knew it. Use the music to change their value systems.
he said.
With bands like Black Sabbath, love and peace had gone out and dark spiritualism had come in. AC/DC sang of the Highway to Hell, drawing a generation of youth into the dark side. Psychedelic art and fantastic images led the way for a new age. The very popular group Hair sang of this new age in their song Age of Aquarius
Lucifer Rising is a film depicting a reflection of the Age of Aquarius
song by Hair, also known as, the new age. This film by Kenneth Anger depicted the violence and promiscuity rampant in drug culture and the psychedelic mystically induced rituals used to invoke Satan.
It was said that Mick Jagger was asked to play the lead, but declined. His brother Chris Jagger filled in, but didn’t fulfill Anger’s expectations for the role, so Anger played the main character. Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin wrote a score for the film, but Anger chose a young musician named Bobby Beausoleil, who was later convicted of killing Gary Hinman under the orders of Charles Manson in 1970.
The age of Horus or the New Age is not a new economic system or a new way of government. It is a demonically influenced age of social depravity. As the family unit is degraded, so goes society. I grew up having been born under the astrological sign of Aquarius. This had a very strong impact on society and on me personally.
The repeal of the Butler Law in 1967 had a huge impact on American society too. The Butler Law forbade the teaching of the theory of evolution in the public schools. Creation was taught in schools as a public trust. Christianity teaches that people have innate value because God made us and breathed into us His very own breath of life; we don’t have to do anything to earn value.
Evolution teaches that people came from struggle and killing or outliving other creatures over millions of years and we started as muck. Our value is categorically earned in this survival of the fittest philosophy.
Also, consider that in this mode of thought. We are just slightly more evolved animals, base creatures, not superior to other animal life and without dominion over the earth, unable to control our animal tendencies for low living and we have no outside authority to be accountable to. Evolution teaches that the only hope of a future is to dispose of any inferior people in order to evolve into a superior race. It is a cold, heartless existence without compassion for the less fortunate.
Many of the young people before those transition days had accepted Jesus as their Savior in their Sunday Schools and at revival picnics. The music and teachings of evolution drew their attention away from spending time with God. Christianity is about having a relationship with God, not about a one-time decision or about keeping rules or even about a set of activities.
In those days, many people who were or who thought they were Christians allowed the deeply evil music to change their thoughts, then their emotions and attitudes, then, their actions changed to the selfish, unloving and even hateful behavior that tormented and wounded the next generation.
One generation of perversion begets a further degradation and on to the ultimate plan of Satan: to steal, kill and destroy you.
Lots of people know Satan is bad. What many people don’t know is that Satan was originally the Arc Angel of worship in Heaven. He was actually created with musical instruments in his very being and covered with gold and precious stones of various kinds. He was described as very beautiful and ornate.
Having been in charge of all the worship in Heaven, Satan desired to receive the worship for himself. Originally in the creation, God created everything and every creeping thing in six days. On the sixth day God created man in His own image, in His likeness and He then breathed into man His very life, His own spirit kind of life by His own breath.
Man was supposed to possess the attributes of God on the earth. As soon as Satan realized that man had been created to be like God with the very breath of God in him, Satan hated him. Satan desired to be like God in heaven. While he was directing the worship he said, I will make myself like the Most High. I will ascend above the heavens.
So, because mankind had the attributes of God that Satan wanted, he has tried everything possible to destroy humans from the very beginning.
In the garden that God created, He put the first man, Adam. Then, Satan came to Eve, the first woman, and questioned God’s authority and His benevolence. His inference was that God did not truly love them.
Eve had heard from her husband, Adam, that they were told not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but she listened to the Serpent. The fruit looked good for food and she saw that it would make her wise like God, knowing good and evil. The saddest part is that she was already like God, in all of His goodness.
She took the fruit and ate it and gave it to her husband and he ate it. This caused them to lose the glory that covered them and they found that they were naked. They hid from God and were separated from Him in the darkness. This separation and the inability to know God is the sinful nature that all generations from then on would experience. God had killed an animal and made a temporary covering for Adam and Eve out of the skin, but