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The Six Healing Sounds: Taoist Techniques for Balancing Chi
The Six Healing Sounds: Taoist Techniques for Balancing Chi
The Six Healing Sounds: Taoist Techniques for Balancing Chi
Ebook144 pages43 minutes

The Six Healing Sounds: Taoist Techniques for Balancing Chi

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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  • Taoism

  • Meditation

  • Energy-Level Problems

  • Healing

  • Self-Development

  • Chosen One

  • Ancient Wisdom

  • Forbidden Knowledge

  • Chinese Healing

About this ebook

The Six Healing Sounds that keep the vital organs in optimal condition

• Presents vocalizations and accompanying postures that dissolve the tensions at the root of unhealthy chi flow and organ malfunction

• Shows how to release excess heat trapped around the organs and redistribute it to cooler regions of the body to bring balance, health, and calmness to the entire system

Thousands of years ago Taoist masters discovered that a healthy organ vibrates at a particular frequency. They found six sounds with the correct frequencies to keep each organ in optimal condition. To accompany these Six Healing Sounds, six postures were developed to activate the acupuncture meridians, or energy channels, of the corresponding organs.

In The Six Healing Sounds Master Mantak Chia explains how the pressures of modern life can cause excess heat to become trapped around the organs, causing energy blockages and sickness. He shows readers how the vibrations of the Six Healing Sounds and their accompanying postures redistribute this excess heat to the cooler regions of the body, thereby stimulating and balancing chi energy and restoring the vital organs. Regular practice of the Six Healing Sounds promotes optimal health for the organs, increased sexual pleasure, emotional balance, and the prevention of illness.
Release dateMar 9, 2009
The Six Healing Sounds: Taoist Techniques for Balancing Chi

Mantak Chia

A student of several Taoist masters, Mantak Chia founded the Healing Tao System in North America in 1979 and developed it worldwide as European Tao Yoga and Universal Healing Tao. He has taught and certified tens of thousands of students and instructors from all over the world and tours the United States annually, giving workshops and lectures. He is the director of the Tao Garden Health Spa and the Universal Healing Tao training center in northern Thailand and is the author of 50 books, including Taoist Foreplay, Inner Smile, Cosmic Fusion, Sexual Reflexology, and the bestselling The Multi-Orgasmic Man.

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    Book preview

    The Six Healing Sounds - Mantak Chia


    What Is the Universal Tao?

    The Universal Tao is a self-help system for curing and preventing illness and stress, and for enhancing all aspects of life. Its key concept is increasing vital energy, or chi, through easy techniques and physical exercises. This life-force energy is then circulated through the acupuncture meridians of the body and channeled into health, vitality, balanced emotions, and creative and spiritual expression.

    A practical system accessible to everybody, the Universal Tao is a modern expression of centuries-old Taoist practices. Many of these techniques were formerly known only to an elite group of Taoist masters and handpicked students. After formulating these powerful practices into a comprehensive system, I began teaching them to the public at large in my native Thailand in 1973. In 1978 I brought this system to the Western world. I then opened the Universal Tao Center in New York and began teaching the practices there. Today we teach our system in various places throughout the United States and Europe, as well as in Thailand. Though spiritual in its foundation, the Universal Tao is not a religion. It is compatible with all religions, as well as with agnosticism and atheism. There are no rituals to perform and no gurus to surrender to: the master and the teacher are highly respected, but are not deified.

    The Universal Tao system has three levels:

    Level I concentrates on universal energy, strengthening and calming the body

    Level II concentrates on changing negative emotions into strong, positive energy

    Level III concentrates on creative and spiritual practices

    All levels include both mental (meditative) practices and physical disciplines, such as Tai Chi, Papua, and Iron Shirt Chi Kung.

    This book covers the Six Healing Sounds, one of the beginning practices of Level I. Level I also includes the Microcosmic Orbit, which is covered in my book, Healing Light of the Tao, and the Inner Smile, which should be used to begin every meditation in the Healing Tao system. For instructions on this technique, see The Inner Smile: Increasing Chi through the Cultivation of Joy. For the most profound results, you should make all three of these practices of Level I an integral part of your life. For a description of other courses and for the addresses and phone numbers of the Universal Tao centers, see the end of this book.


    Taoism is the five- to eight-thousand-year-old foundation of Chinese philosophy and medicine. It is also the mother of acupuncture and the inspiration for modern body-oriented therapies, such as acupressure, Rolfing, and the Feldenkrais method. The Tao has been described as natural law or natural order, the constantly changing cycle of the seasons, an art, a method, a power, and a path of direction.

    In the Taoist view, harmony and balance are essential for health. The body is seen as a whole; therefore, stress or injury to one organ, gland, or system weakens the entire body. The body is also self-regulating and will naturally move toward balance if

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