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Biomedical Physics in Radiotherapy for Cancer
Biomedical Physics in Radiotherapy for Cancer
Biomedical Physics in Radiotherapy for Cancer
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Biomedical Physics in Radiotherapy for Cancer

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The scientific and clinical foundations of Radiation Therapy are cross-disciplinary. This book endeavours to bring together the physics, the radiobiology, the main clinical aspects as well as available clinical evidence behind Radiation Therapy, presenting mutual relationships between these disciplines and their role in the advancements of radiation oncology.

Release dateFeb 21, 2012
Biomedical Physics in Radiotherapy for Cancer

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    Book preview

    Biomedical Physics in Radiotherapy for Cancer - Loredana Marcu


    Loredana Marcu, Royal Adelaide Hospital

    Eva Bezak, Royal Adelaide Hospital

    Barry Allen, University of NSW

    © CSIRO 2012

    All rights reserved. Except under the conditions described in the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and subsequent amendments, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, duplicating or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Contact CSIRO PUBLISHING for all permission requests.

    National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

    Marcu, Loredana.

    Biomedical physics in radiotherapy for cancer/by Loredana Marcu, Eva Bezak and Barry Allen.

    9780643094048 (pbk.)

    9780643103306 (epdf)

    9780643103313 (epub)

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    Medical physics.

    Cancer – Radiotherapy.

    Bezak, Eva.

    Allen, B. J. (Barry John)


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    Front cover: Image sequences of stereotactic radiotherapy planning for brain lesion (courtesy Royal Adelaide Hospital)

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    CSIRO PUBLISHING publishes and distributes scientific, technical and health science books, magazines and journals from Australia to a worldwide audience and conducts these activities autonomously from the research activities of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of, and should not be attributed to, the publisher or CSIRO.


    Biomedical Physics in Radiotherapy for Cancer provides an overview of the rapid technological advances in the planning and delivery of radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer which has occurred in the last 15 years or so and how these have transformed the practice of clinical radiotherapy. Each of the current widely available radiation treatment modalities is covered and highly specialised treatment techniques such as stereotactic radiotherapy, brachytherapy and heavy ion therapy are also included. In the closing chapters of the book, the evolving fields of targeted radiotherapy and continuing refinements in predictive assays converge to bring the ultimate goal of individualising patient treatments or personalised medicine a reality in the near future.

    It is written by Medical Physicists involved in the provision of comprehensive radiation therapy services in one of the largest Radiation Oncology departments in Australia. Unlike most Medical Physics textbooks, this book does not dwell unduly on technical detail and complicated formulae but gives a refreshing perspective of the radiobiological basis of each technological advance for Radiotherapy for Cancer. In addition, examples of clinical applications are provided in each chapter as well as evidence of therapeutic gains of the various technological advances from long term clinical trial data where available.

    As many of the discernable patient benefits from the technological advances are based mainly on short-term data from studies in a number of malignant disease sites, the authors are right in reserving judgement on the success of the treatment approaches until several more years follow-up have elapsed to ensure that any long term advantages in tumour control through radiation dose escalation are not negated by increased late normal tissue radiation effects resulting in worse treatment related morbidity. The authors also correctly emphasise the importance of radiobiological considerations in radiation therapy of cancer in order to maximise the potential gains of recent technological advances in radiotherapy in terms of local cure whilst minimising late normal tissue effects and treatment related complications.

    I would commend this book to all involved in Radiotherapy for Cancer but in particular to trainees in Medical Physics, Radiation Therapy, Radiation Oncology and Radiation Nursing. The authors are cognisant of the varying needs of the different trainee groups and refer each to sources of further information other than the up to date list of references in each chapter.

    Professor Eric Yeoh


    Professor in Discipline of Medicine

    University of Adelaide

    Adjunct Professor in Division of Health Sciences

    University of South Australia


    Radiation Oncology Department

    Royal Adelaide Hospital





    1      Interactions of radiation with matter

    1.1 Ionising radiation

    1.2 X-rays

    1.2.1 Characteristic X-rays

    1.2.2 Bremsstrahlung radiation

    1.3 Interaction of X-rays with matter

    1.3.1 Linear attenuation coefficient

    1.3.2 Photoelectric effect

    1.3.3 Compton scattering

    1.3.4 Pair production

    1.3.5 Coherent scattering

    1.3.6 Total interaction coefficient

    1.4 Interactions of heavy charged particles with matter

    1.4.1 Bragg peak

    1.4.2 Linear energy transfer (LET)

    1.4.3 Stopping power (mass stopping power)

    1.4.4 Range of charged particles

    1.4.5 Bethe-Bloch formula

    1.4.6 Rutherford scattering

    1.4.7 Interactions of electrons with matter

    1.5 Neutron interactions

    1.5.1 Nuclear reactions with neutrons

    1.6 Radioactivity

    1.6.1 Basic definitions

    1.6.2 Quantities and units of radioactivity

    1.6.3 Sources of radionuclides and ionising radiation

    1.7 Radiation quantities and units

    1.7.1 Radiation weighting factors and equivalent dose

    1.7.2 Tissue weighting factors and effective dose

    1.8 The interaction of radiation with cells

    1.9 DNA – the target

    1.10 References

    2      Elements of radiobiology

    2.1 Target theory

    2.1.1 Single hit single target theory

    2.1.2 Single hit multiple target theory

    2.1.3 Linear quadratic model

    2.2 Cell survival curves

    2.3 The cell cycle and cellular radiosensitivity

    2.4 Characterisation of radiation damage

    2.4.1 Lethal damage

    2.4.2 Sublethal damage (SLD)

    2.4.3 Potentially lethal damage (PLD)

    2.5 Loss of reproductive ability in cells

    2.5.1 Clonogenic assay

    2.5.2 Main quantifying factors in radiation biology: LET, RBE, OER

    2.6 Linear energy transfer (LET)

    2.6.1 Energy dependence of LET

    2.7 Relative biological effectiveness (RBE)

    2.7.1 RBE as a function of LET

    2.8 The oxygen effect: oxygen enhancement ratio (OER)

    2.8.1 The oxygen ‘fixation’ hypothesis

    2.8.2 Oxygen enhancement ratio (OER)

    2.8.3 OER as a function of LET

    2.9 References

    3      Elements of radiotherapy physics

    3.1 X-ray and particle generators

    3.1.1 Production of radioisotopes

    3.1.2 Production of X-rays

    3.1.3 X-ray tube

    3.1.4 Accelerators

    3.2 Radiation quantities and units

    3.2.1 Particle fluence

    3.2.2 Energy fluence

    3.2.3 Exposure

    3.2.4 Exposure rate

    3.2.5 Kerma

    3.2.6 Absorbed dose

    3.2.7 Relationship between exposure, kerma and absorbed dose

    3.2.8 Electronic equilibrium

    3.3 Radiation dose measurements

    3.3.1 Ionisation in gases

    3.3.2 Ionisation potential

    3.3.3 Average energy per ion pair, W

    3.3.4 Experimental values of W for gases

    3.3.5 Ionisation in solids

    3.3.6 Bragg-Gray cavity theory

    3.3.7 Spencer–Attix cavity theory

    3.4 Radiation detectors and dosimeters

    3.4.1 Ionisation chamber

    3.5 Determination of absorbed dose

    3.5.1 Absorbed dose in free space

    3.5.2 Absorbed dose in a phantom

    3.5.3 Determination of absorbed dose for megavoltage X-rays

    3.5.4 Absorbed dose in the neighbourhood of an interface between different materials

    3.5.5 Dosimetry for electron beams

    3.6 Radiotherapy dosimetry protocols

    3.6.1 Calibration of low energy X-rays

    3.7 Quality assurance

    3.7.1 Secondary standard equipment and calibration

    3.7.2 Ionisation chamber

    3.7.3 Measuring assembly (electrometer)

    3.7.4 Portable stability check source

    3.7.5 Transfer of secondary standard calibration to field instruments; measuring the output of an X-ray machine with cross-calibrated field ionisation chambers

    3.7.6 Quality assurance tests on radiotherapy treatment machines

    3.8 References

    4      Tumour characteristics, development and response to radiation

    4.1 The induction of cancer

    4.2 Normal cells versus malignant cells

    4.3 Tumour growth characteristics

    4.3.1 Tumour kinetic parameters

    4.3.2 Tumour composition and characteristics of tumour cells

    4.4 Tumour kinetic parameters

    4.5 Tumour behaviour during radiotherapy

    4.6 Tumour cell death

    4.7 Tumour hypoxia and angiogenesis

    4.7.1 Tumour hypoxia

    4.7.2 Tumour angiogenesis

    4.8 Tumour metastasis

    4.9 References

    5      Fractionation and altered fractionation in radiotherapy

    5.1 Introduction

    5.2 The 5 R’s of radiobiology

    5.2.1 Repair

    5.2.2 Repopulation

    5.2.3 Redistribution

    5.2.4 Reoxygenation

    5.2.5 Radiosensitivity 111

    5.3 Organ architecture: functional sub-units (FSU)

    5.3.1 Volume effects

    5.4 Fractionation in radiotherapy

    5.5 Biologically effective doses in radiotherapy

    5.6 Incomplete repair model

    5.7 The LQ model at high dose per fraction regions

    5.8 Altered fractionation schedules

    5.8.1 Altered fractionation schedules for head & neck cancers

    5.8.2 Altered fractionation schedules for prostate cancers

    5.8.3 Altered fractionation schedules for breast cancer

    5.9 Summary

    5.10 References 124

    6      Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy: technical and physics aspects of treatment

    6.1 Introduction

    6.2 Three-dimensional radiation therapy

    6.3 Treatment simulation

    6.3.1 CT scanner

    6.3.2 Virtual simulator software

    6.4 Digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRR)

    6.5 Dose-volume histograms

    6.6 Dose calculation

    6.7 Dynamic wedge

    6.8 Multi leaf collimator

    6.8.1 Leaf travel

    6.8.2 MLC radiation transmission

    6.8.3 Tongue-and-groove effects

    6.8.4 Multileaf collimator dose undulation

    6.8.5 MLC QA

    6.9 Electronic portal imaging devices

    6.10 Record and verify system

    6.11 Implementation of 3D CRT

    6.12 References

    7      Image guided radiotherapy: radiobiology and physics aspects of treatment

    7.1 Introduction

    7.2 Use of X-ray imaging in radiation therapy

    7.2.1 Development of computed tomography

    7.2.2 Cone beam computed tomography

    7.2.3 Cone beam CT imaging devices

    7.3 Adaptive radiation therapy

    7.4 Alternative approaches to IGRT

    7.4.1 Tomotherapy

    7.4.2 In-room CT

    7.4.3 US-guided EBRT

    7.4.4 US-guided brachytherapy

    7.4.5 Beacon guided radiation therapy

    7.5 Four-dimensional imaging and tumour tracking

    7.6 Radiobiological aspects of image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT)

    7.6.1 Clinical trials/studies

    7.6.2 IMRT-IGRT

    7.6.4 Image guided stereotactic body radiotherapy (IG-SBRT)

    7.7 The future of IGRT: biologic image-guided radiotherapy

    7.8 Conclusion

    7.9 References

    8      Intensity modulated radiotherapy: radiobiology and physics aspects of treatment

    8.1 Introduction

    8.2 Principles of IMRT – delivery methods

    8.2.1 Step-and-shoot or segmented IMRT

    8.2.2 Three-dimensional physical compensator-based IMRT

    8.2.3 Dynamic or ‘sliding-window’ IMRT

    8.3 IMRT treatment planning – dose calculation algorithms

    8.3.1 Traditional IMRT optimisation

    8.3.2 Direct machine parameter optimisation

    8.3.3 Dose calculation algorithms

    8.4 Quality assurance in IMRT

    8.4.1 Patient set-up verification

    8.4.2 Treatment planning system QA

    8.4.3 Multileaf collimator QA

    8.4.4 IMRT dose delivery QA

    8.5 Volumetric IMRT – Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy (IMAT)

    8.6 The radiobiology of IMRT

    8.7 IMRT in clinical trials

    8.7.1 Head & neck cancer

    8.7.2 Brain cancer

    8.7.3 Prostate cancer


    Colour plates

    9      Brachytherapy: radiobiology and physics aspects of treatment

    9.1 Short history of brachytherapy

    9.2 Physical and radiobiological aspects of brachytherapy

    9.2.1 Classification of brachytherapy

    9.2.2 Dose rate classification

    9.2.3 Radioisotopes used in brachytherapy: physical and biological characteristics

    9.3 Radiobiological models in brachytherapy (the LQ model)

    9.4 Dose prescription and dose calculation in brachytherapy

    9.4.1 Manchester system

    9.4.2 Paris system

    9.4.3 Present reporting

    9.4.4 Intracavitary treatments

    9.4.5 Interstitial treatments

    9.4.6 Dose calculations

    9.5 Brachytherapy for various tumour sites

    9.5.1 Brachytherapy for prostate cancer

    9.5.2 Brachytherapy for head & neck cancers

    9.5.3 Brachytherapy for breast cancer – MammoSite

    9.5.4 Brachytherapy for gynaecological malignancies

    9.5.5 Ophthalmic brachytherapy (eye plaques)

    9.6 Radiation protection and quality assurance

    9.7 References

    Appendix A1

    10    Stereotactic radiosurgery: radiobiology and physics aspects of treatment

    10.1 Introduction

    10.2 Treatment planning and dose prescription

    10.3 Treatment delivery

    10.3.1 Treatment delivery techniques

    10.3.2 Frame-based procedures

    10.3.3 Frameless procedures

    10.4 Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)

    10.5 Radiobiological aspects of SRS/SRT

    10.5.1 The radiosensitivity of the brain

    10.6 Radiosurgery of radiation-induced secondary (intracranial) tumours

    10.7 References

    11    Total body irradiation: radiobiology and physics aspects of treatment

    11.1 Introduction

    11.2 Physics and technical aspects of TBI

    11.3 TBI dose prescription

    11.3.1 Inhomogeneity compensation in TBI

    11.3.2 Set-up procedure

    11.3.3 In vivo dosimetry in TBI

    11.3.4 Quality assurance in TBI

    11.4 Radiobiological aspects of TBI

    11.4.1 The hematopoietic system

    11.4.2 The spinal cord

    11.4.3 The lung

    11.4.4 TBI treatment

    11.5 Clinical trials

    11.6 References

    12    Electron therapy: radiobiology and physics aspects of treatment

    12.1 Introduction

    12.2 Production of electron beams

    12.3 Electron interactions

    12.4 Electron dose distribution

    12.4.1 Percentage depth dose curve of an electron beam

    12.4 Electron therapy treatment planning

    12.4.1 Lead skin collimation

    12.4.2 Internal shielding

    12.4.3 Bolus

    12.4.4 Electron field abutment

    12.4.5 Tissue heterogeneities

    12.5 Total skin electron therapy (TSET)

    12.6 Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy (IOERT)

    12.7 Electron boost radiotherapy

    12.8 Modulated Electron Radiotherapy (MERT)

    12.9 References

    13    External beam hadron radiotherapy

    13.1 Radiobiology

    13.2 Medical accelerators

    13.3 Beam shaping

    13.4 Clinical studies of proton beam radiotherapy

    13.5 Protons versus Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT)

    13.5.1 Dose distributions

    13.6 Heavy Ion Therapy (HIT)

    13.7 Clinical studies of carbon ion radiotherapy

    13.6 Conclusions

    13.7 References

    14    Fast neutron therapy

    14.1 Introduction

    14.2 Radiobiology

    14.2.1 Hypoxia

    14.2.2 Cell cycle effects

    14.2.3 Repair of Potentially Lethal Damage (PLD)

    14.2.4 RBE effects

    14.3 Clinical results

    14.3.1 Soft tissue sarcoma

    14.3.2 Prostate cancer

    14.3.3 Head & neck cancer

    14.3.4 Conclusions

    14.4 Neutron sources

    14.5 Neutron brachytherapy

    14.6 References

    15    Targeted radiotherapy for cancer

    15.1 Introduction

    15.2 Binary therapies

    15.2.1 Photodynamic therapy (PDT)

    15.2.2 Photoactivation therapy (PAT)

    15.2.3 Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)

    15.2.4 Gadolinium neutron capture therapy (GdNCT)

    15.2.5 The avidin-biotin effect

    15.3 Targeted alpha therapy (TAT)

    15.3.1 Background

    15.3.2 Alpha emitting radioisotopes

    15.3.3 Preclinical studies

    15.3.4 Clinical trial protocols

    15.3.5 Clinical trials

    15.3.6 Conclusions

    15.4 References

    16    Palliative radiotherapy

    16.1 Introduction

    16.2 Principles of palliative radiotherapy (PRT)

    16.2.1 Bone pain and bone metastasis

    16.2.2 Cerebral metastases

    16.2.3 Bleeding and fungating tumour

    16.2.4 Obstruction/compression symptoms

    16.2.5 Control of physical symptoms

    16.3 External beam radiotherapy with Cobalt-60 and 6 MV linac

    16.4 Comparative costs for C0-60 and Linacs

    16.4.1 Comparative radiotherapy technical costs in USA

    16.5 Palliative treatment by unsealed sources of radiopharmaceuticals for bone metastases of cancer

    16.5.1 Clinical practice

    16.5.2 Therapeutic procedure

    16.5.3 Conclusions

    16.6 Multidisciplinary care and telemedicine

    16.7 Consensus and recommendations

    16.8 References

    17    Predictive assays

    17.1 Introduction

    17.2 Predictive assays

    17.2.1 Predictive assays for tumour response

    17.2.2 Predictive assays for normal tissue response

    17.3 Disease staging

    17.4 Treatment assessment

    17.4.1 Dose volume histograms

    17.5 References

    18    Elements of health physics

    18.1 Radiation response and tolerance of normal tissue

    18.2 Low level irradiation

    18.3 Deterministic and stochastic effects of radiation

    18.3.1 Deterministic effects

    18.3.2 Stochastic effects

    18.3.3 Detriment

    18.4 Radiation hormesis

    18.5 Natural background radiation

    18.6 Bystander effects and adaptive responses to radiation

    18.7 Bystander effects and clinical implications

    18.7.1 Bystander effects and implications for head & neck cancer

    18.7.2 Bystander effects and implications for prostate cancer

    18.7.3 Bystander effects and implications for lung cancer

    18.8 Radiation incidents and radiation accidents in medical environment

    18.9 Biological dosimetry

    18.10 Radioprotectors

    18.11 Risk of second cancer development following radiation therapy

    18.11.1 Evaluations of the second primary cancer risk

    18.11.2 Estimation of second primary cancer risks using radiation dosimetric data and risk models

    18.11.3 Peripheral photon and neutron doses from cancer external beam irradiation and the risk of second primary cancers

    18.12 References



    The journey of writing a book is an exhaustive one and it would not have happened without support of many kind people we met along the way.

    The authors would like to express immense gratitude to the CSIRO Publishing staff, Mr John Manger, Ms Tracey Millen and Ms Deepa Travers for their ongoing support and work on editing the chapters and figures as well as for their trust in this project.

    The authors would like to kindly thank Mr John Lawson, Ms Raelene Nelligan, Dr Justin Shepherd, Mr Scott Penfold, Mr David Horsman, Mr Michael Douglass, Mr Alex Santos, Mr Richard Vidanage and Miss Christine Robinson for their assistance in proof reading chapters of this book, it is greatly appreciated.

    Lastly, the authors would like to thank their families and friends for their understanding and encouragement during preparation of this manuscript.

    The Authors


    The aim of this book is to bring together three major scientific foundations of radiation oncology: radiotherapy physics, radiobiology and clinical trials. All three disciplines are closely intertwined and codependent when providing and developing new radiotherapy treatment techniques for cancer patients. While physics provides well established theories and understanding of the interaction of radiation with matter, radiobiology applies this knowledge to the biological environment. Here, due to the high degree of complexity of biological systems, rigorous theories derived from first principles cannot be established and empirical data based on laboratory experiments and clinical trials with patients are required to develop semi-empirical models/concepts. The radiation and nuclear physics and technology together with the results of clinical trials are thus at the base of modern radiobiology. On the other hand, understanding of the response of biological systems to irradiation has a direct impact on development of new radiotherapy treatment techniques utilising current physics/engineering know-how.

    While there are books on both physics and radiobiology applied in radiotherapy published before, the scientific literature lacks books presenting the two aspects of cancer treatment with radiation (as supported by clinical trials) in a single volume. In addition, the books currently available on the market do not generally provide summaries or evaluation of major clinical trials.

    Radiobiology is the science behind radiotherapy, therefore this book presents the rationale for using radiation in various modalities and schedules for a diversity of tumours. Starting with an introduction to both radiotherapy and radiobiology the book continues with the major aspects of radiotherapy (types of radiation, apparatus used in the treatment process, conventional treatment modalities, unconventional treatment methods, dosimetry) and radiobiology (biological effects of radiation, tumour characteristics and behaviour during treatment, normal tissue toxicity, models in radiobiology). Each chapter is designed with the three disciplines in mind, illustrating their relationship, explaining the basic science, showing the role of radiobiology in the development of radiotherapy and discussing the evidence provided by clinical trials. Modern radiotherapy strongly relies on physics and technology when delivering radiation as well as on cell biology when assessing tumour and normal tissue response to radiation. The book is topical with the current trends of translational research in radiation oncology. While radiotherapy has been mostly technology driven in the past, it is now recognised that input from biological disciplines should be increased and physics, biology based on clinical trials outcomes need to be combined to provide best cancer treatment.

    Some of the key benefits the book will provide to the reader:

    updated information on radiotherapy physics, technology and radiobiology and clinical trials

    explanation of the rationale in using radiation in the treatment of cancer

    presentation of three major disciplines in one book

    easy accessibility to information for both under-and postgraduate students to use in their courses

    textbook for oncology medical registrars in their preparation for specialist exams

    comprehensive overview of the major aspect of treatment with radiotherapy: useful tool for all novices in the area (doctors, physicists, radiation therapists, nurses, and any scientists with interest in radiation oncology).

    inclusion, summary and findings of major clinical trials conducted recently in relation to specific topics.

    The Authors

    1 Interactions of radiation with matter


    Radiation (i.e. energy that is radiated and propagated in the form of rays or waves or particles) is classified into two main groups: non-ionising and ionising, depending on its ability to ionise matter. Ionising radiation is radiation with enough energy to be able to remove tightly bound electrons from the orbit of an atom, causing the atom to become charged or ionised. Some examples of ionising and non-ionising radiation are listed in Table 1.1.

    Atoms and molecules are electrically neutral. This means the number of negatively charged electrons is exactly equal to the number of positively charged protons. Most of the matter around us is electrically neutral. However, when there is an ionising radiation source available, atoms or molecules can gain or lose electrons and acquire a net electrical charge. This process is called ionisation. The minimum energy required to ionise an atom, ranges from a few electron Volts (eV) for alkali elements to 24.5 eV for helium (noble gas). Specific forms of ionising radiation include: a) particulate radiation, consisting of atomic or subatomic particles (electrons, protons, etc.) which carry energy in the form of kinetic energy or mass in motion and b) electromagnetic radiation, in which energy is carried by oscillating electrical and magnetic fields propagating at the speed of light. The medium traversed by radiation can be ionised directly or indirectly.

    Table 1.1. Examples of ionising and non-ionising radiation.

    Directly ionising radiation deposits energy in the medium through direct Coulomb interactions between the directly ionising charged particle (e.g. an alpha particle) and orbital electrons of atoms in the medium. Indirectly ionising radiation (photons or neutrons) deposits energy in the medium through a two step process: I) a charged particle is released in the medium (photons liberate atomic electrons or generate positrons, neutrons release protons or heavier ions), II) the released charged particles deposit energy to the medium through direct Coulomb interactions with orbital electrons of the atoms in the medium.

    Photon radiation is further classified as below:

    Characteristic X-rays: result from electron transitions between atomic shells

    Bremsstrahlung X-rays: result from electronnucleus Coulomb interactions

    Gamma rays: result from nuclear transitions

    Annihilation quanta: result from positron-electron annihilation

    Both directly and indirectly ionising radiations are used in treatment of cancer. In some cases non-cancerous tumours are also treated. The branch of medicine that uses radiation in the treatment of disease is called radiotherapy or radiation oncology.

    1.2 X-RAYS

    X-rays were discovered by Roentgen in 1895 in Germany during his study of ultraviolet light in the discharge tube (stream of electrons). BaPt cyanide filter paper placed in the vicinity of the discharge tube started glowing due to fluorescence. Roentgen concluded that another type of radiation must have been produced, presumably during the interaction of electrons with the tube’s glass walls. This radiation could be detected outside the tube and also caused exposure of photographic plates and ionised a gas. He named this new radiation X-rays. They were subsequently extensively investigated and eventually classified as one form of electromagnetic radiation. Within months they began to be used for medical purposes.

    The main properties of X-rays are listed below. X-rays:

    Are electromagnetic waves of short wavelengths, e.g. X-ray energy of 1 MeV corresponds to wavelength, λ, of about 1.24 pm. Short wavelengths are used for studies of diffraction of X-rays from crystalline structures, known as X-ray crystallography.

    Travel at or near the velocity of light.

    Travel in straight lines and are unaffected by electric and magnetic fields (as they have zero electric charge).

    Various normally opaque materials are transparent to X-rays. The degree of transparency depends on their atomic number, Z, and photon energy. High Z materials are more absorbing than low Z and any material is more transparent to higher energy photons.

    Obey inverse square law (i.e. their intensity reduces as the square of the distance from the source).

    Are generated by high voltages in X-ray tubes in which an electron beam in vacuum is stopped by a metal anode.

    Do not readily reflect or refract.

    Discharge electrified bodies and ionise gases (make them conductive).

    Have energy and momentum and undergo interactions with electrons and nuclei of the medium (absorption, scatter), e.g. photoelectric effect, Compton scatter (incoherent), Thomson scatter (coherent) and pair production.

    Main sources of X-rays are bremsstrahlung radiation of continuous energy distribution and characteristic atomic radiation of discrete energy.

    May follow α and β decay.

    Can be polarised by scattering, e.g. two carbon blocks behave as polariser and analyser (i.e. they show properties of electromagnetic waves).

    Reflect very little except at low energies and off smooth metal surfaces at grazing incidence.

    In diagnostic radiology (imaging) peak voltages of ~50–150 kV are used to produce X-rays, while in radiation therapy corresponding voltages are in the range of 4–25 MV.

    X-ray photons typically have the wavelengths of the same size or less than the diameter of a single atom, about 0.1 nm (or 0.1 × 10–9 m). X-rays can penetrate through soft material such as flesh. Much of the X-ray spectrum overlaps with gamma rays. X-rays and gamma rays mainly differ only in the manner of their production. X-rays are produced by electrons whilst gamma rays are produced by nuclei (see Figure 1.1).

    Figure 1.1. Wavelengths of various types of electromagnetic radiation.

    1.2.1 Characteristic X-rays

    Characteristic X-rays are the characteristic atomic line spectra. An electron with kinetic energy, Ee, passing through a medium will interact with atoms of the material. In most cases it will cause ionisation, i.e. the ejection of the outer shell electrons. Occasionally, the electron may also eject an electron from the lower atomic shell (mostly K, L and M). The hole created in the shell will be filled with electrons from outer atomic orbits and characteristic radiation will be emitted (see Figure 1.2).

    Characteristic X-rays have discrete energies as they correspond to discrete atomic energy levels. The energy of the photon (similar to γ decay of the nucleus) will be equal to the energy difference between the two atomic levels involved in transition.

    If a gap in the K shell is filled with an electron from the L shell, then the energy of the emitted characteristic X-ray is:

    where EK and EL are electron binding energies on these levels, h is the Planck constant and ν is the frequency of the X-ray electromagnetic radiation.

    Figure 1.2. Principle of production of characteristic radiation.

    As the atomic energy levels are specific for a particular element, particular X-ray energies will belong to a certain atomic species only, hence the name characteristic X-rays. If an electron is ejected from a K shell, so-called K X-ray series are emitted, also known as Lyman series: are hard X-rays. If an electron is ejected from K shell, K X-ray series are emitted, also known as Balmer series: Ka: L → K, Kp: M → K, etc. These are hard X-rays. If an electron is ejected from L shell, L X-ray series are emitted, also known as Balmer series: La: M → L, Lp: N → L, etc. These are softer X-rays. The wavelength of the emitted X-ray is related to the atomic number Z of the element and quantum numbers (energy level numbers), n, m, of the orbits involved in transition as (also known as Moseley’s law):

    where R is the Rydberg constant.

    L, M and higher orbital levels correspond to electron angular momentum larger than 0, (i.e. the orbital quantum number is non-zero) and therefore are degenerated (i.e. have non-zero magnetic quantum number). In the electromagnetic field these levels will split to sublevels belonging to individual magnetic numbers. Consequently, X-rays of slightly different energies (Kα1, Kα2) will be emitted, depending on which sublevel the transition has occurred from. This phenomenon is known as fine structure of characteristic X-rays.

    1.2.2 Bremsstrahlung radiation

    When a high voltage is applied between electrodes, streams of electrons (cathode rays) are accelerated from the cathode to the anode, producing X-rays as they strike the anode. Two different processes give rise to radiation of X-ray frequency:

    In the first process radiation is emitted when incoming electrons from the cathode knock electrons from inner orbits (near the anode nuclei) out of orbit. They are then replaced by electrons from outer orbits resulting in the emission of characteristic X-rays.

    In the second process radiation is emitted by the high-speed electrons themselves as they are slowed or even stopped as a result of attractive Coulomb interaction when passing near the positively charged nuclei of the anode material. This radiation is called bremsstrahlung (German for braking radiation), see Figure 1.3.

    The strong attractive force of the positively charged nucleus will deflect the electron from its initial trajectory and decelerate it. The lost energy will be carried away by a photon of energy hv. Only very rarely will the electron loose all of its energy in one interaction with the nucleus. In this case all of its energy will be converted into electromagnetic radiation, Ee = EX-ray = hv.

    The spectrum of bremsstrahlung radiation is continuous, as an electron may lose any amount of energy during its interaction with the nucleus. The end-point (maximum energy of the radiated X-rays, or in other words the smallest wavelength of emitted X-rays, λmin), will correspond to the initial kinetic energy of the electron:

    The energy distribution of bremsstrahlung radiation is given by Kramer’s relation:

    Figure 1.3. Principle of bremsstrahlung X-ray generation.

    Figure 1.4. Calculated X-ray spectra from an X-ray tube, using tungsten target and Al filter. (Reprinted from Taleei and Shahriari 2009. Copyright (2009), with permission from Elsevier)

    where IE is the intensity (number) of X-rays with energy E, Ee is the electron kinetic energy and K is a constant. As the intensity is proportional to the atomic number, Z, bremsstrahlung X-rays will be produced more intensively in heavier elements (e.g. tungsten).

    As the two X-ray generation processes cannot be separated, the distribution of X-ray frequencies emitted from any particular anode material will consist of a continuous range of frequencies emitted in the bremsstrahlung process, with superimposed sharp peaks corresponding to discrete X-ray frequencies. The sharp peaks constitute the X-ray line spectrum for the particular anode material and will vary for different materials (see Figure 1.4).

    The graph above shows filtrated X-ray spectra with the X-rays of small energies missing, even though, according to the equation 1.4, they are produced with large intensity. Very soft X-rays are not useful for the majority of applications and are therefore for practical purposes filtered out of the spectrum (absorbed by a layer of material placed in its path). Filtering is the removal of soft radiation by absorption in the glass envelope of the tube, metal filter (Al, Cu) and the anode material itself.

    The bremsstrahlung rate of electron energy loss is inversely proportional to the square of electron mass (strictly speaking, other charged particles will also undergo bremsstrahlung processes, but due to their large mass, the effect is negligible) and to the square of the atomic number of the nucleus involved in the interaction:


    1.3.1 Linear attenuation coefficient

    When a beam of X-ray photons passes through an object, interactions occur that result in a decrease of the number of transmitted (non-interacting) photons. There are a number of factors that can affect the attenuation of X-ray photons. Consider a thin slab of uniform material with thickness dx as shown in Figure 1.5.

    Figure 1.5. Schematic showing X-ray photons impinging on a thin slab of material. Some X-rays will interact inside the material and only N photons will pass through.

    If N X-rays are incident on the material and have a probability of interaction m per meter, then the change in the number of photons which have not interacted, dN is given by:

    After integration over the total thickness of the slab, T, we get:

    where N is the number of photons which emerge from the slab without having interacted in the slab and N0 is the number of photons entering the slab. The coefficient µ is referred to as the linear attenuation coefficient and the equation (1.7) is known as the Lambert-Beers law. It is common to define the units of the linear attenuation coefficient as cm-1, assuming the thickness of the material is measured in cm. The thickness of a given material that will attenuate (reduce) the intensity of the incident beam to half is called half value layer (HVL). It is related to the linear attenuation coefficient, µ, as:

    The linear attenuation coefficient changes in proportion to the density, ρ, of the material. As a result, it would be beneficial to have a factor that does not change. An example of this is water, where the linear attenuation in vapour is much lower than for ice. Normalising µ to the density will be constant for any element (µ/ρ = const). The parameter (µ/ρ) is known as the mass attenuation coefficient and has units of cm²/g.

    The mass attenuation coefficient, µ/ρ, gives the probability that the X-rays will interact with the material through various processes. In short, it can be considered a function of the following parameters:

    The individual symbols represent different types of possible interactions. τ is the attenuation coefficient due to the photoelectric effect, σR is the Rayleigh scatter attenuation coefficient, σ is the Compton scatter effect coefficient, κp corresponds to pair-production, and κt is the triplet attenuation coefficient.

    It is likely that the attenuating material does not consist of a pure element. Furthermore, most available attenuation tables provide the mass attenuation coefficients for elements or simple compounds only. In order to account for the elemental composition of the attenuator, one must take the percentage average by weight of each element:

    where wi is the weight fraction of element i, and (µ/ρ)i is the mass attenuation coefficient of element i. Apart from linear and mass attenuation coefficients, corresponding atomic and electronic attenuation coefficients are used as well (Johns and Cunningham 1983).

    The attenuation coefficient, µ, is a macroscopic coefficient that is related to the atomic microscopic cross-section (~ size of the atom), σ, as follows:

    where n is the number of target atoms per unit area.

    1.3.2 Photoelectric effect

    Photoelectric (PE) absorption was first observed with ultraviolet light on metal surfaces. A correct explanation of the photoeffect was given by Einstein; triggering the onset of quantum physics. Photoelectron absorption is the dominant process for X-ray absorption for photon energies up to about 300–500 keV (depending on the Z of the absorber) and is more dominant for elements of higher atomic numbers. The process of photoelectric absorption is shown in Figure 1.6. The incident photon is completely absorbed by an atom of the absorbing material, and one of the atomic electrons (from inner K, L, M, N shells) is ejected. This ejected electron is called a photoelectron. As the electron is bound to the atom, for its energy and momentum to be conserved, the kinetic energy, Ee, of the ejected photoelectron is given by Einstein equation:

    Figure 1.6. Schematics explaining the principle of the photoelectric effect.

    where Be is the binding energy of the atomic electron. The vacancy left in the atomic structure by the ejected electron is filled by one of the electrons from a higher shell. This transition is consequently accompanied by an emission of a characteristic X-ray.

    Photoelectric process is characterised by the linear (and corresponding mass) absorption coefficient, τ. The interaction is dependent on the atomic number Z of the absorbing material and on the energy of the impinging X-rays. An approximate expression for the absorption probability is:

    where n is normally between 3 (for high Z) and 3.8 (for low Z) depending on the elemental composition of the absorber. This dependence on the atomic number explains the choice of high Z materials such as lead for shielding purposes.

    The reason for the above relation can be explained by quantum mechanics. The electron carries away more momentum than the photon of zero mass brought in. To conserve momentum, the electron must be bound to a nucleus. The recoil back to the nucleus is carried by the electric field which is much stronger for K shell than L shell, i.e.: the recoil increases greatly with photon energy.

    Figure 1.7 shows the mass photoelectric effect coefficients for water and lead (on a log-log scale). The ratio of the atomic numbers for water (Z=7.2) and lead (Z= 82) is about 11. The ratio of corresponding mass photoelectric coefficients though (above BK), is ~1000; i.e. for the same X-ray energy, lead will attenuate 1000 times more than water (in the photoelectric range of energies only).

    Absorption edges, the distinct peaks on the lead cross-section function, correspond to binding energies of electrons on K, L, ... levels; i.e. if the photon energy matches the binding energy, B, of an electron, the probability of photoelectric absorption increases markedly (for example, the electron binding energy on the K atomic level, BK, for lead is ~88 keV and for water ~0.6 keV).

    Since photoelectric absorption occurs at low X-ray energies, the photoelectrons will have low kinetic energies as well and radiation losses due to bremsstrahlung will be minimal. Correspondingly, in the case of photoelectric effect, the energy transferred from X-rays is equal to the energy absorbed in the medium. The angular distribution of emitted photoelectrons depends on the X-ray energy. For UV and soft X-rays, electrons follow a dipole pattern as expected for electromagnetic waves (i.e. they will be ejected in a direction perpendicular to the photon trajectory). For harder X-rays, the electrons are projected into the forward hemisphere. Photoelectric effect can be associated with the emission of Auger electrons instead of emitting a characteristic photon. This process mostly occurs for lighter elements. As photoelectric interaction is so highly dependent on the Z of the absorbing material, ‘photoeffect’ X-ray energies are suitable for imaging as good differentiation (contrast) of structures with different Z is possible.

    Figure 1.7. Mass photoelectric effect cross-sections, τ/ρ, for water and lead displayed as a function of interacting photon energy.

    1.3.3 Compton scattering

    Compton Scattering (CS), also known as incoherent scattering, occurs when the incident X-ray photon ejects an outer shell electron from an atom and a photon of lower energy (greater wavelength) is scattered from the atom (see Figure 1.8). Compton Scattering was discovered by Compton in 1922 and the relativistic quantum theory was developed by Klein and Nishina by 1928. Relativistic energy and momentum are conserved in this process. Compton Scattering is important for materials with a low atomic number. At energies of 300 keV–10 MeV the absorption of radiation is mainly due to the Compton effect.

    The change in the wavelengths between the incoming, λ, and the scattered, λ′ photons is given by:

    Figure 1.8. Schematics explaining the principle of Compton scattering.

    where θ is the scattering angle between the trajectory of the scattered photon and trajectory of the incident photon, h is the Planck constant and m0 the electron mass. Correspondingly, the energy of the scattered photon, Eγ′ is:

    where Eγ is the energy of the incident photon. The kinetic energy of the electron is equal to the difference in energies between the incident and scattered photons (binding energy of an outer e- is small compared to kinetic energy and can be neglected):

    Figure 1.9. Typical spectrum measured with an X-ray detector. Photoabsorption peak and Compton continuum are clearly distinguishable. (Courtesy Royal Adelaide Hospital)

    It can be seen that, since all photon scattering angles are possible, the electron energy ranges from zero for 0° scattering angle to 2Eγ′/(m0c² + 2Eγ) for 180° scattering angle (backscattering), and that the photon never loses the whole of its energy in one collision. The scattered photon will then propagate through the attenuator/medium and may undergo an interaction with other atomic electrons or may escape out of the medium completely. This process, where the scattered photon escapes, is very important for X-ray spectroscopy. If the full energy of the incident photon is not absorbed in the X-ray detector, then there is a continuous background in the energy spectrum, known as the Compton continuum. This continuum extends up to an energy corresponding to the maximum energy transfer, where there is a sharp cutoff point, known as the Compton edge (see Figure 1.9). Compton scattering is the most probable process for photons in the intermediate energy range (few hundred keV to a few MeV) and the probability decreases rapidly with increasing energy. The probability is also dependent on the number of electrons available for the photon to scatter from, and hence increases with increasing electron density, Ne. Figure 1.10 shows the total electronic cross section for Compton process for free electron (binding energy neglected) and for gold and aluminium.

    Figure 1.10. Cross sections for Compton incoherent scattering of photons by aluminium and gold atoms as functions of the photon energy E. The long dashed curve corresponds to cross-section calculation using Klein-Nishina formula, assuming photon interaction with a free electron. The short dashed curve corresponds to Compton cross-section taking the binding energy of the electron into account. (Reprinted from Brusa et al. 1996. Copyright (1996), with permission from Elsevier)

    Energy transfer

    In incoherent Compton scattering energy is transferred by photons to electrons of the medium as their kinetic energy. The amount of energy transferred to an electron depends on photon energy:

    Low energy photons. If the energy of the incident photon is 88 keV, the maximum electron energy is 23 keV and the minimum energy of the scattered photon is 65 keV. This means that most of the photons are scattered with an energy close to that of the incident X-ray and only small amounts of energy are transferred to electrons. Numerous interactions are required to transfer all of the photon energy. As Eγ → 0, Compton scattering becomes indistinguishable from Thomson (elastic) scattering.

    High energy photons. The photon loses most of its energy to the scattered electron and the scattered photon carries away only a fraction of the initial energy: e.g. if Eγ is 5.1 MeV, then the maximum electron energy is 4.87 MeV and only 0.23 MeV of energy is scattered. High energy photons can lose most of their kinetic energy in one interaction.

    In summary, the amount of energy that an electron carries away depends on the energy of the incident photon and on the scattering angle. Figure 1.11 shows the dependence of the maximum energy transferred to Compton electrons as a function of the incident X-ray energy.

    Klein-Nishina formula

    At higher energies, the relative intensity of scattered radiation as predicted by classical Thompson scattering is incorrect. The formula corrected for scattered radiation that incorporates the Breit-Dirac recoil factor, R, also known as radiation pressure, and that takes into account relativistic quantum mechanics and the interaction of the spin and magnetic moment of the electron with electromagnetic radiation is known as the Klein-Nishina formula. In simpler terms, the Klein-Nishina formula gives a more exact angular distribution of Compton scattered X-rays. The formula is derived for an interaction of a photon with a free electron; the electron binding energies are neglected. The Klein-Nishina formula allows the calculation of a differential cross-section per unit solid angle, dΩ due to Compton scattering; i.e. it gives the probability for a scattered X-ray to be emitted in a certain direction relative to the incident photon. It is equal to the classical Thomson cross-section, , (valid for photons of zero energy) multiplied by a factor FKN:

    Figure 1.11. The dependence of the maximum energy transferred to electrons in Compton scattering interaction as a function of the incident X-ray energy.



    and ro = 2.81794 × 10–15 m, is the classical electron radius.

    The FKN factor is always smaller then 1 and decreases with increasing photon energy. Figure 1.12 (Johns and Cunningham 1983) shows the dependence of the differential Compton cross-section per unit solid angle as a function of photon scattering angle for different photon energies. The higher the energy of the incident photon, the bigger the deviation from the classical cross-section. The total cross-section can be achieved by integration of the above coefficient over the solid angle. The total cross-section expresses the overall probability that the photon will interact with a free electron in the Compton process (regardless of where they are scattered into). At low photon energies, the binding energy of the electron has to be taken into account for correct probability calculation.

    Dependence of Compton effect on the atomic number

    The attenuation coefficient for the Compton effect is equal to the product of the electron cross-section, σe, and the number of electrons per unit volume. As there are Z electrons per each atom of atomic number Z, the Compton mass attenuation coefficient per unit mass therefore will be:

    Figure 1.12. The dependence of the differential Compton cross-section per unit solid angle as a function of photon scattering angle for different photon energies. (Reprinted from Johns and Cunningham 1983. Copyright (1983), with permission from Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Ltd.)

    where N is the number of atoms per unit volume. As a result of Z/A dependence, the mass attenuation coefficient changes very little across the periodic table. If the radiation beam energy is in the range where Compton scatter dominates, the attenuation is approximately the same for equal masses of material per unit area.

    Angular distribution of emitted electrons

    Most of the photons are scattered around the 90 degree angle, as the differential cross-section per unit scattering angle, , is proportional to ~ sin (θ). The electron scattering angle, , is then related to the photon scattering angle (from the conservation of momentum) as:

    Consequently, electrons can never be scattered backwards ( ≤ 90°), but will be ejected in a forward direction with maximum around 45 degrees.

    In summary, Compton scattering is an inelastic process between a photon and a quasi-free electron (neglecting binding energy). It is almost independent of Z of the material but depends on the total mass (density) of the absorber. The probability of interaction decreases with increasing photon energy. The fraction of incident energy absorbed and transferred also increases with photon energy. It is a dominant interaction process for photon energies between 200 keV and 10 MeV.

    1.3.4 Pair production

    The third important X-ray interaction process is pair production, illustrated in Figure 1.13. If the incident photon energy is greater than 1.022 MeV (twice the electron rest mass), then in the presence of an atomic nucleus: an electron/positron pair can be generated. Any residual energy is distributed between the electron and positron as kinetic energy. Once the positron slows down to thermal energies through interactions with the absorbing medium, it will annihilate with one the atomic electrons producing two photons of 511 keV energies.

    Figure 1.13. Schematics of the physical principle of the pair production process.

    The process of pair production only becomes important at high X-ray energies (from 2 to 10 MeV). Pair production can be expressed by an equation which represents the conservation of total energy (or mass-energy):

    Here, m0c² = 0.511 MeV represents the rest energy of an electron, which is equal to that of the positron, (the factor of 2 in the equation). Ee– and Ee+ represent kinetic energies of the electron and positron immediately after their formation. For photon energies below 2m0c², the process cannot occur; in other words, 1.02 MeV is the threshold energy for pair production. As the momentum must be conserved, the process cannot take place in empty space; something must absorb the momentum, p, of the initial photon. In the threshold situation, the particles have to be created at rest and cannot themselves absorb any momentum. The photon momentum can be absorbed by an atomic nucleus, which has mass thousands of times larger than that of an electron or positron and can therefore absorb momentum without absorbing much energy. As a result the energy-conservation equation 1.20 remains approximately valid. More precisely, the threshold energy for production of an electron-positron pair in the Coulomb field of a nucleus of mass, Mnuc, is:

    Since for all practical cases Mnuc >> m0, the equation can be reduced to:

    The probability of pair production can be calculated from quantum mechanics. Heitler (Heitler 1944) showed that pair production is nearly the inverse process of bremstrahlung process. The corresponding differential cross-section, , for formation of e+ and e– pair is:

    where Fpair is a function of momentum and energy of an electron-positron pair.

    The total cross-section also depends on screening of the nucleus by electrons (as the process happens in the electromagnetic field of the nucleus), another expression for atomic cross-section that accounts for screening and that you may find in literature (Evans 1995) is:

    This expression is valid for energies ~10 MeV and above, where full screening is achieved.

    The cross-section per atom increases as a function of ~Z², the cross-section per mass increases with Z. The coefficients also increase rapidly with the energy of the photon. At high energies the photons can be more easily stopped (compared to lower energies) due to pair production process, i.e. the high energy beam is less penetrating. This behaviour is in contrast to photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering, for which the cross-sections decrease with energy. Pair production cross-section as a function of X-ray energy is shown for various materials in the figure below note the dependence on Z of the attenuator.

    Angular distribution of produced particles: the electron–positron pairs tend to come out in a forward cone with angle θ ~ 1/γ where:

    The kinetic energies of e+ and e– are not necessarily equal. The distribution is a function of Eγ and Z, but usually results in a fairly flat behaviour (i.e. energy can be shared with equal probability for all possible combinations) that is reducing rapidly to zero for the extreme case when one particle only receives all photon energy (minus 1.022 MeV).

    Figure 1.14. Total mass pair production cross-sections for water and lead as a function of photon energy.

    An inverse process to pair production is called pair annihilation, in which a particle and its antiparticle collide and annihilate each other, with the total energy of the two particles appearing as electromagnetic radiation. In the case of an electron and positron, the energy balance can be written as:

    The first term represents the rest energy of both particles, the second and third terms are the kinetic energies just before the collision, and the term on the right-hand side of the equation represents the creating of two photons, each having a the same frequency ν and energy hv. If the kinetic energies of the two initial particles were both small (<< m0c²), the total momentum before the collision would be close to zero. From conservation of momentum, the momentum after annihilation must also be approximately zero, and the only way that this can happen is for the two photons to be emitted in opposite directions such that their individual momenta cancel.

    Figure 1.15. Energy Distribution of electron-positron pairs. The graph gives the probability that a particle with energy between E+dE will be generated in the pair production process in Al and Pb. (Reprinted figure with permission from: Meaker Davisson C and Evans RD (1952) Gamma ray absorption coefficients. Figure 24, Rev. Mod. Phys. 24: 79–107. Copyright (1952) by the American Physical Society)

    Triplet production is also possible. It occurs when the recoil particle is an electron, which gets a lot of recoil energy compared to the nucleus. The energy threshold is 4 moc² and its probability is much smaller compared to pair production.

    1.3.5 Coherent scattering

    Coherent scattering is a process in which no energy is converted into kinetic energy (e.g. of electrons) but all energy is scattered. It is an elastic process, which involves an atom as a whole. It occurs for low X-ray energies, for which corresponding wavelengths are much larger than the size of an atom. Since the mass of the atom is very large compared to massless photon, the scattered photon loses no energy; it only changes its direction:

    This is an important process for interactions of blue light in the sky, ultraviolet and soft X-rays. It forms the basis of X-ray diffraction, where coherence involves many atoms in a crystal lattice.

    Using classical physics, it can be explained by a ‘radio-transmitter’ effect, where the photon represents an oscillating electromagnetic (EM) field. It sets atomic electrons into vibration (oscillation). As a result of oscillating charge, an electromagnetic field will be generated (emitted). Electrons will oscillate with the same frequency, νe–, as that of the interacting photon, νγ:

    The generated electromagnetic field will have the same frequency as electron vibrations:

    As all the electrons radiate in phase, the cross-section, σ, for coherent scattering will be proportional to of the interacting atoms. For very soft X-ray energies, the cross-section is constant but it decreases rapidly at higher X-ray energies. The cross-section becomes negligible for Eγ >100 keV. The scattered X-rays are mostly emitted in the forward direction.

    A special case of coherent scattering involving a single free electron is known as Thomson (classical) scattering. The cross-section for Thomson scattering can be derived from classical electrodynamics, with the incoming photon representing an electromagnetic field with two perpendicular electric and magnetic components ( ). The scattered photon is also described by an electromagnetic vector. The ratio of electric field intensities for both incoming and scattered photons represents the probability that the radiation will be scattered and can be therefore written as cross-section:

    where θ is the scattering angle. This expression is called the Thomson coefficient or classical scattering coefficient. It correctly gives the amount of energy scattered (or a fractional number of photons scattered) into a unit solid angle for zero energy photons. After integration over all scattering angles, the total cross-section for Thomson scattering is obtained:

    Scattering involving all atomic electrons (and therefore more realistic) is known as Rayleigh scattering. It is a cooperative phenomenon involving all electrons in the atom. Incident photons are scattered by bound electrons without any ionisation or excitation of the atom. The process occurs for low photon energies and large Z (where electron binding energies will not allow photoelectric absorption). The cross-section for Rayleigh scattering (RS) is equal to that of Thomson scattering multiplied by the square of the atomic form factor F(x,Z):


    where Z is the atomic number and the parameter x is related to the scattering angle, θ, and photon wavelength, λ, as:

    The atomic form factor is proportional to Z of the attenuator for small scattering angles and close to zero for large scattering angles. As a result, Rayleigh scattering will be most probable in the forward direction.

    1.3.6 Total interaction coefficient

    The total attenuation coefficient (cross-section) is the sum of probabilities corresponding to individual interactions: . The dependence of the total attenuation coefficient as a function of energy is shown in the Figure 1.16. The individual interaction coefficients are displayed as well.

    Figure 1.16. Total interaction cross-section, σTOT in carbon and lead over the photon energy range 10 eV to 100 GeV. Contributions of atomic photoeffect, τ, coherent scattering, σCOH, incoherent (Compton) scattering, σINCOH, nuclear-field pair production, kn, electron-field pair production (triplet), κe, and nuclear photoabsorption, σPH.N, are displayed as well. (Reproduced from Hubbell et al. 1977. Copyright (1977), with permission from IOP Publishing Ltd.)

    Total photon cross sections in carbon and lead, as a function of energy, show the contributions of different processes: atomic photoeffect (photon absorption and electron ejection), coherent scattering (Rayleigh scattering; atom is neither ionised nor excited), incoherent scattering (Compton scattering off an outer shell electron), pair production, photonuclear absorption (nuclear absorption, usually followed by emission of a neutron or other particle). The graph shows clearly the dominance of the photoelectric effect for low energy X-rays, above 100 keV, Compton scattering is the dominant process. At energies above 10 MeV, the cross-section (attenuation coefficient) increases as a function of energy due to pair production. The differences in cross-sections between interactions in carbon and lead reflect the Zn dependence of photoeffect and pair production.


    In the previous sections the interactions of photons with matter have been discussed. During their interactions X-rays produce energetic electrons, i.e. charged particles with mass. Their interactions with the material are different to that of photons and this will be the topic of the current section. X-rays, γ-rays, but also neutrons and neutrinos all have zero net electric charge. In order to detect them they must interact with matter and produce an energetic charged particle. In the case of gamma and X-rays, a photoelectron or Compton electrons are mostly produced. In the case of neutrons, a proton is given kinetic energy in a billiard ball collision (elastic collision).

    Charged particles can be divided into two groups:

    1) electrons and positrons (originated e.g. from radioactive decay, Auger electrons, internal conversion electrons, delta electrons, Compton electrons, …)

    2) heavy charged particles such as the alpha particle, fission fragments, protons, deuterons, tritons, and µ and π mesons.

    Charged particles interact with matter primarily through the Coulomb interaction. Differences in the energy deposition trails between the two types of charged particles are due to their mass differences. The maximum energy that can be transferred from a charged particle to an electron in a single collision is about 1/500 of the particle energy per nucleon for heavy particles. Due to this small energy transfer and the fact that at any time the particle is interacting with more than one electron, the heavy particles appear to continuously slow down, gradually losing their kinetic energy along an unaltered linear path (this is also known as Continuous Slowing Down Approximation). However, occasional nuclear collision will cause large energy loss and deflection in the trajectory.

    On the other hand, energy losses and changes in directions can be quite large for electrons after the collisions with other electrons and the electron trajectory can be altered significantly during stopping in matter (also known as Energy and Range Straggling).

    Charged particles lose their energy primarily through two types of interactions: collisional (electronic and nuclear) and radiative:

    1. Collisional interactions.

    (a) Electronic

    These are inelastic collisions with atomic electrons, resulting in excitation or ionisation. These processes ultimately end with the heating of the absorber (through atomic and molecular vibrations) unless the ions and electrons can be separated using an electric field as is done in radiation detectors.

    (b) Nuclear

    These are elastic collisions with atomic nuclei; e.g. Rutherford backscattering, nuclear reactions (rare), Moth and Moller scatterings.

    2. Radiative interactions.

    These are type of inelastic collisions where a charged particle undergoes an electromagnetic (Coulomb) interaction with positively charged nuclei. As a result, the particle’s momentum is altered and electromagnetic radiation is emitted (a photon). However, this interaction is important for electrons only. Radiative energy loss is mostly due to bremsstrahlung as the probability of nuclear excitation is quite low.

    1.4.1 Bragg peak

    Charged particles interacting in the absorbing material will leave along their trajectory a trail of ionised matter, electrons and ions (this is actually the basic principle of detecting particles in radiation detectors). Ionised tracks created in a cloud chamber by two protons and some electrons are shown in

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