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In the Words of Nelson Mandela
In the Words of Nelson Mandela
In the Words of Nelson Mandela
Ebook236 pages2 hours

In the Words of Nelson Mandela

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

"I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black
domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society
in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal
opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve.
But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die." Nelson
Mandela spoke these words from the dock at the Rivonia Treason Trial on
April 20, 1964. Through his words and actions ever since, Mandela has
been embraced worldwide as a symbol of courage, hope, and

South African journalist Jennifer Crwys-Williams
has compiled a collection of Mandela's observations, culled from a
variety of sources. In the Words of Nelson Mandela presents his
thoughts on subjects as diverse as humanity, friendship, oppression, and
freedom. These quotations provide valuable insight into the man and all
he stands for. By turns moving, revealing, humorous, and wise,
Mandela's words eloquently convey his warmth and dignity; his thoughts,
though brief, contain enormous depth-"One minute can change the world,"
for example-and are certain to inspire and give strength to all who read
Release dateApr 26, 2011
In the Words of Nelson Mandela

Jennifer Crwys-Williams

Jennifer Crwys-Williams has hosted her own television and radio shows in South Africa, interviewing world figures, including Nelson Mandela. She is the editor of several books, including The Penguin Dictionary of South African Quotations and South African Dispatches: Two Centuries of the Best of South African Journalism.

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    Book preview

    In the Words of Nelson Mandela - Jennifer Crwys-Williams

    In the Words of

    Nelson Mandela

    Compiled and edited by

    Jennifer Crwys-Williams



    Title Page


    on abortions

    on his achievements

    on Africa

    on being an African

    on the African National Congress

    on the African Renaissance

    on Afrikaners

    on age

    on aids

    on alliances

    on anger

    on apartheid

    on appearances

    on a Bill of Rights

    on being a black man in a white man’s court (1962)

    on black consciousness

    on black South Africans

    on his 80th birthday

    on his 90th birthday

    on Bosnia

    on boxing

    on boycotts

    on the British

    on Cairo

    on Cape Town

    on the Caribbean

    on change

    on charity

    on his childhood

    on children

    on circumcision

    on clothes

    on colonialism

    on communication

    on communism

    on compromise

    on conciliation

    on conflict

    on the Congressional Gold Medal, USA

    on the South African constitution

    on criticism

    on culture

    on his culture

    on the dead

    on his death

    on the death sentence

    on democracy

    on demonstrations

    on detention without trial

    on determination

    on what he would die for

    on discipline

    on domesticity

    on education

    on election day (27 April 1994)

    on emigration

    on enemies

    on his family

    on fear

    on his favourite things

    on the football World Cup, 2010

    on freedom

    on the Freedom Charter (1955)

    on friendship

    on the future

    on goals

    on government

    on government corruption

    on Harlem, New York

    on hate

    on health

    on heroes

    on his heroes

    on himself

    on history

    on home

    on homosexuality

    on honour

    on his hopes

    on housing

    on humanity

    on imperialism

    on being impetuous

    on important things

    on Inauguration Day, 10 May 1994

    on India

    on Islam

    on jellybeans

    on June 16 (Freedom Day)

    on justice

    on his last day

    on leadership

    on liberation

    on Libya

    on life

    on literature

    on longevity

    on love

    on marriage

    on memory

    on men

    on the Middle East peace process

    on misfortunes

    on morality

    on the National Party

    on negotiation

    on the new world order

    on the Nobel Peace Prize

    on old ANC comrades

    on Olympians

    on oppression

    on Orania

    on the Organisation of African Unity (OAU)

    on his parents

    on peace

    on people

    on personalities

    on his statue, Parliament Square, London

    on the art of persuasion

    on stealing pigs

    on photography

    on politics

    on poverty

    on praise

    on being president (of South Africa)

    on the press

    on prison

    on racism

    on reaching heaven

    on reconciliation

    on Regina Mundi

    on regrets

    on relaxing

    on his release from prison

    on religion

    on preparing for his retirement

    on his retirement as president of the African National Congress (ANC)

    on his retirement as MP and president of South Africa (1999)

    on revenge

    on the South African right wing

    on Robben Island

    on Rwanda

    on the rugby World Cup, South Africa, 1995

    on sabotage

    on self-respect

    on soccer

    on society

    on South Africa

    on South Africans

    on sport

    on the struggle

    on survival

    on talk

    on thoughts

    on time

    on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

    on ubuntu

    on unilateral decisions

    on the United Kingdom

    on the USA

    on violence

    on the vote

    on white South Africans

    on women

    on work

    on the world

    on writing

    on xenophobia

    on youth

    on Zulus




    This book is dedicated to the children of South Africa in the hope that as they grow they may find inspiration from the thoughts of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela – and that, in his words on receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, they and other children the world over, may ‘play in the open veld, no longer tortured by the pangs of hunger or ravaged by disease or threatened with the scourge of ignorance, molestation and abuse … children are the greatest of our treasures.’ In particular, I hope this little book inspires the children in my own family, living in both the old and the new worlds: Amber, Cassandra, Sebastian, Phoebe and Blaise.


    Nelson Mandela is the world’s role model. He has been described as ‘the world’s last great superhero’, ‘an icon of forgiveness, compassion, magnanimity and reconciliation for the entire globe’, ‘a myth’, ‘an icon of righteousness’, and, by Bill Clinton when celebrating his eighty-fifth birthday in July 2003, ‘You have taught us the freedom of forgiveness, the futility of coercive power … and the joy of service.’ His wife, Graça Machel, has said pointedly that ‘he is a symbol but not a saint’.

    However he is described, he has become a towering symbol of reconciliation and sacrifice. Above all, he is perceived as a man who did his duty.

    With the reach and might of twenty-first-century communications, the myth of the man sometimes conceals the very real human being who exists beneath the hyperbole. How better, then, to let Nelson Mandela speak for himself in his own unembellished words?

    Perhaps his thoughts, reproduced on these pages, and honed over many years of tribulation, will inspire people, young and old, monied and impoverished, the world over.

    In particular, I hope it will inspire people who have had few role models in their lives, and who have suffered their own apartheids in their own countries.

    Jennifer Crwys-Williams

    ‘I will continue fighting for freedom

    until the end of my days.’

    on abortion

    Women have the right to decide what they want to do with their bodies.

    on his achievements

    Don’t tempt me to beat my chest and to say this is what I have done!

    In spite of interviewers the world over hoping for intimate revelations, Nelson Mandela dislikes speaking about himself and invariably refers to the ‘collective’ – meaning, of course, the African National Congress

    I must not be isolated from the collective who are responsible for the success.

    When I make a mistake, I normally say: ‘It’s these young chaps,’ and when they do something good, I say: ‘This is the man.’

    To illustrate his point, Madiba beat his chest – this was in an internationally televised interview, December 1997: Mandela Meets the Media

    on Africa

    For centuries, an ancient continent has bled from many gaping sword wounds.

    No doubt Africa’s renaissance is at hand – and our challenge is to steer the continent through the tide of history.

    The people of the continent are eager and willing to be among the very best in all areas of endeavour.

    The peoples of resurgent Africa are perfectly capable of deciding upon their own future form of government and discovering and themselves dealing with any dangers which might arise.

    We need to exert ourselves that much more, and break out of the vicious cycle of dependence imposed on us by the financially powerful; those in command of immense market power and those who dare to fashion the world in their own image.

    Africa, more than any other continent, has had to contend with the consequences of conquest in a denial of its own role in history, including the denial that its people had the capacity to bring about change and progress.

    It would be a cruel irony of history if Africa’s actions to regenerate the continent were to unleash a new scramble for Africa which, like that of the nineteenth century, plundered the continent’s wealth and left it once more the poorer.

    Conflict threatens not only the gains we have made but also our collective future.

    The African rebirth is now more than an idea – its seeds are being sown in the regional communities we are busy building and in the continent as a whole.

    Can we continue to tolerate our ancestors

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