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Ebook368 pages5 hours


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Arthurian legend mixes with modern-day witchcraft in this haunting romance by the author of Legacy, which Publishers Weekly said “should please the legions of paranormal fans looking for a sophisticated supernatural thriller.”

Mischief abounds at the Ainsworth School, and evil is lurking. What’s more, Katy has won Peter’s heart and is now claiming her place in the magical world. Though half the students at her boarding school come from witching lines, the use of magic is expressly forbidden at Ainsworth, so as to keep the witching world hidden from the blue-blooded preppies, aka Muffies, who also walk the halls.

But the Muffies have at least a notion of magic, because Katy catches them staging a made-up ritual—and then fall seriously ill. When Katy is blamed, she becomes desperate to clear her name and finds herself battling all odds to harness her growing magical powers in order to save the Muffies and dispel the Darkness once more.
Release dateDec 4, 2012

Molly Cochran

Molly Cochran is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty-five books, including Legacy, Poison, and Seduction. Her first novel, Grandmaster with Warren Murphy, was a New York Times bestseller and Edgar Award Winner. She also authored the international bestseller The Forever King with Warren Murphy. She lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Mar 6, 2020

    Review originally posted on My Urban FantasiesThere were a few things I was worried about before reading Poison. Thankfully my fears were unfounded. The whole boarding school with magical students has become a little cliché. I was pleasantly surprised to find that most of the book takes place outside the school. I was also worried about the Darkness coming back. I was afraid that there were going to be harbingers again and blah, blah, blah. That doesn't happen. My biggest fear was the Arthurian influence. The story of King Arthur has been told so many times that I was worried it would overpower the story. What Molly Cochran wrote is simply amazing. This is not the same overused reference to King Arthur and the Round Table. Cochran approaches King Arthur's story from a completely different angle. The genius of her writing though is that she takes all that Arthurian influence and subtly layers it into the Legacy world. Cochran makes it fit beautifully and the Arthurian influence ends up enhancing Poison instead of taking away from it.Poison takes place a couple of months after Legacy. Katy and Peter are still together. They do not get to spend as much time together as either one would like. This strains their relationship a little and does not bode well for Katy's abandonment issues. I was happy to see that Katy is now friends with Becca Fowler, especially after what happened in Legacy. I've completely given up on Katy and her dad's relationship. I'm sure somewhere inside him he loves Katy, but his behavior in Poison was ridiculous. The man needs to grow a pair and be smacked upside the head. Seriously. What kind of man lets anyone convince him that a steak and a piece of ass is more important than helping his daughter? It's called priorities. Rescuing your daughter is always on top moron. I did not like Hattie as much in Poison. The woman was all kinds of mean towards Katy. And, do not even get me started on Verity. I did not think it was possible to like her even less than I did before. Surprise. I was wrong, again. How Verity does not understand such a simple concept as loyalty is beyond me. I have no idea why Katy remains friends with her.Katy is such a strong character is Poison. She goes through a multitude of trials. It must have been horrible to feel that completely alone. As a result of these trials Katy goes through an amazing transformation, and I'm not just talking about her powers. She starts out looking at the world through teenage goggles. It's about how everything affects her. As the book continues Katy's outlook slowly shifts. The goggles slowly come off and she sees the world from a completely different view. Example: At first she is upset with Peter because he is spending so much time with his uncle. From the goggle point of view the only thing Katy sees is the time Peter is spending with him, is time he could be spending with her. Over time she realizes that Peter needs the job with his uncle to get into Harvard. He needs a career where he can take care of Eric if something happens to Hattie. Katy realizes that just because they love each other, does not mean they need to spend every waking moment together. It was an amazing journey to watch. My absolute favorite part of Poison is the end. For obvious reasons I cannot tell you why, but we're talking about crocodile tears here people. I am impatiently waiting for the next book in the series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Mar 22, 2015

    Very good book. Sometimes the main character got annoying but all in all enjoyable quick read
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Sep 9, 2014

    Enjoyable! It's a quick read, but pretty well written and entertaining.

Book preview

Poison - Molly Cochran





I probably went to the only school in the country with a rule against practicing witchcraft.

That wasn’t really as crazy as it sounded. The Massachusetts town where I lived was sort of known for its rumored history of magical residents. Some said it was even more haunted by witches than Salem, our famous neighbor. The story went that while the Pilgrims in Salem were burning innocent women at the stake, the real witches went to Whitfield and vanished into a fog.

Of course, that wasn’t entirely true. Nobody had actually been burned at the stake in Salem. Oh, there had been plenty of murders, jailings, and torture of women who hadn’t done much more than piss off their neighbors. Lots of widows had their property stolen, and one guy got crushed to death. But the burnings were pretty much left to the Europeans. The part of the story that was true was the part about the real witches going to Whitfield.

I knew because I was the descendant of one of those witches.

A lot of us were, although we kept quiet about it. That was because even there, in the town where at least half the population were witches, we had to live among cowen, aka non-magical people. Actually, we thought of ourselves as talented—we could all do different things—rather than magical. But that wouldn’t have mattered to cowen. They had a nice tradition of destroying anything they couldn’t understand. Look at Salem.

At school there were two kinds of students, the Muffies and the witches. Muffies were the kinds of girls you’d find at every boarding school in the Northeast: fashionable, promiscuous, and clueless. Okay, that wasn’t fair. There were plenty of cowen kids at Ainsworth School who weren’t Muffies. Half of them weren’t even girls. But those non-Muffies generally left us alone. It was the Muffies who were always making life difficult.

They sneered at us. They called us names. (Yeah, these were the same people who were legally named Bitsy, Binky, and Buffy.) Geek was probably the most popular name for us, since it was pretty much true, at least from their point of view. We generally didn’t have problems with drugs, alcoholism, reckless driving, kleptomania, credit card debt, or STDs. To be fair, we did sometimes have issues with ghosts, apparitions, disappearing, transmogrification, rainmaking, telepathy, demon rampages, telekinesis, and raising the dead. And maybe a few other things.

Hence the injunction against performing witchcraft at Ainsworth. This rule had been in place ever since my ancestor Serenity Ainsworth had founded the school. (I liked to think that one of her pupils had given some Puritan Muffy a pig nose in a catfight.)

The Muffies didn’t know about this rule. They didn’t know that Whitfield was the biggest and oldest community of witches in the United States, or that the geeks at Ainsworth School could summon enough power to make a hydrogen bomb seem like a fart in a bathtub if we wanted to. They thought that Whitfield was an ordinary place and that Ainsworth was an ordinary school.

Or did they?

I’d often wondered if they knew. . . . I mean, how could they not know? On every major witch holiday the Meadow—that was a big field in the middle of Old Town—filled up with fog so dense that you couldn’t see through it. It was the same fog that saved the witches from being grabbed by the Puritans back in the day. When the fog appeared, the witches all tumbled into it like lemmings, but cowen couldn’t—physically couldn’t—enter. And that was only one of the weird shenanigans that went on there. Even the dumbest Muffies must have had an inkling once in a while that Whitfield, Massachusetts, was a little different from wherever they called home.

At least that was my theory about how the whole mess started. With a jealous Muffy.

And an idiot who should have known better than to forget the no-witchcraft rule, since it was her relative who’d made it in the first place.



Right. It was me. But in all fairness I had a good reason. I was protecting my friend Verity from Summer Hayworth, the most evil of the evil Muffies at Ainsworth. More accurately, I was protecting her boyfriend, Cheswick, from expulsion, and possibly arrest, for what he was about to do to Summer in Verity’s defense.

I could still see it—Summer, who had the taste level of a dung beetle, laughing when Verity opened her locker and found a stuffed witch doll hanging by its neck. The doll had been made to look like Verity, with striped stockings and red hair. Its eyes had been removed and replaced by Xs, and someone had sewn a red tongue hanging out the side of its mouth.

There was no doubt about who’d done it. Even though none of them had classes near Verity’s locker, Summer and her three main cohorts—A. J. Nakamura, Tiffany Rothstein, and Suzy Dusset—just happened to be hanging around the area. Aside from Verity, me, and our boyfriends, Cheswick and Peter, the evil Muffies were the only people within a hundred feet of the locker in question. As for the witch doll itself, well, it had evil Muffy stamped all over it. A.J. was an artist, and the tongue definitely looked like her work, but the idea had to have been Summer’s because nobody else in the school could possibly have been so crass.

If it had been my locker, I wouldn’t have thought much about it. The witch doll was actually kind of cute, X-ed out eyes and all. But Verity was, well, sensitive. More to the point, she was a QMS—a quivering mass of sensitivity—of the highest order. She got emotional if someone swatted a fly or squashed a mosquito. She went into coughing fits if anyone in the room was wearing perfume. She was a vegan, of course, and only wore plastic shoes. Frankly, she wasn’t the most fun person to party with, but that wasn’t the point.

The point was, she was from a very old witch family, and being outed by Muffies in high school was, for Verity, pretty much on a par with being ravaged by wild dogs. She went all pale and started shaking so hard that Cheswick had to hold her up. Her eyes filled with tears. Her nose ran. Her fingertips turned blue.

She needs something to drink, Cheswick said. He was looking at me, but Summer answered:

What would she like? Bat’s blood?

Shut up, Summer, I said.

You going to make me, or are you just going to turn me into a frog?

I’d turn you into a jerk, except someone must have beat me to it, I said. Peter poked me in the arm. He thought I asked for trouble. Not true. I never had confrontations with horrible people if I could help it. Peter was just more of a go with the flow kind of person than I was.

Tiffany almost laughed at my little comeback, but she checked herself. Summer had no sense of humor, especially about herself. A.J. and Suzy just stared, as bored and clueless as ever.

Let’s get out of here, Peter said.

Yeah, Cheswick agreed, slamming Verity’s locker with a little more force than necessary.

Oh, yeah. Go with your cool boyfriend, Summer said. A.J. and Suzy smiled. Cheswick, who looked like a dandelion puff and was the all-school champion in Lord of the Rings trivia, was not considered cool, even by the geeks.

I think this, more than Summer’s offending Verity, was what set him off. Before any of us knew what was happening, Cheswick hurled Verity at Peter like he was passing a football, and threw five fingers at Summer.

The Muffies laughed at that, which showed how dumb they really were. When witches did that—flicked their fingers at someone—it was like aiming a wand at them. And when the witch was as pissed off as Cheswick was, the result usually wasn’t good.

Cheswick! I whispered, but it was too late to stop him. All I could do at that point was try to weaken his spell by throwing out one of my own to cross his.

Stink! I shouted. Don’t ask me why I chose that one. It was probably at the core of what I felt about Summer and the skank girls. Anyway, at that moment A. J. Nakamura, Japanese-American princess that she was, let loose with this tremendous salami-scented belch. Tiffany sniffed at her armpits, and then gagged. Suzy Dusset grabbed her belly and headed for the bathroom, sounding like a Formula One race car the whole way.

What the hell do you think— Summer began, then stopped to sniff the air she had just fouled with her breath. The rest of us shrank backward. Verity started to retch. Summer narrowed her eyes at me. You’ll be sorry, she said. Then she smiled at Peter and made the Call me gesture with her fingers. That was how crusty she was.

Er . . . you wouldn’t happen to have some air freshener in your locker, would you? I asked Verity.

Cheswick led her away. Figuring that Verity didn’t need a repeat of what had just gone on, I opened the locker and took out the doll.

I don’t think you should be touching that, Peter said.

Hey, somebody has to get rid of it.

He sighed. Okay, but why does that person always have to be you?

It’s just better if we avoid complications, I said. Look, I’m not doing anything wrong, okay?

"Exactly what are you doing, Katy?" a pleasant voice behind me asked. It was Miss P, the assistant principal.

Oh, no, Peter muttered.

Move along, Peter, Miss P said, her eyes never leaving mine. Is that your locker?

Quickly I stashed the doll behind my back. Miss P, I can explain.

I don’t think so, she said in a tone she might have used to discuss the weather. I saw you using special ability on those girls. Special ability was code for witchcraft.

Then you know I didn’t— I thrust out my arms, having forgotten about the doll, whose head bobbed in mute accusation.

I’ll take that, please.

Abashed, I handed it to her as I watched Peter recede into the distance, shaking his head.

Do you have a minute? Miss P said cheerfully. That was code for Bend over and kiss your butt good-bye.



Actually, it wasn’t so bad. Miss P was pretty decent most of the time. She rounded up everyone who had been near the locker and heard us all out. Of course, no one said anything. Peter said he hadn’t seen anything, Cheswick wouldn’t admit to throwing out five fingers, Summer didn’t confess to putting the doll in Verity’s locker, and naturally, the Muffy posse would die before they’d say they smelled bad.

In the end everyone was dismissed except for me.

I needn’t remind you about your responsibilities as a member of this community, Miss P said. That was all code. Translation: Do that again, and you’ll not only get kicked out of school, but you won’t be welcome in Whitfield anymore either.

Witches were strict. If you didn’t fit in—that is, if you weren’t magical enough, or if you broke one of the million unwritten rules that had been passed down through the centuries, most of which had to do with not drawing attention to yourself—then the whole town stopped talking to you, and you had to go live among cowen if you wanted any kind of life at all.

Fortunately, that didn’t happen often. Peter had been afraid it might happen to him last year because he wasn’t very proficient in witchcraft (sorry, guys, but it was one area in which females seemed to have a slight edge), but his friends helped him through that. Besides, it was better to have too little magic than too much. No one was kinder, smarter, or more loyal than Peter Shaw. Or better-looking, if truth be told. To be honest, if he got kicked out of Whitfield, I wouldn’t want to stay there either.

But Peter wasn’t the problem this time. I was.

I understand, I said. I tried to sound reasonably contrite, but I knew that causing four nasty girls to have BO wasn’t going to put me on the FBI’s Most Wanted list, especially since the Muffies hadn’t even complained about it.

I’m aware that the infraction wasn’t severe, Miss P said. It’s that it happened at all. This is an open school.

I nodded. Ainsworth needed the Muffies, because most of them came from rich families. Without them (and their sizable tuition checks) a lot of us would have to go to Liberty High, the area’s twelve-hundred-student public school, where we’d stick out like sore thumbs and probably end up being beaten into jelly.

You really should try not to involve your friends in your misadventures, she said crisply.

That hurt. "Involve . . . They involved me!" I protested.

Miss P sat back in her chair. Really? she asked quietly. How did Peter Shaw involve you in this?

I swallowed. Well, not him, maybe, I said, reddening. I didn’t want to drag Peter into anything. He had enough problems of his own.

I understand you’re considering applying for early admission to Harvard next year.

Uh, yeah, I answered warily.

So is your friend Peter, she said. However, despite his excellent academic record, he lacks some of your advantages.

Meaning, I suppose, my father, who had been lobbying to get me into Harvard since the day I was born. An academic himself, he planned to pull every string he could get his hands on to guarantee my early acceptance and a hefty scholarship.

Peter wasn’t so lucky. The poorest relation of the richest family in town, he’d been disowned by his relatives and regarded as an outcast by the Shaws after his parents had died.

Miss P leaned forward and looked earnestly into my eyes. I want to help Peter get the education he deserves, she said. I’m sure you do too.

Of course, I said. She knew that Peter Shaw meant more to me than anything else in the world.

So you must know how important it is that Peter’s record not be marred by disciplinary issues. Her eyes bored into mine.

Oh. She’d struck a nerve. If my stupidity caused anything bad to rebound onto Peter, I’d never forgive myself. I get it, I said quietly. There won’t be any more . . . issues.

Good. She smiled at me as she got up and held open her office door for me.

•  •  •

Peter was waiting by my locker when the final bell rang. Hey, he said softly, touching my hair.

Hey, I answered. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head against his chest. Just hearing his heart beat, as deep and steady as Peter himself, made me feel as if I’d gone into a safe place.

Are you okay?

I nodded silently, afraid that my voice would betray me.

No, you’re not, he said, and lifted my chin. He was smiling, his gray eyes twinkling beneath his thick honey-colored hair. Listen, if you’re going to break all the rules, you’d better get used to being yelled at.

Thank you, Judge Shaw.

So what’d you get, detention?

Not even. I got out my coat. Miss P gave me a pass this time.

Well done, Peter said with mock admiration. Now if you can just avoid flying through the halls on your broom . . . 

Ha-ha, I said humorlessly. I closed my locker and turned to leave—Peter and I were both due at work in half an hour—but I couldn’t get out of my mind what Miss P had said. Peter, I’m so sorry, I said, throwing my arms around his neck. You know I’d do anything for you.

Oh? He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Want to prove it?

I pulled away and thumped him on the arm.

It was worth a try, he said with a shrug.

I was hoping you’d take me seriously, I said hotly, heading for the exit.

Come on, Katy. He loped after me. You know I was kidding.

We walked through the doors into the crisp late-autumn air. I guess, I said. There was a cold drizzle falling, which felt good after the superheated classrooms of the school’s ancient building.

So tell me what’s up. Casually Peter took my books and tucked them under his arm with his own.

I shook my head. It’s just that Miss P said I was involving you in my . . . infractions or whatever, and that you were going to suffer for it.

Me? Suffer how?

By not getting into Harvard.

He burst out laughing. Because you gave Summer Hayworth BO?

Or something. Miss P was serious, though.

I doubt that. Besides, we’re not even allowed to apply to colleges until next year.

I stopped in my tracks and turned toward him. "She wants you to go to Harvard, Peter. She’s going to help you. But everything we do from here on in is going to count. Don’t think it won’t."

Okay, I get it. No fraternizing with criminals. But I hardly think you fit into that category. He put his arm around me as we walked into the Meadow.

Hattie’s Kitchen, where Peter and I worked after school, was on the far side of the grassy expanse that had stood in the middle of Whitfield since the town’s founding three hundred and fifty years ago. For cowen it was just a nice little park with a quaint old cemetery that had headstones dating from the sixteen hundreds, and a lot of twisting, narrow pathways leading into the woods that protected the town from the Atlantic winds blowing off Whitfield Bay. But to the witches whose families had settled the area, the Meadow was the wellspring of their magic.

I’ve mentioned that on Wiccan holidays the Meadow filled with a supernatural fog so thick that only the descendants of those original settlers could enter it. But even on ordinary days the place exuded a sense of peace that always made me feel better.

I put my arm around Peter, matching his arm around me, and we walked together through the wet fallen leaves. I love you, I whispered.

I love you, too. He pressed me close to him and kissed the top of my head. Even if you are a bad influence.

I’m really sorry about what happened today, I said. The next time you see me doing something stupid, don’t bother trying to talk me out of it. Just run the other way.

I promise, he said, crossing his heart. Although I really had hoped to see you beyond next week.

I scowled.

Oh, come on. He ruffled my hair. "You’re the smartest person in school. You can’t even do anything stupid."

Right. Which is why I had been almost burned at the stake last year. If it hadn’t been for Peter—and a few helpful ghosts—I’d have finished out the summer as an ember, thanks to one of my bright ideas.

So I’m officially asking the smartest person in school to Winter Frolic.

I looked up at him. The dance? Really? I tried to look enthusiastic, but actually I hated events like Winter Frolic. People looked forward to it so much, and then when it finally came around, everyone was too nervous to have a good time. So they would just hang out pretending that they were having fun. Plus there was always somebody who cried in the bathroom all evening, somebody who acted like a jerk, somebody whose dress ripped, and somebody who got reamed out by a teacher in front of everyone. Please.

You don’t want to go? Peter asked, knowing full well how I felt about Winter Fwow-up. Zounds.

I get it, I said. You don’t want to go either. You only asked me so I’d feel good about being invited.

He smiled. I’d do anything for you. He kissed me on the lips. Our books fell to the ground in a whoosh of slick leaves. Some boys who were passing by whistled and whooped at us, but we ignored them. All I could think about was the touch of his soft lips on mine and the feel of his body pressing so closely against me. How about ten minutes? he asked.

Huh? I just wanted to keep kissing him.

We can go to the dance for ten minutes, he said. That way you can at least put on a pretty dress. Unless you don’t want to do that.

I licked my lips. They felt chilled in the cold air now. I guess I could handle ten minutes, I said, loving him more than ever. Then can we go for pizza? I leaned against him.

Sounds like a plan, he said. An excellent plan.



Hattie’s Kitchen was warm and dry and brightly lit. We’re here! Peter yelled as we hung up our coats and put on our aprons.

Good, Hattie answered, brushing flour off her ebony-colored arms as she bustled into the room.

Peter gave her a kiss on the cheek.

You have a good day at school? she asked, straightening his collar. Hattie had raised Peter since he was six years old. She still kept his room in the cottage attached to the restaurant, even though, like most other witches, he had a room in the school dorms.

I did, Peter answered. How’s Eric?


Eric was Peter’s eleven-year-old brother. He was a witch too, and about a thousand times more powerful than Peter. He was more powerful than just about anyone in Whitfield, really, even though he couldn’t speak or walk or feed himself.

Nature is weird in the distribution of genius, but there it was. The greatest magician in a town filled with magicians was a brain-damaged eleven-year-old kid.

Hattie consulted the menu she’d been writing. Katy, start on pies, she ordered. Six pumpkin, six Dutch apple. And a cheesecake. Peter, you go call Jeremiah Shaw.

Peter and I looked at each other. What? we asked in unison.

Hattie raised her hands in submission. Don’t ask me. His secretary called to command you into the old coot’s presence. You have to negotiate when that’s going to happen.

I don’t think I want it to happen at all, Peter said. He stood me up the last time.

I remembered vaguely that Jeremiah Shaw had invited Peter to meet him at Shaw Enterprises last summer, but that hadn’t amounted to anything. When Peter had shown up, he’d been told that his great-uncle was out of the country.

Well, that’s up to you, Hattie said. But if you ask me, enough bridges have been burned. Maybe you ought to hear old Jeremiah out.

Peter puffed out his cheeks. All right, he muttered. He shot me a look as he left the kitchen. His expression looked like that of a drowning man going under.

I felt for him. Peter had been dealt a bad hand from the beginning, with both parents dead and a brain-damaged brother who would never be able to take care of himself. Their father, the lowest-ranking member of the patrician Shaw family, had left both children in the care of Hattie Scott, who was not only poor and cooked food for a living, but was also known even to tourists, although half jokingly, as the village witch woman. It wasn’t a set of characteristics that appealed to the upper-crust Shaw family, who all seemed to have been born with long sticks up their butts.

When he couldn’t reverse his nephew’s will, Jeremiah, as head of the family, had disinherited Peter and had seen to it that none of their relatives would have anything to do with either of Hattie’s wards again.

So why would Jeremiah Shaw want to contact Peter, after all these years of ignoring him? I asked out loud.

Just tend to your pies, Hattie snapped. Lord, but that girl is nosy, I heard her grumble.

It seemed like forever until Peter came back. He looked dazed.

Well? I demanded. Hattie was looking at him expectantly.

He—he apologized, Peter stammered. For everything. Just . . . everything. He wants me to go see him.

Again? I asked skeptically.

You hush, Hattie said.

I think he wants to train me to work for his company. Peter’s hands were shaking. He says he’ll put me through college.

Oh, my stars, Hattie whispered, looking heavenward.

Harvard? I asked breathlessly.

He nodded. If I can get in. He bit his lip. And if I work out with Shaw Enterprises.

Meaning what? I wanted to know. Hattie waved me away.

He says I’ve been gone from the family for too long, Peter said. "Maybe he wants to adopt me. Or re-dopt me. Whatever."

The phone rang. Hattie held up her index finger, then went to answer it.

You’ve already been adopted, I spat, casting my eyes toward Hattie. Peter looked pained. But I guess it wouldn’t hurt to see what’s what, I relented.

Peter nodded mutely.

Then Hattie got off the phone and came over. Don’t you worry about a thing, Peter Shaw, she said gently, hugging him. Everything’s going to work out just fine.



So things were more or less okay until the next day, when my hamburger turned into slugs.

Let me stress that I am not

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