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Green Catalysis: Biocatalysis
Green Catalysis: Biocatalysis
Green Catalysis: Biocatalysis
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Green Catalysis: Biocatalysis

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The shift towards being as environmentally-friendly as possible has resulted in the need for this important volume on the topic of biocatalysis. Edited by the father and pioneer of Green Chemistry, Professor Paul Anastas, and by the renowned chemist, Professor Robert Crabtree, this volume covers many different aspects, from industrial applications to the latest research straight from the laboratory. It explains the fundamentals and makes use of everyday examples to elucidate this vitally important field.

An essential collection for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the world of green chemistry, as well as for chemists, environmental agencies and chemical engineers.
Release dateApr 7, 2014
Green Catalysis: Biocatalysis

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    Green Catalysis - Wiley



    Related Titles

    Title Page


    About the Editors

    List of Contributors

    Chapter 1: Catalysis with Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenases

    1.1 Properties of Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenases

    1.2 Biotechnological Applications of P450 Monooxygenases

    1.3 Optimization of P450 Monooxygenase-Based Catalytic Systems

    1.4 Outlook


    Chapter 2: Biocatalytic Hydrolysis of Nitriles

    2.1 The Problem with Nitrile Hydrolysis

    2.2 Biocatalysis as a Green Solution

    2.3 Nitrile Biocatalysts

    2.4 Synthetic Utility

    2.5 Commercial Examples

    2.6 Challenges

    2.7 Conclusion


    Chapter 3: Biocatalytic Processes Using Ionic Liquids and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

    3.1 Introduction

    3.2 Biocatalytic Processes in Ionic Liquids

    3.3 Biocatalytic Processes in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

    3.4 Biocatalysis in IL–scCO2 Biphasic Systems

    3.5 Future Trends


    Chapter 4: Thiamine-Based Enzymes for Biotransformations

    4.1 Introduction

    4.2 Carboligation: Chemo- and Stereoselectivity

    4.3 Selected Enzymes

    4.4 Enzymes for Special Products

    4.5 Investigation of Structure–Function Relationships


    Chapter 5: Baeyer–Villiger Monooxygenases in Organic Synthesis

    5.1 Introduction

    5.2 General Aspects of the Baeyer–Villiger Oxidation

    5.3 Biochemistry of Baeyer–Villiger Monooxygenases

    5.4 Application of Baeyer–Villiger Monooxygenases in Organic Chemistry

    5.5 Protein Engineering

    5.6 Conclusions and Perspectives


    Chapter 6: Bioreduction by Microorganisms

    6.1 Introduction

    6.2 Enzymes and Coenzymes

    6.3 Methodologies

    6.4 Conclusion


    Chapter 7: Biotransformations and the Pharma Industry

    7.1 Introduction

    7.2 Small-Molecule Pharmaceuticals

    7.3 The Concept of Green Chemistry

    7.4 The Organic Chemistry Toolbox

    7.5 The Enzyme Toolbox (a Selective Analysis)

    7.6 Outlook and Conclusions


    Chapter 8: Hydrogenases and Alternative Energy Strategies

    8.1 Introduction: The Future Hydrogen Economy

    8.2 Chemistry of Hydrogenase Catalytic Sites

    8.3 Experimental Approaches

    8.4 Catalytic Mechanisms of Hydrogenases

    8.5 Progress So Far with Biological Hydrogen Production Systems

    8.6 Conclusion and Future Directions



    Chapter 9: PAH Bioremediation by Microbial Communities and Enzymatic Activities

    9.1 Introduction

    9.2 Fate of PAHs in the Environment

    9.3 Population of PAH-Polluted Environments

    9.4 Microbial Degradation of PAHs

    9.5 Dioxygenases as Key Enzymes in the Aerobic Degradation of PAHs and Markers of Bacterial Degradation

    9.6 PAH Transformation by Extracellular Fungal Enzymes

    9.7 In Situ Strategies to Remediate Polluted Soils



    End User License Agreement

    List of Tables

    Table 2.1

    Table 3.1

    Table 3.2

    Table 4.1

    Table 4.2

    Table 4.3

    Table 4.4

    Table 4.5

    Table 4.6

    Table 4.7

    Table 5.1

    Table 5.2

    Table 5.3

    Table 5.4

    Table 5.5

    Table 5.6

    Table 5.7

    Table 5.8

    Table 5.9

    Table 5.10

    Table 5.11

    Table 5.12

    Table 5.13

    Table 7.1

    Table 7.2

    Table 7.3

    Table 7.4

    Table 7.5

    Table 7.6

    Table 7.7

    Table 7.8

    Table 7.9

    Table 7.10

    Table 7.11

    Table 7.12

    Table 9.1

    List of Illustrations

    Figure 1.1

    Scheme 1.1

    Scheme 1.2

    Scheme 1.3

    Scheme 1.4

    Scheme 1.5

    Scheme 1.6

    Scheme 1.7

    Figure 1.2

    Scheme 2.1

    Scheme 2.2

    Scheme 2.3

    Figure 2.1

    Scheme 2.4

    Scheme 2.5

    Scheme 2.6

    Scheme 2.7

    Scheme 2.8

    Scheme 2.9

    Scheme 2.10

    Scheme 2.11

    Scheme 2.12

    Scheme 2.13

    Scheme 2.14

    Scheme 2.15

    Figure 3.1

    Scheme 3.1

    Figure 3.2

    Figure 3.3

    Figure 3.4

    Figure 3.5

    Figure 3.6

    Figure 3.7

    Figure 3.8

    Scheme 4.1

    Scheme 4.2

    Scheme 4.3

    Scheme 4.4

    Figure 4.1

    Figure 4.2

    Scheme 4.5

    Figure 4.3

    Figure 4.4

    Scheme 5.1

    Figure 5.1

    Scheme 5.2

    Scheme 5.3

    Scheme 5.4

    Figure 5.2

    Scheme 5.5

    Scheme 5.6

    Scheme 5.7

    Scheme 5.8

    Scheme 5.9

    Scheme 5.10

    Scheme 5.11

    Scheme 5.12

    Scheme 5.13

    Scheme 5.14

    Scheme 5.15

    Scheme 5.16

    Scheme 5.17

    Scheme 5.18

    Scheme 5.19

    Scheme 5.20

    Scheme 5.21

    Scheme 5.22

    Scheme 5.23

    Scheme 5.24

    Scheme 5.25

    Scheme 5.26

    Scheme 6.1

    Scheme 6.2

    Scheme 6.3

    Scheme 6.4

    Scheme 6.5

    Scheme 6.6

    Scheme 6.7

    Scheme 6.8

    Scheme 6.9

    Scheme 6.10

    Scheme 6.11

    Scheme 6.12

    Scheme 6.13

    Scheme 6.14

    Scheme 6.15

    Scheme 6.16

    Scheme 6.17

    Scheme 6.18

    Scheme 6.19

    Scheme 6.20

    Scheme 6.21

    Scheme 6.22

    Scheme 6.23

    Scheme 6.24

    Scheme 6.25

    Scheme 6.26

    Scheme 6.27

    Scheme 6.28

    Figure 7.1

    Scheme 7.1

    Scheme 7.2

    Scheme 7.3

    Scheme 7.4

    Scheme 7.5

    Scheme 7.6

    Scheme 7.7

    Scheme 7.8

    Scheme 7.9

    Scheme 7.10

    Scheme 7.11

    Scheme 7.12

    Scheme 7.13

    Scheme 7.14

    Scheme 7.15

    Scheme 7.16

    Figure 8.1

    Figure 8.2

    Figure 8.3

    Scheme 8.1

    Scheme 8.2

    Scheme 8.3

    Scheme 8.4

    Figure 8.8

    Figure 8.9

    Figure 9.1

    Scheme 9.1

    Figure 9.2

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    ISBN: 978-3-527-32498-9

    About the Editors

    Series Editor

    Paul T. Anastas joined Yale University as Professor and serves as the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering there. From 2004–2006, Paul was the Director ofthe Green Chemistry Institute in Washington, D.C. Until June 2004 he served as Assistant Director for Environment at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy where his responsibilities included a wide range of environmental science issues including furthering international public-private cooperation in areas of Science for Sustainability such as Green Chemistry. In 1991, he established the industry-governmentuniversity partnership Green Chemistry Program, which was expanded to include basic research, and the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards. He has published and edited several books in the field of Green Chemistry and developed the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry.

    Volume Editor

    Robert Crabtree took his first degree at Oxford, did his Ph.D. at Sussex and spent four years in Paris at the CNRS. He has been at Yale since 1977.He has chaired the Inorganic Division at ACS, and won the ACS and RSC organometallic chemistry prizes. He is the author of an organometallic textbook, and is the editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry and Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry. He has contributed to C-H activation, H2 complexes, dihydrogen bonding, and his homogeneous tritiation and hydrogenation catalyst is in wide use. More recently, he has combined molecular recognition with CH hydroxylation to obtain high selectivity with a biomimetic strategy.

    List of Contributors

    Vincenza Andreoni

    Università degli Studi di Milano

    Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari e Microbiologiche

    Via Celoria 2

    20133 Milan


    Uwe T. Bornscheuer

    University of Greifswald

    Institute of Biochemistry

    Department of Biotechnology and Enzyme Catalysis

    Felix-Hausdorff-Strasse 4

    17487 Greifswald


    Dean Brady

    CSIR Biosciences

    Ardeer Road

    1645 Modderfontein

    South Africa

    Richard Cammack

    King’s College London

    Department of Biochemistry

    150 Stamford Street

    London SE1 9NH


    Teresa De Diego

    Universidad de Murcia

    Facultad de Química

    Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular ‘B’ e Inmunología

    P.O. Box 4021

    30100 Murcia


    António L. De Lacey


    Instituto de Catálisis

    C/ Marie Curie 2

    28049 Madrid


    Victor M. Fernández


    Instituto de Catálisis

    C/ Marie Curie 2

    28049 Madrid


    Oreste Ghisalba

    Novartis Pharma AG

    4002 Basel


    Liliana Gianfreda

    Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

    Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e dell’Ambiente

    Via Università 100

    80055 Portici (NA)


    Dörte Gocke

    Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

    Institut für Molekulare Enzymtechnologie

    52426 Jülich


    Leandro Helgueira Andrade

    University of São Paulo

    Institute of Chemistry

    Caixa Postal 26077

    CEP 055139-970

    São Paulo, SP


    José L. Iborra

    Universidad de Murcia

    Facultad de Química

    Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular ‘B’ e Inmunología

    P.O. Box 4021

    30100 Murcia


    Anett Kirschner

    University of Groningen

    Groningen Biomolecular Science and Biotechnology Institute

    Department of Biochemistry

    Nijenborgh 4

    9747 AG Groningen

    The Netherlands

    James E. Leresche

    Lonza Braine SA

    Chaussée de Tubize 297

    1420 Braine-l’Alleud


    Pedro Lozano

    Universidad de Murcia

    Facultad de Química

    Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular ‘B’ e Inmunología

    P.O. Box 4021

    30100 Murcia


    Hans-Peter Meyer

    Lonza Ltd


    3930 Visp


    Michael Müller

    Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

    Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften

    Stefan-Meier-Strasse 19

    79194 Freiburg


    Kaoru Nakamura

    Kyoto University

    Institute for Chemical Research


    Kyoto 611-0011


    Martina Pohl

    Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

    Institut für Molekulare Enzymtechnologie

    52426 Jülich


    Olaf Rüdiger


    Instituto de Catálisis

    C/ Marie Curie 2

    28049 Madrid


    Vlada B. Urlacher

    University of Stuttgart

    Institute of Technical Biochemistry

    Allmandring 31

    70569 Stuttgart



    Catalysis with Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenases

    Vlada B. Urlacher

    1.1 Properties of Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenases

    1.1.1 General Aspects

    Biocatalytic oxyfunctionalization of non-activated hydrocarbons is considered as ‘potentially the most useful of all biotransformations’ [1]. Since biooxidation-based applications using cytochrome P450 monooxygenases often yield compounds that are difficult to synthesize using traditional synthetic chemistry, they have attracted considerable attention from chemists, biochemists and biotechnologists. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s or CYPs) are heme-containing monooxygenases, which were recognized and defined as a distinct class of hemoproteins about 50 years ago [2, 3]. These enzymes got their name from their unusual properties to form reduced (ferrous) iron–carbon monoxide complexes in which the heme absorption Soret band shifts from 420 to ~450 nm [4, 5]. Essential for this spectral characteristic is the axial coordination of the heme iron by a cysteine thiolate, which is common to all P450 monooxygenases [6, 7]. The phylogenetically conserved cysteinate is the proximal ligand to the heme iron, with the distal ligand generally assumed to be a weakly bound water molecule [8].

    In terms of nomenclature, the root symbol CYP, denoting cytochrome P450, is followed by an Arabic number representing the particular families (generally groups of proteins with more than 40% amino acid sequence identity), a letter for the respective subfamilies (greater than 55% identity) and a number determining the specific gene; for example, CYP102A1, which represents the cytochrome P450 BM-3 from Bacillus megaterium. An exception is the CYP51 family, where sterol Δ²²-desaturases are grouped together based on their identical function and not on sequence similarity [9].

    Since their discovery, the P450s have been studied in enormous detail due to their involvement in a plethora of crucial cellular roles – from carbon source assimilation, through biosynthesis of hormones to carcinogenesis, drug activation and degradation of xenobiotics.

    Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases build one of the largest gene families, with currently more than 7700 gene sequences found in all domains of life [10]. Despite less than 20% sequence identity across the gene superfamily, P450 enzymes appear to take on a similar structural fold [11] (Figure 1.1).

    Figure 1.1 The crystal structure of the P450 BM-3 monooxygenase domain with palmitoleic acid bound adapted from pdb 1SMJ: heme and palmitoleic acid in black.

    The number of P450 monooxygenases identified is constantly increasing due to microbial screenings and the rapid development of DNA sequencing techniques, leading to an increasing number of sequenced genomes. Functional characterization of new members of the P450 gene family thus offers a route to diverse building blocks, closely linked with the retrieval of new important compounds.

    1.1.2 Chemistry of Substrate Oxidation by P450 Monooxygenases

    Most P450 enzymes catalyze the reductive scission of dioxygen, while bound to the heme iron:


    The process requires the consecutive delivery of two electrons in the form of hydride ions to the heme iron. P450 monooxygenases are external monooxygenases that utilize reducing equivalents (electrons in the form of hydride ions), ultimately derived from the pyridine cofactors NADH or NADPH and transferred to the heme via redox partners [12, 13].

    The classical P450 catalytic cycle as recently revised by Sligar and colleagues [14] is depicted in Scheme 1.1. Substrate binding in the active site induces the dissociation of a water molecule that is bound relatively weakly as the sixth coordinating ligand to the heme iron to the thiolate 1. This, in turn, induces a shift of the heme iron spin state from low-spin (S = 1/2) to high-spin (S = 5/2) and a positive shift in heme iron reduction potential in the order of 130–140 mV [15]. The increased potential the delivery of the first electron, which reduces the heme iron from the ferric form, Fe(III) (2), to the ferrous form, Fe(II) (3). After the first electron transfer, the Fe(II) (3) binds dioxygen, resulting in a ferrous dioxygen complex (4). The timely delivery of the second electron converts this species into a ferric peroxy anion (5a). Subsequent steps in the P450 cycle are considered to be relatively fast with respect to the electron transfer. The ferric peroxy species 5a is protonated to a ferric hydroperoxy complex (5b) (compound 0) and then further protonated to a high-valent ferryl–oxo complex (6) (compound I), accompanied by the release of a water molecule through heterolytic scission of the dioxygen bond in the preceding intermediate (7). Compound I is considered to be the intermediate catalyzing the majority of P450 reactions; however, compound 0 may also be important for some P450-dependent catalytic reactions [16], for example in the epoxidation of C=C double bonds [17].

    Scheme 1.1 Catalytic cycle of P450 monooxygenases.

    Under certain circumstances, P450 monooxygenases can enter one of three abortive cycles, also referred to as uncoupling pathways (Scheme 1.1). If the second electron is not delivered to reduce the short-lived ferrous–oxy complex 4, it can decay, forming superoxide (autoxidation shunt). The inappropriate positioning of the substrate in the active site is often the molecular reason for the two other uncoupling cycles. The ferric hydroperoxy intermediate 5b can collapse and release hydrogen peroxide (peroxide shunt), whereas decay of 6 (compound I) is accompanied by the release of water (oxidase shunt). The intracellularly formed peroxide and superoxide might damage P450 monooxygenases through heme macrocycle degradation and apoprotein oxidation [18, 19]. For industrial applications, it is particularly important to note that the uncoupling pathways in all cases consume reducing equivalents from NAD(P)H without product formation. The ‘peroxide shunt’ can be forced into a productive direction through the addition of hydrogen peroxide or organic peroxides [20, 21].

    1.1.3 Redox Partners of P450 Monooxygenases

    Depending on the redox partners, traditionally two main classes of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases have been defined [22]. Class I P450 enzymes are found in mitochondria and bacteria and use a small redox 2Fe–2S iron–sulfur protein (ferredoxin) and an FAD-containing reductase (ferredoxin reductase) for transfer of electrons from NAD(P)H to the P450 component. Microsomal P450s belong to class II P450 redox systems that exploit the FAD- and FMN-containing cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) (and sometimes cytochrome b5) for transfer of electrons from NADPH.

    In recent years, the numerous genome sequencing projects have revealed many other types of electron transfer proteins, which belong neither to class I nor to class II [23]. For example, P450 BM-3 is a fusion enzyme consisting of a P450 monooxygenase at the N-terminus and a CPR-like reductase which are separated by a short linker, without any membrane anchor region for either of the two domains [24, 25]. According to an updated classification system suggested by Chapmen and colleagues (, P450 BM-3 belongs to class III. Other members of this class are CYP102A2 and CYP102A3 from Bacillus subtilis and several other recently discovered members from the CYP102A-subfamily [26, 27].

    A further distinctive type is fused flavocytochromes that Chapmen and colleagues referred to as class IV. These enzymes belonging to the CYP116 family are found in several Rhodococcus strains [28], in some species of the pathogen Burkholderia and in Ralstonia metallidurans [29]. They have an N-terminal P450 domain fused to a C-terminal reductase domain very similar to the well-characterized phthalate dioxygenase reductase that binds both FMN and 2Fe–2S cofactors. P450 monooxygenases fused to their redox partners are considered to be self-sufficient, which makes them particularly interesting for biotechnological applications.

    In addition to the above-mentioned electron transfer systems, many others have been found to support P450 catalysis, such as the 3Fe–4S and 4Fe–4S ferredoxins or flavodoxins [30]. Nevertheless, all of them receive reducing equivalents from NAD(P)H. The natural S. solfataricus electron transfer partners for the thermophilic CYP119 were recently shown to be a thermostable ferredoxin and a 2-oxo acid ferredoxin oxidoreductase. Thus, CYP119 is the first P450 monooxygenase utilizing as ultimate source of electrons not pyridine nucleotides but 2-oxo acids such as pyruvate [31].

    Apart from the self-sufficient P450 monooxygenases, there are other P450 enzymes that do not require exogenous protein partners. One important group of such P450s are natural P450 peroxygenases. They do not involve the ‘classical’ P450 reaction cycle, but the ‘peroxide shunt’, which is the reverse of the uncoupling reaction that leads to the collapse of the ferric hydroperoxy species (see Section 1.1.2). This shortened catalytic cycle resembles the catalytic mechanism of peroxidases [32]. Three enzymes with a potential for biocatalytic applications are the H2O2-utilizing fatty acid hydroxylases SPα from Sphingomonas paucimobilis (CYP152B1) [33], BSβ from B. subtilis (CYP152A1) [34] and a P450cla from Clostridium acetobutylicum (CYP152A2) [35].

    Other P450s that do not rely on external redox partners are fungal P450nor enzymes, for example CYP55A1 from the rice pathogen Fusarium oxysporum. CYP55A1 catalyzes the reduction of two molecules of nitric oxide (NO) to dinitrogen oxide (N2O) and reacts directly with the cofactor NADH to purchase reducing equivalents [36].

    1.1.4 Major Reactions Catalyzed by P450 Monooxygenases

    P450 monooxygenases are able to catalyze more than 20 different reaction types [37]. Hydroxylation of unactivated sp³-hybridized C-atoms belongs to the classical reactions catalyzed by P450s. Examples for this reaction include the hydroxylation of saturated fatty acids (8) catalyzed by eukaryotic CYP4 and bacterial CYP102 (e.g. P450 BM-3) enzymes and the stereospecific hydroxylation of D-(+)-camphor (10) to 5-exo-hydroxycamphor (11) through P450cam (Scheme 1.2).

    Scheme 1.2 Fatty acid hydroxylation catalyzed by P450 BM-3 and camphor hydroxylation catalyzed by P450cam.

    Epoxidation of C=C double bonds is another major reaction type catalyzed by P450s. Particularly attractive in this regard is P450EpoK from Sorangium cellulosum, which catalyzes the epoxidation of the thiazole-containing macrolactone epothilone D (12) to epothilone B (13) [38] (Scheme 1.3). Epothilones are important anti-tumor polyketides with high microtubule stabilizing activity.

    Scheme 1.3 Epoxidation of epothilon D to epothilon B through P450EpoK.

    Aromatic hydroxylation also belongs to the common P450 reactions. P450NikF from Streptomyces tendae Tü901 has been reported to catalyze the aromatic hydroxylation of the pyridyl ring of the peptidyl moiety of nikkomycin (14), an inhibitor of chitin synthase [39] (Scheme 1.4). Many P450 monooxygenases have been engineered towards aromatic hydroxylation, since this ability make such enzymes attractive candidates for bioremediation (examples will be described later).

    Scheme 1.4 Aromatic hydroxylation of the pyridyl ring of the peptidyl moiety catalyzed by P450NikF during nikkomycin biosynthesis.

    Additionally, some P450 monooxygenases are also able to catalyze the cleavage of C–C bonds via multiple substrate oxidations, for example, demethylation of lanosterol (15) to a precursor of cholesterol, 4,4-dimethyl-5α-cholesta-8,14,24-dien-3β-ol (18), by a lanosterol 14α-demethylase (CYP51) [40]. The mechanism includes three steps and proceeds via initial hydroxylation of the C-14 methyl group, followed by further oxidation of the alcohol 16 to the aldehyde 17. Finally, acyl cleavage occurs, leading to formation of a double bond in the steroid (Scheme 1.5).

    Scheme 1.5 Mechanism of sterol demethylation by CYP51.

    A similar cascade of reactions is assumed to be catalyzed by CYP107H1 (P450BioI) from B. subtilis during conversion of long chain fatty acyl CoA esters to pimeloyl CoA in the biotin biosynthesis pathway [41].

    P450 enzymes not only catalyze oxidation and dealkylation at C-atoms, but also at N-, S- and O-atoms. Heteroatom dealkylation is believed to be the following step of the hydroxylation of the α-carbon atom. Examples include the N-oxygenation of N,N-dimethylalanine and N,N-dialkylarylamines by mammalian CYP2B1 and CYP2B4, respectively [42, 43], and O-demethylation of 5-methoxytryptamine by CYP2D6 [44].

    Some P450 enzymes are able to catalyze oxidative phenol coupling, a reaction usually carried out by peroxidases. Three independent P450 monooxygenases with such activity have been proven to be involved into the synthesis of vancomycin-type antibiotics in Amycolatopsis balhimycina [45].

    Oxygenation P450 reactions include also oxidative deamination, desulfurylation, dehalogenation and Baeyer–Villiger oxidation [46, 47]. Many other unusual types of reactions catalyzed by P450s have been described in the literature, including dehydrogenation, dehydration, reductive dehalogenation, epoxide reduction and isomerization [48].

    1.2 Biotechnological Applications of P450 Monooxygenases

    1.2.1 Human P450s in Drug Development

    Drug development is based on the detailed characterization of metabolic pathways and their relevance for drug safety. This type of analysis often requires milligram quantities of metabolites, which are difficult to synthesize by chemical routes, especially when the metabolites result from stereoselective oxidations. An ongoing field of research in drug discovery and development is the use of recombinant human P450s. Human P450s expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cell lines have been used for some time to synthesize drug metabolites in order to assess the toxicity of potential pharmaceuticals [49–51]. Recent achievements in the expression of recombinant human P450s in Saccharomyces cerevisiae [52–54], Yarrowia lipolytica [55], Pichia pastoris [56] and Escherichia coli [57, 58] facilitate their use for the synthesis of drug metabolites. Co-expression of mammalian P450 reductase and P450s in S. cerevisiae and P. pastoris seems to be necessary to achieve a catalytically highly active monooxygenase system, since the host P450 reductase couples poorly with microsomal P450s. In the absence of human P450 reductase, the human P450s CYP3A4 and CYP2D6, expressed in S. cerevisiae, were catalytically inactive; however, upon expression of this ancillary factor they displayed activity towards prototypical substrates such as testosterone and bufuralol, respectively. Expression of human CYP1A1 in Y. lipolytica [55] was performed with or without overproduction of Y. lipolytica CPR. Remarkably, co-expression of human CPR was not required in this case. Increase in Y. lipolytica CPR expression resulted in 6.3–12.8-fold higher activity towards ethoxyresorufin, depending on the CPR transformant [55].

    E. coli is an attractive expression system because high levels of expression and growth to high cell densities can be achieved [59]. In addition, E. coli is easily manipulated and a wide variety of strain variants and vectors with powerful promoters are available. A limitation of this expression system is that in almost all cases mammalian cDNAs have to be modified before they can be expressed [59]. Initial attempts to improve expression involved modification of the N-terminal sequence since this region, and especially the second codon, have been proposed to be important in determining protein yield [60, 61]. This strategy was applied to express a number of mammalian P450s (e.g. CYPs 2E1 [62], 4A4 [63], 6A1 [64], 1A1 [65]). Using this approach, secondary structure formation in the transcript could be minimized, which enhanced the protein expression level in E. coli. Further optimization could be achieved by in-frame fusion of a bacterial signal peptide (for example, a modified ompA-leader sequence) to the human P450 cDNAs [51]. This leader is removed during P450 processing, thus releasing the native P450. Following this strategy, 14 recombinant human P450 enzymes co-expressed with NADPH–P450 reductase in E. coli have been used by several pharmaceutical companies both as biocatalysts for the preparation of metabolites of drug candidates and for high-throughput P450 inhibition screening. Up to 300 mg of the different metabolites could be obtained using the permeabilized recombinant E. coli cells expressing human P450s [66].

    A different approach was pursued based on the hypothesis that the hydrophobicity of the N-terminal anchor of mammalian P450s impeded efficient expression in bacteria. Therefore, the N-terminal hydrophobic region of many P450s responsible for the interaction with the membrane was truncated to a greater or lesser extent (for example, CYPs 2E1 [67], 2D6 [68], 2C9 [69] and many others). Three human cytochrome P450s, 3A4, 2C9 and 1A2 with truncated N-termini, were each co-expressed with human CPR in E. coli using bicistronic expression system. Intact E. coli cells and membranes containing P450 and CPR were used in the preparative synthesis of drug metabolites. The optimized bioconversions conducted on a 1 L scale yielded 59 mg of 6β-hydroxytestosterone, 110 mg of 4′-hydroxydiclofenac and 88 mg of acetaminophen [58].

    1.2.2 Microbial Oxidation for Synthesis of Pharmaceutical Intermediates

    Microbial oxidation (using fungi, yeast, archea and bacteria) can be performed by using (1) native P450-producing strains, which can be altered by metabolic engineering if needed, or (2) recombinant whole cells, harboring microbial P450s. Microbial equivalents of human P450-catalyzed reactions are an additional alternative, especially of interest when from several hundred milligrams to multi-gram amounts of metabolites are required and also for the identification and production of non-human metabolites with new biological properties. Many pharmaceutical companies maintain collections of bacteria, yeasts and fungi to screen systematically target xenobiotics with the goal of identifying additional P450s with new substrate ranges. Interesting candidates have been identified in the genera Cunninghamella, Curvularia, Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Saccharomyces, Streptomyces and some others. For example, Cunninghamella elegans catalyzes O-demethylation of 10,11-dimethoxyaporphine (19) to isoapocodeine (20) and Aspergillus alleaceus is capable of hydroxylating acronycine (21) to 9-hydroxyacronycine (22). Both reactions run on a preparative scale [70] (Scheme 1.6).

    Scheme 1.6 Two examples of microbial oxidations.

    Recently, the construction and application of a novel P450 library, based on about 250 bacterial cytochrome P450 genes (about 70% from actinomycetes), co-expressed with putidaredoxin and putidaredoxin reductase in E. coli have been reported [71]. Screening of the P450 array with testosterone identified 24 bacterial P450s, which stereoselectively monohydroxylate testosterone at the 2α-, 2β-, 6β-, 7β-, 11β-, 12β-, 15β-, 16α- and 17-positions. Most of these hydroxylations are common for both prokaryotic and human P450s. Hence the identified bacterial candidates can be further applied for the production of drug metabolites on a preparative scale.

    Microbial oxidations of steroids represent the very well-established large-scale commercial applications of P450 monooxygenases. The 11β-hydroxylation of 11-deoxycortisol (Reichstein S) to hydrocortisone using P450 of Curvularia sp. [72] is applied by Schering (acquired by Merck, Germany, in 2006) on an industrial scale of approximately 100 t per year [73]. Another example is the conversion of progesterone to cortisone through 11α-hydroxylation by Rhizopus sp., developed in the 1950s by Pharmacia and Upjohn (later acquired by Pfizer, USA) [73–75]. Both processes are one-step biotransformations, which cannot be achieved by chemical routes.

    Production of the cholesterol-reducing pravastatin by oxidation of compactin, catalyzed by the P450 monooxygenase from Mucor hiemalis (Daiichi Sankyo, USA, and Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA) is another example of the commercial application of microbial oxidation [76, 77].

    Diverse activities of microbial P450 monooxygenases have potential applications in the synthesis of new antibiotics, especially with the issue of widespread bacterial antibiotic resistance. P450eryF (CYP107A1) from Saccharopolyspora erythraea, involved in the biosynthesis of the macrolide antibiotic erythromycin, catalyzes a hydroxylation step leading to the functional molecule [78]. Another example is OxyA, OxyB and OxyC (CYP165A1, CYP165B1 and CYP165C1) from Amycolatopsis orientalis, involved in the biosynthesis of a glycopeptide antibiotic [45]. Crystal structures of OxyC and OxyB [79, 80], and also that of P450eryF [81], have been published. A structural knowledge of these P450 monooxygenases opens up a way to enzyme optimization and engineering, leading to new antibacterial properties.

    A screening among 1800 bacterial strains identified the Mycobacterium sp. strain HXH-1500, catalyzing regio- and stereospecific hydroxylation of L-limonene (23) at position 7 to yield the anticancer drug (−)-perillyl alcohol (24) (Scheme 1.7). The biocatalytic production of (−)-perillyl alcohol from L-limonene was performed using the Mycobacterium sp. P450 alkane hydroxylase (CYP153 family) recombinantly expressed in Pseudomonas putida cells [82]. The whole-cell process was performed in a two-phase system resulting in 6.8 g L−1 product in the organic phase.

    Scheme 1.7 Hydroxylation of L-limonene to (−)-perillyl alcohol catalyzed by CYP153 from Mycobacterium sp. HXH-1500.

    1.2.3 Plant P450s and Transgenic Plants

    Of all organisms, plants express the largest number of different P450 enzymes. For example, the genome sequence of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains more than 230 P450 and P450-like gene sequences and the genome of Oryza sativa codes for more than 300 P450s. Unlike mammalian P450 enzymes, most plant P450 enzymes are involved in the synthesis of secondary

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