The Artist Magazine

ART BOOKS Reviewed

Sketching Outdoors

Barry Herniman

Books about painting outdoors are always a challenge, because the moment you put something on a printed page, it stops being outdoors and becomes an armchair read. Yes, you can offer practical advice – what to take, how to work quickly and efficiently in changing weather – but there's hardly a whole book in that.

As well as the expected list of equipment, Barry goes into some detail ofdemonstrations – how can you teach someone outdoor painting when they're sitting in the warm with a book in their lap? The answer is, by not doing it. These are examples, rather than journeys, and about preparation rather than being in the exact moment, a guide to thinking in fact.

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Barry Herniman organises and tutors painting holidays and breaks at home and abroad. He is also available to give workshops, demonstrations and Zoom sessions to art groups and societies. His latest book, Sketching Outdoors is available to purchase at

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